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From  the  collection  of  the 

z   n  m 

o  Prelinger 

v    Jjlbrary 

San  Francisco,  California 












COPYRIGHT,     1931,    BY     EDWARD     A.    P1LENE 


386    FOURTH    AVENUE,   NEW    YORK,   N.   Y. 


BY    J.  J.  LITTLE    ft    IVES    COMPANY,    NEW    YORK 


For  his  invaluable  assistance  in  the 

preparation  of  this  book  the  author 

acknowledges  his  indebtedness  to 

Charles  W.  Wood 


I  HAVE  long  entertained  a  profound  regard  for  Edward 
A.  Filene's  insight  and  foresight.  This  regard  was  awak- 
ened by  three  years  of  professional  association  with  him  when 
I  saw  his  mind  at  work  in  office  hours  and  after.  And  this 
regard  has  grown  greatly  in  the  dozen  years  since  we  were 
together  as  colleagues. 

There  has  always  been  a  touch  of  the  prophet  about  him. 
And  the  prophetic  mind  is  always  a  bit  baffling  alike  to  the 
pure  theorist  and  to  the  pure  practicalist.  I  have  seen  prac- 
tical executives  accuse  him  of  being  theoretical,  and  I  have 
seen  theoretical  enthusiasts  grow  impatient  with  his  insistent 
practicality.  The  peculiar  strength  of  his  mind  lies  in  its 
effective  correlation  of  theory  and  fact.  He  is  a  living  exam- 
ple of  the  contention  that  comes  back  to  me  from  a  treatise 
by  E.  S.  Brightman  to  the  effect  that  "to  be  truly  practical 
one  must  take  into  account  all  that  any  theory  could  reason- 
ably conceive"  and  that  "to  be  truly  theoretical  one  must 
include  every  practical  fact." 

Until  one  comes  to  sense  and  see  the  working  of  his  mind, 
his  wrestling  with  ideas  and  issues  seems  disorderly,  inco- 
herent, and  inarticulate.  During  my  first  year  of  association 
with  him,  I  thought  he  wasted  much  valuable  time,  when 
problems  were  up  for  analysis,  by  exploring  one  futile  and 
fruitless  by-path  after  another.  I  soon  discovered  that  every 
once  in  a  while  a  by-path  that  seemed  so  clearly  not  worth 
exploring  led  straight  into  the  road  to  the  realization  of  our 
objective.  I  soon  discovered  that  he  has  applied  to  socio- 
economic  thinking  the  method  of  the  good  diagnostician  who 
insists  on  following  up  every  symptom,  however  irrelevant  it 
may  seem,  and  by  eliminating  one  possibility  after  another 
finally  tracks  the  disease  to  its  source.  His  mind  is  disorderly, 



if  you  will,  but  it  is  the  living  disorder  of  growth.  It  is  easy 
to  display  an  air  of  efficient  orderliness  if  one's  mind  stays 
always  in  the  smooth  grooves  of  the  accepted  formulas.  But 
the  Filene  mind  assumes  every  formula  guilty  until  proved 

He  comes  as  near  to  being  the  philosopher  of  our  machine 
economy  as  we  have  yet  produced.  More  than  any  other 
American,  and  before  any  other  American,  he  foresaw  and 
formulated  the  social  significance  of  mass  production  and 
mass  distribution,  if  and  when  these  processes  are  subjected 
to  statesmanlike  direction.  We  need  his  sanity  and  his  seer- 
ship  respecting  the  machine  economy  just  now,  for,  with  an 
undue  continuance  of  the  world-wide  depression,  men  will 
be  powerfully  tempted  to  rebel  against  the  machine  economy, 
as  if  it  were  to  blame  for  their  troubles,  whereas  their  trou- 
bles have  come  upon  them,  not  because  the  machine  economy 
has  been  developed,  but  because  the  machine  economy 
has  not  been  fully  met  by  a  new  business  statesmanship  that 
sees  it  for  the  instrument  of  economic  stabilization  and  social 
enrichment  that  it  is.  Men  are  everywhere  blaming  the  ma- 
chine order  for  sins  that  lie  rather  at  the  door  of  the  economic 

I  confess  I  was  a  bit  taken  back  when  the  publishers  in- 
formed me  that  Edward  A.  Filene  had  written  a  book  on 
Successful  Living.  Can  it  be  possible,  I  asked  myself,  that 
Edward  A.  Filene  has  written  another  self-made-business- 
man-success story!  I  should  have  known  better.  He  has  not. 
He  has  written  instead  an  astute  and  illuminating  volume 
on  the  problem  of  adjusting  ourselves  effectively  to  life  under 
the  machine  economy.  There  has  been  so  much  bunk  and 
balderdash  written  about  the  impossibility  of  the  human 
spirit's  keeping  alive  in  a  machine  age  that  this  book  comes 
like  a  breath  of  clean  and  antiseptic  air  through  a  stuffy 
room.  GLENN  FRANK 





2.  BUYING  POWER  ** 


4.  CREDIT  39 




7.  THE  FAMILY  88 

8.  POLITICS  97 

1O.    THE  TARIFF  1*1 
I  1 .    WORLD  PEACE  l  34 

12.  EDUCATION  *44 

13.  RELIGION  15& 



15.  BEAUTY  19° 

16.  THE  PROFIT  MOTIVE  197 





19.  HEALTH  222 

20.  HOUSING  230 

21.  AGRICULTURE  239 




Mass  Production  is  not  simply  large-scale  production.  It  is 
large-scale  production  based  upon  a  clear  understanding  that 
increased  production  demands  increased  buying,  and  that 
the  greatest  total  profits  can  be  obtained  only  if  the  masses 
can  and  do  enjoy  a  higher  and  ever  higher  standard  of  living. 
For  selfish  business  reasons,  therefore,  genuine  mass  produc- 
tion industries  must  make  prices  lower  and  lower  and  wages 
higher  and  higher,  while  constantly  shortening  the  workday 
and  bringing  to  the  masses  not  only  more  money  but  more 
time  in  which  to  use  and  enjoy  the  ever-increasing  volume 
of  industrial  products.  Mass  Production,  therefore,  is  pro- 
duction for  the  masses.  It  changes  the  whole  social  order.  It 
necessitates  the  abandonment  of  all  class  thinking,  and  the 
substitution  of  fact-finding  for  tradition,  not  only  by  business 
men  but  by  all  who  wish  to  live  successfully  in  the  Machine 
Age.  But  it  is  not  standardizing  human  life.  It  is  liberating 
the  masses,  rather,  from  the  struggle  for  mere  existence  and 
enabling  them,  for  the  first  time  in  human  history,  to  give 
their  attention  to  more  distinctly  human  problems. 



EVERYBODY  wants  to  be  successful.  Everybody  is  trying 
to  be  successful.  Even  the  beggar  who  has  quit  work- 
ing, on  the  theory  that  the  world  owes  him  a  living,  is  gen- 
erally doing  his  level  best  to  collect  it.  Even  the  smart  young 
cynics  of  our  new  literary  set,  who  are  engaged  in  satirizing 
our  struggle  for  success,  are  trying  to  satirize  it  successfully. 

Actually  it  is  not  success,  but  some  of  the  ancient  formulas 
of  success,  to  which  this  generation  takes  exception. 

I  can  not,  for  instance,  proclaim  from  my  shopkeeper's 
tower  that  success  is  the  inevitable  fruit  of  industry,  honesty 
and  thrift.  I  know  that  industry,  honesty  and  thrift  are  neces- 
sary virtues,  but  I  shall  be  reminded  that  millions  of  the 
most  industrious,  honest  and  thrifty  people  of  earth  recently 
starved  to  death  in  China. 

Nor  can  I  claim  that  "stick-to-itiveness"  will  bring  suc- 
cess. One  might  stick  to  his  job  like  a  fly  to  a  piece  of  fly- 
paper and  be  no  more  successful  than  the  fly. 

"Hitch  your  wagon  to  a  star"  may  be  good  poetry,  but  it 
may  be  very  bad  advice.  What  kind  of  wagon?  And  what 
kind  of  star?  A  very  good  milk  wagon  may  be  entirely 
unsuited  to  traffic  on  the  Milky  Way. 

Human  nature  being  what  it  is,  however,  we  must  always 
be  trying  to  find  out  how  to  live  humanly.  The  lower  ani- 
mals may  be  born  with  instincts  which  tell  them  how  to 
fulfill  their  animal  destinies.  But  human  beings  are  not  so 
equipped.  It  is  necessary  for  each  generation  to  find  its  for- 
mulas for  successful  living,  even  if  it  is  necessary  for  suc- 
ceeding generations  to  tear  those  formulas  up. 

Evolution  is  not  opposed  to  formulas;  it  is  simply  the 



process  by  which  formulas  are  outgrown.  Good  formulas, 
like  good  eggs,  can  not  be  kept  too  long. 

The  simple  fact  is  that  we  have  come  into  a  new  world, 
and  the  charts  of  the  world  we  used  to  live  in  no  longer 
serve  our  need.  A  new  human  society  is  being  born.  There 
are  no  new  laws;  but  the  law  of  Nature  is  the  law  of  change, 
and  new  times  necessitate  a  new  attitude. 

Eggshells  are  good,  and  every  egg  should  have  one.  It 
keeps  an  egg  in  its  proper  place,  up  to  the  time  when  it 
ceases  to  be  the  proper  place.  When  that  time  comes,  a  con- 
flict may  develop  between  the  egg  and  the  shell — the  shell 
doing  its  best  to  keep  the  egg  inside,  and  the  egg  becoming 
more  and  more  imbued  with  the  necessity  of  getting  out.  If 
the  egg  is  successful  in  this  contest,  a  more  abundant  life  is 
possible.  If  the  shell  is  successful,  there's  a  mess.  The  egg- 
shell in  such  a  crisis,  is  a  glorious  tradition,  and  it  can  be 
proved  conclusively  that  the  egg  could  never  have  become 
a  successful  egg  without  it.  Nevertheless,  if  the  tradition  isn't 
broken  when  it  should  be  broken,  the  result  is  a  total  loss. 

Success,  it  must  be  apparent,  is  relative.  Not  only  is  it 
necessary  to  amend  the  old  formulas  of  success,  but  success 
in  one  period  of  existence  may  be  a  very  different  thing  from 
success  in  any  other.  One  could  never  learn  to  drive  a  motor 
car  by  hearing  Grandpa  tell  how  he  used  to  drive  a  mule,  no 
matter  how  successful  a  mule-driver  the  old  gentleman  might 
have  been.  It  is  not  only  that  his  rules  would  hardly  apply, 
but,  ten  chances  to  one,  his  purposes  and  his  objectives  were 
not  exactly  the  purposes  and  objectives  of  the  would-be 

I  am  aware  that  there  is  a  considerable  demand  in  America 
for  inspirational  literature,  and  that  many  writers  receive  as 
much  as  $50  a  week  for  telling  their  readers  how  to  become 
millionaires.  One  may  even  learn  how  to  become  a  Caesar  or 
a  Napoleon  in  Twelve  Easy  Lessons — how  to  dominate  every 


situation  and  how  to  master  every  problem  which  may  pos- 
sibly arise.  But  all  this  is  achieved,  I  understand,  through 
"personality,"  "magnetism"  and  many  other  mysteries  with 
which  I  am  unacquainted;  and  I  beg  therefore  to  be  excused. 

Even  if  I  were  in  possession  of  an  accurate  formula  by 
which  everyone  might  become  a  great  business  leader,  I 
should  hesitate  to  give  it  out.  Business  leadership  is  the  cry- 
ing need  of  the  moment;  but  a  world  made  up  only  of  busi- 
ness leaders  would  be  a  horrible  world  to  live  in. 

On  the  other  hand,  a  world  in  which  business  is  not  car- 
ried on  successfully  is  always  a  horrible  world. 

Business  success,  concededly,  is  not  everything.  If  it  were 
everything,  in  fact,  it  would  be  nothing.  It  might  keep  the 
race  alive,  but  what  would  be  the  use  of  keeping  a  race 
alive  if  it  had  nothing  more  to  do  than  to  keep  alive?  It  is 
culture  and  art  and  idealism,  iris  religion  and  spiritual  aspi- 
ration, which  give  a  meaning  to  life.  Material  success  is 
important  only  because  it  makes  all  these  other  develop- 
ments possible.  Getting  a  living  is  imperative  if  we  hope  to 
achieve  life;  but  getting  a  living  successfully  does  not  neces- 
sarily mean  successful  living. 

Successful  living  is,  first  of  all,  conscious  living.  Intoxica- 
tion may  drown  our  troubles,  and  opiates  may  deaden  our 
pains,  but  neither  can  be  associated  with  any  sane  notion  of 
success.  The  successful  life  is  positive.  It  seeks  to  master  its 
environment,  not  to  run  away  from  reality,  and  to  discover 
its  relations  and  its  obligations  rather  than  to  avoid  them. 
To  live  successfully  in  the  machine  age  it  is  necessary  to  find 
out  what  the  machine  age  is.  To  whom  does  it  relate  us?  To 
whom  does  it  make  us  responsible?  No  one,  surely,  could  be 
a  successful  husband  and  father,  if  he  did  not  know  or  care 
which  woman  was  his  wife,  or  which  children  were  depen- 
dent upon  him. 

There  are  those,  I  know,  who  do  not  like  the  machine 


age  and  are  constantly  pointing  out  how  much  happier  we 
would  all  be  if  we  would  only  go  back  to  some  previous  form 
of  civilization,  or  on  to  some  world  of  dreams.  But  this  is 
rather  pointless.  A  chicken  which  finds  scratching  difficult 
might  prefer  to  go  back  to  the  egg  from  which  it  came,  or  to 
quit  being  a  chicken  and  become  a  fish  perhaps,  instead; 
but  if  so,  there  isn't  much  that  he  can  do  about  it.  This  is 
the  machine  age.  It  is  the  only  age  in  which  any  of  those  now 
living  can  try  to  be  successful.  If  it  offers  us  an  opportunity 
to  make  a  better  civilization,  well  and  good.  But  we  must 
understand  it.  We  must  find  out  what  its  actual  conditions 
are  and  abide  by  them.  This  applies  quite  as  much  to  artists 
and  poets  and  preachers  as  it  does  to  business  men.  We  may 
or  we  may  not  try  to  understand  the  world  in  which  we  live; 
but  if  we  do  not  achieve  some  understanding  of  it,  we  can 
not  live  in  it  successfully. 

Some  will  say,  I  know,  that  they  are  not  interested  in  eco- 
nomics, or  in  business.  But  they  are  mistaken.  What  they 
should  say  is  that  they  do  not  wish  to  recognize  any  such 
interest.  They  may  not  know  it,  but  they  are  as  vitally  inter- 
ested in  this  new  industrial  order  as  is  any  business  man.  In 
the  first  place,  no  matter  how  spiritual  they  may  be,  they  do 
have  economic  problems.  In  the  second  place,  they  belong  to 
human  life,  and  what  is  happening  to  human  life  is  hap- 
pening to  them.  When  earthquakes  get  busy,  we  can  not 
ignore  them  on  the  ground  that  we  are  not  interested  in 
seismology.  We  may  be  the  most  confirmed  landlubbers; 
nevertheless,  the  ocean  is  bound  to  arouse  our  interest  if  we 
have  just  fallen  in. 

All  of  us  are  suddenly  being  precipitated  into  a  new 
human  society,  and  human  nature  being  what  it  is,  we  can 
not  live  outside  of  human  society.  A  few  of  us,  to  be  sure, 
may  become  hermits.  We  may  give  up  the  comforts  of  civi- 
lization. We  may  go  into  the  wilderness,  and  we  may  fancy 


that  we  have  cut  ourselves  off  from  social  connections.  But  it 
will  be  mere  fancy.  The  chances  are  we  will  take  some  books 
along,  forgetting  that  it  required  ages  of  social  contacts  to 
develop  any  written  language  and  thus  to  make  books  pos- 
sible. If  we  are  wise,  we  will  also  bring  with  us  some  socially 
acquired  arts,  some  knowledge,  for  instance — and  some 
socially  acquired,  not  instinctive  knowledge — of  the  kind  of 
food  upon  which  man  can  live,  and  of  how  to  raise  or  catch 
and  cook  it. 

Not  many,  of  course,  will  make  an  open  effort  to  secede 
from  human  society.  Not  many  are  able  to  do  so.  Many  may 
dream  of  getting  away  from  the  machine  civilization,  and 
living  perhaps  in  some  South  Sea  paradise;  but  it  costs 
money,  they  discover,  to  indulge  such  dreams;  and  it  is  by 
getting  into  the  machine  civilization,  not  by  getting  away 
from  it,  that  one  gets  money.  - 

Incidentally,  the  only  way  that  one  can  go  to  the  South 
Sea  Islands  is  to  go  there  in  a  machine;  and  it  is  the  machin- 
ery of  modern  business — of  advertising,  of  printing  and  pub- 
lishing, of  organized  lecture  tours  and  radio  talks,  or  of 
moving  pictures — through  which  one  gets  the  notion  that 
he  would  like  to  go. 

While  few  can  escape  physically  from  the  machine  civiliza- 
tion, there  are  many  who  are  forever  trying  to  escape  men- 
tally or  spiritually.  They  retreat  into  what  they  call  the 
world  of  thought,  as  though  there  could  be  a  world  of 
thought  apart  from  the  world  of  actual  human  relations. 
They  may  even  interpret  Greek  and  Roman  culture  in  terms 
of  the  economic  order  of  their  time;  but  economic  practice 
and  human  culture  today,  they  fancy,  can  go  their  separate 
ways.  They  can't. 

There  is  a  tendency  to  ridicule  the  business  man  for  his 
sordid  preoccupation  with  profits.  If  he  is  inconsolable 
because  he  is  not  getting  profits,  there  is  a  tendency  to  tell 


him  that  he  ought  not  to  want  them  so  badly,  just  as  there  is 
a  tendency  on  the  part  of  the  smugger  middle  classes  to  urge 
more  "practical"  objectives  upon  their  poetic  and  idealistic 

Nothing  much  happens,  however,  as  a  result  of  all  this 
urging.  Business  men  go  on  trying  to  be  business  men  and 
artists  go  on  trying  to  be  artists.  This,  I  think,  is  rather 
fortunate.  If  business  men  did  not  want  profits,  they  might, 
I  grant,  escape  a  lot  of  worries.  But  they  wouldn't  do  any 
business.  There  would  be  no  trade  in  the  world,  and  no 
trade  routes,  and  therefore  no  mingling  of  clan  with  clan 
and  no  development  of  civilizations,  and  of  language  and 
literature  and  art. 

Business  success  is  very  definitely  related  to  human  suc- 
cess, for  it  is  in  business,  although  the  business  man  him- 
self may  never  have  noticed  it,  that  the  social  set-up  is  deter- 
mined, and  it  is  impossible  to  proceed  with  any  human 
development  without  relation  to  the  human  set-up.  Even  the 
institution  of  the  family,  which  has  had  so  much  to  do 
with  the  shaping  of  all  human  thought  and  sentiment,  was 
basically  an  economic  institution.  If  the  family  had  not  suc- 
ceeded in  its  economic  objectives,  if  it  had  failed  to  nourish 
the  babies  and  keep  them  alive  until  maturity,  and  to  edu- 
cate and  train  them  in  the  art  of  keeping  alive,  no  mental  or 
spiritual  family  culture  would  ever  have  been  possible. 

This  book,  then,  will  have  much  to  do  with  business  suc- 
cess, but  it  is  not  being  written  solely  for  business  men.  It  is 
being  written  for  all  who  want  to  live  successfully  in  the 
machine  age.  I  am  writing  it,  not  because  of  any  claim  to 
superior  authority,  but  because  no  other  business  man  has 
yet  seen  fit  to  undertake  the  task;  and  it  is  a  book  which  in 
the  very  nature  of  the  subject  must  be  written  by  a  business 
man.  It  is  on  the  frontier  of  business  that  the  truths  of  this 
new  machine  civilization  are  being  discovered.  The  busi- 


ness  man  may  not  be  the  best  critic  of  that  civilization.  His 
training  may  even  unfit  him  to  describe  it  as  it  should  be 
described.  Nevertheless,  some  of  the  truths  which  he  is  in  a 
position  to  discover  are  important  social  truths,  as  important 
to  everybody  as  they  are  to  him,  and  they  can  not  too  quickly 
become  matters  of  common  knowledge. 

The  schools,  unfortunately,  in  this  machine  civilization, 
are  telling  almost  nothing  about  what  the  machine  civiliza- 
tion actually  is.  They  can  not  be  blamed  for  this,  for  schools 
were  born  and  reared  in  an  altogether  different  social  order, 
and  they  are  still  trying  to  interpret  life  in  terms  of  the 
set-up  of  another  age.  They  may  teach  business,  but  they 
teach  it  largely  in  terms  of  technical  organization,  bookkeep- 
ing and  accounting  and  budgeting,  and  not  in  terms  of  the 
social  revolution  which  business  is  bringing  about.  They 
may  teach  automobile  mechanics,  but  they  do  not  interpret 
to  their  students  what  the  motor  car  is  actually  doing  to 
human  life. 

Even  the  current  use  of  the  term  "machine  civilization"  is 
not  very  enlightening.  It  is  a  good  enough  term,  if  used 
properly,  but  those  who  use  it  most  seem  to  understand  it 
least.  They  may  agree  that  machine  production  is  inevitable; 
nevertheless,  they  seem  to  hold  the  profound  conviction  that 
the  machine  age  is  one  thing  and  civilization  another. 
Trained  in  the  traditional  philosophies,  they  try  to  apply 
their  traditional  thinking  to  utterly  new  situations;  and 
when  the  facts  refuse  to  conform  to  the  philosophies,  they 
conclude  that  there  must  be  something  wrong  with  the  facts. 

That  is  why  I  have  employed  the  term  "mass  production 
world."  Mass  production  is  the  culmination  of  machine  pro- 
duction. It  came  because  it  had  to  come.  Like  it  or  not,  we 
must  accept  it;  but  mass  production  has  the  advantage  of 
being  a  term  which  everybody  may  understand. 

Very  few  do  understand  it,  even  of  those  who  think  they 


understand  the  machine  civilization.  The  machine  civiliza- 
tion, as  they  see  it,  is  a  civilization  so  full  of  machinery  that 
there  isn't  any  room  for  human  life,  and  to  ask  them  to 
study  this  machinery,  and  find  out  how  it  actually  works, 
may  be  asking  the  impossible.  They  may  not  be  machine- 
minded  at  all.  They  may  have  no  talent  for  mechanics. 
Moreover,  if  they  try  to  study  the  civilization  by  studying 
machinery,  they  may  find  people  employing  machinery  for 
all  sorts  of  evil  purposes.  They  may  find  machines  used  to 
exploit  child  labor.  They  may  find  criminal  gangs,  riding  in 
high-power  machines  and  armed  with  machine  guns.  They 
may  even  find  that  man's  mechanical  genius  has  found  some 
of  its  most  accurate  expressions  in  evolving  machinery  for 
war  and  for  the  extermination  of  his  fellow  man. 

For  one  who  really  tries  to  find  the  meaning  of  mass  pro- 
duction, no  such  confusion  will  result.  Machinery  may  be 
used  for  anything;  but  mass  production,  which  is  the  most 
effective  method  yet  discovered  for  the  use  of  machinery,  can 
be  used  successfully  only  for  certain  purposes. 

Because  it  is  the  most  effective  method,  it  is  the  most 
profitable  method.  Therefore  it  already  dominates  the  mar- 
ket and  must  displace  all  the  old  traditional  methods.  The 
very  "lust  for  profit"  makes  this  certain.  Although  not  more 
than  twenty-five  per  cent  of  production  in  America,  the  most 
highly  developed  industrial  country,  has  yet  been  organized 
under  true  mass  production  methods,  it  is  only  a  question 
of  time,  and  of  a  short  time  at  that,  when  the  bulk  of  pro- 
duction and  distribution  will  be  carried  on  by  mass  produc- 
tion principles,  not  only  in  America  but  in  all  the  countries 
which  hope  to  compete  with  America  in  the  matter  of  world 

Mass  production,  however,  is  profitable  to  others  than 
employers.  Demonstrably,  it  is  the  most  profitable  method 
yet  discovered  for  industrial  employees.  It  pays  the  highest 


wages.  I  shall  explain  why,  later.  It  is  enough  to  say  now  that 
it  does  so  because  it  can  and  because  it  must. 

Mass  production  is  also  more  profitable  to  consumers. 
Mass  production  means  low  prices,  whether  there  is  com- 
petition or  not.  Strangely,  it  does  not  make  prices  low  for 
the  purpose  of  eliminating  competition  or  of  injuring  its 
competitors.  Mass  production  has  no  interest  in  eliminating 
competition,  and  does  not  want  to  injure  its  competitors. 
This  is  not  because  mass  producers  are  necessarily  good, 
high-minded  men,  but  because  mass  production  industries 
have  discovered  that  they  are  more  prosperous  when  their 
competitors  also  are  more  prosperous.  This  too  will  all  be 
explained  in  time.  It  is  enough  now  to  say  that  mass  pro- 
duction constantly  seeks  to  sell  its  products  at  the  lowest  pos- 
sible prices,  and  tries  to  make  those  prices  lower  and  lower, 
because  that  is  the  way  in  which  the  greatest  total  profits 
may  be  attained. 

Mass  production,  then,  is  good  for  employers  and  work- 
ers and  the  consuming  public.  That  means  all  of  us.  But  it 
does  not  mean  all  of  all  of  us.  We  are  all  employers  or 
workers  or  consumers,  to  be  sure,  but  most  of  us  are  some- 
thing vastly  more.  Most  of  us  are  human  beings,  and  because 
we  are  human  beings,  we  long  to  rise  above  the  mere  job  of 
staying  alive.  We  have  some  trace,  at  least,  of  spiritual  aspi- 
ration, and  we  do  well  to  ask  how  mass  production  will 
affect  that. 

There  are  several  ways  of  answering  this  question,  but 
they  must  all  begin  with  an  understanding  of  mass  pro- 

We  must  remember  first  that  mass  production  is  produc- 
tion for  the  masses.  It  is  production  motivated  by  the  desire 
to  sell  the  greatest  possible  quantities  by  giving  the  greatest 
possible  values  at  the  lowest  possible  cost  to  the  greatest  pos- 
sible number  of  people.  It  is  so  motivated,  however,  not 


because  of  any  sudden  outburst  of  altruism,  but  because  the 
great  stream  of  human  selfishness  compels  that  line  of  action. 
Since  mass  production  must  have  the  widest  possible  market, 
this  complete  abandonment  to  service  is  imperative. 

Whether  this  in  itself  contains  any  cultural  advantage  I 
shall  not  discuss  here.  Conceivably,  we  might  have  the  busy 
cooperation  of  an  ant  hill,  and  not  have  a  very  high  order  of 
culture  at  that.  Whatever  culture  we  do  have,  however,  will 
not  be  the  old  time  class  culture.  Mass  production,  whether 
we  like  it  or  not,  must  destroy  the  old  class  system  of  society, 
and  it  must  organize  'the  whole  economic  machinery  for  the 
economic  benefit  of  the  masses. 

Since  thus  giving  real  service  is  presently  to  become  the 
only  course  that  pays,  mass  production  can  not  provide  for 
those  who  will  not  serve.  There  can  be  no  leisure  classes, 
and  this  certain  elimination  of  the  leisure  classes  is  doubtless 
responsible  for  most  of  the  intensely  emotional  attacks  upon 
mass  production.  From  the  leisure  classes,  it  has  been 
pointed  out,  all  the  culture  of  human  history  has  come. 
Books  were  written,  pictures  painted  and  all  the  great  archi- 
tectural achievements  designed,  not  by  those  who  had  to 
exhaust  their  time  and  energy  in  labor,  but  by  those  who 
were  made  free  by  the  accident  of  social  privilege  to  do  as 
they  wanted  to  do. 

While  there  will  be  no  leisure  classes  under  mass  produc- 
tion, there  will  be  leisure — such  a  volume  of  leisure  as  the 
world  has  never  known  before.  This  approaching  leisure  is 
already  manifesting  itself  in  the  eight-hour  day  for  workers 
and  even  in  the  five-day  week.  This  has  happened,  although 
mass  production  has  just  begun.  Mass  production  must  sell 
its  products,  and  it  must  sell  an  ever-increasing  volume  of 
products  to  the  masses;  and  if  the  masses  do  not  have  an  ever- 
increasing  supply  of  leisure,  they  will  not  become  consumers 
on  a  sufficiently  large  scale. 


What  they  shall  consume,  however,  must  be  their  busi- 
ness, not  the  business  of  the  producers  to  dictate.  For  mass 
production  begins  with  discovering  what  the  masses  want, 
and  since  it  gets  its  profits  only  from  what  the  masses  buy,  it 
can  not  live  unless  it  finds  out  accurately.  Under  a  political 
dictatorship  of  industry  the  industrial  administration  might 
decide  what  is  to  be  made,  and  distribute  the  product  arbi- 
trarily to  the  public;  but  under  mass  production,  the  con- 
sumer necessarily  has  full  say.  He  buys  what  he  wants,  and 
producers,  who  have  not  scientifically  discovered  what  a 
sufficiently  large  number  of  people  want,  can  not  succeed. 

I  do  not  mean,  of  course,  that  the  masses  now  enjoy  all 
the  opportunities  which  mass  production  promises.  If  that 
were  so,  there  would  be  no  necessity  for  writing  such  a 
book  as  this.  This  book  is  written  at  a  time  when  it  has 
first  become  certain  that  we  are  to  live  in  a  mass  pro- 
duction world,  and  when  very  few  people  have  yet  gone 
to  the  trouble  of  finding  out  exactly  what  mass  production 
really  is. 

Many  confuse  it  still  with  mere  large-scale  production, 
utterly  ignoring  its  business  necessity  for  high  wages,  shorter 
hours,  low  prices  and  a  higher  standard  of  living.  By  ignor- 
ing this,  they  ignore  the  essential  human  relations  of  the 
new  social  set-up,  and  they  jump  to  the  conclusion  that, 
since  painting  and  poetry  can  not  be  successfully  executed 
by  machinery,  mass  production  will  create  an  ugly  world; 
or  that  since  the  life  is  more  than  meat  and  the  body  more 
than  raiment,  a  social  order  of  material  abundance  must 
sap  the  moral  and  spiritual  fiber  of  humanity. 

No  one  interested  in  successful  living  can  afford  to  jump 
to  such  conclusions.  Nor  can  he  afford  to  jump  to  any  oppo- 
site conclusions,  for  mass  production  brings  with  it  new 
problems  which  the  world  has  never  had  to  face  before. 
To  accept  the  new  order  in  a  spirit  of  gullible  optimism  is 


to  unfit  oneself  for  an  intelligent  consideration  of  those 

There  is,  for  instance,  the  tremendous  problem  of  leisure. 
Relatively  few  people,  in  any  social  order,  have  known  how 
to  organize  leisure  in  such  a  way  as  to  escape  the  tyranny  of 
fixed  convention  or  the  boredom  of  ignorant  self-indulgence. 
But  this  burden  of  leisure,  if  we  wish  to  call  it  that,  is  com- 
ing. It  is  almost  here,  and  it  calls  for  a  revision  of  our  edu- 
cational theories  and  efforts.  The  old  conventions,  it  has 
been  noted,  are  already  yielding;  and  the  codes  which  grew 
so  naturally  out  of  other  social  set-ups  are  being  violated 
right  and  left.  The  new  order  must  find  a  new  morality 
based  upon  a  new  understanding  of  human  relations,  and  a 
more  practical  control  of  long  pent-up  human  impulses. 

That  mass  production  is  creating  an  ugly  world  seems  to 
have  no  foundation  in  fact.  Man  has  always  longed  for 
beauty,  and  mass  production  is  giving  him  the  power  to 
make  his  world  more  beautiful.  Mass  production,  instead  of 
creating  sameness,  is  bringing  an  infinite  variety  into  the 
lives  of  masses  who  were  compelled  to  face  the  dreary  monot- 
ony of  previous  times.  It  turns  out  millions  of  automobiles, 
to  be  sure,  which  are  pretty  much  alike,  but  the  millions 
who  drive  them  go  their  separate  ways,  instead  of  being 
bound,  as  they  used  to  be  bound,  by  the  tyranny  of  their 
immediate  neighbors.  It  has  brought  moving  and  talking 
pictures  to  millions,  and  pictures  of  a  sort,  it  must  be  ad- 
mitted, whose  comedy  sometimes  seems  tragic  and  whose 
tragedy  sometimes  seems  ridiculous.  But  these  pictures  have 
also  brought  the  sights  and  sounds  of  the  whole  world  to 
everybody's  senses,  and  have  done  away  with  the  old  pro- 
vincialisms in  many  ways. 

That  mass  production  is  at  least  bringing  numberless  op- 
portunities to  the  masses  is  undeniable.  Just  how  the  masses 
will  rise  to  these  opportunities  I  do  not  profess  to  know,  but 


I  do  know  that  they  will  not  and  can  not  rise  to  opportuni- 
ties which  do  not  exist.  The  great  opportunity  for  the 
masses  of  mankind  to  rise  above  the  struggle  for  existence, 
and  to  partake  of  the  life  which  the  artists  and  poets  and 
preachers  are  forever  talking  about,  lies  in  the  extension  and 
perfection  of  mass  production  methods,  and  in  an  under- 
standing of  the  truths  upon  which  those  methods  are  based. 

It  is  poverty  which  standardizes,  and  mass  production  can 
not  endure  mass  poverty.  Poverty  standardizes  because  it 
necessitates  the  spending  of  all  one's  time  and  energy  upon 
the  problem  of  keeping  alive.  If  one's  income  is  limited  to 
fifteen  cents  a  day,  he  must  live  in  much  the  same  way  as 
does  anyone  else  whose  income  is  limited  to  fifteen  cents  a 
day,  for  there  simply  are  not  many  ways  of  keeping  alive  on 
fifteen  cents  a  day. 

Raise  the  general  income  to  fifteen  dollars  a  day,  and  there 
is  at  least  some  choice.  The  timid  soul,  of  course,  may  not 
exercise  this  choice,  and  may  insist  upon  imitating  his  neigh- 
bor, who  is  similarly  imitating  some  other  neighbor;  but 
after  one  has  experienced  the  futility  of  such  proceedings, 
there  is  the  chance,  at  least,  of  his  striking  out  for  himself, 
to  achieve  successful  living  in  accordance  with  the  actual 
laws  of  his  personal  being  and  the  actual  opportunities  of 
his  environment. 

Whether  for  good  or  ill,  mass  production  is  surely  liber- 
ating man.  It  is  giving  him  power,  but  it  is  as  yet  a  most 
confusing  power,  for  it  is  power  which  can  not  be  employed 
successfully  in  the  domination  of  his  fellow  man.  All  man's 
experiences,  all  his  traditions,  have  caused  him  to  associate 
the  possession  of  power  with  such  domination;  but  mass 
production  substitutes  facts  for  tradition,  even  in  the  matter 
of  achieving  a  successful  life. 

Just  what  is  mass  production  doing  to  us?  Just  what  are 
the  facts?  The  sole  purpose  of  this  book  is  to  find  the  answers 
to  these  questions. 



MUCH  is  said  nowadays  about  the  extreme  complexity 
of  modern  business.  Not  enough  is  said  about  its 

Business,  as  Henry  Ford  does  it,  is  quite  understandable. 
The  old-style  business  as  it  has  traditionally  been  done  defies" 
human  understanding  and  causes  the  otherwise  able  and 
up-to-date  business  man  to  believe  in  inevitable  "business 
cycles"  much  as  his  forebears  believed  in  evil  spirits. 

We  can  all  understand  the  economic  arrangement  of  the 
ancient  patriarchal  family.  It  carried  on  production  and 
distribution,  but  little  if  any  trade.  What  was  produced  was 
produced  for  the  whole  family  and  distributed  to  the  whole 
family.  There  may  have  been  injustices.  Some  of  the  chil- 
dren may  have  been  pets  and  some  of  them  may  have  had  a 
relatively  hard  time.  Nevertheless,  the  family  assumed  re- 
sponsibility for  the  physical  needs  and  economic  support  of 
all  its  members;  and  whatever  was  produced  was  produced 
for  the  purpose  of  filling  some  specific  need.  There  was 
nothing  complicated  about  such  an  arrangement  as  that. 

It  was  when  the  family  began  to  produce  partly  for  itself 
and  partly  for  outsiders  toward  whom  it  recognized  no  such 
responsibility,  that  complications  set  in.  The  change  was 
such  a  gradual  process,  however,  that  it  probably  caused  no 
particular  bewilderment.  It  just  naturally  happened  that  a 
family  would  produce  more  wheat,  or  raise  more  sheep,  or 
make  more  implements,  perhaps,  than  it  needed  for  its  own 
use,  while  it  was  rather  short  of  some  product  of  which  some 
other  family  had  happened  to  produce  a  surplus.  Exchange, 
in  such  a  situation,  was  profitable  to  both  sides. 



It  was  so  profitable,  in  fact,  that  the  practice  grew;  and 
certain  persons,  with  an  eye  to  profit,  began  to  specialize  in 
trading  the  surplus  of  one  family  for  the  surplus  of  some 
family  which  lived  at  such  a  distance  as  to  make  direct 
barter,  without  the  intervention  of  such  a  middleman,  im- 

When  this  practice  of  trading  developed,  things  became 
more  complicated.  No  family,  in  the  end,  it  seemed,  could 
live  quite  so  completely  unto  itself  as  families  traditionally 
had  lived.  Even  if  it  didn't  want  to  trade,  it  had  to  help  sup- 
port the  institutions  which  now  had  to  be  set  up  to  keep 
the  trade  routes  in  order.  That  is,  it  had  to  pay  taxes  to  sup- 
port some  "ruling  family" — the  institution  which  eventually 
became  known  as  the  state.  Many  families,  in  fact,  quit  till- 
ing the  soil  and  specialized  instead  in  making  things  to 
trade.  Even  today,  we  speak  of  "learning  a  trade,"  although 
the  learner  does  not  intend  to  engage  in  trade  at  all. 

Little  by  little,  through  the  centuries,  more  and  more  of 
men's  energies  went  into  making  things  to  sell,  and  selling 
them;  but  not  until  the  first  industrial  revolution  occurred 
did  this  become  the  dominant  economic  practice. 

Then  came  confusion.  That  confusion  is  now  under- 
standable, but  while  it  was  on,  the  thing  which  was  known 
as  the  business  system  was  not  understandable.  Profound 
scholars  studied  it,  supposing  that  it  was  a  system,  but  the 
result  was  a  "dismal  science"  known  as  economics,  which  was 
dismal  principally  because  it  was  not  a  science. 

Studying  a  system  which  was  not  a  system  could  of  course 
lead  nowhere,  no  matter  how  intellectual  the  scholars  might 
be.  And  this  so-called  business  system  was  not  a  system. 

The  family  was  a  system.  It  consisted  of  producers  and 
consumers — of  the  same  persons,  in  fact,  functioning  in  both 
capacities.  Production  was  definitely  related  to  consumption, 
and  consumption  to  production.  If  production  was  good, 


consumption  automatically  became  good;  and  only  if  pro- 
duction was  poor  did  the  members  of  the  family  become 

But  this  new,  so-called  economic  system  consisted  of  pro- 
ducers and  sellers.  The  buyers  and  consumers  were  not  in- 
cluded, although  production  and  sales  were  necessarily  de- 
pendent upon  purchases  and  consumption.  Things  were  no 
longer  being  produced  primarily  for  use,  they  were  being 
produced  to  sell;  and  not  to  sell  to  human  beings  because 
of  their  need  for  them,  but  to  sell  to  a  vague,  impersonal 
conception  known  as  "the  market"  which  seemed  to  have 
little  definite  relation  to  human  need. 

It  must  have  been  known,  of  course,  that  there  could  have 
been  no  market  unless  there  was  some  real  or  fancied  human 
need.  People  would  not  buy  things  in  any  great  quantities 
unless  they  wanted  to  have  them,  either  to  use  themselves 
or  to  sell  to  others  who  might  wish  to  use  them.  But  it  was 
not  human  wants  which  business  considered.  It  was,  at  best, 
the  wants  of  those  who  happened  to  have  purchasing  power. 

How  people  got  their  purchasing  power  was  a  detail  of 
business  with  which,  it  was  supposed,  business  men  did  not 
need  to  concern  themselves.  Buying  power,  it  must  have 
seemed  to  them,  just  happened.  God  willed,  as  they  thought, 
that  a  few  people  here  and  there  should  be  rich,  and  that 
the  masses  should  be  very  poor;  and  that  being  the  case,  the 
masses  couldn't  be  expected  to  buy  very  much,  and  one 
could  not  do  a  very  profitable  business  with  the  masses  any- 
way. The  way  to  do  business,  it  was  supposed,  was  to  offer 
things  for  sale  to  people  who  had  plenty  of  money;  and  if 
one  got  a  large  profit  on  everything  he  sold  to  such  people, 
he  would  be  doing  about  as  well  as  could  be  expected. 

Even  the  majority  of  the  producers,  in  fact,  were  not  in- 
cluded in  this  concept  of  the  business  structure.  It  was  only 
the  owners  of  factories  and  those  who  held  a  property  in- 


terest  in  them.  The  vast  majority  of  the  producers  were  mere 
employees.  They  were  just  labor;  and  labor  was  supposed  to 
be  a  commodity  just  like  anything  else,  to  be  bought  as 
cheaply  as  the  buyer  could  buy  it,  and  to  be  sold  as  dearly 
as  the  seller  could  sell. 

Occasionally  a  factory  owner  tried  to  be  good  to  his  em- 
ployees, and  to  include  them  in  the  benefits  which  his  busi- 
ness was  receiving,  sometimes  by  higher  wages,  sometimes 
by  profit-sharing,  sometimes  by  trying  to  develop  a  cozy 
"family"  atmosphere  within  the  factory.  At  times  such 
schemes,  although  not  entered  upon  with  such  an  intention, 
proved  profitable.  At  other  times  they  failed.  But  no  one 
seemed  to  know  why.  If  they  were  successful,  it  was  often 
supposed  that  God  had  put  natural  law  aside  for  the  time 
being  and  blessed  this  particular  employer  for  being  good. 
If  they  failed,  it  was  likely  to  be  laid  to  the  human  depravity 
of  the  employees.  No  one  seemed  to  understand  that  a  fac- 
tory could  not  be  a  family. 

A  family,  in  the  old  patriarchal  days  when  the  family  was 
the  economic  system,  could  live  unto  itself.  That,  in  fact, 
is  what  made  it  an  economic  system.  But  no  factory  could 
live  unto  itself;  it  had  to  depend  upon  the  buyers  of  its 
products,  whatever  part  of  the  world  they  might  be  living 
in,  or  however  alien  they  might  seem  to  the  factory  workers. 
But  these  buyers  were  not  included  in  the  factory  program, 
even  of  the  good,  generous,  idealistic  employer;  and  even 
the  welfare  of  the  factory  workers  was  not  included  in  the 
average  factory  program.  It  was  not  considered  "good  busi- 
ness" to  include  it. 

And  all  this  time  (although  nobody  seemed  to  notice  it) 
good  business  depended  upon  the  manufacture  and  distri- 
bution, not  merely  of  goods,  but  of  buying  power.  All  the 
traditional  concepts  of  wealth  were  false.  Factory  production 
was  making  them  false,  and  factory  practice  was  actually 


proving  them  to  be  false;  but,  until  the  advent  of  mass  pro- 
duction, nobody  could  understand  why. 

It  was  universally  supposed,  for  instance,  that  labor  was 
a  commodity.  Nevertheless,  labor  could  not  and  did  not  act 
like  a  commodity.  It  acted  like  human  beings.  It  acted,  in 
fact,  from  much  the  same  motives  with  which  employers 
acted,  and  not  even  the  most  dismal  economist  supposed  that 
employers  were  commodities. 

Workers  struck  for  higher  wages,  and  employers  hated  and 
fought  them  for  doing  so.  Nevertheless,  when  they  got  higher 
wages,  although  the  workers  themselves  had  no  such  inten- 
tion, they  often  benefited  their  employers.  For  they  gained 
more  buying  power;  and  while  they  may  not  have  directly 
bought  the  things  which  their  particular  employers  had  to 
sell,  they  bought  a  lot  of  other  things  with  these  higher 
wages  and  made  business  that  much  better  in  many  other 

By  buying  these  things,  moreover,  they  created  a  demand 
for  more  employment,  and  this  greater  demand  for  labor 
sent  the  price  of  labor  up,  so  that  workers  generally  were 
likely  soon  to  have  more  buying  power,  and  business  then 
boomed  in  almost  every  line.  In  other  words,  there  was  a 
period  of  "good  times."  There  were  many  reasons,  of  course, 
for  the  recurrence  of  these  periods,  but  one  of  the  principal 
causes  was  that  labor,  organized  in  labor  unions,  fought  des- 
perately for  higher  wages  against  what  both  sides  commonly 
supposed  to  be  the  employers'  best  interests. 

These  good  times,  however,  did  not  usually  last  very  long. 
And  the  principal  reason  that  they  did  not  last  was  that  the 
added  buying  power  which  the  workers  had  gained  was  soon 
taken  away  from  them,  not  directly  by  lowering  wages,  but 
by  increasing  prices.  Everybody  supposed  that  the  employ- 
ers were  selfish,  and  no  doubt  they  were.  But  the  cause  of 
their  undoing  in  these  recurring  panics  wras  not  their  selfish- 


ness  but  their  failure  to  attend  to  the  necessary  work  of 
producing  and  distributing  buying  power. 

The  purpose  of  business  is  to  supply  human  wants,  not  to 
enforce  any  divine  right  to  tax  consumers,  just  as  surely  as 
the  purpose  of  government  is  to  ensure  justice  and  order  and 
not  to  enforce  any  divine  right  to  govern.  A  business,  like  a 
government,  may  honestly  fail  in  its  purpose;  and  in  that 
case,  some  stronger,  even  though  not  so  well-intentioned, 
power  may  succeed.  But  if  a  government  utterly  ignores  its 
purpose,  and  supposes  that  it  exists  for  the  pleasure  of  the 
governors,  its  doom  is  already  sealed;  and  if  business  imag- 
ines it  can  make  profits  by  producing  goods  which  by  too 
high  prices  it  prevents  customers  from  buying,  the  doom 
of  that  business  is  sealed. 

Business  men,  to  be  sure,  for  a  century  and  a  half,  did  sup- 
pose exactly  that,  and  ninety  per  cent  or  more  of  those  who 
entered  business  failed.  It  can  not  be  said,  moreover,  that 
the  remaining  ten  per  cent  went  in  very  determinedly  for 
service.  But  in  an  army  of  blind  men,  a  one-eyed  man  will 
be  the  leader;  and  the  businesses  which  did  give  the  best 
service,  everything  being  considered,  survived. 

Many  of  these,  by  their  better  methods,  were  able  to 
undersell  all  competition  and  became  great  "trusts."  Then, 
instead  of  continuing  their  better  methods,  which  had  made 
it  possible  for  them  to  increase  the  buying  power  of  the 
public  through  lower  prices,  they  betrayed  a  complete  igno- 
rance of  the  real  principles  of  success  and  tried  to  make 
prices  high  once  more. 

Eventually  the  idea  of  mass  production  dawned.  It  can 
hardly  be  said  that  anyone  invented  it,  but  Henry  Ford  was 
its  first  large-scale  demonstrator.  Even  before  Ford's  time, 
Andrew  Carnegie  had  discovered  that  the  steel  business 
could  make  greater  profits  by  manufacturing  all  the  steel  it 
could,  and  selling  it  at  low  prices,  than  by  limiting  pro- 


duction  and  charging  prices  which  such  limited  and  there- 
fore such  expensive  production  would  seem  to  make  neces- 
sary. But  Carnegie  fought  his  employees,  and  could  not  see 
that  the  wages  which  the  labor  unions  demanded  were  ad- 
vantageous also  to  his  business.  It  remained  for  Ford  to  give 
higher  wages  than  even  the  unions  demanded,  along  with 
shorter  hours,  and  simultaneously  to  reduce  the  price  of  his 
product  to  a  point  which  enabled  the  masses  to  buy  it,  and 
to  build  up  such  a  business  for  him  that  his  profits  were 
far  greater  than  Carnegie's. 

This  was  an  astounding  thing  to  do.  The  whole  world 
blinked  and  rubbed  its  eyes,  and  business  men  everywhere 
were  puzzled  to  distraction.  Ford,  they  said,  had  upset  the 
wage  level.  He  had  ruined  the  whole  structure  of  business. 
The  result  must  be,  as  they  saw  it,  to  encourage  workers 
everywhere  to  demand  similar  wages,  and  there  can  be  no 
doubt  that  it  did  have  some  such  effect.  The  one  ray  of  hope 
on  the  horizon  was  the  verdict  of  those  who  gave  their  "calm 
business  judgment,"  that  such  tactics  would  soon  utterly 
ruin  Ford. 

But  the  tactics  did  not  ruin  Ford.  They  made  him  what 
he  is  today.  Soon  Ford's  rivals  in  the  automobile  business, 
and  later  the  wiser  heads  of  other  great  industries,  began  to 
see  what  Ford  was  actually  doing,  and  that  his  ever-growing 
success  was  no  miracle  at  all  but  a  direct  result  of  the  tactics 
which  he  had  employed.  So  they  began  to  follow  Ford,  and 
the  era  of  mass  production  was  on. 

Mass  production,  it  turned  out,  was  not  a  mystifying 
process.  What  had  made  it  seem  mystifying  was  its  very 
simplicity.  Ford  used  research,  but  other  successful  big 
businesses  had  long  been  doing  that.  Ford  introduced  every 
possible  improvement  in  machinery,  but  so  had  many  others. 
He  looked  for  as  large  a  market  as  he  could  get,  but  that 
surely  was  not  a  new  idea.  The  one  new  and  revolutionary 


idea  of  Ford  seemed  to  be  his  discovery  that  he  could  not 
sell  more  cars  than  the  public  could  buy,  and  hence  he  de- 
voted himself  and  his  business  not  merely  to  the  manufac- 
ture and  selling  of  motor  cars  but  to  the  manufacture  and 
distribution  of  buying  power. 

Business,  from  the  beginnings  of  machine  production,  had 
been  increasing  the  world's  wealth,  and  this  increase  of 
wealth  had  been  enlarging  the  world's  buying  power.  Busi- 
ness, therefore,  was  creating  a  market  for  itself,  but  it  was 
not  doing  so  systematically.  It  thought  of  the  market,  rather, 
as  something  beyond  its  control;  and  when  it  thought  of 
adjusting  production  and  consumption,  it  thought  of  re- 
ducing production  to  existing  buying  power,  utterly  ignor- 
ing the  fact  that  such  a  reduction  would  merely  result 
through  unemployment  in  a  further  reduction  of  buying 
power  and,  if  carried  to  its  logical  conclusion,  must  destroy 
machine  industry  altogether. 

Big  Business,  even  before  Ford's  time,  was  constantly  dis- 
covering ways  of  producing  more  and  more,  and  engaged  in 
strenuous  research  for  methods  which  would  enable  it  to 
produce  more  and  more.  Also,  it  eagerly  sought  new  mar- 
kets; and  it  stopped  at  nothing,  it  seemed,  not  even  war,  to 
procure  them.  It  adopted  all  sorts  of  schemes  for  high- 
pressure  selling  of  things  which  people  lacked  the  power  to 
buy,  and  by  making  prices  as  high  as  possible,  and  wages  as 
low  as  possible,  business  made  its  selling  as  difficult  as 

Mass  production  is  a  much  simpler  process.  However  in- 
volved its  mechanism  may  be,  its  objectives  are  never  in 
doubt;  and  it  employs  actual  fact-finding,  not  the  traditions 
of  some  previous  social  order,  to  achieve  them.  It  under- 
stands, to  start  with,  that  its  success  depends  upon  answering 
some  widespread  human  want,  and  employs  fact-finding, 
rather  than  mere  hunches,  to  discover  what  the  masses  want. 


It  understands,  moreover,  that  while  the  needs  of  the  masses 
may  be  unlimited,  their  buying  power  is  limited,  and  em- 
ploys fact-finding  again  to  bring  prices  within  their  buying 
power.  But  it  does  not  stop  with  that.  With  more  mass  buy- 
ing power,  still  more  needs  might  be  supplied  and  still 
more  profitable  mass  production  markets  found;  hence  it 
employs  fact-finding  to  discover  how  to  create  and  distribute 
more  and  more  buying  power. 

This  is  production  for  use  once  more.  This  is  an  economic 
system,  and  the  story  of  what  it  is  doing  to  human  life  con- 
stitutes no  dismal  science. 



MONEY  is  not  a  thing  in  itself.  Money  is  a  symbol  of 
something  else,  and  has  no  existence  as  money  ex- 
cepting in  its  relation  to  that  other  thing.  That  other  thing 
is  wealth,  and  wealth  is  but  a  term  for  things  which  supply 
human  wants.  One  might  collect  all  the  money  in  the  world 
and,  if  the  wealth  of  the  world  by  any  chance  should  vanish, 
he  would  have  no  money,  for  that  which  had  been  a  symbol 
of  wealth  would  automatically  become  a  symbol  of  nothing 
at  all. 

How  much  money  there  is  in  any  society  depends  not 
upon  how  many  certificates  called  dollars  are  in  existence, 
but  upon  how  efficiently  these  dollars  are  serving  human 
needs.  This,  of  course,  depends  upon  how  advanced  the 
machinery  of  production  and  distribution  is,  but  it  depends 
equally  upon  whether  the  money  is  being  distributed  so  that 
those  who  need  things  are  able  to  buy.  The  essential  dif- 
ference between  the  old  system  of  production  and  the  in- 
coming system  of  mass  production,  then,  may  be  stated  in 
terms  of  the  consumer's  dollar.  Under  the  old  system,  busi- 
ness sought  to  sell  to  those  who  happened  to  have  dollars. 
Under  the  new  system,  business  seeks  to  supply  human 
needs  and  to  see,  therefore,  that  all  would-be  consumers  are 
adequately  supplied  with  dollars. 

To  take  that  dollar  away  from  the  consumer  is  still  the 
object  of  business.  But  not  with  the  old  notion  of  what  such 
a  transaction  means.  It  is  now  understood  what  dollars  are 
for.  Dollars  are  of  no  use  to  anyone  excepting  as  they  are 
taken  away.  Money,  it  has  long  been  known,  is  only  a 



medium  of  exchange;  and  if  it  is  not  used  for  what  it  is  good 
for,  it  ceases  to  be  money. 

While  this  has  long  been  known,  however,  it  has  not  long 
been  recognized  as  a  practical  economic  principle.  The 
reasons  are  obvious,  for  business  which  was  always  concerned 
with  taking  away  the  consumer's  dollar  has  never  before 
recognized  the  necessity  of  giving  it  back.  Getting  it  back 
was  supposed  to  be  the  consumer's  individual  responsibility, 
and  the  masses  of  consumers  were  never  quite  equal  to  the 
task.  For  fear  they  might  not  get  another  dollar,  they  hung 
on,  as  a  rule,  to  the  one  which  they  had,  only  spending  it  as 
dire  necessity  compelled.  And  the  business  men  and  econo- 
mists, not  perceiving  the  business  necessity  of  providing  con- 
sumers with  buying  power,  took  it  for  granted  that  this  was 
the  thing  for  the  masses  to  do.  They  thought  it  was  natural 
that  the  masses  should  put  up  with  their  old  standard  of 
living,  even  when  new  processes  were  making  a  higher  stand- 
ard of  living  possible,  without  considering  that  if  business 
failed  to  find  a  market  for  the  greater  volume  of  goods  which 
it  was  now  producing,  business  itself  would  be  sure  to  suffer. 
So  they  encouraged  thrift.  They  encouraged  non-buying 
when  more  buying  was  a  business  necessity.  Only  when  the 
great  industrial  mechanism  had  been  built  up,  and  compe- 
tition became  so  severe  that  a  systematic  drive  for  the  con- 
sumer's dollar  was  absolutely  necessary,  did  business  begin 
to  adjust  itself  to  the  real  laws  of  money. 

The  adjustment,  however,  has  only  begun.  It  is  true,  as  we 
have  pointed  out,  that  mass  production  has  definitely  set  out 
to  create  and  distribute  mass  buying  power.  This  means 
that  it  has  discovered  the  business  necessity  for  high  wages, 
low  prices,  a  shorter  workday,  with  more  leisure,  more 
money  and  a  higher  and  ever  higher  standard  of  living  for 
all.  But  this  was  only  the  beginning  of  the  social  revolution 
which  is  now  in  progress;  for  a  clear  view  of  the  consumer's 


dollar  discloses  a  social  force  at  work  which  promises  not 
only  to  solve  our  most  knotty  business  problems,  but  to 
solve  some  of  the  social  problems  which  have  been  the 
despair  of  moralists  and  statesmen  and  which  many  a  social 
philosopher  has  given  up  as  insoluble. 

There  is,  for  example,  the  problem  of  waste  and  ineffi- 
ciency in  government;  the  problem  of  social  dishonesty;  the 
problem  of  graft  and  racketeering;  even,  to  a  large  extent, 
the  problem  of  crime. 

These  are  large  words,  for  the  problems  I  speak  of  seem  to 
be  almost  as  old  as  human  life.  Always  it  has  been  sought  to 
solve  them  through  moral  teachings,  or  through  effecting 
some  change  in  human  nature  through  which  man  would 
agree  to  live  less  selfishly.  Always,  however,  it  was  believed, 
even  by  the  teachers  themselves,  that  the  wealth  which  every- 
body seemed  depraved  enough  to  covet  could  be  attained 
only  by  taking  it  away  from  others. 

The  religious  and  educational  institutions,  moreover, 
while  they  often  inveighed  against  such  covetousness,  seemed 
always  to  become  entangled  with  the  institutions  which  had 
coveted  and  taken  wealth  from  others.  Even  wealth  for  good 
causes,  even  wealth  for  education  and  religion,  even  wealth 
for  the  political  campaigns  of  reformers,  had  to  come  from 
those  who  had  it;  and  those  who  had  it  had  obtained  it  in 
ways  which  the  moralists  did  not  like  to  inspect.  Business,  in 
those  days,  did  not  even  claim  to  be  service.  It  was  and 
claimed  to  be  purely  acquisitive.  Whether  it  was  even 
honest,  or  not,  depended  upon  what  standards  of  honesty 
one  employed. 

There  was  a  widespread  theory  that  selfishness  was  sinful, 
and  widespread  adoration  of  saints  who  had  renounced  the 
world  and  dedicated  themselves  to  poverty.  There  was,  how- 
ever, a  general  understanding  that  "business  is  business"; 
and  whatever  doctrines  one  absorbed  on  Sunday,  in  the 


actual  workaday  world  it  was  assumed  that  everyone  would 
look  out  for  himself. 

Only  if  people  "went  too  far"  was  great  moral  indignation 
aroused.  Even  then  it  might  be  a  hard  task  to  arouse  it;  but 
occasionally  governments  became  so  corrupt  that  it  became 
possible  to  fan  the  community  into  anger.  That  politicians 
would  be  selfish  was  expected.  That  whatever  they  did  would 
be  done  with  an  eye  first  to  their  own  political  advantage 
seemed  to  surprise  no  one.  Practical  business  men,  in  fact, 
after  having  experience  with  utterly  inefficient  theorists  in 
politics,  rather  preferred  to  deal  with  practical  politicians, 
even  if  some  of  their  actions  would  not  always  bear  the  light 
of  day.  Time  and  again,  however,  when  corruption  had 
reached  unendurable  limits,  there  was  an  emotional  wave  of 
reform.  That  was  the  only  way,  it  was  supposed,  human 
nature  being  what  it  was,  by  which  politics  might  conceiv- 
ably be  purified. 

A  real  study  of  the  consumer's  dollar  will  change  all  this. 
Graft  must  go,  not  because  of  any  moral  indignation  about 
it,  but  because  business  is  certain,  in  the  near  future,  to 
find  out  what  business  is.  The  consumer's  dollar,  it  must 
soon  be  learned,  pays  for  everything.  It  not  only  pays  for 
all  the  things  which  business  sells,  but  it  pays  for  all  the 
wages  and  salaries  which  business  pays  out  and  for  all  the 
profits  which  business  takes  in.  It  pays,  moreover,  for  every 
item  of  waste  and  inefficiency  in  business,  both  public 
and  private;  and  every  business  is  so  completely  dependent 
upon  the  mass  consumer's  dollar,  that  every  business  man, 
when  he  discovers  the  situation,  must  soon  be  fighting  to 
preserve  that  dollar  as  earnestly  and  as  constantly  as  he  can 
be  depended  upon  to  fight  for  the  preservation  of  his  own 

It  has  already  been  discovered  that  the  dollar  of  the  aver- 
age consumer  is  mortgaged  for  sixty-five  per  cent  of  its  value 


before  the  average  business  man  has  any  chance  to  deal  with 
it  at  all.  That  is,  the  average  American  worker  pays  out 
sixty-five  per  cent  of  his  income  for  food  and  rent.  People 
with  large  incomes,  of  course,  if  they  have  any  sense,  will  not 
devote  so  large  a  part  of  their  income  to  food  and  housing, 
while  those  who  are  living  close  to  the  poverty  line  may 
have  to  spend  nearly  all  of  theirs.  But  sixty-five  per  cent  is 
the  average;  and  this  means  that  the  average  consumer  has 
but  thirty-five  cents  of  every  dollar  in  his  possession  avail- 
able for  all  the  other  necessities  of  life — for  education,  recre- 
ation, medical  care  and  for  the  purchase  of  all  the  things 
which  the  average  business  man  has  to  sell. 

Before  business  began  to  study  the  consumer's  dollar,  each 
business  man  was  inclined  to  think  of  his  business  as  his  own 
private  affair,  and  to  think  "of  everybody  else's  business  as 
his  private  affair.  Even  public  affairs  did  not  usually  con- 
cern him  much,  excepting  as  they  might  raise  his  own  taxes 
or  put  him  at  the  mercy  of  some  competitor.  As  a  citizen, 
he  might  theoretically  object  to  special  privileges;  but  as  a 
business  man,  he  was  not  at  all  averse  to  special  privileges 
being  handed  out  to  him.  Whatever  his  theories  of  citizen- 
ship might  be,  moreover,  he  felt  that  he  could  not  give  much 
time  to  public  affairs  without  neglecting  his  own  business; 
and  if  he  did  pay  much  attention  to  them,  he  did  so  out  of 
the  goodness  of  his  heart.  The  result  was  that  his  own  busi- 
ness got  regular,  dependable,  systematic  attention,  while 
public  business  received  such  sporadic  notice  as  might  be 
given  to  it  when  the  community  was  aroused  by  some  par- 
ticularly criminal  development,  or  some  dramatic  climax 
to  a  regime  of  graft. 

But  that  time  is  passing.  It  is  passing  because  the  nature 
of  the  consumer's  dollar  is  being  discovered.  The  consumer's 
dollar,  it  is  being  noticed,  is  not  static.  It  expands  and  con- 
tracts. When  it  is  large,  a  great  deal  of  business  can  be  car- 


ried  on.  When  it  is  small,  business  generally,  including 
almost  everybody's  business,  is  likely  to  be  bad. 

The  consumer's  dollar,  however,  doesn't  grow  on  bushes. 
It  comes  mostly  from  wages  and  salaries,  to  some  degree  from 
dividends,  profits,  rents,  royalties  and  interest.  There  are 
many  wealthy  people,  of  course,  but  they  hardly  count  as 
consumers;  for  what  the  wealthy  actually  consume,  all  told, 
amounts  to  a  very  small  part  of  our  modern  business.  Rocke- 
feller and  Ford  buy  about  all  they  think  they  ought  to,  any- 
way. If  Ford  wants  a  new  suit,  he  gets  it,  without  stopping 
to  figure  up  whether  he  has  had  a  good  year  or  not;  and  if 
Rockefeller  wants  an  electric  refrigerator,  he  gets  that.  That 
isn't  the  way  with  the  average  consumer — the  consumer 
upon  whom  modern  business  depends.  It  doesn't  matter  how 
much  he  wants  anything — he  has  to  look  at  his  dollar  before 
he  gets  it.  If  that  dollar  is  in  good  shape,  the  deal  goes 
through.  If  it  isn't,  there's  likely  to  be  difficulty,  and  the 
garment  and  refrigerator  industries  will  suffer. 

But  what  keeps  that  dollar  in  good  shape?  In  the  days 
before  business  got  to  studying  the  facts,  it  was  supposed  that 
the  dollar  could  be  kept  intact  by  not  spending  it.  But  busi- 
ness men  now  know  better.  In  the  first  place,  sixty-five  cents 
of  it  must  be  spent  anyway,  for  people  are  not  going  to  get 
along,  if  they  can  help  it,  without  food  and  shelter.  And 
then,  if  the  remaining  thirty-five  cents  isn't  spent  for  other 
things,  those  who  are  employed  in  producing  and  distrib- 
uting the  other  things  will  find  their  jobs  gone,  and  with 
their  jobs  gone,  their  dollar  will  soon  be  gone.  Whatever 
may  be  said  of  other  dollars,  saving  the  consumer's  dollar 
wears  it  out  in  no  time.  One  might  as  well  talk  of  saving  his 
breath.  The  only  normal  way  in  which  one  can  save  the 
breath  he  breathes  is  to  exhale  it  as  rapidly  as  he  inhales  it 
— that  is,  spend  it  as  fast  as  he  takes  it  in.  That  is  the  way 


the  heart  saves  its  blood,  or  the  stomach  its  food — not  by 
hanging  on  to  it,  but  by  letting  it  function. 

There  are  other  things,  however,  besides  non-buying, 
which  cause  the  consumer's  dollar  to  shrink.  The  chief  of 
these  is  the  buying  of  less  than  the  dollar  might  be  made  to 
buy,  that  is,  paying  unnecessarily  high  prices  for  anything 
which  is  bought.  Thirty-five  cents,  it  must  be  remembered, 
must  cover  almost  all  the  buying  anyway;  and  if  one  pays 
too  much  for  one  article,  he  must  go  without  some  other. 
Business  becomes  bad,  then,  with  those  who  are  producing 
and  trying  to  sell  the  other  things;  and  there  is  unemploy- 
ment and  a  shrinking  of  the  dollar  again,  which  reacts  as 
badly  upon  the  business  which  charged  too  much  as  it  does 
upon  any  other. 

Now,  what  causes  high  prices?  There  can  be  only  one 
answer.  It  is  failure  to  follow  methods  by  which  prices  can 
be  made  as  low  as  possible.  This  is  bad  business,  any  way  you 
look  at  it.  First,  such  high  prices  limit  sales  and  make  it 
impossible  to  adopt  the  great  economies  of  mass  production. 
Secondly,  they  leave  the  consumer  too  poor  to  buy  other 
things  which  he  might  otherwise  have  bought,  and  unable, 
therefore,  to  give  the  employment  which  he  might  have 

In  a  word,  high  prices  are  caused  by  waste.  Waste  in  the 
processes  of  production  and  distribution  is  the  great  enemy 
of  the  consumer's  dollar.  Everything  which  the  consumer 
buys,  if  he  gets  the  fullest  possible  value  for  his  money,  gives 
maximum  employment  to  other  consumers,  makes  business 
as  prosperous  as  business  can  be  and  enlarges  the  consumer's 
dollar.  Every  time,  however,  that  the  consumer  pays  more 
than  the  most  scientific  methods  of  production  and  distri- 
bution make  it  necessary  for  him  to  pay,  there  must  be  less 
buying  than  there  might  have  been,  with  consequent  less 


employment  and  a  further  shrinkage  of  the  consumer's 

Now,  then,  it  isn't  a  question  of  moral  indignation  if  the 
business  man  decides  to  war  on  waste.  He  must  so  decide 
very  soon;  in  fact,  he  is  so  deciding,  but  there  is  no  more 
moral  indignation  about  it  than  there  used  to  be  when  he 
decided  to  attend  faithfully  to  his  own  affairs.  Waste  has  now 
become  his  affair — waste  in  every  process  of  production  and 
distribution — whether  that  waste  is  in  the  business  which  he 
nominally  controls,  whether  it  is  in  the  business  of  his  city, 
state  or  nation,  or  in  medical  practice,  in  education,  in 
housing,  banking,  transportation,  public  franchises  or  other 
things  which  he  might  once  have  considered  none  of  his 
business  at  all. 

I  am  not  claiming  that  every  business  man  sees  this  clearly 
yet.  But  the  real  leaders  of  business  see  it,  and  those  who 
do  see  it  most  clearly  are  inevitably  becoming  business 

It  is  a  partial  consciousness  of  these  facts,  at  least,  which 
has  caused  what  is  known  as  the  "New  Competition"  and 
induced  so  many  businesses  in  America  to  quit  quarrelling 
with  each  other  and  make,  if  they  can,  a  concerted  effort  to 
get  their  share  of  the  consumer's  dollar.  The  trade  associa- 
tions, although  they  may  not  know  it,  are  really  organizing 
in  response  to  this  new  discovery.  Their  members  used  to 
compete  bitterly  with  each  other,  and  do  what  they  could  to 
destroy  each  other.  Now  they  have  discovered,  not  how  to 
let  each  other  alone,  but  how  to  cooperate,  how  to  pool 
their  knowledge,  how  to  instruct  and  help  each  other  so 
that  all  may  do  a  bigger  and  better  business  than  would 
otherwise  be  possible. 

This  coordination,  of  course,  must  go  still  further.  The 
New  Competition  must  give  way  to  a  still  newer  compe- 
tition, in  which  business  in  general  will  get  together  to  pro- 


tect  the  consumer's  dollar.  To  be  sure,  it  will  aim  to  take 
this  dollar,  and  to  take  it  as  rapidly  as  possible;  but  as  the 
nature  of  the  consumer's  dollar  becomes  understood,  this 
process  of  taking  away  his  dollar  will  be  seen  to  be  the 
process,  not  of  impoverishing,  but  of  enriching  him.  For 
money,  it  will  be  understood,  is  not  wealth.  It  is  but  a  sym- 
bol of  wealth.  Money  which  is  not  functioning  is,  at  best, 
a  symbol  of  wealth  which  is  not  being  used.  The  Dollar 
Going  Out,  however,  is  a  symbol  of  Wealth  Coming  In.  The 
purpose  of  business  is  to  get  wealth  to  people — to  produce 
and  to  distribute  to  all  humanity  the  things  which  human- 
ity, with  its  new-found  power,  can  now  be  organized  to  make 
only  if  it  can  be  organized  to  buy  and  use  them. 

And  how  will  this  affect  inefficiency  and  graft  in  govern- 
ment? The  plain  answer  is  that  business,  when  it  once  per- 
ceives the  true  nature  of  the  consumer's  dollar,  simply  can 
not  tolerate  any  such  thing.  Waste  in  government  destroys 
the  market  which  efficient  business  must  have.  The  count 
against  it  now  is  not  that  it  raises  taxes,  but  that  it  doesn't 
give  back  value  received,  and  the  consumer  upon  whom 
all  business  depends  is  rendered  unable  to  buy  the  things 
he  might  otherwise  buy. 

Such  graft  has  been  tolerated  in  the  past,  partly  because 
government  work  seemed  to  provide  jobs.  A  study  of  the 
consumer's  dollar,  however,  reveals  that  work  which  does 
not  produce  maximum  wealth  for  the  consumer,  causes 
rather  than  eliminates  unemployment;  for  it  prevents  the 
consumer  from  giving  a  full  dollar's  worth  of  employment 
for  every  dollar  which  he  spends.  If  government  work  were 
generally  as  efficient  as  so-called  private  industry,  real  busi- 
ness would  have  no  objection  to  the  consumer  paying  for  it. 
If  the  consumer  gets  value  received  for  his  money,  his  dollar 
is  not  destroyed.  It  is  non-buying — his  failure  to  use  his 
dollar  or  his  using  it  inefficiently — which  impairs  his  buy- 


ing  power.  The  business  man,  therefore,  need  not  worry 
about  money  being  spent  for  public  works,  providing  the 
works  in  question  consist  of  the  making  of  things  which  the 
public  really  wants  and  there  is  no  waste  effort  involved  in 
making  them. 

If  there  is  graft,  of  course,  there  is  waste,  for  graft  is  the 
taking  of  money  without  giving  its  equivalent  in  service. 
And  if  there  is  inefficiency,  there  is  waste,  for  that  involves 
the  payment  of  money  without  obtaining  maximum  results. 
The  greatest  waste  of  all,  however,  is  unemployment;  for 
with  graft  and  inefficiency  rampant,  some  minimum  of 
wealth  at  least  is  brought  into  existence,  whereas  unemploy- 
ment is  total  waste  in  that  it  produces  no  wealth  whatever. 

All  this  waste  comes  out  of  the  consumer's  dollar.  That  is 
perhaps  the  most  important  statement  in  this  book,  for  when 
that  truth  is  once  understood,  it  gives  the  business  man  a 
new  approach  to  all  his  problems.  Instead  of  thinking  of 
government  expenditures  in  terms  of  their  cost,  and  of  the 
necessary  taxes  involved,  he  must  now  think  of  them  clearly 
in  terms  of  their  returns — their  returns  to  the  consumer. 
What  will  such  an  outlay  do  to  his  dollar?  Particularly,  how 
will  it  affect  that  thirty-five  cents  with  which  most  of  his 
shopping  must  necessarily  be  done?  If  the  work  is  needed, 
if  there  is  man-power  available  to  carry  it  on,  and  if  it  can 
be  positively  assured  that  there  will  be  no  graft  or  inef- 
ficiency connected  with  the  process,  then  the  consumer's 
dollar  will  not  be  impaired.  In  fact,  if  there  is  man-power 
available  for  needed  work  and  the  work  is  not  carried  on, 
the  worst  sort  of  waste — unemployment — must  result,  and 
the  consumer's  dollar  will  fall  far  short  of  its  possibilities. 

But  can  business  men  be  positively  assured  that  there  will 
be  no  graft  and  that  there  will  be  efficient  management  in 
public  undertakings?  Yes — with  this  new  understanding  on 
their  part  of  what  these  things  actually  mean.  Heretofore, 


they  have  not  prevented  it  because  they  did  not  consider  it 
their  business.  When  they  went  into  politics,  as  a  rule,  they 
either  went  in  to  get  some  special  favors  or,  having  reached 
the  conclusion  that  special  privileges  were  morally  wrong, 
they  entered  in  a  spirit  of  public  devotion  (until  they  got 
tired  or  until  they  concluded  that  they  had  no  more  time 
to  spare)  upon  some  campaign  to  get  things  done  more 

If  their  own  executives  were  inefficient,  however,  or  if 
their  business  was  being  taken  away  from  them  by  their 
competitors,  they  gave  the  matter  first  and  constant  atten- 
tion. It  was  not  a  case  then  of  such  time  as  they  might  have 
to  spare.  It  was  a  case  of  prime  business  necessity — much  as 
political  honesty  and  efficiency  will  be  just  as  soon  as  it  is 
clearly  seen  how  dishonesty  and  inefficiency  affect  the  con- 
sumer's dollar. 

Heretofore,  now  and  then,  business  men  have  got  together 
and  called  for  a  "business  administration."  Sometimes  they 
elected  their  candidates.  More  often  they  failed.  In  either 
case,  there  was  no  business  administration,  for  no  one  had 
any  clear  idea  of  what  a  business  administration  would  be. 
The  purpose  of  business,  however,  is  now  becoming  clear. 
It  is  to  get  things  to  the  consumer — to  fill  as  many  of  his 
wants  as  possible  with  the  least  possible  strain  upon  his 
dollar.  That  understanding  will  not  only  result  in  business 
going  into  politics,  and  securing  a  genuine  business  adminis- 
tration, but — what  is  perhaps  more  important — securing  a 
business  administration  of  business  too. 

Heretofore,  as  an  illustration,  producers  have  been  con- 
tent to  be  producers;  and  if  they  found  difficulty  in  distrib- 
uting their  products,  about  the  most  they  have  thought  of 
doing  was  to  set  up  a  retailing  business  for  themselves.  The 
fact  that  the  average  article  of  merchandise  usually  sold  over 
the  average  retail  counter  at  three  or  four  and  sometimes 


eight  or  ten  times  the  cost  of  production  did  not  seem  to  be 
the  average  manufacturer's  business. 

Now  he  must  see,  however,  that  it  is  his  business.  It  is 
preposterous  that  it  shall  cost  three  or  four  times  as  much  to 
sell  a  product  as  it  costs  to  make  it;  and  even  if  a  producer 
brings  down  his  own  selling  costs,  he  has  not  by  any  means 
solved  the  problem,  so  long  as  the  bulk  of  our  merchandising 
is  done  in  this  grossly  inefficient  way.  For  such  inefficiency 
eats  up  the  consumer's  dollar  and  leaves  him  with  too  little 
money  available  to  buy  even  those  things  which  are  dis- 
tributed efficiently. 

It  must  soon  become  one  of  the  first  objectives  of  all  mod- 
ern business  to  eliminate  these  enormous  wastes  of  retailing. 
That  they  can  be  eliminated  no  modern  mind  will  doubt, 
after  the  experience  which  we  have  had  in  eliminating  the 
wastes  of  production;  but  they  can  not  be  eliminated  while 
confusion  still  reigns  as  to  what  the  real  purpose  of  business 
is.  While  that  confusion  exists,  it  will  be  possible  to  carry  on 
propaganda  against  the  chain  stores,  or  against  any  other  for- 
ward step  in  the  field  of  distribution,  on  the  ground  that 
they  deprive  somebody  of  his  right  to  employ  more  waste- 
ful methods.  When  the  real  meaning  of  the  consumer's 
dollar  becomes  clear,  however,  all  such  propaganda  will  be 
immediately  recognized  as  dangerously  wrong.  The  only 
right  one  has  in  business  rests  upon  his  ability  to  get  things 
to  people  at  a  lower  and  lower  cost,  coupled  with  his  ability 
so  to  distribute  buying  power  that  the  consumer's  dollar  will 
be  left  not  only  unimpaired  but  unthreatened. 

This  power  is  discovered  in  mass  production  and  mass 
distribution.  When  they  become  the  rule,  as  they  must, 
instead  of  the  exception,  consumers  will  not  only  be  able  to 
buy  the  things  they  want,  but  the  fear  that  their  buying 
power  may  be  one  day  interrupted  through  unemployment 
will  then  have  passed  away.  So  long  as  business  did  not  un- 


derstand  its  own  objective,  this  could  never  be;  and  even 
those  who  had  money  with  which  to  buy  were  justifiably 
afraid  to  spend  it,  and,  by  non-spending,  they  brought  on 
the  disaster  of  unemployment  which  they  feared.  With  busi- 
ness understanding  its  objectives,  however,  this  fear  will 
pass,  for  even  among  the  wildest  attacks  upon  business  men, 
they  have  never  been  accused  of  negligence  or  inattention  to 
what  they  understood  to  be  their  own  best  interests. 

I  am  not  speaking,  moreover,  of  any  far-off  time,  when 
business  men  shall  be  thoroughly  awakened  to  their  social 
responsibilities.  The  awakening  which  I  speak  of  is  already 
happening.  It  has  been  happening  since  1921,  and  the  signs 
of  the  awakening  are  now  abundant.  Never  before  did  great 
business  leaders,  thinking  strictly  in  terms  of  business  pros- 
perity, engage  in  agitation  to  keep  wages  up.  Never  before 
has  Big  Business  worried  over  the  plight  of  the  farmers;  and 
never  before  has  it  been  stated  in  so  many  business  gather- 
ings that  business,  for  business  reasons,  must  find  a  way  to 
abolish  unemployment. 

Not  all  business  men,  to  be  sure,  are  yet  awake.  Not  even 
a  majority.  But  it  is  the  successful  leaders  of  business,  not 
its  disgruntled  failures,  who  are  doing  their  utmost  to  arouse 
the  rank  and  file.  It  is  Henry  Ford,  for  instance,  not  some 
Senate  radical,  who  has  announced  the  abolition  of  poverty 
as  our  necessary  business  goal.  Many  financiers,  to  be  sure, 
object,  for  the  structure  of  our  financial  system  does  not 
readily  lend  itself  to  such  a  revolutionary  task.  Financial  sys- 
tems, however,  do  not  determine  the  course  of  business  evo- 
lution. They  follow  it.  Our  financial  system  is  what  it  is 
because,  with  the  coming  of  machine  industry,  business  had 
need  of  such  a  system;  and  it  will  be  something  very  differ- 
ent in  the  near  future  when  the  needs  of  mass  production  are 
once  clearly  understood. 

Wall  Street  is  not  yet  organized  to  conserve  the  consumer's 


dollar,  but  Wall  Street  must  become  so  organized,  or  the 
power  of  Wall  Street  will  pass  away.  Low-cost  production 
demands  low-cost  financing;  and  just  as  high-cost  production 
and  high-cost  distribution  have  already  proved  themselves 
unprofitable,  all  financial  practices  which  do  not  tend  to 
benefit  the  consumer  and  enable  his  dollar  to  go  farther 
and  ever  farther,  must  soon  prove  to  be  unprofitable. 

This  is  not  theorizing.  It  is  a  mathematical  certainty.  Mass 
production,  having  been  discovered,  can  not  be  abandoned. 
Human  society,  having  learned  how  to  supply  all  human 
needs  abundantly,  can  not  unlearn  the  method;  and  busi- 
ness, having  once  discovered  that  the  way  of  the  greatest 
total  profits  is  the  way  of  the  greatest  human  service,  is  con- 
stitutionally incapacitated  to  forget  it.  If  human  nature  were 
unselfish,  of  course,  this  might  not  be  true.  In  that  case,  busi- 
ness men  might  become  disinterested  in  their  own  welfare 
and  equally  disinterested  in  the  welfare  of  everybody  else. 
Fortunately,  however,  human  selfishness  is  dependable.  So 
long  as  people  suppose  that  they  can  serve  themselves  best 
through  neglecting  the  masses,  the  interests  of  the  masses 
will  be  almost  certainly  neglected.  It  just  happens,  however, 
that  mass  production — production  for  the  masses — is  far 
more  profitable;  and  mass  production  necessitates  mass  dis- 
tribution and  mass  finance.  The  consumer's  dollar  has  been 
discovered;  and  unless  that  dollar  is  defended  and  protected 
on  every  front,  nobody's  dollar  is  safe. 



TO  THE  average  conservative  banker  the  term  "mass 
credit"  seems  to  have  no  meaning.  He  may  think  of 
himself  as  a  credit  expert  too;  and  he  may  admit — for  he  can 
scarcely  deny  it — that  we  are  living  in  an  age  of  mass  pro- 
duction. He  may  even  see  that  mass  production  demands 
that  the  masses  shall  be  able  to  buy  more  things;  but  it  does 
not  occur  to  him,  apparently,  to  help  the  masses  to  do  any 
such  thing.  He  is  much  more  likely  to  act  his  traditional 
Ben  Franklin  role  and  advise  them  to  save,  as  their 
sturdy  forefathers  saved,  until  eventually  they  accumulate 
more  cash. 

But  where,  one  may  ask,  will  the  masses  get  this  cash? 

"From  their  wages,  of  course." 

But  where  will  they  get  wages? 

"From  their  employment,"  the  banker  must  answer,  for 
there  is  no  other  great  source  of  income  for  the  masses  of 
any  industrial  society. 

But  where  will  they  get  employment  if  the  factories  which 
have  been  employing  them  are  not  able  to  sell  their  products 
and  are  forced  to  discharge  their  employees? 

Now,  one  should  not  blame  the  average  banker  too  se- 
verely if  he  is  unable  to  answer  this  question,  any  more  than 
one  should  blame  a  veterinary  surgeon  if  he  is  unable  to  cure 
a  sick  automobile.  The  conservative  banker  simply  has  not 
studied  mass  credit.  It  has  not  been  any  part  of  his  training 
to  study  the  masses  at  all.  He  learned  his  banking  from 
another  age — an  age  in  which  it  was  absolutely  necessary,  if 
there  was  ever  to  be  a  machine  civilization,  that  the  people 
generally  should  consume  much  less  than  they  were  pro- 



ducing,  and  that  the  resulting  surplus  be  employed  in  the 
financing  of  more  production. 

This  social  function  of  banking,  to  be  sure,  may  not  have 
been  clear  either  to  bankers  or  depositors.  People  were  in- 
duced to  save,  and  to  put  their  money  in  the  bank,  so  that 
it  might  draw  interest  for  themselves;  and  bankers  loaned 
these  savings  to  business  men,  not  with  any  thought  of 
building  a  new  social  order,  but  because  new  machine 
methods  promised  dividends  for  the  capital  invested. 

The  bankers  were  the  trusted  administrators  of  the 
people's  savings,  and  it  was  their  business  to  see  that  these 
savings  were  adequately  secured.  But  what  constituted  ade- 
quate security?  That  was  a  question  which  was  naturally 
hard  to  answer,  considering  how  the  loans  were  being  used. 
They  were  being  used,  as  we  now  see,  to  erect  a  new  civili- 
zation; but  no  one  knew  this  at  the  time  and  it  was  quite  out 
of  the  question  to  offer  shares  in  the  new  civilization  as 
security  for  the  actual  loan  of  cold,  hard,  old-civilization 
cash.  So  the  bankers  answered  the  question  by  deciding  that 
proper  security  is  that  security  which  by  long  experience  has 
proved  to  be  safe. 

This  seemingly  fundamental  principle  of  conservative 
banking  contains  a  note  of  irony,  for  in  times  of  great  social 
change,  long  experience  is  the  very  thing  upon  which  we 
can  not  rely.  A  stagecoach  may  have  been  profitable  for  ever 
so  long,  but  its  profits  will  surely  cease  when  the  railroad  is 
put  through.  If  we  permit  ourselves  to  be  guided  by  long 
experience,  rather  than  by  actual  events,  we  might  lend 
money  to  the  railroad  and  accept  stagecoach  holdings  as 
security,  but  all  that  we  would  ever  get  out  of  such  a  trans- 
action would  be  more  experience. 

Many  have  blamed  the  recklessness  of  bankers  for  the 
financial  difficulties  of  recent  times,  and  undoubtedly  reck- 
less bankers  have  played  a  sad  and  disastrous  role.  But  it  is 


the  conservative  banker,  the  one  who  most  conscientiously 
follows  the  "best  traditions  of  banking,"  who  is  likely  to  fail 
most  conspicuously  in  his  attempts  to  solve  these  latter-day 
problems  of  finance.  In  1930  and  1931,  for  instance,  when 
Mr.  Ford  and  other  leading  industrialists  were  pointing  out 
the  necessity  of  maintaining  and  advancing  wages  so  that 
industry  would  not  perish  for  lack  of  buying,  many  of  our 
largest  and  in  many  ways  most  capable  bankers  were  de- 
claring that  wages  must  be  reduced.  To  the  layman  reading 
these  utterly  contradictory  pronouncements,  it  must  have 
seemed  that  one  group  or  the  other  must  be  fools.  But  such 
was  not  the  case.  The  bankers  were  quite  as  learned  and 
quite  as  logical  as  the  industrialists;  but  because  they  were 
conservative  bankers,  because  they  were  compelled  to  think 
in  terms  of  banking  experience  rather  than  in  terms  of 
present-day  industrial  events,  their  leadership  was  as  disas- 
trous as  the  leadership  of  demagogues.  Like  learned  and 
logical  veterinaries,  they  applied  their  liniments.  They  were 
the  best  liniments,  perhaps,  that  long  experience  with  horses 
had  yet  developed;  but  they  had  neglected  to  notice  that  the 
machine  age  had  arrived  and  that  a  motor  car  is  not  a  horse. 

The  traditions  of  banking  were  not  developed  in  the 
machine  civilization.  They  were  developed  in  the  days  when 
it  was  necessary  to  create  a  machine  civilization  out  of  an 
agricultural  civilization.  It  is  necessary  to  discard  those  tra- 
ditions now  only  because  the  machine  civilization  has  been 

There  is  nothing  mystifying  in  this  social  change  if  we 
trace  its  course  by  actual  events  instead  of  trying  to  argue 
about  it  in  loyalty  to  some  preconceived  conclusion.  In 
Russia  today,  for  instance,  the  standard  of  living  is  neces- 
sarily very  low.  This  is  not  due  to  misgovernment  nor  to 
communism,  nor  to  any  of  the  things  to  which  we  might 
wish  to  attribute  it,  but  to  the  fact  that  Russia  is  building  up 


a  machine  civilization  with  the  scanty  resources  of  an  agri- 
cultural civilization.  Readers  will  not  accuse  me,  I  trust,  of 
having  leanings  toward  communism.  I  believe  most  pro- 
foundly in  capitalism,  and  if  Russia  could  have  borrowed 
sufficient  capital  to  finance  this  tremendous  undertaking,  it 
would  not  be  necessary  for  her  masses  to  go  without  neces- 
sities, so  that  her  five-year  plan  and  her  ten-year  plan  might 
be  carried  out.  But  Russia  could  not  borrow.  If  she  were  to 
have  modern  mills  and  mines,  if  she  were  to  become 
equipped  to  produce  a  high  standard  of  living,  she  would 
have  to  raise  the  capital  from  her  own  people;  and  the  only 
way  that  the  Russian  people  could  raise  this  capital  was 
through  depriving  themselves,  or  through  being  deprived,  of 
almost  everything  excepting  the  absolute  necessities  of  life. 
If  these  plans  were  to  be  carried  out,  the  Russian  people 
must  sell  much  wheat  which  they  might  wish  to  consume, 
and  live  most  frugally  on  black  bread.  They  must  export 
huge  quantities  of  lumber  to  capitalist  countries,  because 
capitalist  countries  had  money  enough  to  buy  it,  although 
the  Russian  masses  were  putting  up  with  terrible  housing 
conditions  and  needed  this  lumber  far  more  desperately 
than  did  the  people  who  would  eventually  make  use  of  it. 
Russia,  in  fact,  had  to  sell  everything  which  she  could  pos- 
sibly do  without,  and  for  which  she  could  possibly  find  a 
market,  and  then  buy  in  return,  not  things  which  her  desti- 
tute masses  might  eagerly  wish  to  consume,  but  machinery 
and  factories  and  technical  assistance,  by  means  of  which, 
eventually,  the  Russian  masses  might  produce  comforts  and 
luxuries  for  themselves.  If  the  Russian  industrial  program 
should  succeed,  however,  the  deprivation  which  caused  it  to 
succeed  must  stop.  Machinery  is  not  an  end.  It  is  a  means 
to  an  end.  The  end  is  the  satisfaction  of  human  wants. 

Machine  industry  in  America  arrived  by  a  somewhat  dif- 
ferent route;  but  it  arrived,  nevertheless,  through  the  depri- 


vation  of  the  masses,  and  through  their  learning  to  live  fru- 
gally while  they  were  building  up  great  industrial  enter- 
prises. To  be  sure,  there  was  no  five-year  plan  or  ten-year 
plan  or  fifty-year  plan.  Each  individual,  in  fact,  was  expected 
to  do  his  own  planning,  but  the  exigencies  of  economic  law 
could  not  be  escaped.  We  could  not  have  factories  unless  we 
could  raise  the  capital,  and  we  raised  the  necessary  capital 
through  putting  our  money  in  the  banks.  The  banks  then 
loaned  it  to  business  men,  who  used  it  to  buy  machinery  and 
to  pay  wages,  in  enterprises  designed  to  give  some  sort  of 
human  service — perhaps  to  produce  some  necessity  of  life  by 
more  efficient  methods  than  it  had  ever  been  produced 
before,  and  for  which,  therefore,  a  ready  market  could  be 
found,  perhaps  to  produce  some  comforts  and  luxuries  which 
people  had  never  been  able  to  enjoy  before.  Quite  as  likely 
the  money  would  be  used,  not  to  produce  anything  for  direct 
consumption  by  individuals,  but  to  produce  something 
needed  by  other  business  enterprises  in  the  equipment  of 
other  factories  and  a  still  further  development  of  the 
machine  civilization. 

Eventually,  by  this  process,  America  made  the  grade  from 
an  agricultural  to  an  industrial  society.  Farming  went  on, 
of  course,  but  farmers  no  longer  got  their  whole  living 
directly  from  the  farms  which  they  tilled,  but  more  and  more 
through  raising  things  to  sell  to  the  industrial  population, 
and  using  the  money  to  buy  things  which  industry  had  dis- 
covered such  efficient  methods  of  producing  that  it  was  no 
longer  practical  to  try  to  make  them  on  the  farm.  Larger  and 
larger  industrial  units  were  developed,  employing  greater 
and  greater  sums  of  capital.  Every  improvement,  every  new 
invention  had  to  be  capitalized.  Wages,  for  instance,  had  to 
be  paid,  and  business  enterprises  had  to  raise  the  wherewithal 
to  pay  them  long  before  they  could  make  any  profits  for 
themselves.  Obviously,  if  people  generally  spent  their  money 


as  fast  as  they  got  it— if  they  used  it  all  up  in  riotous  living 
instead  of  putting  some  part  of  it  in  the  bank— there  would 
not  be  any  surplus  money  available  for  the  financing  of 
further  enterprises.  Bankers,  then,  were  eminently  sensible 
when  they  advocated  thrift. 

But  presently  one  of  the  strangest  events  of  human  his- 
tory happened.  It  was  so  strange,  so  out  of  line  with  anything 
that  people  had  ever  dreamed  of,  that  few,  if  any,  were  able 
to  look  the  fact  in  the  face.  By  this  financing  of  production 
and  by  the  discovery  and  application  of  more  and  more 
efficient  methods  which  it  made  possible,  industry  was  even- 
tually perfected  to  a  point  which  made  it  absolutely  neces- 
sary for  the  masses  to  spend  their  money  freely  and  to  un- 
learn their  previous  habits  of  thrift.  Saving  was  as  necessary 
as  ever;  but  a  new  way  of  saving  had  now  been  developed, 
and  it  was  such  an  efficient  way  of  saving  that  the  old  way 
was  no  longer  practical.  The  new  way,  in  fact,  demanded 
that  the  old  way  be  abandoned. 

The  great  business  need  now  was  to  keep  the  machine 
going,  and  it  could  be  kept  going  only  if  its  products  were 
sold.  They  could  be  sold,  however,  only  if  they  were  bought, 
and  the  machine  was  so  productive  that  it  was  necessary 
for  the  masses  generally  to  buy  and  buy  abundantly.  The 
masses  were  willing.  There  was  not  the  slightest  doubt  of 
that.  All  they  lacked  was  buying  power.  They  had,  to  be 
sure,  more  cash  coming  in  than  the  masses  of  any  civiliza- 
tion had  ever  had  before.  But  they  did  not  have  enough. 
They  were  in  the  same  fix  now  that  would-be  producers  were 
in  a  generation  and  two  generations  before.  They  needed 
credit.  It  was,  although  the  bankers  did  not  know  it,  the 
greatest  credit  crisis  of  the  times. 

If  the  capitalists  of  America  had  only  understood  capi- 
talism, they  might  have  met  this  new  emergency  by  an  ade- 
quate financing  of  consumption  until  wages  could  be  raised 


and  employment  stabilized  in  harmony  with  the  increased 
productivity  of  the  industrial  mechanism.  But  these  capital- 
ists had  not  studied  capitalism.  They  had  studied  only  its 
first  stages.  At  a  time  when  more  buying  was  the  need  of  the 
hour,  they  were  still  calling  upon  the  masses  to  refrain  from 
buying  goods,  and  to  invest  their  savings  in  still  more  pro- 
duction; and  when  industries  languished  for  want  of  cus- 
tomers, they  advised  reducing  wages,  a  process  which  must 
result  in  a  further  falling  off  of  sales. 

Fortunately,  there  were  other  influences  at  work.  Adver- 
tising, for  instance,  had  become  a  fine  art,  and  even  business 
men  who  advised  thrift  as  a  general  principle  did  their  best 
to  lure  the  public  away  from  all  such  ideals.  Mass  produc- 
tion, also,  had  increased  wages  and  added  billions  of  dollars 
to  the  nation's  buying  power;  and  billions  of  dollars  of  credit 
was  extended  to  consumers -by  an  astonishing  extension  of 
the  installment  system. 

From  the  average  conservative  banker's  point  of  view,  this 
installment  system  was  quite  unsound.  It  must  result,  they 
said,  in  millions  of  workers  spending  more  than  their  total 
income  and  thus  "mortgaging  their  future."  This  was  inter- 
esting; for  the  banks  were  dealing  largely  with  business  men 
who  were  planning  to  build  factories,  buy  machinery  and 
hire  workers,  although  they  did  not  at  the  time  have  a  suf- 
ficient income  to  enable  them  to  do  so,  but  who  did  so,  with 
the  bank's  most  hearty  cooperation,  by  the  simple  process 
of  mortgaging  the  future  of  these  contemplated  enterprises. 

The  installment  system,  makeshift  though  it  may  have 
been,  proved  to  be  very  profitable.  It  resulted  in  the  sale  of 
billions  of  dollars'  worth  of  goods  annually,  which  could  not 
otherwise  have  been  sold,  and  in  several  years,  at  least,  of 
prosperity  which  America  could  not  otherwise  have  had. 
Millions  of  workers  undoubtedly  purchased  millions  of 
things  which  they  could  not  afford  to  purchase,  judging  the 


transactions  by  all  the  former  standards  of  thrift;  but  be- 
cause these  millions  did  buy  these  things,  millions  were  kept 
employed  in  making  them.  These  installment  purchases  not 
only  provided  them  with  things  which  they  wanted,  but  pro- 
vided them  with  employment  and  with  the  means  to  pay 
for  these  and  many  other  things. 

This  lesson,  however,  seems  to  have  been  lost  upon  the 
average  conservative  financier.  At  any  rate,  there  was  no 
systematic  effort  to  extend  credit  to  the  masses.  There  was  a 
tremendous  effort,  in  fact,  to  induce  the  masses  to  buy  less 
goods  and  to  invest  their  savings  in  stocks.  The  effort  suc- 
ceeded; and  the  prosperity  which  had  been  produced  so 
largely  because  millions  of  people  had  been  buying  things 
which  they  seemingly  could  not  afford  to  buy  was  destroyed 
very  largely  because  millions  of  people  now  bought  secur- 
ities which  it  seemed  that  they  could  afford  to  buy. 

This  may  seem  mysterious,  but  it  is  not.  We  must  remem- 
ber that  the  average  traditionally  minded  financier  had  not 
studied  capitalism  as  a  process,  but  had  familiarized  himself, 
rather,  with  one  particular  phase  of  the  process — the  phase 
in  which  the  direct  financing  of  production  was  most  vitally 
necessary.  When  he  urged  the  masses  to  be  thrifty  and  to  live 
within  their  incomes,  it  was  with  no  suggestion  that  they 
should  spend  their  lives  in  poverty.  It  was  with  the  idea, 
rather,  that  they  should  better  themselves  by  investing  their 
savings  and  drawing  either  interest  or  dividends,  instead  of 
having  to  depend  forever  upon  the  wages  which  they  might 
receive  from  week  to  week.  Many  of  these  financiers  had 
once  been  wage-workers  themselves;  and  working  for  wages, 
they  knew  by  experience,  did  not  bring  in  much  money. 
That  the  time  would  ever  come  when  business  could  no 
longer  prosper  unless  wage-workers  did  have  lots  of  money 
seems  never  to  have  occurred  to  them.  But  such  a  time  had 
to  come  and  it  came.  It  was  necessary  now,  not  only  that 


wage-workers  have  lots  of  money  but  that  they  should  spend 
it  directly  for  things  which  they  wanted  to  use  and  enjoy, 
instead  of  investing  it  in  enterprise  for  the  making  of  things. 

Electric  refrigeration,  for  instance,  had  proven  to  be  a 
profitable  business.  The  pioneers  in  this  field  had  become 
successful  and  were  enlarging  their  plants,  and  many  new 
concerns,  egged  on  by  bankers,  had  entered  the  field. 
Practically  all  the  wealthy  people  of  America  had  already 
equipped  their  houses  with  modern  refrigeration,  and  people 
of  more  limited  means  were  doing  the  same.  If  all  these  new 
companies  were  to  succeed,  however,  or  if  the  business  was 
to  justify  the  investment  of  such  an  amount  of  capital  as  was 
now  being  proposed,  the  masses  must  begin  to  install  mod- 
ern refrigeration;  and  if  the  masses  were  to  buy  these  new 
refrigerators,  they  simply  could  not  buy  shares  in  all  these 
promising  new  companies.  - 

The  stock  market,  remember,  was  booming.  It  was  break- 
ing all  records.  Fortunes  were  being  made,  apparently,  in  a 
day.  Everybody  might  not  be  speculating,  but  nearly  every- 
body was  acquainted  with  somebody  who  was  getting  rich 
quickly,  without  having  to  work.  Consider  the  case,  then,  of 
the  family  with  two  hundred  dollars  and  a  dilapidated  ice- 
box, contemplating  the  purchase  of  an  electric  refrigerator. 
Consider  several  million  such  cases. 

They  are  wage-working  families.  They  would  much  pre- 
fer to  be  capitalist  families.  But  they  are  sensible,  sane  folks, 
and  they  know  that  they  are  dependent  for  their  very  living 
upon  their  jobs.  They  wouldn't  think  of  quitting  work  and 
becoming  gamblers;  but  this  two  hundred  dollars  is  theirs — 
is  it  not? — and  even  if  they  should  lose  it,  it  will  not  be 
long,  they  think,  before  they  can  save  another  two  hundred 
dollars  and  buy  that  refrigerator.  But  they  do  not  intend  to 
lose  it.  They  will  be  very  careful  as  to  what  stocks  they  buy. 
They  will  get  the  advice  of  a  good  banker.  Of  course,  he 


will  not  advise  them  to  buy  on  margin.  But,  if  he  runs  true 
to  form,  he  will  advise  them  to  invest  the  two  hundred 
dollars,  instead  of  spending  it  for  some  luxury  like  electric 
refrigeration,  when  two  hundred  dollars  is  all  that  they  have. 
And  so,  instead  of  buying  something  which  they  might  use 
and  enjoy,  they  become  two  hundred  dollar  capitalists.  They 
still  have  their  dilapidated  ice-box,  say,  but  they  own  a  two 
hundred  dollar  interest  in  some  electric  refrigeration  com- 

Now,  if  there  were  only  one  such  family,  this  might  be  a 
farsighted  thing  to  do.  But  there  were  several  million;  and 
when  the  millions  bought  stocks  instead  of  buying  goods, 
two  things  had  to  happen.  First,  stocks  went  up.  With  such 
a  great  new  demand  for  them,  they  soared  as  they  had  never 
soared  before.  And  since  the  time  to  buy  stocks,  apparently, 
is  when  they  are  going  up,  more  and  more  people  bought 
stocks  and  stocks  continued  to  rise.  Of  course  they  bought  on 
margin,  whatever  advice  to  the  contrary  they  might  have 
received.  When  people  can  get  rich  in  a  week,  why  wait 

The  second  inevitable  result  was  that  plants  manufactur- 
ing electric  refrigerators  and  other  things  had  plenty  of  cap- 
ital for  expansion.  They  expanded,  but  the  sales  of  electric 
refrigerators  and  other  things  did  not  expand  in  proportion. 
In  many  cases  they  shrunk,  for  too  many  millions  of  people 
had  decided  to  deprive  themselves  temporarily  of  things 
which  they  wanted,  so  that  they  might  have  money  enough 
eventually  to  buy  everything  imaginable. 

And  when  sales  shrunk,  profits  shrunk,  and  employees  had 
to  be  laid  off.  And  when  employees  were  laid  off,  they  had 
to  quit  buying,  not  merely  things  which  they  had  been  plan- 
ning to  buy  but  the  things  which  they  had  been  in  the  habit 
of  buying  regularly.  The  result  of  that,  inevitably,  was  that 
the  manufacturers  of  these  things  had  to  lay  off  employees. 


There  was  widespread  unemployment  even  before  the  crash 
of  the  stock  market.  With  the  crash,  and  with  the  realization 
that  business,  after  all,  can  not  sell  more  than  the  people 
buy,  there  was  such  a  retrenchment  that  unemployment 
became  acute.  I  am  not  contending,  of  course,  that  this  was 
the  only  cause  of  the  business  depression  of  1929.  But  it  is 
obvious  that  mass  production  demands  mass  buying  of  goods; 
and  that  if  the  masses  of  wage-earners  gamble  in  stocks 
instead  of  buying  the  things  which  they  want,  they  gamble 
not  merely  with  their  savings  but  with  their  jobs.  It  is  a 
game,  moreover,  in  which  they  are  certain  to  lose. 

Now  it  doesn't  follow  that  saving  isn't  wise.  It  is  not  only 
wise  but  necessary.  But  when  we  once  see  the  whole  business 
process,  instead  of  becoming  absorbed  in  some  temporary 
aspect  of  it,  we  must  see  that  there  are  times  when  the  best 
way  to  save  money  is  to  spend  it;  and  that  capitalizing  pro- 
duction when  we  should  be  capitalizing  consumption  not 
only  deprives  us  of  comforts  and  luxuries  but  upsets  the 
whole  social  order  and  defeats  the  whole  purpose  of  saving. 

I  have  already  shown  how  mass  production,  for  business 
reasons,  insists  upon  enlarging  the  masses'  buying  power, 
through  making  wages  higher  and  higher  and  prices  lower 
and  lower.  But  this  is  not  enough,  at  least  not  until  mass 
production  becomes  general.  Wage  scales,  for  instance,  can 
not  be  revised  daily;  and  while  it  is  necessary  to  raise  wages 
as  higher  productivity  is  achieved,  it  is  hardly  to  be  expected 
that  employers  will  always  maintain  the  proper  balance.  It  is 
absurd  to  talk  of  limiting  production  to  the  existing  state  of 
the  market,  as  so  many  financiers  are  constantly  suggesting; 
for  even  those  employers  who  intend  to  do  so  can  not  keep 
from  discovering  better  methods  which  inevitably  increase 
production,  and  from  applying  these  methods  when  they  are 
found.  This  thing,  therefore,  which  is  called  overproduction 
is  natural  and  inescapable.  Production  can  not  be  halted  so 


that  buying  may  catch  up,  first,  because  modern  production 
is  based  upon  fact-finding  and  fact-finding  can  not  be  halted; 
and,  secondly,  because,  when  production  slows  down,  there 
is  less  employment,  and  buying  necessarily  slows  down. 

While  it  is  human  nature,  however,  for  the  business  man 
to  increase  production,  raising  wages  does  not  come  quite  so 
natural  to  him.  Here,  then,  is  the  great  need  for  financial 
leadership  and  guidance — not  a  new  financial  system,  but  a 
perfection  of  financial  practice  so  that  it  will  meet  the  needs 
of  the  times.  Modern  merchants,  with  nation-wide  organi- 
zations, can  not  trust  all  customers  individually  after  the 
manner  of  the  old-fashioned  country  store.  But  just  as  it  was 
once  necessary  for  the  old-fashioned  storekeeper  to  extend 
credit  to  the  sick  and  unfortunate,  and  to  tide  them  over  to 
better  times  when  they  might  be  able  to  pay  their  bills,  it 
has  now  become  necessary  for  an  organized,  nation-wide 
financial  system  to  see  to  it  that  some  temporary  industrial 
dislocation  does  not  result  in  such  a  lessening  of  buying  that 
the  whole  industrial  system  is  eventually  upset. 

It  will  be  asked,  of  course,  upon  what  security  could 
consumer  credit  be  issued  upon  a  large  enough  scale  to  do 
any  good.  The  answer  is:  the  best  security  in  the  world — the 
security  of  orderly  business  progress.  In  the  early  days  of 
capitalism,  manufacturers  had  great  difficulty  in  obtaining 
capital;  for  by  long  experience,  money  could  be  safely  lent 
in  large  amounts  only  when  secured  by  large  holdings  of 
land.  But  that  was  because  machine  industry  was  new.  Even- 
tually it  was  recognized  that  a  good  industrial  idea  in  the 
hands  of  good  industrial  executives  justified  the  lending  of 
funds  which  were  almost  beyond  the  imagination  of  the 
ancient  financiers. 

The  time  has  now  come  when  business  progress,  and  even 
business  safety,  depend  principally  upon  the  orderly  main- 
tenance of  a  high  and  ever  higher  standard  of  living,  that 


is,  upon  adequate  buying  by  the  masses;  and  these  times 
demand  credit  for  the  masses  as  surely  as  the  times  ever 
demanded  adequate  credit  for  business  enterprise.  And  as 
the  times  are  making  these  new  demands,  signs  are  not  want- 
ing that  the  masses  are  entitled  to  be  trusted.  The  entirely 
unexpected  success  of  installment  buying  is  just  one  illustra- 
tion. Born  of  the  desperate  necessity  of  business  to  sell  more 
things,  even  though  it  was  supposed  to  be  unwise  for  the 
buyers  to  buy  them,  the  buyers  in  the  main  met  their  in- 
stallments, and  the  credit  extended  to  them  was  not  abused. 
They  were  able  to  do  this,  however,  only  because  the  credit 
was  extended.  It  was  this  which  permitted  them,  not  only  to 
buy  what  they  wanted,  but  to  keep  industry  going  and  thus 
to  keep  themselves  employed. 

Perhaps  an  even  better  illustration  is  the  almost  phenom- 
enal rise  of  the  credit  unions  in  America,  and  their  phe- 
nomenal stability  at  the  time  of  the  great  financial  crash 
when  so  many  great  banks  succumbed.  These  credit  unions 
were  motivated  at  first  mainly  by  the  desire  of  workers  to 
rid  themselves  of  the  necessity  of  going  to  loan  sharks,  when 
sickness,  unemployment  or  other  emergencies  made  it  neces- 
sary for  them  to  negotiate  small  loans.  Each  member  of  each 
union  paid  dues,  often  not  more  then  twenty-five  cents  a 
week,  and  thus  contributed  to  a  fund  which  the  organiza- 
tion loaned,  apparently  without  security,  to  members  who 
needed  loans.  The  loans,  however,  were  secured.  They  were 
secured  by  the  character  of  the  average  workers  of  America  in 
the  industries  or  other  social  groups  in  which  the  unions 
were  organized,  and  by  the  character  of  the  American  indus- 
trial civilization.  That  civilization  has  a  job  for  everybody 
if  too  many  people  do  not  go  without  the  things  they  need. 
Heretofore,  however,  we  have  seen  this  truth  only  in  a  one- 
sided way.  We  have  noticed  that  people  could  not  supply 
their  wants  because  they  were  unemployed.  We  neglected  to 


notice  that  they  were  unemployed  because  they  were  not 
supplying  their  wants.  Those  were  the  days  in  which  our 
financial  thinking  began,  and  usually  ended,  with  the  pro- 
ducer. Now  we  have  discovered  the  consumer.  When  that 
discovery  gets  into  the  thinking  of  our  financiers,  credit  for 
the  masses  will  become  a  fact.  Financiers  then  will  no  longer 
suggest  that  production  be  limited  to  consumption  but  will 
see  production  wholly  in  terms  of  supplying  human  needs. 
And  they  will  no  longer  suggest  that  wages  be  lowered;  they 
will  withhold  credit,  rather,  from  employers  who  either  from 
failure  to  understand  what  wages  are,  or  through  failure  to 
adopt  methods  which  would  enable  them  to  pay  high  wages, 
persist  in  keeping  wages  dangerously  low. 



EPIDEMICS  of  unemployment  are  due  to  bad  thinking, 
particularly  upon  the  part  of  business  men,  and  are 
as  preventable  as  yellow  fever  and  smallpox.  Unemployment 
can  be  conquered;  but  it  can  be  conquered  only  in  the  way 
that  these  plagues  were  conquered — by  breaking  from  tra- 
ditional notions,  or  superstitions,  and  finding  out  exactly 
what  the  trouble  is. 

There  is  the  notion,  for  instance,  that  employment  comes 
from  employers.  It  is  on  a  par  with  the  notion  that  milk 
comes  from  milkmen,  or  that  water  comes  from  faucets  and 
money  comes  from  banks. 

These  notions  are  all  true,  but  inadequate.  It  is  similarly 
true,  but  similarly  inadequate,  to  declare  that  yellow  fever 
happened  because  of  our  failure  to  observe  God's  law.  We 
assumed  that  we  knew  the  law  and  tried  to  exterminate 
witches.  When  we  found  out  what  the  law  actually  was,  we 
went  to  exterminating  mosquitoes  and  solved  the  problem. 

Employers,  like  faucets  and  banks  and  milkmen,  are  im- 
portant factors  in  this  machine  civilization.  We  couldn't  get 
along  without  them,  and  it  is  to  everybody's  interest  that 
they  shall  do  effectively  whatever  they  are  designed  to  do. 
But  employers  do  not  originate  employment.  Employment  is 
originated  by  human  wants.  It  is  only  because  people  want 
things  that  employers  can  organize  employment;  and  only  if 
people  buy  things,  can  this  organized  employment  be  con- 

Equally  confusing  is  the  supposition  that  what  the  unem- 
ployed want  is  work.  The  unemployed,  if  we  would  only 
stop  to  think  of  it,  are  people.  They  are  human  beings,  and 



what  they  want  is  what  we  human  beings  want.  If  we  can 
get  that  through  working,  well  and  good;  and  if  we  can  get 
it  in  sufficient  measure  without  too  much  distasteful  drudg- 
ery, we  may  be  willing  and  even  eager  to  work,  and  many 
of  us  may  find  our  work  a  joy.  But  we  do  not  want  work 
for  work's  sake.  What  we  want  is  results. 

Every  little  while,  in  the  midst  of  every  unemployment 
crisis,  some  disillusioned  soul  arises  to  state  that  people  are 
unemployed  because  they  do  not  want  to  work.  Said  disil- 
lusioned soul  has  experimented,  and  he  knows.  He  has  hired 
some  one  from  the  bread  line,  perhaps,  out  of  the  goodness 
of  his  heart,  for  half  the  wages  which  the  unemployed  one 
had  been  accustomed  to  getting,  and  has  expected  him  to  be 
on  duty  ten  or  twelve  hours  a  day.  The  recipient  of  this 
bounty,  however,  is  not  a  bit  thankful.  He  does  what  he  does 
grudgingly,  and  often  leaves  undone  almost  everything 
which  he  possibly  can.  The  chances  are,  in  fact,  that  this 
employee  is  almost  as  mistaken  as  his  employer.  But  not 
quite;  for  he  knew  all  the  time  that  work  for  work's  sake 
was  not  exactly  what  he  wanted,  while  his  employer  is  just 
finding  it  out. 

There  are  workers,  no  doubt,  who  do  work  simply  from 
force  of  habit  and,  in  the  eyes  of  some,  are  therefore  ac- 
counted industrious.  But  these  should  be  numbered  among 
the  wrecks,  instead  of  among  the  successes,  of  our  industrial 
system.  They  remind  one  of  the  mine  mule  which,  after 
twenty  years  of  service  on  a  windlass  underground,  was 
humanely  turned  out  to  pasture  to  enjoy  a  "well-earned 
rest,"  and  to  do  whatever  it  is  a  mule  wants  to  do.  But  this 
mule  was  so  inured  to  discipline  that  he  had  forgotten  what 
a  mule  wants  to  do.  He  had  forgotten  how  to  rest.  Every 
morning  at  seven,  instead,  he  faithfully  took  his  position 
beside  an  old  stump  in  the  pasture  and  industriously 
wobbled  in  painful  circles  about  that  stump,  until  the 


whistle  blew  at  night.  Doubtless  many  human  imaginations 
have  similarly  been  wrecked  by  toil.  We  should  be  glad, 
however,  instead  of  being  shocked,  to  find  that  their  num- 
ber is  very  small. 

The  superstition  that  labor  is  a  virtue  and  leisure  a  vice 
hangs  heavy  over  our  thinking  today.  "Satan,"  we  are  told, 
"finds  work  for  idle  hands  to  do."  Even  child  labor  is  de- 
fended on  the  ground  that  it  keeps  children  out  of  mischief; 
and  many  heavy-minded  moralists  view  the  approaching  six- 
hour  day  and  the  five-day  week  with  alarm.  Business  men 
themselves  are  likely  to  add  to  this  confusion  by  emphasizing 
the  unwillingness  of  the  unemployed  to  accept  jobs  upon 
any  terms,  as  to  wages  and  hours,  which  shortsighted  em- 
ployers would  like  to  force  upon  them. 

The  workers  themselves,  „  perhaps,  are  not  more  enlight- 
ened; but  being  human  beings,  fortunately,  they  prefer 
leisure  to  toil,  and  they  would  rather  have  wages  so  high  that 
they  will  not  be  forced  to  work  incessantly  for  a  mere  living. 
The  human  nature  of  the  workers,  therefore,  tends  to  pro- 
tect even  these  shortsighted  employers  from  their  own  short- 
sightedness; for  if  workers  would  work  for  next  to  nothing, 
they  would  certainly  be  able  to  buy  next  to  nothing;  and 
their  employers,  being  able  to  sell  next  to  nothing,  would 
very  soon  cease  to  be  employers. 

If  this  were  only  understood,  there  would  be  no  unem- 
ployment problem.  It  could  not  be  understood,  however, 
until  the  advent  of  mass  production.  It  was  known,  of  course, 
that  good  business  depended  upon  a  good  market;  but  the 
market  was  supposed  to  be  an  arbitrary  force  altogether 
beyond  human  control. 

It  remained  for  mass  production  to  discover  that  the  mar- 
ket was  composed  of  people  for  whom  it  could  do  some- 
thing. Mass  production,  in  fact,  could  make  markets,  while 
the  most  that  the  old  form  of  production  could  hope  to  do 


was  to  find  them.  Markets  could  be  made  in  two  ways.  First, 
by  putting  as  low  a  price  as  possible  upon  everything  pro- 
duced, and  then  by  giving  as  high  wages  as  possible  to  every- 
body employed. 

In  doing  this,  mass  production  not  only  made  markets  for 
itself  but  markets  for  other  organizations  which  did  not 
know  enough  to  set  low  prices  on  their  products.  People  who 
bought  mass  production  products  had  more  money  left  with 
which  to  buy  things  which  were  not  made  by  mass  pro- 
duction, and  the  proprietors  of  these  latter  establishments 
reasoned  for  a  while  that  it  wasn't  necessary  for  them  to  go 
into  mass  production  too;  or  at  least  that  it  would  not  be 
necessary  for  them  to  charge  low  prices. 

But  only  for  a  while.  As  the  successes  of  mass  production 
were  demonstrated,  the  concerns,  which  did  not  go  in  under- 
standingly  for  mass  production  methods,  began  to  fall  be- 
hind. Sometimes  they  made  the  mistake  of  simply  adopting 
large-scale  production,  without  making  prices  lower  or  with- 
out introducing  the  economies  which  would  enable  them  to 
make  prices  lower.  Sometimes  great  mergers  were  formed, 
not  for  the  purpose  of  building  up  a  larger  market  through 
giving  better  values  for  less  money,  but  to  take  advantage 
of  the  larger  markets  which  had  been  built  up  by  mass 

So  unemployment  returned,  and  those  who  had  not  fol- 
lowed mass  production  understandingly  began  once  more  to 
advance  the  ancient  reasons  for  it.  Some  of  them  said  that 
the  standard  of  living  had  been  too  high,  and  that  the  masses 
should  now  be  reconciled  to  living  more  simply.  In  other 
words,  they  proposed  to  cure  unemployment  through  buying 
fewer  things  which  people  are  employed  to  make. 

The  people,  by  this  logic,  might  give  up  riding  in  auto- 
mobiles, throwing  some  four  million  workers  out  of  work 
in  America  alone;  and  the  four  million,  then  without  wages, 


must  necessarily  give  up  buying  most  of  the  things  which 
they  had  customarily  been  buying,  and  throw  more  millions 
out  of  work.  Nevertheless,  such  a  proposal  would  be  per- 
fectly logical  if  what  people  want  is  toil. 

Eventually,  by  such  a  process,  practically  all  the  factories 
and  business  organizations  must  close  down;  but  instead  of 
being  really  out  of  work,  everyone  would  suddenly  find 
himself  compelled  to  work  harder  than  ever.  All  that  we 
would  be  out  of  would  be  results.  For  we  should  all  be  look- 
ing desperately  for  food:  and  since  we  could  no  longer  look 
to  business  organizations  to  supply  our  wants,  we  should  be 
forced  to  get  our  food  and  other  necessities  in  one  of  two 
ways:  either  by  taking  them  forcibly  from  others  or  by  squat- 
ting on  the  land,  as  our  ancestors  did,  and  feeding  and 
clothing  ourselves  as  best  we  could.  Either  course  would 
provide  plenty  of  work  for  all  concerned,  but  the  results 
would  be  anything  but  satisfactory. 

Others — supposedly  leading  business  men  among  them — 
advanced  the  same  idea  in  rather  different  words.  They  said 
that  the  trouble  was  "overproduction,"  and  that  business 
must  now  unite  upon  some  plan  to  limit  production  to  the 
market  demands.  In  other  words,  the  people,  because  of  un- 
employment, are  buying  less  than  before;  therefore  we 
should  increase  unemployment  so  that  they  must  buy  even 
less  than  now.  Only  some  fundamental  superstition  can 
account  for  such  a  proposal  as  that. 

Perhaps  the  commonest  cry  of  the  traditional  thinkers  was 
that  mass  production,  through  making  it  possible  for  one 
man  to  do  as  much  work  as  ten,  perhaps,  had  customarily 
been  doing,  was  forcing  the  masses  out  of  work.  Once  again, 
they  imagined  that  what  the  masses  wanted  was  work  for 
work's  sake,  and  they  proposed  to  keep  the  masses  working 
by  arranging  things  so  that  the  labor  of  each  worker  would 
be  less  effective. 


Even  well-intentioned,  humanitarian  employers  sometimes 
succumbed  to  this  kind  of  thinking.  To  keep  their  whole 
force  employed,  they  said,  was  now  their  object;  and  conse- 
quently they  often  postponed  the  introduction  of  better 
methods  in  their  factories  which  they  thought  must  result 
in  the  laying  off  of  men.  By  failure  to  adopt  these  better 
methods,  of  course,  they  were  unable  to  make  their  prices 
as  low  as  they  might  have  made  them.  Fewer  people,  there- 
fore, were  able  to  buy  their  products,  and  those  who  did  buy 
them  had  less  money  left  than  they  would  otherwise  have 
had  with  which  to  purchase  other  things  and  thus  give  em- 
ployment to  workers  in  other  industries.  The  result  was  that 
the  humanitarian  employer  had  to  lay  off  men  eventually; 
whereas,  if  he  had  introduced  the  better  methods,  he  would 
not  only  have  built  up  his  own  business  but  would  have 
built  up  business  and  employment  generally. 

Two  other  proposals  for  the  solution  of  the  unemploy- 
ment problem  are  the  result  of  somewhat  better  reasoning; 
but  the  reasoning  is  still  so  often  tinged  with  superstition 
that  the  proposals,  if  enacted,  might  easily  result  in  bitter 
disappointment.  One  is  unemployment  insurance.  The  other 
is  the  shortening  of  the  workday  for  the  purpose  of  dividing 
such  jobs  as  there  are  among  those  who  are  looking  for  work. 
Before  I  discuss  them,  I  think  I  should  confess  to  two  per- 
sonal prejudices. 

As  a  business  man,  I  have  seen  such  good  results  flowing 
from  the  shortening  of  the  workday,  that  it  was  fairly  easy 
for  me  to  become  prejudiced  in  its  favor;  and  as  a  student 
of  European  conditions,  I  have  seen  such  disastrous  results 
flowing  from  the  so-called  "dole"  to  the  unemployed,  that  I 
developed  a  pronounced  prejudice  against  the  whole  idea  of 
the  political  government  undertaking  unemployment  insur- 
ance. But  prejudice  is  not  fact-finding;  and  the  prejudices  of 


a  person  who  believes  in  fact-finding  are  no  safer  guides  than 
are  any  other  prejudices. 

I  have  been  compelled  to  admit,  then,  after  substituting 
research  for  opinion,  that  the  shorter  workday,  while  increas- 
ingly necessary  for  good  business,  can  not  by  itself  solve  the 
unemployment  problem.  On  the  other  hand,  I  have  been 
forced  to  adopt  a  radically  different  attitude  toward  unem- 
ployment insurance. 

We  say  carelessly  in  times  of  widespread  unemployment 
that  "work  is  scarce";  and  it  seems  plausible,  therefore,  to 
think  of  rationing  the  work  much  as,  if  food  were  scarce,  we 
would  ration  the  food.  In  this,  however,  our  minds  are  likely 
to  stumble  over  terms,  for  what  people  want  is  not  work 
but  the  results  of  work.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  we  think  of 
work  as  things  to  be  done  so  that  we  may  get  the  results 
desired,  it  is  misleading  to  say  that  work  is  scarce;  for  in  such 
periods,  obviously,  there  is  no  end  of  things  to  be  done,  the 
trouble  being  simply  that  we  are  not  organized  to  do  them. 
The  real  question,  then,  is:  Will  this  dividing  up  of  the  jobs 
which  have  not  yet  been  interrupted  hasten  the  organization 
of  the  things  that  need  to  be  done,  so  that  there  shall  be 
profitable  employment  for  everybody? 

This  has  nothing  to  do,  it  must  be  kept  in  mind,  with  the 
wisdom  or  non-wisdom  of  so  dividing  up  the  jobs  in  an 
emergency.  The  step  may  be  very  wise,  from  the  standpoint 
of  keeping  one's  organization  intact,  or  it  may  be  impera- 
tive as  a  matter  of  plain  humanity.  But  we  are  considering 
now  the  effect  upon  unemployment.  Would  a  general  adop- 
tion of  the  four-hour  day,  for  instance,  by  providing  a  job 
for  everybody,  help  materially  to  bring  back  good  times? 

There  is  no  certainty  that  it  would.  It  might  even  have 
an  opposite  effect.  There  is  only  one  thing  that  can  make 
good  times  good  for  everybody,  and  that  is  a  wealth- 


producing  mechanism  which  is  producing  and  distributing 
to  the  masses  the  things  which  the  masses  want.  In  so  far  as  a 
shorter  workday  will  help  industry  do  that,  it  will  help  solve 
the  problem  which  we  all  want  solved.  If  it  will  not  do  that, 
it  leaves  the  problem  much  as  it  was  before  or  even  makes  it 

We  are  rather  familiar  by  this  time  with  the  general  busi- 
ness necessity  for  a  shorter  workday.  Mass  production,  which 
is  the  most  effective  form  of  production,  can  not  live  unless 
the  masses  can  and  do  buy  in  adequate  quantities.  The 
masses  can  not  buy  adequately  unless  they  are  provided  with 
adequate  buying  power,  and  will  not  buy  adequately  unless 
they  have  adequate  leisure  in  which  to  play  the  part  of 
consumers.  Mass  production,  therefore,  for  necessary  busi- 
ness reasons,  constantly  puts  wages  up,  puts  prices  down  and 
provides  more  and  more  leisure  for  its  employees.  But  how 
does  it  do  this?  It  does  it  in  the  only  way  that  it  can  be  done 
— by  increasing  production.  It  does  it  by  eliminating  the 
wastes  involved  in  former  methods,  by  discovering  better 
and  better  ways  of  getting  goods  to  consumers,  and  by  so 
reducing  the  costs  of  production  and  distribution  that  prices 
may  be  reduced  and  a  larger  number  of  consumers,  there- 
fore, enabled  to  secure  the  things  they  want. 

Would  an  arbitrary  reduction  of  hours,  for  the  purpose  of 
dividing  up  the  work,  have  this  result?  Would  it  increase 
the  general  efficiency  of  the  machine?  Would  it  cut  the  costs 
of  production?  Would  it  offer  further  opportunities  to  re- 
duce prices  and  would  it  result  in  such  an  increased  volume 
of  buying  that  there  would  be  more  profitable  employment 
for  all? 

Much  as  I  favor  the  shorter  workday,  I  am  reluctantly 
compelled  to  admit  that  such  halving  of  the  workday,  unless 
accompanied  by  such  an  increase  in  production  that  wages 
could  be  raised,  would  necessitate  their  being  reduced,  and 


would  thus  so  reduce  the  buying  power  of  the  masses  that 
there  would  be  still  less  employment  to  be  divided  up. 

I  am  aware,  of  course,  that  the  formerly  unemployed,  now 
blessed  with  half  a  day's  pay,  would  spend  that  half;  and 
while  those  who  were  formerly  employed  on  full  time  would 
spend  much  less  than  before,  the  total  of  dollars  spent  in 
buying  might  perceptibly  increase.  But  would  more  things 
be  bought?  That  would  depend  chiefly  upon  whether  or  not 
prices  were  lowered,  and  that  would  depend  chiefly  upon 
whether  production  costs  were  lowered. 

Employing  more  men  to  do  the  work,  which  fewer  men 
are  now  doing,  would  not,  in  itself,  surely,  lessen  the  cost  of 
production.  There  is  every  reason  to  believe  that  it  would 
increase  this  cost  and,  by  increasing  prices  to  the  customer, 
result  in  less  buying,  which  would  still  further  restrict  pro- 

Some,  I  know,  will  not  agree  with  me  in  this,  and  some 
may  be  in  doubt  and  think  that  the  best  way  to  prove  the 
contention  would  be  to  try  it  out.  But  such  an  appeal  to 
eventualities  is  not  quite  so  simple  as  it  seems,  for  if  such  a 
reduction  of  the  workday  should  result  in  less  buying,  the 
situation  could  not  be  easily  corrected.  Regardless  of  what 
produces  less  buying,  it  is  clear  that  less  buying  always  pro- 
duces less  employment,  less  income  to  the  masses,  therefore 
still  less  buying  and  less  and  less  employment.  Before  we  try 
experiments  on  a  nation-wide  scale,  it  is  well  to  make  sure 
first  that  they  do  not  land  us  in  a  vicious  circle. 

The  cure  for  unemployment,  obviously,  does  not  lie  in 
sharing  the  work  which  we  are  now  doing,  but  in  organizing 
the  production  and  distribution  of  more  wealth.  There  are 
two  ways  in  which  this  can  be  done;  but  they  both  involve 
the  use  of  the  most  economical  methods  of  production  and 
the  distribution  and  selling  of  the  product  at  the  lowest  pos- 
sible price. 


One  way  is  through  the  organization  of  new  industries. 
The  possibilities  in  this  direction  may  be  grasped  by  con- 
templating the  automobile  industry,  now  directly  or  indi- 
rectly giving  work  to  four  million  or  more  Americans  who 
might  be  unemployed  if  this  industry  had  not  been  de- 

We  commonly  speak  of  "technological  unemployment" 
(that  is,  unemployment  caused  by  improved  machinery  and 
improved  processes)  as  though  it  were  something  to  dread, 
but  it  is  technological  unemployment  which  makes  all  better 
employment  possible.  The  automobile  industry  could  not 
have  happened  before  it  did.  It  could  not  have  been  devel- 
oped if  there  had  been  no  available  man-power,  and  man- 
power was  available  for  its  development  because  the  discov- 
ery of  better  methods  had  released  man  from  the  necessity  of 
spending  all  his  time  and  energy  in  getting  a  bare  living. 
He  could  now  do  new  things;  and  one  of  the  things  that  he 
did  do,  with  his  new-found  time  and  energy,  was  to  build 
up  this  highly  desirable  new  method  of  transportation.  He 
was  able  to  do  it,  of  course,  only  because  he  had  good  leader- 
ship. Ford  led  the  way.  He  proved  that  men  released  from 
the  old  drudgery  did  not  have  to  be  left  unemployed  but 
could  be  employed  by  the  millions  supplying  wants  to  which 
they  could  never  have  given  attention  before.  Every  new 
industry  has  proved  this.  They  become  possible  only  as  bet- 
ter methods  do  put  people  out  of  work.  Technological  unem- 
ployment, then,  is  not  a  curse  but  an  opportunity.  The  curse 
lies  in  our  bad  thinking.  It  lies  in  the  fact  that,  with  so  many 
demonstrations  before  us,  we  do  not  see  our  opportunity. 
Because,  for  ages,  man  had  to  spend  all  his  time  and  energies 
in  getting  a  bare  subsistence,  we  think  that,  when  he  does 
not  have  to  do  so,  there  is  nothing  left  for  him  to  do.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  his  opportunities  are  limited  only  by  his 
wants.  There  are  plenty  of  things  which  man  wants  done, 


and  therefore  there  are  plenty  of  opportunities  to  employ 
man-power.  The  only  thing  that  is  lacking  is  enough  sound 
business  thinking  to  provide  the  leadership,  and  the  actual 
organization  of  this  employment. 

When  we  survey  the  field  of  man's  wants,  however,  we 
do  not  have  to  wait  to  organize  new  industries.  Man  doubt- 
less wants  television  and  fool-proof  flying  machines  and  thou- 
sands of  things  which  he  can  hardly  describe  to  himself  as 
yet.  It  may  be  a  long  time,  however,  before  we  can  fill  his 
wants  in  these  respects,  even  if  technological  unemployment 
has  released  an  ample  supply  of  labor.  Years  and  years  of 
research  may  be  necessary  in  these  fields  before  we  can  get 
around  to  the  large-scale  hiring  of  men.  But,  regardless  of 
new  industries,  there  are  limitless  opportunities  in  the  re- 
organization of  familiar  industries  so  that  they  will  supply 
the  wants  of  the  masses  instead  of  catering  to  relatively  few. 
All  that  is  needed  is  the  application  of  the  technique  of  mass 

At  the  very  height  of  unemployment  in  America,  for  in- 
stance, while  no  one  wanted  work  for  work's  sake,  millions 
were  eager  to  own  good  homes.  The  business  of  producing 
homes,  however,  was  not  at  all  good,  although  the  up-to-date 
automobile  industry  stood  up  amazingly.  Was  this  because 
the  masses  cared  so  much  more  for  automobiles  than  they 
did  for  homes?  There  is  nothing  to  prove  that  it  was.  It  was 
apparent,  however,  that  automobiles  were  produced  by  mass 
production  and  were  being  sold  at  the  lowest  price  which 
the  adoption  of  the  very  latest  machine  methods  made  it  pos- 
sible to  charge;  whereas  houses  were  still  produced  by  much 
the  same  methods  which  had  been  employed  for  centuries, 
and  were  so  costly  that  relatively  few  were  able  to  own  one 
which  really  gave  satisfaction. 

The  same  might  be  said  of  a  thousand  other  things  which 
people  wanted  but  which,  because  of  their  price,  they  could 


not  buy.  Business  offices,  of  necessity,  were  supplied  with 
typewriters,  but  schools  and  homes  generally  were  not.  This 
was  not  because  people  preferred  the  painful,  old  longhand 
methods,  but  because  typewriters  generally  cost  from  fifty 
dollars  up  and  had  not  yet  appealed  to  the  market  which 
could  have  been  reached  with  a  twenty-five  dollar  machine, 
providing  it  were  of  as  good  value  and  as  serviceable  in  the 
typewriter  field  as  a  Ford  or  Chevrolet  in  the  realm  of  the 

The  trouble,  it  must  be  remembered,  was  not  that  the 
typewriter  industry  was  making  too  much  profit.  Its  profits 
would  have  been  enormously  greater  than  they  were  if  it  had 
been  producing  high-quality,  low-cost  typewriters  for  the 
masses;  but  because  it  did  not  engage  in  such  mass  produc- 
tion, it  was  not  giving  one-fifth  as  much  value  in  material 
and  work,  per  dollar  of  price,  as  were  the  manufacturers  of 
Fords  and  Chevrolets. 

The  same  was  true  of  the  household  furniture  industry. 
It  was  possible  to  get  good  furniture  at  high  prices  and  cheap 
furniture  at  low  prices,  but  it  was  not  possible  for  the  masses 
to  get  the  kind  of  furniture  they  wanted  at  the  prices  which 
they  could  afford  to  pay.  Mere  large-scale  production  could 
not  give  them  that.  It  would  require  a  thorough  application 
of  the  principles  of  mass  production — production  for  the 
masses — with  the  central  thought  of  getting  to  the  masses  the 
best  possible  values  at  the  lowest  possible  price,  and  pro- 
viding the  masses  with  the  greatest  possible  buying  power 
and,  therefore,  the  power  to  give  the  most  employment. 

One  of  the  great  expenses  of  the  masses,  and  one  of  the 
great  drains  upon  the  consumer's  dollar,  has  long  been  the 
cost  of  household  repairs;  but  this  simple  service  was  not 
organized  in  any  scientific,  mass  production  way.  If  anything 
went  wrong  with  one's  automobile,  one  could  make  an  im- 
mediate inexpensive  repair  with  a  replacement  part,  or  one 


could  notify  a  garage  and  have  it  corrected;  but  if  things 
went  wrong  in  one's  house,  one  might  have  to  deal  with  a 
dozen  little  businesses,  each  doing  business  in  a  limited  and 
most  expensive  way,  and  the  total  cost  for  all  the  going  and 
coming  and  other  unnecessary  labor  involved  was  likely  so 
to  wreck  the  consumer's  dollar  that  he  could  not  give  em- 
ployment by  buying  other  things  he  wanted  eagerly  to  buy. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  continue  the  list  of  services  which 
business  was  not  rendering  because  of  its  failure  to  organize 
the  labor  of  those  who  were  no  longer  needed  in  their  for- 
mer employment  to  do  other  things  which  needed  to  be 
done.  It  is  enough  to  say  that  there  was  large-scale  unem- 
ployment, not  because  better  methods  in  industry  had  made 
man-power  available,  but  because  business  did  not  utilize 
the  man-power  so  released,  in  spite  of  the  demonstration 
that  business  success  was  now  unlikely  in  any  other  way.  In  a 
word,  the  business  depression  was  due,  not  to  mass  produc- 
tion, but  to  the  fact  that,  in  a  mass  production  age,  seventy- 
five  per  cent  of  even  American  business  was  still  attempting 
to  function  according  to  an  obsolete  theory  of  what  busi- 
ness is. 

It  was  said  that  there  was  overproduction;  but  everybody 
knew  better.  What  had  happened  was  simply  that  a  way 
had  been  discovered  to  produce  more  than  business,  by  fol- 
lowing its  old  methods,  could  sell.  Due  to  such  mass  pro- 
duction as  there  was,  prices  had  not  increased  during  the 
previous  period  of  prosperity;  but  due  to  our  failure  to  un- 
derstand the  principles  of  mass  production,  prices  in  general 
had  not  been  lowered  as  rapidly  as  the  cost  of  production 
had  been  lowered,  and  there  came  a  time,  therefore,  when 
the  masses  could  not  buy  the  things  which  they  had  been 
employed  in  making. 

The  lowering  of  production  costs,  instead  of  causing  busi- 
ness to  see  the  necessity  of  cutting  prices  to  the  limit,  and 


thus  passing  the  advantages  of  the  new  methods  on  to  the 
consumer,  caused  business  to  see  an  opportunity  to  get  a 
larger  immediate  profit  on  the  things  it  had  to  sell.  That 
chance  for  greater  immediate  profits  attracted  speculation; 
and  all  America,  for  a  season,  went  into  a  mad  dream  of  get- 
ting rich  without  giving  any  service  in  return.  The  inevi- 
table, therefore,  happened.  Consumption  was  not  financed  to 
keep  pace  with  production,  and  production  had  to  come 
down  to  the  level  of  consumption.  The  paper  profits,  there- 
fore, vanished.  Because  American  business  did  not  see  the 
true  meaning  of  mass  production,  it  lost  the  greater  total 
profits  which  it  might  have  made,  and  the  American  people 
lost  the  power  to  employ  each  other. 

Unemployment,  however,  is  not  a  mere  mistake  which  we 
can  charge  to  profit  and  loss,  telling  ourselves  that  it  must 
not  happen  again.  It  is  rather  like  war.  It  is  a  desperate  emer- 
gency out  of  which  anything  may  happen,  even  the  violent 
overthrow  of  the  institutions  which  make  progress  possible. 
It  is  a  conflagration  which,  when  once  started,  may  consume 
the  good  with  the  bad.  For  the  unemployed  are  human 
beings  who  can  not  wait  for  long  processes  of  readjustment. 
Staying  alive  has  suddenly  become  the  imminent  need,  and 
such  considerations  as  human  progress  and  social  stability 
are  relegated  to  second  place.  It  is  because  of  this  situation 
that  the  nations  of  Europe  have  adopted  unemployment  in- 
surance, and  not  with  any  illusion  that  such  state  aid  will 
really  solve  the  problems  involved. 

And  it  is  because  of  this  same  fact  that  America,  if  faced 
with  continued  and  widespread  unemployment,  will  act  in 
the  same  way,  regardless  of  how  business  men  may  protest 
or  how  economists  may  view  with  alarm.  America  will  do 
this,  once  given  the  conditions  under  which  it  must  be  done, 
even  though  it  may  be  generally  admitted  that  the  dole  in 
Europe  has  largely  proved  itself  a  failure.  One  clutches  at 


straws  when  drowning,  no  matter  who  proves  that  straws  are 
not  worth  clutching;  and  unless  business  itself  makes  definite 
provision  for  the  care  of  the  unemployed,  the  unemployed 
will  see  to  it  that  some  social  agency  does.  It  is  foolish  to  talk 
of  Americans  being  immune  from  socialist  or  communist  or 
revolutionary  propaganda.  If  they  have  not  been  affected  by 
it,  it  is  only  because  conditions  in  America  have  not  been 
favorable  to  its  spread.  But  Americans  by  the  millions  will 
not  readily  lie  down  and  die.  In  the  face  of  widespread  and 
continued  unemployment,  no  masses  on  earth  will  be  less 

The  ideal  solution,  of  course,  would  be  for  the  business 
leaders  of  America  to  get  together  and  publicly  accept  the 
responsibility  for  unemployment,  pledging  themselves  that 
hereafter,  whatever  else  happens,  they  will  guarantee  to  or- 
ganize employment  for  all  who  are  willing  to  work.  That,  I 
believe,  will  be  done  in  time,  but  it  is  perhaps  futile  to  speak 
of  it  now.  It  is  surely  not  Utopian  to  say  that  the  persons 
most  competent  to  organize  employment  anywhere  should 
be  the  employers,  and  if  they  can  not  do  it,  it  is  hard  to  see 
how  mayors  and  governors  and  congressmen  can.  But  the 
bulk  of  our  business  is  still  in  the  hands  of  traditional  think- 
ers, and  these  traditional  thinkers  do  not  yet  think  of  busi- 
ness as  involving  this  responsibility. 

What,  then,  of  unemployment  insurance?  Business  men, 
generally,  are  likely  to  oppose  it;  but,  if  the  situation  is  par- 
ticularly desperate,  this  opposition  will  be  futile.  It  was  this 
which  caused  me,  and  may  cause  many  other  business  men, 
to  take  a  different  view  of  the  whole  problem.  Opposing 
the  inevitable  is  not  a  program  which  can  appeal  to  any 
business  man. 

A  number  of  American  industries  have  successfully  intro- 
duced unemployment  insurance.  Some  of  these  have  found 
it  working  so  successfully  that  they  consider  it  an  asset,  rather 


than  an  expense,  to  the  business.  That  is  not  saying  that  all 
businesses  could  do  the  same,  but  it  gives  a  ray  of  hope. 
Many  others  could  do  this,  although  if  all  who  could  do  it 
were  to  install  such  a  system  immediately,  it  would  not  end 
unemployment.  Unemployment,  as  we  said  at  the  beginning, 
is  due  to  bad  thinking,  especially  bad  business  thinking.  It 
is  due  to  the  failure  of  business  men  to  run  business  success- 
fully, and  to  understand  that  profits  come  from  organizing 
the  community's  man-power  to  make  something  which 
masses  of  people  want  and  to  get  it  to  the  masses  at  a  price 
which  the  masses  can  and  will  readily  pay. 

It  is  unsuccessful  business,  then,  which  fails  to  give  em- 
ployment. If  employment  is  not  provided,  however,  the 
state  can  and  undoubtedly  will  provide  for  the  unemployed, 
and  it  will  tax  business  in  general  to  procure  the  necessary 
revenue.  This  may  seem  unfair,  but  there  is  no  way  by  which 
unemployment  can  be  made  to  seem  fair.  It  is  not  only  un- 
fair to  the  unemployed,  but  it  is  unfair  to  clear-thinking 
business  men — that  is,  to  those  who  are  constantly  creating 
employment — to  have  their  business  constantly  menaced  by 
unemployment  which  is  constantly  being  created  by  those 
who  will  not  think. 

It  seems  to  me,  then,  that  wise  business  men,  instead  of 
wasting  their  energy  in  a  die-hard  campaign  against  the 
"dole,"  will  face  the  facts,  accept  some  sort  of  state  unem- 
ployment insurance  as  inevitable,  and  bend  their  efforts 
toward  securing  legislation  designed  to  do  the  greatest 
amount  of  good  and  the  least  amount  of  harm.  My  sugges- 
tion is  that  they  work  for  an  Unemployment  Insurance  Act 
which  will  give  employers  the  option  of  taking  out  state  in- 
surance or  of  developing  an  insurance  system  in  their  own 
establishments  which  will  grant  benefits  equal  in  every  way 
to  those  granted  by  the  state. 

The  first  result  of  such  legislation  would  doubtless  be  that 


many  businesses,  probably  a  majority,  would  not  have  the 
initiative  and  clear  vision  necessary  for  the  inauguration  of 
a  successful  unemployment  insurance  system  of  their  own 
and  would  become  insured  by  the  state;  but  the  better,  more 
successful  and  more  farsighted  employers  would  undertake 
to  insure  their  own  employees  against  unemployment.  In 
both  groups,  the  cost  of  unemployment  would  be  high;  but 
among  the  state-insured,  an  individual  employer  could  do 
little  to  bring  down  the  cost,  while  an  employer  who  ac- 
cepted personal  responsibility  for  the  care  of  his  unemployed 
would  make  it  a  first  matter  of  business  to  prevent  unem- 
ployment within  his  organization.  He  would  make  war  on 
waste — to  save  insurance  costs;  and  if  he  adopted  the  best 
methods  of  eliminating  waste,  he  would  be  able  so  to  reduce 
prices  that  the  increased  demand  would  enable  him  to  re- 
employ  his  force.  Or  he  would  devote  himself  to  finding  new 
things  to  be  done  and  organizing  his  available  man-power, 
as  rapidly  as  it  is  released  from  other  work,  to  do  those  things 

Under  state  insurance,  employers  would  have  no  such  in- 
centive, for  even  those  who  did  organize  new  employment 
would  still  have  to  pay  for  the  unemployment  caused  by 
those  who  did  not.  The  tendency,  then,  we  may  be  sure, 
would  be  for  employers,  as  fast  as  they  woke  up  to  the  real 
situation,  to  discard  the  state  insurance  and  undertake  the 
responsibility  themselves. 

And  that  is  about  all  that  is  needed  for  a  solution  of  the 
unemployment  problem.  When  all  employers  wake  up  and 
accept  their  responsibility,  the  problem  will  be  solved.  And 
those  who  do  not  wake  up  in  such  a  situation  will  soon 
cease  to  be  employers. 

State  insurance,  then,  with  its  subsidy  for  unemployment, 
would  gradually  fade  out  of  the  picture.  It  might  remain 
on  the  statute  books,  but  it  would  do  no  harm,  for  industry 


would  at  last  be  in  the  hands  of  employers  who  have  learned 
how  to  prevent  unemployment  and  have  accepted  their  re- 
sponsibility for  doing  so. 

Traditional  thinkers  may  shrink  from  such  a  solution. 
They  may  sincerely  wish  that  unemployment  might  be 
abolished,  but  they  do  not  want  to  pay  the  price.  For  the 
price  is  heavy;  it  consists  of  changing  our  minds  and  being 
willing  to  act  according  to  things  as  they  are. 

Under  the  ancient  formula  business  had  no  social  respon- 
sibility. In  times  of  prosperity  employers  employed,  and 
when  hard  times  came,  they  ceased  to  give  employment.  The 
idea  that  it  was  the  responsibility  of  business  to  create  good 
times  did  not  occur,  either  to  the  traditional  business  man  or 
to  his  traditional  critic.  The  business  man,  however,  was 
rising  to  power,  and  he  liked  that.  Power  without  responsi- 
bility seemed  to  be  his  aim;  and  it  became  the  aim  of  many 
to  see  that  he  did  not  get  it.  Monopoly  became  a  dread  word. 
That  business,  particularly  Big  Business,  should  have  its  own 
way  was  a  thought  which  caused  millions  to  shudder. 

Now  it  is  time  for  all  of  us  to  change  our  minds.  Not  be- 
cause business  men  have  become  good,  but  because  it  has 
been  discovered  that  business  can  succeed  only  as  it  creates 
success  for  everybody.  The  greatest  total  profits  can  now 
come  only  from  the  greatest  total  service.  There  must  not 
only  be  jobs  for  everybody  but  actual  wealth-producing  jobs 
— jobs  that  shall  not  merely  distribute  existing  wealth,  but 
successfully  distribute  the  ever-increasing  volume  of  wealth 
which  better  machinery  and  better  methods  constantly  make 

If  business  once  organizes  to  do  this,  the  old  bugaboos 
must  vanish.  No  one  need  worry  then  about  the  greater  and 
greater  power  which  it  may  attain.  "More  power  to  business" 
will  be  the  universal  prayer:  but  not  more  power  to  busi- 
ness men  who  have  not  yet  learned  what  business  actually  is. 



NO  ONE  needs  to  be  reminded  that  times  are  changing, 
whatever  disagreement  there  may  be  as  to  the  char- 
acter of  the  change  which  is  taking  place.  To  the  majority, 
probably,  the  change  has  no  discernible  character.  They  do 
not  see  a  change,  but  many  changes,  and  the  changes  which 
they  observe  do  not  seem  to  have  any  particular  relation  to 
each  other. 

What  has  mass  production,  for  instance,  to  do  with  a  be- 
lief in  hell?  Mass  production,  to  be  sure,  was  coming  in  at 
about  the  same  time  that  the  general  belief  in  eternal  pun- 
ishment was  going  out;  but  one  can  not  argue  from  this  that 
the  emergence  of  one  of  these  ideas  must  have  crowded  the 
other  out.  Personally,  I  have  reached  the  conclusion  that 
there  is  a  vital  relationship  between  these  two  seemingly 
irrelevant  happenings,  and  I  shall  state  my  reasons  in  another 
chapter.  Just  now  I  want  to  guard  my  readers  from  assuming 
that  there  must  be  a  direct  cause-and-effect  relationship  be- 
tween any  two  events  simply  because  they  happen  to  occur 
in  succession. 

We  are  compelled  to  admit,  however,  that  the  world  we 
have  been  living  in  has  been  changing  on  almost  every  front. 
Not  only  have  our  ways  of  doing  business  changed,  but  our 
home  and  family  life  has  changed,  our  religious  concepts 
and  our  moral  standards  have  changed.  Our  very  tastes  in 
literature  and  art  have  changed.  We  are  not  only  reading 
new  books  but  new  kinds  of  books;  and  we  are  standing  in 
awe,  not  merely  before  magnificent  buildings  which  we 
never  saw  before,  but  before  buildings  the  like  of  which  no 
one  ever  saw  before. 


We  commonly  speak  of  the  great  change  which  has  come 
over  the  younger  generation,  ignoring  the  fact  that  grand- 
mothers have  changed  quite  as  much  as  their  grand- 
daughters have.  We  speak  of  the  modernist  clergyman  as  a 
new  type  of  religious  leader,  forgetting  that  the  fundamen- 
talist, broadcasting  by  radio,  or  arriving  at  his  appointments 
by  aeroplane,  is  quite  as  new  a  type.  The  fact  is  that  all  of  us 
have  changed.  We've  had  to.  Some  of  us  may  sigh  for  the  old 
times,  but  none  of  us  can  live  in  them.  We  may  even  hitch 
up  the  old  horse  for  an  old-fashioned  sleigh  ride,  but  we  can 
not  have  an  old-fashioned  sleigh  ride  on  highways  that  are 
full  of  automobiles.  What  we  shall  have  is  likely  to  be  a 
perilous  new  adventure. 

Most  of  the  changes  which  have  given  us  the  greatest  shock 
seem  to  date  from  the  period  of  the  World  War,  and  many 
have  been  accustomed  to  blame  the  war  for  all  the  changes 
that  have  taken  place.  Their  position  is  hardly  tenable. 
The  war  did  not  bring  about  the  automobile.  It  may  have 
hastened  the  development  of  the  aeroplane,  but  the  aero- 
plane came  first.  That  the  war  had  much  to  do,  even,  with 
the  new  attitude  toward  sex  is  a  thesis  very  hard  to  prove. 
It  was  not  responsible  for  Freud  or  for  psychoanalysis,  or 
for  the  teachings  of  Charles  Darwin  who  died  many  years 
before  the  war  broke  out,  although  the  teachings  of  Freud 
and  of  Darwin  have  had  much  to  do  with  the  new  intellec- 
tual and  moral  and  religious  concepts  of  today. 

Has  there  been  any  fundamental  change  in  human  devel- 
opment by  which  all  these  other  changes  may  be  explained? 
I  am  convinced  that  there  has;  but  I  am  a  business  man,  not 
a  philosopher,  and  I  want  my  observations  to  be  treated 
only  as  the  observations  of  a  layman,  for  I  make  no  pre- 
tense of  having  made  a  systematic  study  of  history  or  anthro- 
pology or  sociology.  Most  of  my  life,  in  fact,  has  been  spent 
in  retail  stores,  and  in  studying  retail  distribution.  My  latest 


book  was  devoted  strictly  to  those  studies,  and  contained 
nothing  whatever  about  the  abolition  of  poverty  or  the  new 
attitude  toward  morals  and  religion  and  world  peace.  But 
one  can  not  study  anything  thoroughly  without  discovering 
something  of  its  relation  to  other  things;  and  if  I  learned 
about  living  from  business,  instead  of  from  a  more  conven- 
tional and  academic  approach,  the  things  I  learned,  if  im- 
portant, must  be  taken  into  account  even  by  those  whose 
field  of  research  has  been  much  wider  than  my  own. 

It  was  one  of  the  great  disappointments  of  my  life  that,  at 
twenty-one,  after  passing  my  entrance  examinations  to  Har- 
vard, I  was  unable  to  enter  and  was  compelled  by  my  father's 
illness  to  continue  in  business  instead.  I  compensated,  how- 
ever, as  best  I  could,  by  studying  the  problems  which  came 
before  me  daily;  always  trying,  if  I  could,  to  discover  the  un- 
derlying facts,  and  never  being  quite  content  to  meet  them 
merely  in  the  way  in  which  they  were  customarily  met.  In 
other  words,  I  was  not  satisfied  with  "learning  the  ropes"  of 
business.  I  was  curious  to  know  the  why  of  every  rope,  and  I 
constantly  wondered  if  some  other  rope  might  not  serve  the 
purpose  better,  or  even  if  it  might  not  be  served  by  some- 
thing other  than  a  rope.  I  even  went  so  far  in  time  as  to  try 
to  find  out  what  business  is  for;  and  when  I  discovered  that, 
it  made  me  curious  about  a  lot  of  things  which  had  not  at 
first  seemed  to  be  within  the  business  realm  at  all. 

The  purpose  of  business,  I  discovered,  was  to  serve  people, 
not  merely  to  support  the  business  man  concerned  in  it.  I 
was  not  an  idealist.  I  wanted  profits.  I  even  had  a  strong 
preference  for  becoming  rich.  Nevertheless,  this  discovery 
of  what  business  really  is  did  strange  things  to  me.  It  made 
me  want  to  serve.  It  made  me  look  for  my  profits  thereafter 
as  a  measure  of  the  service  that  I  could  give.  And  this  atti- 
tude, in  turn,  compelled  me  to  observe  the  whole  problem  of 


human  relations  in  a  way  in  which  I  had  never  observed  it 


I  became  interested  in  the  masses,  and  in  what  they 
wanted,  and  in  how  they  ever  came  to  want  it.  People  were 
selfish,  I  reflected,  and  yet  they  were  not  selfish.  Everyone 
seemed  to  be  looking  out  for  somebody  not  himself— usually 
for  some  relatives.  How  did  it  ever  come  about,  I  wondered, 
that  people  generally  were  as  interested  in  their  blood  rela- 
tions as  they  were  in  themselves?  Then  I  began  to  see  the 
family  as  an  institution,  and  to  wonder  what  the  world  was 
like  before  there  were  families  which  seemed  forever  to  be 
making  selfish  folks  unselfish,  at  least  as  far  as  a  few  loved 
ones  were  concerned. 

I  never  did  find  out  how  the  institution  of  the  family  ever 
came  into  existence,  or  who  invented  it,  or  exactly  what 
human  life  was  like  before  there  were  families.  But  I  did 
discover  the  purpose  of  the  family.  I  discovered  that  it  was 
an  economic  institution,  that  its  primary  purpose  was  to 
serve  its  members,  to  make  it  possible  to  bring  the  babies  to 
maturity  and  meanwhile  to  "bring  them  up"  so  that  they 
would  be  something  more  than  foraging  animals. 

And  what  a  difference  the  family  madel  Eventually, 
because  of  this  institution,  human  beings  developed  co- 
operation and  loyalty  and  what  we  know  as  human  love,  and 
they  also  developed  arts  and  crafts  and  education,  and  lan- 
guage and  literature  and  romance,  even  morals  and  philoso- 
phy and  religion. 

The  problem  of  how  business  came  into  the  world  likewise 
fascinated  me.  It  started,  I  learned,  with  barter  between 
families.  It  had  a  low  beginning  apparently.  It  had  no  moral 
code.  It  wasn't  even  honest.  Whatever  tender  feelings  one 
had,  or  whatever  conscience  one  had,  was  pretty  well  lim- 
ited to  one's  own  relations.  Outsiders  didn't  matter.  Each 


family  was  independent  and  got  its  living  out  of  the  piece  of 
land  on  which  it  squatted.  If  it  could  get  the  best  of  a  neigh- 
boring family  by  trade  or  pillage,  why  not? 

Only  experience  could  answer  that  question.  If  it  was 
advantageous  to  trade  one's  family  surplus  in  one  line  for 
some  other  family's  surplus  in  some  other  line,  it  might  be 
advantageous  to  do  it  again  and  again;  but  the  process  could 
not  be  repeated  indefinitely  unless  there  was  some  code  of 
honesty  involved.  So  people  learned  to  trade  generally  with 
near-by  families,  and  to  develop  an  intercourse  which  led  to 
small-community  life,  reserving  their  cheating  and  robbing 
for  more  distant  families  or  "aliens." 

But  trade  was  advantageous  and  it  expanded.  In  time  it 
became  necessary  to  enforce  some  code  even  between  these 
distant  and  utterly  alien  communities.  So  political  states 
came  into  being,  and  the  theory  and  practice  of  imperialism. 
Wars  resulted,  of  course,  when  rival  powers  clashed,  and 
they  were  greater  wars  than  the  world  had  ever  known  be- 
fore. But  peace  resulted  too — peace  within  the  borders  of 
each  successful  state — and  larger  areas  of  peace  than  the 
world  had  known  before.  The  state  also  was  an  economic 
institution,  and  its  purpose  was  to  serve  the  people,  even 
though  the  man  at  its  head  was  likely  not  to  know  it.  One 
of  its  results,  however,  was  patriotism,  which  caused  selfish 
human  beings,  without  any  change  whatever  in  the  laws  gov- 
erning human  nature,  to  become  unselfish  in  ways  in  which 
they  had  never  been  unselfish  before.  It  caused  them  some- 
times, even,  to  leave  their  own  families  practically  unpro- 
tected, and  to  go  out  willingly  to  die  for  their  country. 

In  one  particularly  interesting  era  of  history,  only  a  cen- 
tury and  a  half  ago,  people  suddenly  began  to  change  again. 
All  sorts  of  new  ideas  got  abroad.  New  economic  ideas.  New 
political  ideas.  New  social  and  moral  ideas,  new  ways  even 
of  looking  upon  love  and  marriage.  There  was  a  war  at  this 


time,  also,  a  most  peculiar  war.  It  was  called  the  French 
Revolution,  and  it  became  fashionable  to  blame  that  war  for 
all  the  changes  that  one  did  not  happen  to  like.  Neverthe- 
less, there  was  a  new  thrill  in  the  air,  even  in  England  where 
the  government  was  not  overthrown,  and  in  all  the  countries 
which  were  adopting  machine  production. 

We  know  now  that  this  great  change  was  not  caused  by  the 
French  Revolution,  but  that  the  French  Revolution  was  just 
a  part  of  it.  It  was  caused  by  the  coming  of  the  machine, 
by  the  building  of  factories,  by  the  advent  of  a  new  eco- 
nomic institution.  We  are  accustomed  now  to  speak  of  the 
change  as  the  Industrial  Revolution. 

This  new  factory  system  could  not  live  unless  it  could  ex- 
pand, and  it  could  not  expand  unless  it  could  hire  workers. 
It  was,  however,  a  more  efficient  and  a  more  profitable  way 
of  producing  the  things  which  people  wanted  than  the  sys- 
tem which  was  in  vogue;  and  whenever  anything  like  that 
comes  into  the  human  picture,  it  seems  almost  certain  that 
the  system  in  vogue  will  eventually  give  way. 

The  masses,  under  the  system  in  vogue,  were  attached  to 
the  estates  of  the  great  ruling  families.  They  had  families  of 
their  own,  and  their  condition  was  not  exactly  that  of  slaves. 
They  had  no  right  to  leave  these  great  estates,  however,  but 
existed  from  generation  to  generation  as  dependents  and 
serfs.  Everybody  was  accustomed  to  the  arrangement,  and  the 
masses  themselves,  where  they  were  well  treated,  did  not 
rebel.  They  were  thoroughly  drilled,  in  fact,  to  an  acceptance 
of  their  lot  and  looked  upon  the  feudal  lords  as  their  pro- 
tectors. If  there  was  to  be  a  change,  a  lot  of  traditional  think- 
ing would  have  to  be  undermined. 

It  was.  "Liberty,  Equality  and  Fraternity"  now  became 
the  slogan.  Not  "Factory  Production";  very  few  would  have 
been  inspired  by  that.  But  it  was  Factory  Production  which 
demanded  that  feudalism  must  go,  and  human  life  obedi- 


ently  reached  out  for  democracy.  It  might  be  a  feudal  lord, 
to  be  sure,  who  did  the  reaching  at  times;  and  it  might  be  an 
army  of  serfs  who  captured  him  and  carried  him  to  jail  for 
his  attack  upon  the  institution  which  kept  them  in  serfdom. 
But  the  new  factory  system,  nevertheless,  just  had  to  free  the 
serfs  whether  they  were  in  any  mood  to  be  freed  or  not,  and 
the  serfs  were  eventually  freed.  The  rites  were  attended,  to 
be  sure,  by  all  sorts  of  strange  excesses;  and  the  revolution, 
when  it  was  over,  did  not  result  in  Liberty,  Equality  and 
Fraternity.  But  it  did  result  in  the  factory  system,  and  in 
strange,  new  ways  of  looking  at  all  sorts  of  things  which  did 
not  seem  to  be  connected  with  the  factory  system  at  all. 

The  factory  system  brought  no  heaven  upon  earth.  It 
brought,  in  fact,  several  different  varieties  of  hell.  It  trans- 
ferred the  serfs  from  their- wretched  position  in  a  world 
which  everybody  understood  and  threw  them  into  a  wretched 
new  position  in  a  world  which  nobody  understood.  The 
masses  gained  a  lot  of  new  rights,  but  they  lost  the  right  to 
live,  for  staying  alive  now  depended  upon  finding  employ- 
ment and,  under  the  new  conditions,  there  were  frequent 
long  and  bitter  periods  of  unemployment.  If  the  world  had 
been  told  in  advance  just  what  the  factory  system  was  like, 
and  just  wherein  it  differed  from  the  system  with  which  the 
world  had  been  acquainted,  a  lot  of  the  resulting  abuses 
might  have  been  avoided.  But  nobody  knew  what  the  fac- 
tory system  was  like.  No  world  had  ever  operated  under  such 
a  system  before;  and  what  people  tried  to  do  with  the  fac- 
tory system  they  tried  to  do  with  minds  which  had  been 
molded  by  feudalism. 

Nevertheless,  the  factory  system  muddled  along.  It  ex- 
panded because  it  had  to  expand.  Factories  could  make 
things  faster  and  in  greater  quantity  than  things  could  be 
made  before,  and  these  things  were  made  to  sell.  If  they 
weren't  sold,  in  fact,  the  factories  would  be  compelled  to 


close  and  the  owners  of  the  factories  would  probably  be 
forced  into  bankruptcy. 

So  things  were  sold  on  a  scale  the  world  had  never  known 
before,  and  that  meant  that  more  people  had  more  things 
than  ever  before.  In  other  words,  the  standard  of  living,  in 
spite  of  all  the  abuses  of  capitalism,  was  raised  from  decade 
to  decade  and  from  generation  to  generation.  The  capitalists 
may  have  had  no  such  intention.  They  may  have  been  think- 
ing only  of  what  they  themselves  could  get.  But  it  was  neces- 
sary, nevertheless,  that  they  get  more  goods  to  more  people 
constantly,  whether  the  people  showed  any  disposition  to 
buy  those  goods  or  not. 

If  they  had  understood  this  principle,  world  history  would 
have  taken  a  far  different  course  than  it  did.  But  one  can  not 
blame  them  for  not  understanding  it,  when  such  an  under- 
standing never  dawned  even  upon  the  economists  of  the 
period,  who  devoted  their  lives  to  a  study  of  the  new  eco- 
nomic system. 

But  the  capitalists  did  not  have  to  be  told  to  get  busy 
selling  goods.  They  recognized  that  necessity,  and  they  em- 
ployed every  means  at  hand  to  help  them  sell.  Whether  they 
employed  fraud  or  not,  or  to  what  degree  they  employed  it, 
depended  usually  not  upon  how  good  they  were,  but  upon 
what  the  law  allowed.  Good  men,  obviously,  could  not  per- 
mit bad  men  to  undersell  them,  if  they  expected  to  remain 
in  business  at  all.  So  the  pace  was  set  by  the  bad,  and  fol- 
lowed by  the  good,  it  being  generally  understood  that  ex- 
ploitation pays. 

It  did  not  pay,  of  course,  to  cheat  one's  immediate  neigh- 
bors. Besides,  the  law  did  not  allow  it.  But  capitalism,  in  its 
desperate  necessity  to  sell  more  and  more  goods,  got  to  look- 
ing for  markets  and  for  raw  materials  everywhere,  and  world 
trade  became  a  great  factor  in  the  affairs  of  all  the  capitalist 
countries.  But  there  was  no  world  government  and  no  world 


law.  Exploiting  weaker  nations  became  the  rule,  and  the 
stronger  nations  clashed  with  each  other  in  their  scramble 
to  exploit  the  weak. 

No  wonder  there  was  war.  Peace,  it  was  soon  discovered, 
could  be  maintained  only  by  a  balance  of  power  between  the 
larger  competitors,  and  that  balance  of  power  was  frequently 
upset.  Eventually  the  whole  impossible  situation  exploded  in 
the  greatest  war  of  human  history.  The  World  War  did  not 
cause  the  world  change  which  we  have  lately  been  noting.  It 
was,  rather,  one  of  the  phenomena  of  that  change,  just  as 
the  French  Revolution  was  a  phenomenon  of  the  First  In- 
dustrial Revolution. 

The  First  Industrial  Revolution  is  simply  a  name  for  the 
period  in  which  the  factory  system  started.  By  the  Second 
Industrial  Revolution  I  the  period  in  which  it  has 
been  reaching  its  maturity.  The  period,  perhaps,  can  not  be 
sharply  marked,  but  its  character,  nevertheless,  can  be  de- 
fined. This  is  the  dawn  of  industrial  consciousness.  Business 
does  not  yet  understand  itself,  but  it  is  beginning  to  do  so.  In 
so  far  as  it  acts  upon  certain  principles  which  have  recently 
been  discovered,  it  is  successful;  and  in  so  far  as  it  fails  to  act 
upon  those  principles,  it  fails.  These  principles  are  the  prin- 
ciples of  mass  production:  in  other  words,  production  for 
the  masses. 

We  can  not  distinguish  between  the  old  and  the  new  capi- 
talism by  saying  that  one  gives  service  whereas  the  other  did 
not.  Business  has  always  given  service  to  someone;  and  it  has 
given  some  sort  of  service,  often,  even  to  those  whom  it 
robbed  and  cheated  and  exploited.  It  is  the  discovery  that  it 
pays  to  give  service,  and  that  it  pays  best  to  give  the  greatest 
possible  service  to  the  greatest  possible  number,  which  is  now 
not  only  revolutionizing  business  but  revolutionizing  the 
whole  world  in  which  we  live.  Just  as  the  institution  of  the 
family  developed  most  of  the  human  qualities  which  we  have 


come  to  hold  most  precious,  and  just  as  the  institution  of  the 
state  developed  patriotism  and  a  wider  human  consciousness, 
this  new  order  of  business  is  developing  a  more  inclusive 
loyalty,  a  sense  of  the  oneness  of  all  humanity,  and  is  already 
making  human  selfishness  function  unselfishly  for  the  com- 
mon good  on  a  world-wide  scale. 

World  peace  is  no  longer  a  dream  to  be  realized  in  that 
far-off  future  when  human  nature  shall  no  longer  be  bound 
by  the  laws  which  govern  it.  Nor  is  it  a  precarious  advantage 
to  be  temporarily  gained  from  diplomatic  bargaining.  World 
peace  is  the  logical  destiny  of  the  Second  Industrial  Revolu- 
tion, and  not  a  cold,  negative,  hands-off  peace,  either,  but  a 
peace  sustained  and  made  permanent  by  all-round  human 
understanding  and  experience  with  enlightened  selfishness. 

But  how  did  selfish  capitalism,  with  thought  only  for  the 
immediate  profits  it  might  obtain,  ever  come  to  make  such 
a  discovery  as  this? 

That  is  an  all-important  question.  If  it  can  not  be  an- 
swered, then  the  whole  meaning  of  the  Second  Industrial 
Revolution  will  escape  us.  Philosophers  knew  thousands  of 
years  ago  that  peace  was  better  than  war.  Great  religious 
leaders  also  enjoined  the  world  against  hatred  and  greed  and 
lust.  That  we  should  love  our  neighbors  is  no  new  idea  by 
any  means.  Nor,  even,  is  it  a  new  practice.  The  members  of 
the  old  patriarchal  family,  when  the  family  was  the  going 
economic  institution,  did  learn  to  love  and  to  be  loyal  to 
each  other.  The  citizens  of  the  state  likewise  learned  to  be 
loyal  to  the  state,  and  to  give  their  lives,  if  necessary,  for  this 
larger  human  group.  What  is  new  is  the  discovery  that  the 
machinery  of  modern  business  does  make  the  whole  world 
one,  that  we  are  "all  members  one  of  another,"  that  no  indi- 
vidual and  no  group  can  be  independent  of  others,  but  that 
we  are  mutually  dependent  and  must,  if  we  are  to  give  ex- 
pression to  our  very  will  to  live,  go  in  with  all  our  heart  for 


mutual  service.  And  this  was  discovered,  not  because  busi- 
ness men  were  good  (it  seems,  even,  on  looking  back,  that 
business  men  were  pretty  bad) ,  but  because  it  was  the  truth, 
and  because  business,  whether  business  men  realized  it  or 
not,  could  be  successful  only  as  it  tried  to  find  the  truth. 

Power  machinery,  which  gave  rise  to  the  factory  system, 
was  a  discovery  of  science.  It  was  a  creature  of  fact-finding. 
It  either  worked  or  it  didn't  work;  and  if  it  didn't  work,  it 
didn't  do  any  good  whatever  to  get  down  beside  it  and  pray. 
One  got  down  beside  it,  instead,  and  found  out  what  was 
the  matter  with  it,  if  one  could. 

That,  in  itself,  developed  a  new  attitude  toward  wealth 
production.  Before  the  era  of  power  machinery,  people  cus- 
tomarily looked  to  the  land  for  the  production  of  the  things 
they  needed,  and  if  the  land  didn't  work  for  lack  of  rain, 
they  customarily  did  get  down  and  pray.  Then  it  rained — 
sometimes;  often  enough,  at  least,  to  sustain  the  practice. 
The  practice,  however,  was  of  no  use  in  industry.  Fact- 
finding  was  the  only  industrial  principle  which  got  results. 

People  generally,  to  be  sure,  did  not  become  scientists. 
Even  those  who  looked  for  facts  when  a  machine  broke  down 
did  not  necessarily  look  for  facts  when  a  man  broke  down, 
or  when  the  market  broke  down.  In  such  events,  it  was  cus- 
tomary to  curse  the  man  and  to  pray  with  all  possible  op- 
timism for  better  times.  This  attitude,  in  fact,  has  not  been 
entirely  abandoned  yet.  In  the  main,  however,  the  practice 
of  fact-finding  grew,  and  the  practice  of  magic  waned.  If 
fact-finding  had  not  been  more  successful  than  magic,  I 
hardly  think  this  would  have  been  so. 

The  drift  from  magic  to  science  was  discouragingly  slow, 
as  the  scientists  saw  it,  but  it  was  discouragingly  fast  from 
the  standpoint  of  those  who  were  dealing  in  magic.  At  any 
rate,  there  was  such  a  drift,  and  in  the  course  of  a  century 
or  so,  fact-finding  not  only  had  a  place  in  all  industrial  estab- 


lishments  but  was  securing  a  toe-hold  in  the  life  of  the  aver- 
age man — and  this  too  in  spite  of  many  powerful  influences 
against  it. 

Even  in  school  (and  this  is  more  or  less  true  still)  students 
were  not  encouraged  to  find  the  answers  to  problems.  They 
were  generally  told  the  answers  and  given  to  understand  that 
any  other  answer  was  sinful.  To  be  sure,  science  had  proved 
that  the  earth  is  round,  and  the  schools  informed  the  chil- 
dren that  the  earth  is  round;  but  they  did  not  encourage  a 
questioning  attitude  in  the  matter,  and  the  net  result  upon 
the  growth  of  the  child's  mind  was  much  the  same  as  if  he 
had  been  told  that  the  earth  was  flat. 

In  industry,  however,  it  was  more  and  more  necessary  to 
find  correct  answers,  and  the  practice  of  fact-finding  gradu- 
ally encroached  upon  the  realm  of  inherited  opinions.  Even 
workers  who  discovered  that  a  machine  was  not  as  good  as  it 
might  be,  and  demonstrated  some  way  by  which  it  could  be 
improved,  were  often  rewarded  instead  of  scolded  for  their 
impudence.  In  the  end,  some  employers  (and  they  turned 
out  to  be  the  most  successful  ones)  completely  abandoned 
the  whole  idea  of  running  business  by  fixed  opinion  and  in- 
sisted that  it  be  managed  according  to  the  facts  instead. 

That  is  how  mass  production  happened.  That  is  how  it 
happened  to  be  discovered  that  exploitation  does  not  pay. 
That  is  why  the  most  successful  employers  began  to  raise 
wages,  and  to  make  prices  as  low  as  possible,  although  the 
practices  were  contrary  to  all  the  traditions  of  business  and 
to  all  existing  economic  theory.  And  that  is  why  it  has  now 
become  evident  that  business,  to  be  successful,  must  serve  the 
masses,  and  not  merely  the  masses  within  its  own  boundaries, 
but  throughout  the  whole  buying  world. 

A  business  revolution,  however,  can  not  be  confined  to 
business.  A  business  revolution  is  a  revolution  in  basic  hu- 
man relations;  and  all  human  living  is  therefore,  of  necessity, 


affected.  As  in  the  First  Industrial  Revolution,  then,  human 
life  is  once  again  changing  on  every  front.  If  human  life  is 
changing  now,  however,  more  than  it  has  changed  at  any 
other  period  in  human  history,  the  fact  need  not  confuse  us, 
for  the  basic  change  is  a  change  from  tradition  to  fact-find- 
ing; and  no  matter  what  our  objectives  may  be,  we  are  now 
coming  to  understand  that  we  can  not  reach  them  excepting 
as  we  face  and  follow  the  facts. 

We  may  be  sure  that  human  nature  is  not  changing.  It  has 
been  charged  against  science  by  those  who  did  not  grasp  its 
technique  that  "it  gives  us  nothing  to  cling  to,"  but  those 
who  do  grasp  its  technique  know  better.  It  does  give  us  some- 
thing substantial  to  cling  to.  It  is  those  who  believe  in 
miracles  whose  minds  are  forever  at  sea.  Scientists  may  not 
have  found  all  the  facts,  and  they  may  not  be  able  as  yet  to 
interpret  those  which  they  have  found;  but  they  have  a  fixed 
faith  which  the  believer  in  miracles  can  not  have,  that  all 
the  facts,  discovered  and  to  be  discovered,  will  prove  to  be  in 
harmony  with  unchangeable  natural  law.  To  know  the  law, 
then,  becomes  their  great  objective;  and  they  can  not  swerve 
from  this  objective  because  they  can  not  doubt  that  there  is 
a  law. 

Primitive  man,  when  he  observed  a  change  in  the  weather, 
believed  that  God  had  changed.  An  earthquake  was  an  ex- 
hibition of  divine  rage,  and  even  a  big  wind  an  indication 
that  the  Ruler  of  the  Universe  was  out  of  sorts.  That  there 
was  any  unchangeable  law  governing  natural  phenomena,  a 
law  which  human  beings  might  discover  and  upon  whose 
workings  they  might  depend,  was  beyond  his  comprehension. 
Modern  man,  however,  by  analyzing  the  facts  of  lightning, 
has  discovered  something  about  its  nature;  and  because  he 
knows  how  electricity  acts,  he  has  made  it  serve  him  in  a 
thousand  ways. 

Human  nature,  we  may  now  be  equally  certain,  is  un- 


changeable.  It  is  what  it  is  and  under  no  circumstances  will 
it  ever  act  contrary  to  the  law  which  governs  it.  There  is 
every  indication  that  it  is  selfish.  If  so,  we  may  be  reasonably 
certain  that  it  will  not  become  angelic.  If  it  were  susceptible 
to  such  changes,  in  fact,  we  could  not  hope  to  do  anything 
with  it.  It  is  because  it  is  what  it  is,  and  because  of  the  possi- 
bility of  our  finding  out  what  its  laws  are,  that  we  can  have 
any  such  hope.  If  the  laws  of  electricity  were  susceptible  to 
change,  we  could  not  depend  upon  our  electric  appliances; 
and  if  human  nature  were  likely  to  change,  we  could  not 
hope  to  build  a  dependable  human  society. 

Under  certain  conditions,  however,  human  nature  acts  in 
one  way;  and  under  other  conditions,  it  acts  very  differently. 
Everybody  wants  to  live;  and  if  conditions  are  such,  or  are 
supposed  to  be  such,  that  we  can  live  only  by  fighting  or 
exploiting  other  human  beings,  it  seems  certain  that  we  will 
engage  in  war  and  exploitation.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  it  is 
apparent  that  we  can  not  live  excepting  as  we  engage  in 
some  form  of  cooperation,  human  beings  may  be  depended 
upon  to  cooperate. 

Heretofore,  whenever  we  have  longed  to  create  a  better 
world,  we  have  thought  it  necessary  first  to  change  human 
nature;  but  no  matter  how  many  movements  we  started,  or 
how  many  people  subscribed  to  them,  the  world  we  longed 
for  never  happened.  All  Western  civilization,  in  fact,  was 
induced  to  subscribe  religiously  to  the  principle  of  universal 
love,  but  universal  love  did  not  happen;  and  even  if  we  did 
love  others,  it  furnished  no  guarantee  that  we  would  treat 
them  decently.  We  might  even  put  them  to  death  by  slow 
torture,  in  the  hope  of  saving  their  souls  from  the  fiends 
which  caused  them  to  disagree  with  opinions  and  conclusions 
which  we  considered  sacred. 

The  great  meaning  of  the  Second  Industrial  Revolution  is 
that  it  inaugurates  selfish,  actual,  factual  cooperation,  not 


in  accordance  with  some  theory  of  what  man  should  be,  but 
in  accordance  with  what  man  really  is. 

Business  men  want  profits;  and  it  is  mass  production 
which  yields  the  greatest  total  profits.  Workers  want  the 
highest  possible  wages,  and  this  most  profitable,  because 
most  economical,  method  of  production  not  only  pays  the 
highest  wages  but  finds  it  necessary  for  selfish  business  rea- 
sons to  do  so.  The  whole  world  wants  peace,  and  this  new 
organization  of  industry  makes  world  peace  necessary.  People 
generally  want  rest  from  drudgery,  and  mass  production 
eliminates  drudgery.  But  they  also  want  security,  and  mass 
production  can  not  be  permanently  successful  unless  it  regu- 
lates both  wages  and  employment  so  that  the  masses  will  be 
economically  secure.  They  want  leisure — it  is  human  nature 
that  they  should  want  it,  and  jt  is  socially  necessary  that  they 
have  it;  but  only  mass  production  can  provide  this  leisure, 
and  it  remains  for  mass  production  to  discover  the  business 
necessity  for  doing  so. 

It  may  be  said  in  objection  that  the  First  Industrial  Revo- 
lution did  not  carry  out  its  promises,  and  that  it  is  rather 
naive,  to  say  the  least,  to  hold  such  an  optimistic  attitude 
toward  the  Second.  One  might  say  as  much,  however,  regard- 
ing the  first  automobile  or  the  first  aeroplane.  Actually,  the 
First  and  Second  Industrial  Revolutions  are  not  two  revolu- 
tions but  one  revolution,  and  it  is  only  necessary  to  make  the 
distinction  because  the  term  "the  industrial  revolution"  has 
become  attached  to  the  initial  stages  of  the  greatest  change 
in  human  history.  It  is  naive  to  be  optimistic.  But  it  is 
equally  naive  to  be  pessimistic.  Industry  has  no  use  for  either 
attitude.  Machine  industry  is  based  on  science  and  can  ad- 
vance only  along  the  line  of  discovered  facts. 

There  were  terrible  excesses  connected  with  the  introduc- 
tion of  machine  industry.  Man  did  not  know,  and  could  not 
then  know,  how  he  would  have  to  act  when,  instead  of  being 


organized  in  little  agricultural  communities,  he  would  find 
it  necessary  to  make  his  living  by  the  operation  of  machines 
which,  in  their  very  nature,  could  not  supply  him  directly 
with  the  things  he  needed  to  eat  and  wear.  Since  machine 
industry  rendered  the  old  social  order  impossible,  dreamers 
naturally  dreamed  of  a  new  social  order;  but  they  did  not 
dream  of  a  machine  order  and  did  not  think  it  necessary  to 
discover  the  laws  of  the  machine.  Business  men,  on  the  other 
hand,  did  not  do  much  dreaming.  Competition,  they  found, 
was  too  keen  to  permit  them  to  do  anything  of  the  sort.  In 
the  interest  of  more  profits,  however,  they  did  discover  more 
and  more  business  facts;  and  it  is  from  those  business  facts 
that  a  social  order  is  now  emerging  which  is  in  many  ways 
beyond  man's  wildest  dreams. 

In  the  First  Industrial  Revolution,  business  men,  greedy 
for  profits,  seemed  to  stop  at  nothing  to  obtain  them.  They 
hired  men  as  cheaply  as  they  could  get  them,  and  men  with 
families  to  support  were  compelled  to  work  for  next  to 
nothing,  and  hence  to  provide  those  families  with  next  to 
nothing.  Next  they  hired  women,  because  they  would  work 
more  cheaply  yet.  Then  little  children.  One  recoils  at  the 
bare  mention  of  the  social  degradation  of  the  early  stages  of 
industrialism,  the  filth  and  squalor  of  the  slums,  the  dan- 
gerous machinery  in  mines  and  factories,  the  accidents,  dis- 
ease and  general  despair — and  then  the  smug  excuses  of 
employers  that  this  was  all  God's  will,  and  that  they  could 
not  pay  higher  wages  without  losing  the  market  to  their 

Some  charged  all  this  to  industrialism.  Others  charged  it 
to  cursed  human  greed.  But  both  indictments  were  rather 
futile.  The  process  of  finding  more  profitable  ways  of  doing 
things  could  not  be  stopped;  and  each  new  opportunity  for 
profits  always  found  somebody  reaching  out  for  it.  When  the 
state  tried  to  regulate  business,  business  bribed  and  cor- 


rupted  the  state.  Workers  organized  unions;  but  union  lead- 
ers, too,  were  often  bribed,  and  although  the  unions  played 
a  large  part  in  enforcing  a  higher  standard  of  living,  and 
therefore  eventually  more  and  better  business,  industrial 
societies  seemed  to  be  forever  in  the  throes  of  social  war. 
Various  factions  fought  for  their  rights,  but  for  all  practical 
purposes,  might  seemed  to  be  right,  and  no  social  problems 
were  solved  until  fact-finding  was  substituted  for  fighting 
and  it  was  discovered  that  the  trouble  lay  neither  with  hu- 
man nature  nor  with  the  nature  of  machinery  but  with  our 
business  and  our  human  ignorance. 



IT  IS  impossible  to  observe  the  advance  of  the  machine 
civilization  without  coming  face  to  face  with  the  question 
of  what  is  happening  to  the  institution  of  the  family.  It  is 
not  for  me  to  answer  that  question.  I  wish  simply  to  point 
out  that  it  can  not  be  answered  by  debate.  It  is  clearly  a 
matter  for  fact-finding;  and  mere  emotional  reactions  for  or 
against  change  are  not  likely  to  bring  us  to  any  satisfactory 

Obviously,  the  home  is  not  what  it  used  to  be.  But  it  never 
was.  The  structure  of  the  family  has  changed  from  age  to 
age,  and  the  code  imposed  upon  its  members  has  varied  as 
economic  conditions  have  varied.  This  is  not  to  take  issue 
with  those  who  insist  that  the  family  is  a  holy  institution.  It 
is  simply  to  point  out  that  it  is  not  a  dead  institution,  and 
living  things  change. 

That  the  family  has  adjusted  itself  from  time  to  time  to 
economic  changes  is  an  incontrovertible  fact;  and  that  it  will 
adjust  itself  to  further  economic  changes  may  be  expected. 
For  the  family,  whatever  else  it  may  have  been,  has  always 
been  an  economic  institution. 

The  classical  economists,  to  be  sure,  had  little  or  nothing 
to  say  about  the  economics  of  the  family.  This  may  seem 
strange,  considering  that  the  family,  at  this  time  and  for 
thousands  of  years  before,  was  the  dominant  institution  of 
the  world.  It  was  the  institution  under  which  the  great 
majority  of  human  beings  obtained  their  living;  and  it 
not  only  had  a  definite  and  understandable  system  of  eco- 
nomics, but  one  which  was  humanly  most  interesting.  But 
the  classical  economists  seem  to  have  overlooked  the  domi- 



nant  economic  system  of  the  world  and  to  have  given  their 
attention  exclusively  to  the  institution  of  trade.  Trade  cer- 
tainly needed  to  be  studied.  Although  it  was  not  so  old  an 
institution  as  the  family,  and  not  so  important,  it  was  an  ever 
greater  and  greater  force  in  human  affairs;  but  this  attempt 
to  study  it  as  something  apart  from  human  affairs  must  have 
resulted,  as  it  did,  in  a  very  "dismal  science." 

The  study  of  the  machine  civilization  from  such  an  ap- 
proach must  likewise  be  dismal.  Many  are  attempting  it,  but 
their  studies  either  begin  and  end  with  tables  of  car  loadings 
and  of  broker's  loans,  or  in  a  series  of  wails  concerning 
"modern  materialism"  as  opposed  to  the  alleged  spirituality 
of  pre-industrial  times. 

If  we  observe  economics  as  an  ever-changing  technique 
in  the  matter  of  getting  a  living,  we  find  it  a  most  exciting 
study.  We  will  then  not  only  notice  the  economic  practices 
of  the  family  but  perceive  the  relation  between  these  prac- 
tices and  a  lot  of  human  ideals  which  we  may  never  have 
associated  with  economics  before. 

Superficial  observers  of  the  machine  civilization,  for  in- 
stance, may  note  that  people  have  more  things  now  than 
ever  before,  but  that  they  are  still  unhappy.  Because  they 
have  more  things,  they  may  then  argue,  they  have  become 
more  materialistic;  and  if  they  could  only  become  content 
with  few  things,  as  the  ancients  were,  they  might  acquire 
calmness  and  strength  and  everything  else,  for  that  matter, 
with  which  it  is  possible  for  the  human  mind  to  endow  its 
imaginary  heroes. 

If,  on  the  other  hand,  we  are  trying  to  observe  the  ever- 
changing  processes  by  which  human  beings  have  organized 
and  are  still  organizing  to  obtain  a  living,  the  patriarchal 
family  will  not  loom  up  to  us  as  a  symbol  of  resignation  to 
poverty.  It  will  loom  instead  as  a  marvellous  invention — a 
means  by  which  the  standard  of  living  was  not  only  raised 


beyond  anything  that  man  could  have  hoped  for  before,  but 
which  made  life  so  relatively  secure  that  man  was  able  to 
develop  a  spiritual  life  which  he  could  not  possibly  have  had 

From  the  standpoint  of  the  machine  civilization,  to  be 
sure,  the  people  of  the  patriarchal  order  were  poor;  but  from 
the  standpoint  of  anything  which  had  gone  before,  they  were 
immensely  rich.  The  family  historically  was  as  wealthy  as  it 
could  be.  It  went  in,  not  for  poverty,  but  for  luxury,  and 
employed  every  available  means  to  get  it.  It  even  made  a 
virtue  of  work,  and  of  diligence,  not  because  strenuosity 
produced  a  pleasanter  sensation  than  repose,  but  because 
work  brought  results  and,  if  enough  work  were  done  under 
organized  direction,  people  would  then  have  an  opportunity 
to  rest  with  some  sense  of  security. 

Many,  to  be  sure,  did  become  sluggards,  but  it  was  not 
the  sluggards  who  succeeded  under  the  economic  regime  of 
the  family.  The  modern  "go-getter,"  in  fact,  will  find  most 
of  his  "pep"  slogans  duplicated  in  the  Proverbs  of  ancient 
Israel  or  in  the  Chinese  classics.  The  family  succeeded,  not 
because  it  had  achieved  all  that  there  was  to  be  achieved,  but 
because  it  was  an  up-and-coming  institution. 

Its  greatest  achievement  was  that  it  made  it  possible  to 
bring  babies  to  maturity,  and  to  bring  them  up  with  an  un- 
derstanding of  how  this  had  become  possible.  Some  may  take 
issue  with  that  statement.  Some  may  say  that  the  greatest 
achievement  of  the  family  was  that  it  taught  love  and  rever- 
ence and  the  principles  of  cooperation.  But  that  is  only  say- 
ing the  same  thing  in  a  different  way,  for  if  the  family  had 
failed  to  bring  its  babies  to  maturity,  the  race  would  never 
have  known  of  these  principles.  It  is  not  at  all  certain,  in 
fact,  that  there  would  still  be  a  human  race,  if  it  were  not 
for  what  the  institution  of  the  family  did  to  help  it  conquer 
its  environment. 


The  fundamental  economic  principle  of  the  family  was 
cooperation.  Individual  animals  might  get  a  living  of  a  sort 
through  individually  finding  fruits  and  berries,  and  indi- 
vidually killing  and  eating  other  animals.  But  land  could 
not  be  tilled,  and  the  art  of  agriculture  could  not  be  de- 
veloped, through  any  such  free-lance  methods.  Human  be- 
ings had  to  get  together  to  do  that.  They  had  to  coordinate 
their  efforts.  They  had  to  make  all  sorts  of  experiments,  and 
all  sorts  of  failures;  and  when  they  found  a  method  which 
actually  worked,  they  had  to  make  a  note  of  it,  so  that  the 
organization  could  follow  that  formula  thereafter  and  not 
have  to  waste  so  much  time  and  effort  in  discovering  it  anew 
each  time. 

No  doubt  there  were  people  in  the  early  days  of  the  fam- 
ily who  did  not  think  the  garne  was  worth  the  candle.  Con- 
ceding that  the  family  organization  brought  more  things  to 
people  than  people  had  ever  been  able  to  enjoy  before,  was 
it  not  restricting  their  freedom  and  destroying  their  ancient 
ideals?  There  may  even  have  been  movements  to  return  to 
the  good  old  times  when  anybody  who  wanted  to  do  so 
could  start  a  little  business  with  his  own  teeth  and  claws. 
If  so,  however,  they  died  out,  and  they  died  out  because  the 
family  system  was  more  successful. 

The  family  was  composed  of  producers  and  consumers. 
All  were  producers,  of  course,  and  all  were  consumers;  but 
it  was  as  consumers  that  they  laid  out  their  program  of  pro- 
duction. If  the  members  of  the  family  wanted  a  lot  of  things, 
they  organized  as  well  as  they  knew  how  to  produce  those 
things.  If,  upon  occasion,  however,  they  produced  more  food 
than  they  could  consume,  they  did  not  act  at  all  as  the 
classical  economists  declared  that  human  beings  must  act. 
They  might  curtail  production  along  those  particular  lines, 
to  be  sure,  but  it  never  occurred  to  them  that  they  must 
simultaneously  curtail  consumption.  Before  the  advent  of 


trade,  at  least,  if  a  family  produced  more  than  it  could 
consume,  it  consumed  as  much  as  it  wanted  to  consume 

The  institution  of  trade  grew  out  of  the  institution  of 
the  family,  but  it  did  not  follow  the  economic  principles  of 
the  family.  That  is  quite  understandable.  Trade  was  new.  It 
had  to  find  its  way.  Such  education  as  there  was  in  the 
world  consisted  of  education  in  the  traditions  of  the  family, 
but  the  best  educated  patriarch  was  not  prepared  to  see  how 
these  traditions  could  be  applied  to  the  family  and  to  people 
outside  the  family  too. 

Each  member  of  the  family  was  educated  and  disciplined 
to  work,  not  according  to  his  own  personal  whims,  but  in 
accordance  with  the  family's  main  objectives.  He  might  be 
as  selfish  as  people  ever  were;  but  he  was  trained  to  see  that 
he  could  become  successful  only  if  the  whole  family  was 
successful,  and  to  coordinate  his  own  selfish  efforts  with  the 
selfish  efforts  of  all  the  others  in  the  achievement  of  the 
common  good.  By  such  training,  family  loyalty,  family  rever- 
ence and  family  love  were  engendered. 

Trade  was  something  else  again.  Trade  came  about  be- 
cause families  found  themselves  with  certain  surpluses  in 
certain  lines,  while  they  were  short,  perhaps,  of  other  things 
which  they  wanted  to  have.  By  trading  these  surpluses  for 
the  surpluses  of  other  families,  the  problem  seemed  to  be 
solved.  It  was,  in  a  way,  but  the  practice  that  was  then 
started  revolutionized  the  whole  world,  and  the  institution 
of  the  family  could  never  be  exactly  what  it  was  before. 

Trade  was  so  profitable  that  it  expanded;  but  people 
whose  lives  were  thoroughly  organized  to  serve  their  own 
families  did  not  organize  their  lives  to  serve  consumers.  The 
family  itself,  so  long  as  it  had  no  dealings  with  the  outside 
world,  was  organized  definitely  to  serve  consumers;  but  when 
a  family  attempted  to  sell  its  products  to  other  families,  it 


thought  not  at  all  of  the  consumer's  interests  but  of  the 
interests  of  the  family  which  had  the  goods  to  sell. 

Nor  can  the  families  be  blamed  for  this.  The  members  of 
the  family  thought  first  of  their  own  family's  interests  be- 
cause the  family  had  taught  them  to  do  so.  If  human  nature 
had  been  different  than  it  was,  perhaps,  all  the  families  in 
the  world  might  have  met  in  council  and  debated  (i)  Shall 
we  now  establish  the  institution  of  trade?  and  (2)  Under 
what  constitution  and  by-laws  shall  all  the  families  in  the 
world  proceed  to  have  dealings  with  all  the  other  families 
in  the  world?  But  human  nature  and  human  history  do  not 
act  that  way.  Families  with  surpluses  simply  tried  to  better 
their  situation  by  trading  with  other  families;  and  each  very 
naturally  "let  the  buyer  beware." 

Trade,  for  many  centuries,  was  but  an  incident  in  family 
life  and  did  not  disturb  it  very  much.  Based  on  the  principle 
of  trying  to  get  the  best  of  each  other,  however,  trading 
often  led  to  fighting,  and  the  world  of  trade  became  known 
as  an  ugly  and  cruel  world,  and  only  within  the  orderly 
arrangement  of  the  home  (which  was  based  upon  a  very 
different  principle)  could  one  look  for  peace  and  serenity. 

As  families  extended  their  tradings  with  near-by  families, 
however,  they  found  an  orderly  way  to  do  it,  and  they  de- 
veloped a  small  community  life.  But  this,  instead  of  ending 
trade  wars,  led  to  bigger  wars  than  ever — wars  with  other 
communities  which  had  been  similarly  organized.  Neverthe- 
less, trade,  because  it  was  profitable,  expanded  more  and 
more;  and  the  need  for  order  along  the  far-flung  trade  routes 
called  political  states  into  being,  with  the  result  that,  while 
there  might  be  still  larger  areas  of  order  than  before,  there 
were  still  larger  wars — wars  with  other  states. 

All  the  time,  it  must  be  remembered,  most  of  the  people 
of  earth  were  getting  most  of  their  living  under  the  economic 
arrangement  of  the  family;  but  they  were  getting  enough 


of  their  living  from  an  institution  which  was  organized  on 
diametrically  opposite  principles,  so  that  it  was  constantly 
necessary  for  men  to  abandon  their  families  and  march  out 
under  state  banners  to  kill  unknown  family  men  of  other 

Which  brings  us  down  to  very  recent  history;  for,  while 
trade  has  now  become  world-wide,  and  everybody  is  more  or 
less  dependent  upon  it,  the  majority  of  the  earth's  popula- 
tion is  still  probably  getting  most  of  its  living,  not  by 
virtue  of  trade  but  under  the  old  economic  system  of  the 
family.  If  all  commercial  intercourse  should  come  to  a  sud- 
den end  today,  all  the  world's  population  would  not  neces- 
sarily starve  to  death  immediately.  Most  of  the  people  in  the 
United  States  would  doubtless  perish,  for  the  family  here 
is  not  equipped  to  wrest  a  living  from  the  soil  by  its  own 
unaided  efforts;  but  in  parts  of  Asia  the  institution  of  the 
family  is  still  running  so  true  to  its  original  form  that  many 
might  possibly  survive. 

Such  a  prospect,  however,  can  hardly  appear  pleasing,  even 
to  the  most  pronounced  critics  of  modern  machine  civiliza- 
tion. This  civilization  has  not  been  peaceful.  It  has  been 
disturbing  in  many  ways  and  it  has  undoubtedly  weakened 
the  economic  supremacy  of  the  family  and  set  the  whole 
world  to  living  a  large  part  of  its  life,  not  according  to  the 
law  of  cooperation  but  according  to  a  dog-eat-dog,  survival- 
of-the-fittest  program. 

Many  idealists  who  have  shrunk  from  this  reality  have 
tried  to  introduce  another  system.  They  have  tried  to  run 
their  businesses,  for  instance,  on  what  they  have  called  a 
spirit  of  cooperation;  and  by  profit-sharing  and  other  de- 
vices, they  have  tried  to  imagine  that  they  and  their  em- 
ployees "are  just  one  happy  family."  Try  as  they  might, 
however,  they  have  not  succeeded  in  turning  a  business 
into  a  family;  for  the  family  was  a  community  of  producers 


and  consumers,  who  produced  what  they  consumed  and 
consumed  what  they  produced.  Businesses  deal  with  the 
outside  world;  and  when  even  the  best  regulated  of  families 
dealt  with  the  world  outside  that  family,  it  did  not  and 
could  not  deal  with  it  by  the  same  principles  and  with  the 
same  motives  that  made  the  family  what  it  was. 

Only  with  the  coming  of  mass  production,  in  fact,  could 
the  economic  principles  upon  which  the  family  was  organ- 
ized be  applied  to  trade.  Only  then  could  the  principle  of 
bargaining  be  supplanted  by  the  rule  of  service.  For  mass 
production  is  production  for  the  masses.  It  demands,  not 
merely  large-scale  cooperation  in  production,  with  hun- 
dreds of  thousands  of  workers  perhaps  all  engaged  under 
scientific  management  in  turning  out  a  single  product,  but 
it  demands  more  and  more  coordination  between  produc- 
tion and  consumption. 

Under  mass  production,  the  economic  laws  which  the 
classical  economists  thought  they  had  discovered  simply  do 
not  apply.  Producers  are  no  longer  limited  to  finding  mar- 
kets, but  are  compelled  to  concentrate  upon  the  more 
human  task  of  discovering  human  needs,  and  of  organiz- 
ing production  and  distribution  in  strict  accordance  with 
those  needs.  Just  as  the  family  did  not  stop  producing  be- 
cause it  could  not  sell  its  goods,  mass  production  does  not 
stop  because  the  masses  have  no  buying  power.  Mass  pro- 
duction gets  its  goods  to  those  who  need  them  by  manufac- 
turing and  distributing  buying  power. 

Mass  production,  it  must  be  remembered,  is  not  a  social 
theory  resulting  from  some  idealistic  determination  as  to 
how  things  should  be  done.  Mass  production  is  already  the 
dominant  system  of  business  and  has  resulted  from  dis- 
covering how  things  must  be  done  if  the  greatest  total 
profits  are  to  be  obtained.  First  thought  must  be  given  to 
the  consumer  and  the  masses  must  become  large-scale  con- 


sumers.  Bargaining  in  the  old  sense  is  a  thing  of  the  past, 
for  producers  can  no  longer  think  of  how  much  they  can 
get  from  consumers  but  of  how  much  they  can  serve  the 
consumer  for  the  least  possible  tax  upon  the  consumer's 
dollar.  Mass  production  likewise  can  not  afford  to  hire  its 
employees  on  the  old  bargaining  basis;  it  must  pay  its 
employees  as  much  as  it  can,  and  find  out  how  it  may 
pay  them  more  so  that  they  will  be  able  to  buy  more  of 
the  increasing  production.  It  can  not  live  in  the  way  that 
business  once  managed  to  live,  by  exploiting  anyone,  nor 
by  taking  such  business  as  it  may  take  from  its  competi- 
tors. It  must  find  its  success  now  in  enriching  everyone, 
and  in  constantly  finding  new  ways  of  enriching  them. 

What  this  will  do  to  the  organization  and  prestige  of 
the  family  is  a  matter  to  which  sociologists  may  well  direct 
their  studies.  Undoubtedly,  since  the  head  of  the  family  is 
no  longer  in  control  of  the  economic  process  through 
which  the  family  may  get  its  living,  he  must  be  relieved  of 
many  of  the  ancient  responsibilities  and  therefore  of  many 
of  the  ancient  prerogatives  of  the  patriarch.  Women,  for 
instance,  can  no  longer  be  his  subjects;  and  even  children 
are  likely  to  discover  that  their  economic  well-being  now 
comes  not  from  the  organization  of  the  family  but  from 
the  organization  of  industry,  and  they  may  look  more  and 
more  for  individual  guidance,  not  to  their  fathers  but  to 
the  truths  which  science  is  discovering.  In  one  sense,  how- 
ever, mass  production  represents  the  historical  triumph 
of  the  family — the  triumph  of  the  principle  of  organizing 
for  common  service  over  the  principles  upon  which  busi- 
ness tried  to  act  and  which  the  classical  economists  sup- 
posed were  economic  laws. 



POLITICAL  government  is  government  by  opinion. 
Successful  business  management  is  government  by 
the  facts. 

Politicians  must  be  guided  by  opinions.  Engineers  and 
business  men  must  be  guided  by  the  facts.  But  these,  un- 
fortunately, may  be  quite  as  confusing  to  engineers  and 
business  men  as  they  are  to  the  politicians. 

They  may  conclude,  for  instance,  that  a  "business  ad- 
ministration" can  be  obtained  by  electing  engineers  and 
business  men  to  office.  But  engineers  and  business  men 
in  office  are  not  engineers  and  business  men:  they  are  politi- 
cal officeholders,  and  if  they  intend  to  retain  their  offices, 
they  must  act  like  political  officeholders.  They  must  bow  to 
public  opinion,  no  matter  how  far  from  the  facts  public 
opinion  may  be.  What  is  more,  they  are  so  unused  to  such 
bowing,  that  they  may  not  do  it  either  as  gracefully  or  as 
effectively  as  the  professional  politicians  do  it. 

This  seems  to  be  the  fundamental  reason  why  so  many 
business  men,  and  so  many  scientists  who  have  been  accus- 
tomed to  fact-finding  methods,  become  disgusted  with  poli- 
tics and  decide  to  let  politics  alone.  But  politics  does  not  let 
them  alone.  Politics  decides  many  of  their  most  important 
questions.  Politics  makes  tariffs.  Politics  declares  war.  Politics 
enacts  all  sorts  of  laws  to  curb  business  enterprise,  not  neces- 
sarily because  the  politicians  want  such  laws  passed,  but 
because  they  want  to  keep  their  own  political  cheques  in 

Because  of  all  this,  I  have  known  many  business  men  to 
declare  that  they  can  no  longer  believe  in  democracy.  But 



this  is  rather  a  naive  reaction,  for  autocracy  is  government 
by  opinion  quite  as  much  as  is  democracy.  Autocrats,  even 
if  they  understand  the  principles  of  good  goverment,  are  not 
free  to  follow  them.  They  have  to  guard,  not  against  mere 
political  reverses,  but  against  revolution;  and  they  have  to 
guess  how  to  do  that,  instead  of  rinding  out.  Political  govern- 
ment not  only  is  government  by  opinion,  but  it  must  be.  No 
measurement,  at  least,  has  yet  been  discovered  to  secure 
exact  government  by  fact  in  politics. 

Mazzini  defined  democracy  as  "the  progress  of  all  through 
all  under  the  leadership  of  the  wisest  and  best."  I  know  of 
no  better  definition,  and  no  better  political  ideal.  Neverthe- 
less, I  can  find  nothing  in  the  structure  of  politics  which 
gives  any  assurance  that  the  people  will  choose  the  best  and 
wisest  leadership. 

In  the  structure  of  business,  however,  the  wisest  and  best 
leadership  is  actually  being  chosen  by  the  people. 

That  will  seem  to  many  to  be  a  most  amazing  statement. 
For  business,  they  will  say,  is  not  governed  by  opinion;  the 
public  does  not  elect  its  business  leaders.  Business  leaders  get 
to  their  positions  of  leadership,  they  will  tell  us,  by  virtue  of 
their  own  initiative  and  courage,  and  their  ability  to  dis- 
cover the  real  principles  of  business,  instead  of  pandering 
to  ignorance  and  prejudice. 

But  this  is  not  quite  true.  The  masses  of  America  have 
elected  Henry  Ford.  They  have  elected  General  Motors. 
They  have  elected  the  General  Electric  Company,  and  Wool- 
worth's  and  all  the  other  great  industrial  and  business  leaders 
of  the  day.  They  have  not  voted  for  them,  to  be  sure,  with 
paper  ballots,  and  they  have  not  instituted  any  system  by 
which  the  masses  shall  assemble  in  solemn  plebiscite,  to 
guess  about  what  their  needs  are  likely  to  be,  and  to  choose 
from  a  list  of  highly  ballyhooed  unknowns  the  men  or  the 
firms  with  which  they  pledge  themselves  to  do  business  for 


the  next  year,  or  the  next  four  years,  as  the  case  may  be.  No, 
this  election  of  business  leadership  is  constant.  The  polls  are 
open  every  day,  and  voters  vote  when  they  feel  like  voting. 
They  do  not  vote  with  ballots,  but  with  dollars  and  quarters 
and  dimes.  They  do  not  vote,  moreover,  upon  what  candi- 
dates promise  that  they  will  do  in  the  future  if  they  are  given 
the  authority  to  do  it.  They  vote,  in  all  cases,  upon  what  the 
candidates  have  done,  and  they  confer  leadership  upon  a 
candidate  only  if  what  he  has  done  has  proven  satisfactory. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  of  these  matter-of-fact  elec- 
tions (to  be  distinguished  from  the  matter-of-opinion  elec- 
tions on  the  political  field)  was  the  election  of  Henry  Ford, 
not  merely  as  the  maker  and  distributor  of  motor  cars  but 
as  the  person  who  would  have  most  to  say,  in  the  end,  as  to 
how  American  industry  should  henceforth  be  organized  and 

When  the  polls  opened  in  this  "election,"  the  American 
public  had  never  heard  of  Ford.  There  were  several  candi- 
dates for  high  positions  in  the  automobile  industry;  but  it 
wasn't  much  of  an  industry  and  it  was  an  industry  in  which 
the  public  wasn't  particularly  interested  anyway.  The  in- 
dustry was  manufacturing  new  toys  for  wealthy  people;  and 
if  the  American  public  had  held  a  matter-of-opinion  election 
on  the  subject,  it  might  easily  have  voted  for  some  candi- 
date who  would  promise  to  keep  automobile  owners  from 
driving  their  cars  on  the  public  highways,  where  they  were 
sure  to  scare  horses  and  perhaps  run  down  the  common 

Had  they  heard  of  Ford,  and  had  he  tried  to  outline  his 
program  to  them,  they  would  certainly  have  done  something 
to  stop  him,  for  his  plans  were  as  far  as  could  be  from  all 
their  fixed  opinions. 

In  the  first  place,  the  American  public  was  set  against  the 
idea  of  one  man's  accumulating  very  much  money.  Farmers 


and  workingmen  particularly  were  certain  that  no  one  could 
accumulate  as  much  as  a  million  dollars  honestly,  and  that, 
even  if  it  were  accumulated  honestly,  it  necessarily  left  a 
million  dollars  less  for  other  people  to  get. 

But  here  was  Ford,  planning  a  business  which  was  even- 
tually to  make  him,  not  merely  a  millionaire,  but  a  billion- 
aire, at  the  very  time  that  the  American  public  was  insisting, 
in  its  state  legislatures  and  in  its  national  congress,  upon 
curbing  the  trusts  and  making  it  impossible  for  Big  Busi- 
ness to  get  the  best  of  little  businesses.  He  had  a  scheme, 
moreover,  for  mass  production — for  producing  millions  and 
millions  of  these  machines  which  were  scaring  horses  and 
adding  new  terrors  to  walking  and  driving  on  the  streets. 
He  also  had  a  program  which  would  necessitate  the  ex- 
penditure of  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars  for  better  roads, 
when  almost  every  farmer  in  the  country  considered  the 
road  tax  a  terrible  burden  as  it  was. 

Unquestionably,  in  any  matter-of-opinion  campaign,  Ford 
would  never  have  been  granted  authority  to  do  what  he  did. 
Incidentally,  if  he  had  been  granted  authority  to  do  it,  and 
had  tried  to  do  it  under  this  authority,  he  couldn't  possibly 
have  done  it.  But  it  was  all  a  matter  of  fact,  not  of  opinion 
or  of  right,  and  Mr.  Ford  threw  his  hat  into  the  matter-of- 
fact  ring.  It  was  necessary  to  appeal  to  the  people;  but  it  was 
not  necessary  to  ask  them  to  vote  on  any  question  which 
they  could  not  possibly  comprehend,  nor  to  take  a  stand  on 
anything  but  their  own  self-interest  as  tested  by  actual  re- 

It  was  necessary  for  each  candidate  to  make  a  car  which 
the  people  would  vote  for,  not  with  matter-of-opinion  votes, 
but  with  matter-of-fact  dollars.  No  one  was  compelled  to  vote 
if  he  wasn't  interested.  And  just  because  one  candidate  got 
a  working  majority,  that  would  not  necessarily  keep  another 
one  from  getting  a  working  minority.  In  this  matter-of-fact 


voting,  there  was  exact,  scientific,  matter-of-fact  proportional 

In  politics,  if  a  Republican  was  elected,  the  Democrat 
was  not  only  rejected,  but  those  who  voted  for  the  Democrat 
had  to  be  served  by  the  Republican  whether  they  liked  the 
service  or  not.  In  business,  the  minority  could  go  on  being 
served  in  the  way  they  chose  to  be  served  by  the  simple 
process  of  continuing  to  cast  their  dollars  that  way.  The  way 
of  the  most  buying  simply  became  the  dominant  way  of 
doing  business.  If  a  minority  leader  copied  it,  he  auto- 
matically became  a  majority  leader. 

In  this  campaign  for  motor  car  supremacy,  it  was  evident 
that  everybody  couldn't  vote.  Everybody  might  want  an 
automobile,  but  very  few  could  buy  one,  and  only  the  dollars 
spent  in  actual  buying  counted.  This,  it  may  appear  at 
first,  was  most  undemocratic,  for  in  politics  every  voter  could 
vote  on  everything,  whether  he  knew  anything  about  it  or 
not.  The  current  issue  might  be  the  tariff;  and  it  was  doubt- 
ful, sometimes,  whether  the  majority  of  the  voters  knew 
what  a  tariff  was.  But  this  was  no  bar.  A  voter  might  believe 
that  the  tariff  was  a  building  in  Washington,  and  he  might 
not  care  in  the  least  whether  it  was  high  or  low;  but  he  could 
vote,  nevertheless,  for  a  high  tariff  because  the  candidate  who 
favored  it  was  an  Elk,  or  because  he  lived  up-state,  or  be- 
cause his  opponent  wore  whiskers  while  he  preferred  men 
with  a  clean  shave.  It  was  not  only  his  right,  he  was  told, 
to  vote  on  all  these  issues,  but  it  was  his  duty  as  a  sovereign 
citizen;  and  how  he  made  up  his  mind  was  nobody's  busi- 

As  a  rule,  of  course,  the  average  voter  was  intelligent 
enough  to  know  that  he  did  not  know  enough  to 
qualify  him  to  decide  such  intricate  questions.  It  was 
his  opinion,  however,  that  his  party  leaders  knew  enough 
to  do  so,  and  that  they  were  much  better  men  generally 


than  the  leaders  of  the  other  party.  He  did  not  know  these 
party  leaders,  to  be  sure,  but  he  had  heard  about  them  from 
speakers  whom  the  party  leaders  had  sent  out  for  him  to 
hear,  or  read  about  them  in  literature  which  the  party 
leaders  had  sent  out  for  him  to  read. 

Those  voters  who  did  not  belong  to  parties  had  another 
formula.  If  times  were  good,  they  voted  for  the  party  which 
happened  to  be  in  power.  If  they  were  bad,  they  voted  for 
the  opposition.  If  times  were  very  bad,  large  numbers  of 
them  voted  for  the  most  radical  opposition.  They  could  not 
always  explain  the  relation  between  the  hard  times  and  the 
administration's  policies,  but  they  showed,  at  least,  how  they 
felt  about  it. 

In  the  matter  of  industrial  leadership,  while  those  who 
could  not  buy  automobiles  had  nothing  to  say  about  who 
should  be  leader  in  that  special  field,  everybody  nevertheless 
did  some  voting.  Everybody  bought  something,  and  how 
they  bought  determined  how  manufacturing  and  selling 
should  be  carried  on. 

Undoubtedly,  they  had  their  prejudices.  They  wanted  to 
get  as  much  as  they  could  for  their  money.  There  were  move- 
ments, to  be  sure,  from  time  to  time,  to  persuade  them 
against  doing  this,  but  these  movements  were  not  noticeably 

Sometimes  an  appeal  was  made  to  the  public  not  to  buy 
foreign  goods.  It  was  argued  that  European  manufacturers 
paid  low  wages,  and  buying  their  products  helped  to  keep 
wages  low.  But  that  campaign  never  got  very  far.  The  people 
were  so  selfish,  as  a  rule,  that  they  picked  out  what  they  con- 
sidered the  best  values.  Perhaps  they  noticed,  also,  that  em- 
ployers who  wanted  them  to  pay  high  prices  were  likely  to 
be  keeping  wages  as  low  as  they  could. 

There  were  also  campaigns  by  labor  unions  to  induce 
people  to  buy  goods  having  the  union  label,  and  thus  pat- 


ronize  industries  which  paid  high  wages  and  recognized  the 
rights  of  workingmen.  Even  the  unions,  in  those  days,  be- 
lieved that  high  wages  must  lead  to  higher  prices,  and 
abandoned  this  belief,  and  the  campaigning  which  was  based 
upon  it,  only  when  it  became  apparent  that  higher  prices  so 
impaired  the  buying  power  of  the  workingman  that  his 
seemingly  higher  wages  were  of  no  more  use  to  him  than 
his  lower  wages  had  been,  and  were  therefore  not  higher  at 
all.  At  any  rate,  all  attempts  to  induce  people  generally  to 
pay  more  than  they  had  to  pay  for  things  did  not  progress 
very  well. 

Small  town  "independent"  merchants  often  tried  to  rouse 
their  communities  against  what  they  called  the  pernicious 
and  unpatriotic  practice  of  -buying  at  chain  stores.  There 
were  other  campaigns  against  mail  order  houses.  But  it  was 
the  agitators,  not  the  chain  stores  nor  the  mail  order  houses, 
who  almost  invariably  lost.  In  the  commercial  and  in- 
dustrial field,  people  generally  voted  with  their  dollars,  not 
according  to  some  abstract  economic  principle  which  they 
did  not  understand,  but  according  to  their  own  selfish 
interests  and  the  hard  fact  that  they  wanted  a  lot  of  things 
and  had  only  a  little  money  with  which  to  get  them. 

In  the  great  campaign  for  automobile  supremacy  most  of 
the  candidates  were  of  the  opinion  that  they  could  get  more 
dollars  by  appealing  to  the  sort  of  person  who  had  the  largest 
number  of  dollars  to  spend.  One  firm,  then,  put  out  a 
$5,000  car,  another  one  for  $4,000,  another  a  car  for  $3,500. 
Mr.  Ford  offered  a  car  on  an  entirely  different  theory.  He 
would  not  appeal,  he  decided,  to  the  sort  of  person  who  had 
the  most  money,  but  to  the  greatest  number  of  people  who 
had  money  enough  to  buy  a  car  at  the  lowest  price  for  which 
a  serviceable  car  could  be  manufactured  and  sold. 

Many  were  declaring  at  the  time  that  wealth  was  con- 
centrating in  the  hands  of  a  few.  Mr.  Ford,  possibly,  did  not 


know  whether  it  was  or  not.  But  if  it  were,  it  would  not 
follow  that  the  few  would  buy  many  cars.  Every  millionaire 
might  buy  one,  or  possibly  two  or  three,  but  even  then,  there 
wouldn't  be  much  of  an  automobile  business.  On  the  other 
hand,  if  he  could  sell  cars  to  everybody  who  would  like  a 
car,  and  at  a  price  which  they  were  able  to  pay,  he  might 
build  up  a  bigger  business,  and  get  more  profits  in  the  end, 
than  those  who  had  their  eyes  on  the  millionaire  trade  could 
possibly  get. 

It  was  the  opinion  of  the  trade  that  no  car  which  was  of  any 
use  could  be  made  and  sold  for  $1,000  or  less.  It  might  be 
made  at  such  a  cost,  it  was  admitted;  but  Ford,  the  wise 
ones  said,  had  forgotten  how  much  it  costs  to  sell  a  car. 
Apparently,  he  had  not;  he  had  simply  noticed  how  much  it 
costs  to  sell  a  high-priced  car.  Because  he  made  the  price  one 
which  great  numbers  of  people  could  pay,  his  cars  almost 
sold  themselves  and  he  had  more  orders  than  he  could  fill. 
The  $1,000  figure,  it  turned  out,  instead  of  being  ridiculously 
low,  was  unsatisfactorily  high  to  Mr.  Ford.  He  dropped  it 
immediately  and  constantly,  while  he  constantly  improved 
the  product,  with  results  which  the  whole  world  knows. 

He  gave  the  world  a  new  system  of  transportation.  He 
made  more  money  than  any  manufacturer  had  ever  made 
before,  and  paid  more  and  higher  wages  than  had  ever  been 
paid.  By  making  convenient,  luxurious  and  fast  travel 
available  to  the  masses,  he  changed  their  whole  way  of  living. 
He  caused  the  people  to  spend  billions  upon  billions  of 
dollars  for  automobiles  and  roads  to  run  them  on,  and  to 
have  more  money  after  they  had  spent  it  than  they  had 
before,  for  he  built  up  an  industry  in  which  4,000,000  men 
were  engaged  under  scientific  direction  and  according  to 
efficient  fact-finding  methods,  in  the  creation  of  new  wealth. 
He  changed  human  society  in  more  ways  than  it  could 
possibly  have  been  changed  by  any  kind  of  political  adminis- 


tration,  and  yet  he  did  it,  not  merely  with  the  approval  of 
the  masses  who  had  been  traditionally  prejudiced  against 
wealth,  but  with  their  day  to  day  cooperation. 

Ford  brought  power  to  the  masses  as  rapidly  as  they  were 
able  to  use  it.  He  gave  them  far  more  power  than  political 
democracy  had  ever  been  able  to  bring  them,  for  while  po- 
litical power  might  enable  them  to  stop  all  sorts  of  things, 
motor  power  enabled  them  to  do  all  sorts  of  things.  It  en- 
abled them  to  go  where  they  wanted  to  go,  to  see  the  coun- 
try, to  buy  and  sell  in  better  markets,  to  get  a  broader  view- 
point and  lose  some  of  their  prejudices  and,  best  of  all,  to 
aspire  to  still  greater  things.  When  one  reflects  upon  what 
any  political  administration  has  done  since  the  first  of  the 
century,  or  what  any  political  party  has  done,  and  then  con- 
trasts it  with  what  the  mass  production  and  mass  buying  of 
automobiles  has  done,  he  may  get  some  perspective  of  the 
true  relation  of  political  and  industrial  management. 

But  mass  production,  he  must  remember,  could  only  hap- 
pen from  mass  buying.  The  people  have  been  ruling  in  the 
industries  which  they  did  not  own,  even  where  they  have 
not  always  succeeded  in  ruling  in  the  government  which 
they  did  own.  For  in  government,  they  expressed  their 
opinions  on  matters  which  they  could  not  possibly  under- 
stand; and  if  the  government  was  extravagant  or  even  ridden 
with  graft,  they  might  either  not  know  it,  or  be  reminded 
that  it  was  giving  so  many  people  "work"  that  the  result  on 
the  whole  might  not  be  bad. 

But  people  who  are  given  work,  under  mismanagement 
and  graft,  do  not  create  new  wealth,  and  the  result  to  the 
public  is  only  an  additional  burden.  On  the  other  hand,  peo- 
ple engaged  in  doing  things  which  the  masses  want  to  have 
done,  and  engaged  in  doing  them  in  the  most  scientific  and 
effective  way  in  which  they  can  be  done,  are  helping  the 
masses  and  enabling  them  to  live  a  freer  and  fuller  life.  But 


the  most  scientific  and  effective  way,  we  have  discovered,  is 
the  way  of  mass  production,  which  means  the  way  of  the 
lowest  possible  prices,  the  way  of  largest  possible  buying  and 
of  highest  possible  buying  power. 

By  voting  for  what  they  want,  the  masses  may  or  may  not 
achieve  political  democracy.  When  they  buy  what  they  want, 
however,  upon  terms  which  are  most  advantageous  to  them- 
selves, they  are  not  merely  electing  their  industrial  govern- 
ment but  constantly  participating  in  it,  and  keeping  it  in 
tune  with  their  own  new  needs.  In  the  best  sense  of  the 
word,  then,  mass  production  is  democratic,  for,  to  para- 
phrase Mazzini,  it  is  government  of  all  the  users  of  things  by 
all  the  users  of  things  under  the  leadership  of  the  wisest  and 
best  actual  fact-finding  system. 

If  this  were  the  sole  contribution  of  modern  industry  to 
better  government,  the  gain  must  be  immediately  recog- 
nized. Even  if  our  political  government  does  not  always 
truly  represent  us,  our  industrial  government  must,  as  soon 
as  business  in  general  comes  to  understand  that  service  to 
the  consumer  is  the  most  successful  business  principle.  And 
since  our  wealth  and  well-being  are  determined  by  the  ad- 
ministration of  things,  so  much  more  than  they  are  by  the 
administration  of  statutes,  it  might  be  argued  that  we  can 
afford  to  forget  politics  and  simply  tend  to  business,  in  full 
assurance  that  social  progress  will  result. 

Such  reasoning,  however,  is  faulty.  If  we  really  tend  to 
business,  in  fact,  we  can  not  forget  politics,  for  the  first 
necessity  of  business  is  to  guard  and  protect  the  consumer's 
dollar — the  dollar  which  must  do  all  the  buying  from  which 
all  our  business,  all  our  manufacturing,  all  our  employment, 
and  all  our  wages,  salaries  and  profits  must  come.  Business, 
therefore,  when  it  becomes  fully  conscious  of  business  prin- 
ciples, can  not  tolerate  anything  which  decreases  that  dol- 
lar's buying  power.  The  reason  we  have  had  corrupt  politics 


heretofore  is  because  it  has  been  tolerated,  and  chiefly  be- 
cause business  men  have  been  so  absorbed  in  what  they  con- 
sidered their  own  businesses,  that  they  have  found  one 
excuse  and  another  for  leaving  politics  to  politicians.  When 
they  once  thoroughly  grasp  the  true  principles  of  business, 
however,  and  the  business  need  of  protecting  the  consumer's 
dollar,  they  can  no  more  think  of  doing  this  than  they 
could  think  of  leaving  burglary  to  burglars  and  racketeering 
to  racketeers. 

The  first  effect  of  successful  mass  production,  of  course, 
must  be  to  make  the  constitutional  government  stable,  for 
voters  are  so  prone  to  vote  as  they  feel,  that  they  are  un- 
likely to  overthrow  any  reasonably  good  government,  or  even 
any  good  current  political  administration,  at  any  time  when 
they  are  feeling  prosperous.  Since  business  demands  stable 
government,  however,  and  is  utterly  prostrated  by  political 
revolutions,  business  men  in  the  past  have  been  inclined  to 
support  existing  governments,  even  if  ineffective,  and  even 
to  tolerate  their  known  inefficiency  and  waste — a  course 
which  has  driven  many  earnest  reformers  to  despair.  That 
condition,  however,  must  change  when  the  underlying  prin- 
ciples of  mass  production  are  once  thoroughly  understood. 
Business  men  will  continue  to  oppose  political  revolutions, 
but  not  in  the  negative  way  in  which  they  have  opposed  them 
in  the  past.  They  will  concern  themselves,  rather,  with  the 
facts  of  revolutions,  knowing  that  they  never  happen  unless 
something  wrong  is  happening  to  the  consumer's  dollar,  and 
they  will  direct  their  energies  to  correcting  that  wrong. 

A  house  may  be  so  dirty  as  to  be  almost  uninhabitable, 
and  it  is  perfectly  natural,  human  nature  being  what  it  is, 
that  sentimental  conservatives  should  insist  on  putting  up 
with  it  and  that  emotional  radicals  should  favor  burning  it 
down.  Fact-finders,  however,  need  not  take  sides.  They  may 
take  both  sides,  in  fact,  by  cleaning  house. 



THE  only  objection  I  have  to  the  theories  of  socialism 
and  of  communism  is  that  they  are  wrong.  Many  of 
my  friends,  however,  object  to  them  simply  because  they  are 

Wrong  theories  may  be  corrected  by  the  simple  process 
of  finding  out  what  is  wrong  with  them.  What  to  do  about 
hateful  thories,  however,  I  do  not  know,  for  hating  a  theory, 
whether  it  is  right  or  wrong,  seems  to  have  no  effect  what- 
ever upon  the  theory.  We  may  hate  the  theory  that  the 
world  is  round,  or  that  man  evolved  from  lower  forms  of 
animal  life,  or  that  the  laws  of  the  universe  can  not  be  sus- 
pended to  permit  miracles  to  happen  in  the  place  of  natural 
phenomena.  We  may  even  fight  these  theories.  We  may  pass 
laws  against  them.  We  may  imprison  and  kill  all  those  who 
dare  to  advocate  them;  but  unless  we  find  something  wrong 
with  the  theories,  the  ultimate  result  seems  to  be  that  we, 
not  the  theories,  become  worn  out. 

The  only  way  to  get  rid  of  a  wrong  theory  is  to  understand 
it.  But  this  requires  fact-finding,  and  those  who  are  trem- 
bling in  the  throes  of  hatred  are  in  a  poor  position  to  find 
and  to  recognize  the  facts. 

That  socialism  and  communism  are  the  result  of  class 
thinking  will  be  accepted,  I  believe,  by  both  friends  and 
enemies.  It  might  seem,  then,  that  those  who  oppose  social- 
ism and  communism  might  begin  by  opposing  class  think- 
ing, but  this  is  not  likely  to  be  the  case.  For  those  who 
oppose  socialism  and  communism  most  violently  are  the  vic- 
tims of  class  thinking  quite  as  much  as  the  socialists  and 
communists  are.  What  they  seem  to  want  is  not  the  abolition 



of  class  thinking,  but  the  abolition  of  working  class  thinking 
by  the  working  class,  and  the  retention  of  privileged  class 
thinking  by  the  privileged  classes.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  if 
the  masses  of  workers  in  any  civilization  were  to  abandon 
class  thinking,  and  substitute  actual  fact-finding  in  its  place, 
they  would  do  away  with  classes  and  with  special  privileges 
of  every  kind  much  more  quickly  than  the  most  ruthless 
dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  ever  could. 

For  they  would  not  waste  their  time  then  warring  on 
profits.  They  would  unite,  instead,  in  such  a  war  upon  waste 
that  everybody  everywhere  would  achieve  permanent  eco- 
nomic security,  with  the  expenditure  of  so  little  time  and 
effort,  that  private  accumulations  would  lose  their  historic 
meaning,  and  people  would  be  no  more  interested  in  piling 
up  personal  fortunes  than  they  are  now  interested  in  drawing 
water  from  their  faucets  and  putting  it  into  pails  to  keep 
around  the  house. 

If  water  were  scarce,  of  course,  that  is  what  we  would  all 
be  doing.  If  we  had  no  water  system  and  had  to  depend  for 
our  water  supply  upon  the  springs  which  each  one  of  us 
individually  could  find,  or  if  the  system  we  had  installed 
only  spurted  a  little  water  occasionally,  a  large  measure 
of  our  thought  and  labor  would  necessarily  go  into  the 
individual  saving  of  water  for  individual  protection,  and 
many  fools  among  us  would  doubtless  erect  great  tanks  and 
cisterns  in  our  front  yards,  not  for  convenience  but  to 
demonstrate  to  everyone  just  what  superior  persons  we  are. 

That  is  the  way  the  world  has  regularly  acted  in  the  mat- 
ter of  its  food-shelter-and-clothing  supply.  It  was  only  nat- 
ural, then,  that  the  unsupplied  should  concentrate  their 
thinking  upon  a  more  equitable  distribution  of  these  neces- 
sities. And  it  was  only  natural,  on  the  other  hand,  that  the 
well  supplied  should  hate  to  have  the  unsupplied  entertain- 
ing any  such  dangerous  ideas. 


That,  in  a  nutshell,  illustrates  most  of  the  argument  dui- 
ing  the  past  fifty  years  between  the  proponents  of  socialism 
and  the  defenders  of  capitalism.  In  this  controversy,  the  pro- 
ponents of  socialism  had  an  incorrect  theory,  while  most  of 
the  capitalists  had  no  theory  whatever.  If  it  was  a  mere 
matter  of  debate,  the  socialists  generally  tore  their  op- 
ponents' logic  all  to  pieces. 

It  was  not,  however,  a  mere  matter  of  debate.  In  America, 
at  least,  capitalism  advanced  in  spite  of  its  poor  arguments, 
or  its  lack  of  arguments.  When  agitators  agitated  for  a  "just" 
distribution  of  wealth,  defenders  of  the  existing  order  de- 
clared that  system  was  eminently  just,  although  millions 
even  of  little  children  might  be  suffering  desperately  be- 
cause their  fathers  were  denied  the  opportunity  to  earn  a 
decent  living. 

When  socialists  advocated  "cooperation  instead  of  compe- 
tition," the  defenders  of  capitalism  actually  tried  to  prove 
that  "the  survival  of  the  fittest"  was  the  first  law  of  nature 
and  that  it  was  all  natural  and  proper,  therefore,  that  we 
should  all  be  engaged  in  a  desperate  struggle  against  each 
other.  Those  fittest  to  compete,  they  said,  would  survive,  and 
those  who  were  so  lacking  in  the  ability  to  look  out  for  them- 
selves that  they  could  not  survive  without  the  help  of  an 
organized  society  would  very  properly  be  snuffed  out  of  exist- 
ence. And  then,  to  reduce  their  own  arguments  to  the  ulti- 
mate absurdity,  they  were  likely  to  follow  up  this  stupid  and 
inhuman  pronouncement  by  declaring  that  socialism  was  op- 
posed to  religion,  and  to  call  even  upon  the  followers  of 
Jesus  to  have  nothing  to  do  with  this  dream  of  human  co- 
operation and  to  rise  to  the  defense  of  this  holy  free-for-all 
fight  of  everybody  against  everybody  in  which  only  the 
strongest  and  most  pugnacious  could  hope  to  survive  at  all. 

When  one  looks  back  upon  the  arguments  which  were 
customarily  advanced  for  socialism  and  for  capitalism,  it  is 


little  wonder  that  those  workers  whose  minds  were  inclined 
to  be  logical  so  often  became  socialists.  But  life  is  bigger  than 
logic,  and  the  great  majority  of  American  workers,  even 
while  they  might  admit  that  the  socialists  had  the  best  of  the 
argument,  did  not  espouse  socialism.  When  times  were  par- 
ticularly hard  and  unemployment  widespread,  the  socialist 
vote  grew,  but  when  times  got  better,  the  socialist  vote 

And  times  did  get  better  under  capitalism.  That  was  a  fact 
which  the  socialists  could  not  laugh  off.  Capitalism  was  stu- 
pid. It  blundered.  It  did  wrong  things  often;  and  when  it 
did  right  things,  it  gave  wrong  reasons  for  doing  them.  It 
had  no  social  philosophy,  no  conscious  social  aim.  It  was 
utterly  unaware  of  itself,  and  could  therefore  give  no  con- 
vincing apology  for  its  existence.  But  it  raised  the  standard 
of  living  of  the  masses,  because  it  could  not  help  doing  so; 
and  the  masses,  who  were  more  interested  in  living  than 
they  were  in  theories  about  life,  did  not  therefore  rise  in 
rebellion  against  it. 

"If  I  had  a  son  in  college,"  I  declared  many  years  ago, 
"and  he  did  not  become  a  socialist  before  he  was  twenty-one, 
I  would  disinherit  him.  But  if  he  remained  a  socialist,"  I 
added,  "after  having  an  opportunity  to  study  the  real  nature 
of  our  economic  and  social  development,  I  would  likewise 
disinherit  him." 

It  is  hardly  necessary  today,  however,  to  swallow  the  so- 
cialist theory  in  order  to  avoid  swallowing  the  mess  of  stupid 
and  often  contradictory  theories  which  once  passed  as  the 
philosophy  of  capitalism.  For  modern  industrialism  has  be- 
come, to  some  degree,  at  least,  aware  of  itself.  It  is  discover- 
ing its  purpose,  and  it  Is  discovering  the  principle  upon 
which  it  must  operate  if  that  purpose  is  to  be  achieved. 

This  purpose  is  positively  not  the  survival  of  the  strong- 
est, nor  of  the  most  quarrelsome.  It  is,  in  fact,  the  very  pur- 


pose  which  has  inspired  the  socialists  and  the  communists: 
the  creation  of  a  new  and  better  world,  and  the  substitution 
of  peace  and  plenty  through  all-around  cooperation  in 
place  of  the  poverty  and  bitterness  of  the  old  struggle  for 

The  socialists  sought  to  achieve  this  end  through  legisla- 
tion— either  through  seizing  the  mills  and  mines  and  busi- 
ness establishments  by  political  force,  or  by  curbing  and  dis- 
couraging them  through  taxation  until  their  owners  would 
be  willing  to  turn  them  over  to  a  working  class  government 
for  a  reasonable  financial  compensation.  The  communists 
have  sought  the  same  end  through  setting  up  a  dictatorship 
of  the  proletariat  and  the  stripping  of  all  but  the  wage- 
workers  of  political  or  economic  power.  It  is  easy  to  see  why 
either  program  is  hateful,  in  the  eyes  not  only  of  the  holders 
of  special  privilege,  but  of  the  masses  who  have  looked  for- 
ward hopefully  to  the  time  when  they  might  become  prop- 
erty-owners and  somewhat  privileged  persons  themselves.  It 
is  more  to  the  point,  however,  to  discover  what  is  actually 
wrong  with  such  a  dream. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  fall  back  on  the  generalization  that 
industries  can  not  be  managed  by  political  governments. 
There  are  many  industries,  such  as  the  postal  systems,  which 
are  generally  so  managed,  and  which  develop  considerable 
efficiency.  On  the  other  hand,  there  are  no  instances  at  hand 
in  which  even  the  best-managed  industries  under  govern- 
ment control  have  raised  the  standard  of  living  of  the  masses 
in  the  completely  revolutionary  way  that  modern  mass  pro- 
duction, under  scientific  instead  of  under  political  manage- 
ment, has  done. 

Governments  may  establish  low  rates  for  the  services  which 
they  give — and  make  up  the  deficit  through  taxation.  When 
our  so-called  private  industries  give  low-cost  service,  how- 
ever, they  must  do  so  through  discovering  better  methods  of 


production  and  distribution.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  of  course, 
none  of  our  great  modern  industries  is  private.  All  are  serv- 
ing the  masses,  and  have  no  other  justification  for  existence. 
Mr.  Ford  and  his  son  may  own  all  the  stock  of  the  Ford 
Motor  Company,  but  the  Ford  Motor  Company  does  not  and 
could  not  rest  upon  such  a  flimsy  thing  as  a  mere  legal  title. 
Governments  themselves,  which  issue  and  defend  such  titles, 
have  no  rights  per  se.  Governments  derive  their  rights  from 
the  people  governed,  just  as  industries,  fundamentally,  de- 
rive their  rights  from  the  people  served.  To  oppose  socialism 
or  government  ownership  because  they  place  the  rights  of 
the  masses  of  human  beings  above  the  rights  of  private  prop- 
erty-owners is  really  to  argue  in  favor  of  socialism  or  govern- 
ment ownership.  The  only  real  argument  against  so-called 
public  management  of  industry  is  that  it  is  less  public,  in 
this  age  of  science,  than  is  scientific  management. 

Political  management,  whether  autocratic  or  democratic, 
is  necessarily  management  by  opinion.  Industrial  manage- 
ment is  necessarily  management  by  the  facts.  It  is  true  that 
industrial  management  seeks  profits,  and  political  manage- 
ment may  ignore  profits,  making  up  its  deficits  by  taxation. 
Such  a  system  may  seem  to  result  in  making  certain  services 
free;  and  if  wealth  is  being  unjustly  distributed  in  the 
economic  field — that  is,  if  the  rich  are  becoming  rich 
through  levying  taxes  on  the  poor — it  is  eminently  right  that 
the  political  government  should  serve  the  poor  by  levying 
taxes  upon  the  rich. 

Now,  that  was  the  way  in  which  the  rich  once  became 
rich,  and  it  was  the  way,  even  under  capitalism,  in  which 
the  people,  rich  and  poor,  still  supposed  that  riches  were  to 
be  acquired.  Karl  Marx,  who  was  an  unusually  keen  ob- 
server, analyzed  the  social  set-up  keenly;  and  though  capital- 
ists were  angry  at  many  of  his  findings,  they  could  not  dis- 
pute them.  Labor,  he  said,  is  a  commodity,  and  that  was 


their  opinion  too;  but  the  capitalists  were  acting  upon  the 
opinion,  whereas  he  was  merely  making  the  observation.  He 
said  that  wages  would  be  highest  when  labor  was  most  in 
demand;  and  since  there  were  generally  more  workers  than 
jobs,  wages  would  generally  tend  toward  a  mere  subsistence 
level.  Wages,  he  opined,  were  part  of  the  expense  of  pro- 
duction. If  wages  were  high,  prices  must  be  high;  and  if 
prices  were  higher  than  a  competitor's  prices  because  wages 
were  higher  than  the  competitor  was  paying,  the  man  who 
paid  the  higher  wages  must  soon  go  out  of  business.  To  all  of 
which  the  average  capitalist  heartily  subscribed. 

It  is  saying  nothing  against  Karl  Marx  to  say  that  he  did 
not  and  could  not  foresee  the  modern  era  of  mass  produc- 
tion. He  could  not  understand  Henry  Ford,  for  the  simple 
reason  that  Henry  Ford  had  not  yet  happened.  He  reasoned, 
instead,  that  things  must  in  time  become  unendurable;  and 
that,  in  the  most  highly  developed  industrial  countries,  the 
political  government,  not  bound  to  follow  the  principles 
which  kept  the  capitalists  forever  grinding  down  the  work- 
ers, would  of  necessity  take  over  the  industries  and  there 
would  be  an  era  of  "state  socialism,"  to  be  followed  in  time 
by  a  complete  industrial  democracy  or  communism. 

Everything  considered,  this  was  not  such  a  bad  guess,  for 
if  capitalism  was  what  the  capitalists  themselves  assumed  that 
it  was,  some  such  emergency  must  have  arisen  in  every 
highly  developed  industrial  country.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  it 
was  in  a  country  which  had  hardly  been  touched  by  machine 
production  in  which  communism  actually  made  its  bow; 
and  it  was  in  America,  in  which  capitalism  reached  its  high- 
est development,  that  neither  socialism  nor  communism 
could  secure  a  hearing  excepting  during  short  periods,  of 
business  depression. 

While  capitalism  was  operating  on  opinions,  instead  of 
upon  facts,  Marx's  opinions  were  about  as  sensible  as  any- 


body's.  Only  as  business  discards  opinions,  however,  and 
proceeds  to  act  upon  fact-finding,  is  it  most  successful,  and 
where  business  is  successful,  Marxian  doctrines  make  no 

There  are,  at  the  most,  but  a  handful  of  communists  in 
the  United  States,  that  is,  of  communists  who  have  any 
clear  concept  of  the  principle  of  communism.  These  com- 
munists at  times,  however,  may  get  a  considerable  following, 
and  those  who  do  not  understand  may  think  that  commun- 
ism is  growing.  What  is  growing  at  such  times,  however,  is 
unemployment.  All  that  is  happening  is  that  larger  and 
larger  groups  are  losing  their  buying  power.  The  commun- 
ist leaders  may  not  be  great  tacticians,  but  they  are  sensible 
enough,  at  least,  to  understand  this;  and  they  do  not  fritter 
away  these  opportunities  by  appealing  to  the  intelligence  of 
the  unemployed,  but  to  their  misery.  The  capitalist  system, 
they  cry,  has  failed,  and  it  has  failed,  as  far  as  these  particu- 
lar hearers  are  concerned.  It  has  left  them  out  of  its  benefits. 
The  communists,  as  these  wretches  see  it,  are  considering 
their  problem,  while  "capitalism"  is  not:  and  so,  in  their 
desperation,  they  become  "communists" — until  business,  for 
some  reason  or  other,  picks  up. 

Unfortunately,  many  business  leaders  in  such  a  situation 
do  exactly  what  the  communist  leaders  want  them  to  do. 
Instead  of  tackling  the  problem  of  unemployment,  they 
tackle  the  doctrines  of  communism,  and  try  to  persuade  the 
hungry  that  the  system  which  is  not  giving  first  attention 
to  their  hunger  is,  when  we  study  it  out  carefully  enough, 
the  very  best  system  that  we  can  possibly  hope  to  have.  And 
when  this  line  of  argument  does  not  seem  to  register  effec- 
tively upon  hungry  stomachs,  the  business  men  begin  to  join 
movements  "to  stamp  out  communism." 

Communism  feeds  on  all  such  movements.  Incidentally, 
all  sorts  of  racketeers  now  step  into  the  picture  and  begin  to 


graft  upon  such  business  men.  Such  business  men,  of  course, 
are  traditional  thinkers,  and  it  is  easy  to  persuade  them  that 
any  variation  from  traditional  thinking  is  "communistic." 
These  racketeers,  then,  supported  by  the  contributions  of 
business  men,  launch  upon  nation-wide  heresy  hunts.  They 
fill  the  country  with  "black  lists"  which  often  include  the 
names  of  the  leading  humanitarians  and  the  leading  scholars 
of  the  day.  Nothing  in  particular  happens,  of  course,  except- 
ing that  the  racketeers  get  a  living  and  the  deluded  business 
men  pay  for  it,  and  the  communist  leaders  are  given  a  lot 
of  free  advertising  which,  if  they  were  better  tacticians  than 
they  are,  they  might  turn  to  considerable  advantage. 

If  these  business  leaders  only  knew  it,  they  could  make 
America  absolutely  immune  to  communist  propaganda.  It 
would  not  be  necessary  to  deport  or  imprison  or  even  censor 
a  single  communist.  All  that  they  would  have  to  do  would 
be  to  tackle  the  problem  of  unemployment — which  happens 
to  be  a  problem  which  business  can  solve  and  which  the 
communists  can  not.  It  is  not  a  problem,  to  be  sure,  which 
can  be  solved  in  a  day;  but  if  American  business  would  once 
promise  to  solve  it,  if  it  would  once  let  the  whole  world 
know  that  it  recognized  the  problem  as  one  which  business 
must  solve  at  any  cost,  that  in  itself  would  fasten  the  atten- 
tion of  both  workers  and  unemployed  upon  the  business 
program,  and  distract  it  from  the  agitators  and  demagogues 
who  now  get  a  hearing  only  because  business  has  not  yet 
publicly  accepted  its  responsibility. 

These  so-called  communists,  after  all,  do  not  want  com- 
munism. What  they  really  want  is  exactly  what  business  men 
want  them  to  have,  and  what  they  must  have  if  business  is  to 
be  successful.  They  want  a  higher  standard  of  living.  They 
want  economic  security.  They  want  a  friendly  society  in 
which  they  will  not  have  to  ask  anyone  else  for  the  privilege 
of  earning  a  living,  but  in  which  the  job  of  getting  a  living 


will  be  so  simplified  that  anybody  can  do  it,  and  most  of 
our  human  energies  can  be  devoted  to  achieving  a  more 
abundant  life. 

When  people  are  getting  these  things,  they  are  utterly 
immune  from  communist  agitation.  In  fact,  even  where  they 
are  not  getting  them,  but  where  they  find  themselves  a  little 
better  off  year  by  year,  and  a  little  nearer  to  this  hoped-for 
goal,  all  talk  of  overthrowing  the  system  which  is  bringing 
this  about  seems  so  utterly  irrational  as  to  be  amusing  instead 
of  dangerous.  But  these  things  are  not  merely  natural  desires 
which  all  human  beings  share;  they  are  necessities  of  our 
industrial  system.  For  that  system  is  built  upon  fact-finding 
— upon  the  discovery  of  better  and  better  ways  of  doing 
whatever  we  are  doing  and  of  how  to  do  things  which  we 
have  not  been  able  to  do  before.  All  this  means  a  constant 
increase  in  production,  which  demands  a  constant  increase 
in  consumption — in  other  words,  the  higher  and  higher 
standard  of  living  which  everybody  naturally  wants. 

The  real  fallacy  of  socialism  and  communism  is  that  they 
are  not  based  upon  human  nature  as  it  actually  is,  nor  upon 
human  society  as  it  actually  functions.  They  are  based, 
rather,  upon  human  longings  for  justice,  and  upon  a  con- 
cept of  society  which  is  no  longer  tenable.  Human  nature, 
to  be  sure,  is  social.  It  is  cooperative  in  character,  and  no 
strictly  human  achievements,  such  as  language  and  industry 
and  art,  can  happen  as  the  result  of  any  isolated  individual 
effort.  But  human  nature,  as  we  have  all  learned  to  our  sor- 
row at  times,  is  not  cooperative  in  the  sense  that  socialists 
have  visualized  cooperation.  It  is  disillusioningly  slow,  at 
least,  to  cooperate  for  justice,  while  quick  to  respond  to 
immediate  self-interest. 

The  victims  of  injustice  readily  cry  for  justice;  but  let 
these  victims  once  become  beneficiaries  of  injustice,  and 
their  interest  in  justice  seems  to  wane.  When  slaves  became 


slave  drivers,  it  did  not  mitigate  the  abuses  of  slavery.  When 
workers  became  capitalists,  their  fellow  workers  no  longer 
seemed  to  be  their  fellows.  Even  when  hot-headed  socialists 
have  been  elected  to  offices  of  responsibility,  the  tendency 
always  was  toward  a  cooling  of  their  heads. 

If  human  nature  were  only  different  than  it  is,  social  jus- 
tice might  conceivably  be  achieved.  But  human  nature,  how- 
ever it  may  complain  against  injustice,  seems  to  be  domi- 
nantly  selfish.  At  any  rate,  human  beings  are  evidently  inter- 
ested in  something  much  more  than  they  are  interested 
in  justice,  or  in  the  equitable  distribution  of  this  world's 

This  seems  too  bad — to  those  who  are  not  willing  to  face 
the  facts.  To  fact-finders,  however,  the  fact  may  hold  great 
promise.  For  if  the  desire  for  justice  had  been  the  dominant 
human  motive,  instead  of  the  impulse  toward  a  larger  and 
larger  life,  we  might  have  had  justice  long  ago — justice,  but 

The  equitable  distribution  of  goods  in  Caesar's  time  would 
still  have  left  the  world  in  poverty;  but  the  world  would  not 
have  known  that  it  was  in  poverty  because  the  standard  of 
living  of  the  masses  would  have  been  better  than  it  ever  was 
before.  In  all  probability,  a  world  which  thought  and  felt 
chiefly  in  terms  of  equitable  distribution  would  have  been 
contented  with  any  political  arrangement  which  brought  it 
about,  and  human  society  might  have  been  ever  so  placid 
and  idyllic,  but  stagnant  just  the  same. 

But  selfishness  triumphed.  Some  people  grabbed  more 
than  their  share  of  wealth,  and  indulged  in  luxury.  They 
robbed  the  poor  in  doing  so,  but  they  made  the  poor  con- 
scious of  being  poor.  They  filled  the  world  with  hate,  per- 
haps, but  they  also  filled  it  with  longings  for  more  comforts 
and  more  luxuries;  and  when  a  way  was  discovered  to  pro- 
duce wealth  by  machinery,  more  and  more  people  selfishly 


attempted  to  get  rich  by  exploiting  the  masses,  quite  forget- 
ting their  ancient  grievances  against  exploitation. 

With  all  our  progress,  then,  we  seemed  humanly  to  be  in 
as  bad  a  fix  as  ever;  and  the  idea  of  running  all  this  machin- 
ery by  an  orderly  process  of  government,  which  would  insure 
equitable  distribution,  made  a  strong  appeal  to  many  cul- 
tured minds.  But  it  was  the  same  old  idea — the  idea  of  dis- 
tributing such  wealth  as  was  being  made.  The  real  reason 
that  the  idea  did  not  gain  more  headway  than  it  did  was  that 
selfish  people,  in  their  eagerness  for  more  wealth,  abandoned 
old  methods  and  discovered  methods  by  which  more  wealth 
could  be  produced  and  distributed.  The  result  was  that, 
although  this  new  wealth  was  not  distributed  equitably,  the 
masses  now  reached  a  higher  standard  of  living  than  they 
could  have  reached  if  wealth  had  been  distributed  equitably 
at  any  previous  period  of  history. 

Eventually  the  great  discovery  was  made  that  this  won- 
derful machinery,  if  it  were  to  bring  constant  and  continual 
profits  to  those  who  wanted  them,  must  raise  the  standard 
of  living  of  the  masses,  and  raise  it  higher  and  higher  as  more 
efficient  methods  of  production  were  discovered.  For  the 
masses  constituted  the  only  market  to  which  such  large- 
scale  production  could  look;  and  mass  production  began  its 
career  of  making  prices  lower  and  lower,  wages  higher  and 
higher,  and  giving  better  and  better  service  to  everybody. 

This  was  selfishness  of  the  first  order;  but  it  was  satisfying 
human  needs  more  fully  than  any  unselfish  system  of  social 
justice  could  possibly  have  done.  Of  course,  mass  production 
is  in  its  first  stages  as  yet.  It  has  only  begun  its  revolutionary 
work  of  enlisting  human  selfishness  for  the  widest  possible 
human  service.  It  is  achieving  social  justice,  but  it  can  not 
stop  with  the  achievement.  It  will  abolish  unemployment 
because  it  must.  It  will  give  higher  and  higher  wages  because 
it  selfishly  must.  And  it  will  necessarily  organize  the  whole 


world  in  cooperative  endeavor,  for  the  utmost  possible  serv- 
ice to  all  human  beings  everywhere,  without  having  to  wait 
in  the  least  for  any  great  change  in  human  nature.  And  the 
result  must  be  a  more  complete  and  more  dynamic  expres- 
sion of  the  social  character  of  human  life  than  the  socialists 
and  communists  have  ever  dreamed  of. 


I  HAVE  never  been  a  free  trader,  nor  a  dyed-in-the-wool 
protectionist.  I  have  always  been  an  opportunist,  as  far 
as  the  tariff  is  concerned;  and  I  mean  by  that  that  I  have 
tried  to  study  specific  tariff  proposals  in  terms,  not  of  some 
far-off,  idealistic  program,  but  of  the  best  interests  of  my 
country  at  the  time. 

I  have  accepted  it  as  a  fact,  moreover,  that  human  nature 
is  selfish;  and  it  would  never  occur  to  me  to  urge  Americans 
to  neglect  their  own  business  interests  and  to  consider  the 
tariff  question  in  terms  of  what,  in  the  long  run,  might  be 
best  for  the  whole  world. 

If  a  nation  can  become  more  prosperous  by  shutting  out 
all  foreign  competition,  it  seems  to  me  a  waste  of  time  to 
argue  against  her  doing  so.  People,  to  be  sure,  do  not  always 
act  according  to  their  own  best  interests;  but  in  business  mat- 
ters, as  a  rule,  we  may  depend  upon  their  acting  according 
to  what  they  conceive  to  be  their  best  business  interests.  I 
have  no  criticism  whatever  to  make  of  the  Golden  Rule;  but 
until  people  can  be  persuaded  that  its  gold  is  negotiable,  it 
will  never  figure  very  largely  in  any  tariff  debate. 

Mass  production,  however,  has  put  the  tariff  question  in 
a  new  light.  When  such  men  as  Henry  Ford  ridiculed  the 
high  protective  tariff,  whereas  the  business  leaders  of  the 
previous  generation  so  generally  seemed  to  regard  it  as  a 
Sacred  Principle,  many  doubtless  attributed  it  to  the  idio- 
syncrasies of  Mr.  Ford.  They  thought  he  was  a  man  of  queer 
ideas.  They  compared  him,  perhaps,  with  some  scion  of 
royalty  who  becomes  a  communist,  or  with  some  bishop  who 
espouses  atheism.  They  could  not  see  that  Mr.  Ford  was 



speaking  for  business  interests  as  clearly  as  the  members  of 
the  Old  Guard  had  ever  spoken;  but  that  business,  as  Mr. 
Ford  was  doing  it,  was  a  very  different  thing  from  business 
as  it  had  been  done. 

Business  as  it  had  been  done  needed  protection.  Business 
as  Mr.  Ford  was  doing  it  did  not.  But  Mr.  Ford's  way  proved 
eventually  to  be  the  more  profitable  way,  and  mass  produc- 
tion principles  were,  little  by  little,  adopted  by  other  busi- 
nesses. Those  which  adopted  them  most  thoroughly  soon 
became  dominant;  but  the  new  way  furnished  its  own  pro- 
tection and  made  a  protective  tariff  unnecessary.  In  Presi- 
dent Hoover's  administration,  America  observed  the  strange 
political  spectacle  of  big,  successful  businesses  generally  lin- 
ing up  in  opposition  to  a  higher  tariff — and  failing  to  win 
their  point. 

The  Republican  Party,  traditionally,  was  the  party  of  Big 
Business.  It  had  become  the  party  of  Big  Business,  mainly, 
through  its  protective  tariff  policy.  The  Democratic  Party, 
usually,  favored  a  lower  tariff,  arguing  that  Big  Business,  by 
keeping  out  foreign  competition,  was  forever  raising  prices 
at  home,  and  therefore  taxing  the  consumers  of  America  to 
pile  up  huge  fortunes  for  the  manufacturers.  The  Repub- 
licans answered  that  foreign  goods  could  be  sold  at  low  prices 
in  America  because  foreign  labor  was  underpaid;  and  if  the 
tariff  were  lowered,  American  employers  would  have  to  meet 
this  competition  by  paying  low  wages  top. 

The  Republicans  usually  won  out  at  the  polls.  Just  how 
much  this  argument  had  to  do  with  the  victory,  no  one,  of 
course,  knows.  The  average  voter,  perhaps,  did  not  know 
just  what  a  tariff  was.  He  wanted  high  wages  and  he  wanted 
low  prices;  but  it  was  generally  assumed  that  he  couldn't 
have  both.  All  sides  seemed  to  take  it  for  granted  that  only 
if  he  paid  low  wages  could  the  manufacturer  sell  goods  at  a 
low  price. 


But  mass  production  gave  high  wages  and  low  prices  at 
the  same  time.  Under  mass  production  methods,  one  just 
naturally  went  with  the  other.  This  was  all  strange  and 
unheard  of;  but  the  employer  who  adopted  the  principles 
and  discovered  that  they  worked  soon  found  that  he  did 
not  need  any  tariff  to  protect  him  against  low-wage  Euro- 
pean industries.  High  wages,  he  discovered,  compelled  bet- 
ter management;  this  better  management  eliminated  waste, 
enormously  reduced  his  overhead  expenses,  made  continual 
improvements  in  methods  necessary  and  resulted  in  such 
increased  production  that  the  actual  labor  costs,  per  unit  of 
product,  were  constantly  going  lower,  enabling  him  not  only 
to  meet  and  beat  competition  at  home,  but  to  undersell  in 
Europe  the  products  of  European  low-wage  industries. 

If  mass  production  had  meant  a  mere  change  in  factory 
technique,  human  history  at  this  juncture  must  have  been 
much  different  than  it  actually  was.  If  that  were  all  that  it 
meant,  American  employers,  at  least,  would  have  adopted  it 
immediately.  For  American  employers  were  noted  for  their 
progressiveness  when  it  came  to  adopting  new  machinery.  It 
had  become  a  habit  in  America,  for  labor  in  America  had 
historically  been  much  scarcer  and  therefore  more  high- 
priced  than  labor  in  Europe,  and  American  employers  early 
learned  the  advantages  of  adopting  labor-saving  machinery. 
American  employers,  in  fact,  when  they  were  confronted 
with  the  competition  of  mass  production,  did  go  in  quite 
generally  for  improved  methods.  Many,  in  fact,  adopted 
large-scale  production,  in  the  belief  that  they  were  going  in 
for  mass  production. 

But  they  did  not  adopt  genuine  mass  production,  which  is 
production  for  the  masses.  That  is,  the  great  majority  did 
not.  That  would  have  required  a  complete  abandonment  of 
several  long-intrenched  traditions.  If  they  paid  higher  wages, 
they  did  it  grudgingly,  for  they  still  believed  that  higher 


wages  meant  higher  labor  costs.  If  they  charged  lower  prices, 
moreover,  they  did  so  to  meet  some  particularly  annoying 
competition,  and  did  not  concentrate  on  the  problem  of  find- 
ing out  how  low  their  prices  might  profitably  be  made  re- 
gardless of  competition.  They  wished  that  something  might 
happen  to  enable  them  to  keep  prices  up;  and  they  had  had 
an  extensive  education  by  this  time  in  what  the  protective 
tariff  could  do  in  this  direction. 

Whenever  the  tariff  came  up  for  revision,  then,  American 
manufacturers  had  traditionally  flocked  to  Washington,  or 
sent  their  lobbyists  there,  to  secure  as  high  a  tariff  as  pos- 
sible on  the  particular  things  they  had  to  sell.  From  the  Civil 
War  to  the  World  War,  the  great  leaders  of  American  manu- 
facturing had  done  this;  and  after  the  World  War,  even 
after  mass  production  had  demonstrated  its  principles,  the 
traditionally  minded  business  men  of  America  did  the  tra- 
ditional thing.  They  clamored  for  a  higher  and  ever  higher 
tariff  on  the  things  they  had  to  sell. 

The  crying  need  of  Europe  at  this  time  was  for  the 
resumption  of  international  trade.  America  had  become 
the  great  creditor  nation  of  the  world;  and  it  was  to  the 
American  market  that  European  manufacturers  looked  most 
eagerly.  The  cry  went  up  from  everywhere  that  Europe 
could  not  pay  her  huge  debts  to  America  in  gold,  and  that 
she  must  pay  them  in  goods,  and  the  American  tariff  became 
a  sore  spot  in  almost  all  European  thinking.  America,  how- 
ever, not  only  retained  her  tariff  wall,  which  continued  to 
shut  out  much  of  European  competition,  but  her  great  mass 
production  industries,  which  had  achieved  the  seeming  mir- 
acle of  reducing  labor  costs  by  paying  higher  wages,  were 
underselling  European  industries  in  Europe. 

The  European  countries,  therefore,  began  to  adopt  retali- 
ative  tariffs,  often  aimed  directly  to  shut  out  American  high- 
wage  competition.  This,  it  was  admitted,  was  no  answer  to 


their  economic  problems.  The  step  was  taken,  generally,  in 
desperation — more  to  compel  America  to  reduce  her  tariff 
than  with  any  hope  that  the  step  in  itself  would  bring  about 
prosperity  at  home.  But  America  did  not  respond.  When 
Mr.  Hoover  was  elected  President,  however,  many  Euro- 
peans breathed  more  easily.  Mr.  Hoover,  they  knew,  had  an 
international  view;  and  he  was  an  economist,  not  a  mere 
political  patriot. 

But  under  the  Hoover  administration,  the  tariff  went  up 
once  more.  Mr.  Hoover  himself  had  cautioned  against  this. 
He  had  called  Congress  together  in  fulfillment  of  a  campaign 
promise  to  secure  farm  relief,  and  he  specifically  asked  that 
there  be  no  general  tariff  revision  but  that  Congress  confine 
itself  only  to  such  items  as  might  specifically  give  to  Ameri- 
can farmers  a  protection  equal  to  that  already  enjoyed  by 
American  industries.  But  the  caution  was  unheeded.  The 
unsuccessful  industries  of  America  now  clamored  for  a 
higher  tariff,  while  the  greatest  and  most  conspicuously  suc- 
cessful industries  opposed  any  such  step.  Congress  enacted  a 
tariff  higher  than  ever. 

For  the  first  time  in  American  political  history,  the  lead- 
ing economists  and  the  most  successful  business  leaders  were 
in  general  agreement  against  this  tariff  bill.  More  than  a 
thousand  American  economists  petitioned  the  President  to 
veto  it.  The  President,  however,  signed  it,  and  it  became  a 

Europe  was  bitterly  disappointed;  but  Americans,  even 
those  who  most  urgently  opposed  the  bill,  could  understand. 
This  was  a  Republican  congress,  and  to  the  Republican 
Party,  the  idea  of  the  protective  tariff  was  a  most  sacred 
tradition.  Successful  business,  to  be  sure,  opposed  any  in- 
creased tariff  now,  and  the  Republican  Party  was  supposed 
to  be  the  party  of  successful  business.  Congress  acted,  how- 
ever, not  according  to  the  advice  of  successful  business,  but 


according  to  the  traditions  of  successful  business  and  accord- 
ing to  the  demands  of  the  great  majority  of  American  busi- 
ness men  who  still  held  to  those  traditions  and  who,  because 
they  held  to  the  traditions  of  success,  were  no  longer  suc- 

This  was  the  Tariff  of  the  Unsuccessful  Business  Men, 
allied  with  the  unsuccessful  farmers.  It  was  the  tariff  of  those 
who  had  failed  to  grasp  the  principles  of  mass  production.  It 
was  the  tariff  of  those  who  based  their  thinking  upon  truths 
which  were  no  longer  true,  who  assumed  that  low  wages 
still  mean  lower  labor  costs  and  that  pauper  labor,  if  per- 
mitted to  bring  its  product  to  market,  will  crowd  the  prod- 
ucts of  well-paid  labor  out. 

Science  had  now  discovered  a  new  truth;  but  political 
parties  cannot  be  expected  to  react  overnight  to  every  new 
discovery.  Political  parties  develop,  rather,  around  old  truths 
that  have  long  since  been  discovered;  and  it  may  easily  be 
that,  by  the  time  the  party  has  developed,  the  truth  about 
which  it  has  developed  has  been  supplanted  by  another  truth. 

I  am  not  discussing,  at  any  rate,  the  correctness  or  incor- 
rectness of  the  theory  of  the  protective  tariff,  or  the  historic 
role  it  has  played  in  American  prosperity.  I  am  simply  point- 
ing out  that  mass  production  discovered  that  it  did  not  need 
and  could  not  use  any  such  protection,  while  traditional 
business  did  not  make  any  such  discovery.  Traditional  busi- 
ness, in  fact,  needs  all  the  protection  it  can  get  from  every 
source,  and  more.  Even  then,  it  cannot  succeed;  for  while 
it  may  thus  meet  and  beat  the  old  forms  of  competition,  it 
cannot  hold  its  own  against  the  inroads  of  mass  production. 

If  one  is  to  grasp  the  exact  relationship  of  mass  produc- 
tion and  the  tariff,  it  is  necessary  to  note  one  other  thing. 
Although  the  heads  of  the  great  mass  production  industries 
now  advised  against  increasing  the  tariff,  they  did  not  organ- 
ize politically  to  prevent  such  an  increase.  They  did  not,  in 


self-protection,  need  to  do  any  such  thing.  While  a  higher 
tariff,  as  they  saw  it,  would  injure  business  generally,  it 
would  not  put  their  mass  production  industries  at  the  mercy 
of  any  competitors.  There  was  no  call,  then,  for  desperate 
opposition.  In  case  the  nations  of  the  world  continued  to 
raise  higher  and  higher  tariff  walls  against  each  other,  these 
huge  mass  production  industries  knew  what  to  do.  In  fact, 
they  were  already  doing  it.  They  were  locating  factories  in 
the  European  countries  whose  tariffs  were  so  high  that  they 
could  not  profitably  continue  to  manufacture  in  America 
and  export  to  those  countries. 

Mr.  Ford,  once  again,  was  the  most  conspicuous  leader  in 
this  movement.  He  not  only  built  factories  throughout 
Europe,  but  he  introduced  the  same  low-price,  high-wage 
principle  by  which  he  had  so  conspicuously  succeeded  here. 
Mass  production,  it  may  be  said,  not  only  did  not  need  high 
tariffs  but  it  did  not  depend  for  its  success  upon  political 
governments'  abolishing  them.  The  Ford  business  now  in- 
creased, in  spite  of  the  world-wide  business  depression  which 
was  due  in  part  to  these  international  tariff  wars.  The  num- 
ber of  Ford  employees  actually  increased,  but  not  the 
number  employed  in  America. 

Times  were  hard  throughout  the  world.  It  was  essential 
to  every  business  that  every  possible  economy  be  employed, 
particularly  such  a  business  as  the  manufacture  of  motor 
cars,  for  there  was  widespread  unemployment  and  the  masses 
had  nothing,  it  seemed,  to  spend  for  luxuries.  If  there  were 
any  saving  to  be  effected  through  paying  low  wages,  we  may 
be  sure  that  Mr.  Ford  would  now  take  advantage  of  it* 
Instead,  he  raised  wages  in  his  American  plants  to  a  seven- 
dollar  in  place  of  a  six-dollar  minimum,  and  arranged  at 
once  to  pay  workers  in  all  his  European  enterprises  a  wage 
which  would  represent  buying  power  equal  to  the  wages 
he  was  paying  in  Detroit.  He  did  this  because  it  was  good 


business  to  do  it.  The  great  business  necessity  of  the  times 
was  a  wider  distribution  of  buying  power. 

Buying  power  could  not  be  increased  either  by  raising 
tariffs  or  by  lowering  them.  It  could  be  increased,  in  the  first 
place,  only  if  the  production  of  wealth  were  increased,  that 
is,  if  better  methods  were  employed  whereby  production 
costs  might  be  diminished.  If  business  is  to  dispose  profitably 
of  this  increased  production,  however,  more  buying  power 
must  be  distributed,  particularly  through  higher  wages,  so 
that  the  masses  may  be  able  to  buy  it. 

The  coming  of  Ford  was  not  welcomed  by  the  tradition- 
ally minded  business  men  of  Europe.  They  looked  upon  his 
intrusion  as  a  calamity,  in  much  the  same  way  that  American 
business  had  once  looked  upon  his  "upsetting  the  wage 
balance"  when  he  first  introduced  his  five-dollar  minimum 
wage.  On  the  other  hand,  the  going  of  so  much  Ford  indus- 
try to  Europe  was  not  welcomed  by  American  business  men 
now.  While  they  had  come  to  see,  by  this  time,  that  the 
Ford  policies  had  greatly  helped  business  throughout 
America,  they  could  not  see  anything  but  harm  to  Ameri- 
can business  in  his  decision  to  carry  on  such  a  large  part 
of  his  future  enterprises  in  foreign  lands. 

The  very  persons,  in  fact,  who  still  believed  that  they 
must  protect  themselves  by  high  tariffs  against  the  products 
of  low-wage  European  industries,  saw  nothing  but  disaster 
in  this  movement  by  which,  inevitably,  wages  generally  in 
Europe  must  be  raised. 

In  the  meantime,  however,  European  nations  began  to 
find  themselves  suffering  from  the  "protection"  which  they 
had  now  built  up.  Not  a  single  European  nation  could  stand 
as  much  of  this  sort  of  protection  as  America  had  been  able 
to  stand.  For,  industrially  and  commercially,  the  United 
States  was  not  like  any  European  nation  but  was  more  to 
be  compared  with  Europe  as  a  whole;  and  the  result  of 


the  many  nations'  tariffs  was  to  strangle  European  indus- 
try, much  as  industry  would  have  been  instantly  strangled 
in  America  if,  instead  of  one  national  tariff,  each  Ameri- 
can state  had  set  up  high  tariffs  preventing  trade  with  other 
states.  Agitation  began,  therefore,  for  an  "Economic  United 
States  of  Europe."  The  different  countries,  often,  hated  each 
other  and  feared  each  other,  and  there  was  little  in  the  psy- 
chology of  the  situation  to  foster  European  union.  But  eco- 
nomic necessity  has  a  way  of  making  itself  felt,  even  when 
sentiment  and  tradition  and  public  opinion  seem  to  be  pull- 
ing in  the  opposite  direction.  In  spite  of  everything,  there- 
fore, this  movement  grew. 

In  all  the  countries  there  was  a  bitter  feeling  against 
America,  and  a  bitter  resentment  against  the  introduction  of 
American  methods  in  Europe.  Of  necessity,  however,  Ameri- 
can methods  were  more  and  more  employed — at  least, 
methods  which  were  supposed  to  be  American  methods. 
Obsolescent  machinery  was  scrapped.  Systems  of  factory  co- 
ordination were  installed.  Production  charts  were  drawn  up, 
and  all  sorts  of  efforts  were  made  to  catch  the  "mysterious" 
American  technique.  But  these  efforts  were  often  disappoint- 
ing. They  might  result  in  large-scale  production,  and  even 
in  low-cost  production,  but  not  in  mass  production.  The  only 
way  that  mass  production  can  be  achieved  is  to  produce  for 
the  masses  at  a  price  which  the  masses  can  pay,  and  to  see 
to  it  that  the  masses  have  sufficient  buying  power  to  meet 
this  price. 

Two  things  interfered  with  the  adoption  of  this  genuine 
mass  production.  Traditional  thinking,  in  the  first  place, 
inhibited  employers  generally  from  paying  high  wages.  No 
matter  how  much  they  studied  Ford's  success,  they  persisted 
in  assuming  that  wages  must  come  out  of  profits,  instead  of 
recognizing  the  mass  production  fact  that  higher  wages  come 
out  of  higher  production.  They  were  not  slower  than  Ameri- 


cans  have  been  to  recognize  this  truth.  Ford  had  made  his 
great  demonstration  right  under  American  eyes;  but  it  was 
a  decade  or  more  before  any  considerable  part  of  American 
business  woke  up  to  the  significance  of  the  demonstration, 
and  the  majority  of  American  business  men  do  not  compre- 
hend it  yet. 

In  the  second  place,  even  if  this  principle  had  been 
grasped,  the  average  European  manufacturer  could  not  sell 
to  large  masses  anyway.  The  protective  tariffs  made  this 
impossible;  but  the  people  of  each  nation  were  so  afraid  of 
the  economic  domination  of  some  neighbor  nation  that  it 
seemed  impossible  to  remove  these  tariffs.  Economic  neces- 
sity, however,  remained  on  the  job.  To  reorganize  their 
industries  as  they  had  to  be  reorganized,  employers  had  to 
have  large  capital;  but  large  capital  was  not  available  gen- 
erally to  industries  which,  in  the  very  nature  of  their  situa- 
tion, could  not  reach  a  large  market.  To  say  nothing  about 
Europe  competing  successfully  with  America  now,  it  seemed 
necessary  that  Europe  must  tear  down  her  internal  tariff 
barriers  if  European  business  was  not  to  break  down  entirely. 

If  one  tried  to  judge  the  trend  of  the  times  by  public 
opinion,  he  must  surely  have  reached  the  conclusion  that 
such  an  economic  union  in  Europe  would  be  impossible.  If 
one  studied  the  forces  of  economic  necessity,  however,  he 
could  not  help  seeing  that  such  a  union  was  inevitable  and 
that  it  would  probably  be  brought  about  within  a  very 
few  years. 

And  when  this  union  was  effected,  one  might  be  sure, 
Europe  would  be  able  to  compete  successfully  with  America. 
It  would  not  follow,  of  course,  that  she  would  so  compete; 
but  she  could  then  take  up  mass  production,  which  she  could 
not  do  so  long  as  Europe  was  divided  by  high  tariff  walls  into 
little  isolated  economic  groups.  Whether  she  would  actually 
achieve  mass  production  or  not,  however,  would  depend 


mainly  upon  how  definitely  her  producers  attended  to  the 
task  of  creating  and  distributing  buying  power. 

But  that  she  would  eventually  do  this  was  also,  for  a  dif- 
ferent reason,  inevitable.  It  was  inevitable  for  the  same 
reason  that  mass  production  had  become  inevitable  in 
America.  In  America  it  was  inevitable  because  it  was  started 
and  tried  and  proved  to  be  more  successful  than  traditional 
production,  and  because,  wherever  it  was  tried,  prices  went 
down,  wages  went  up  and  total  profits  increased  because  the 
masses  could  buy  not  only  more  mass  production  products 
but  more  of  everything  that  business  had  to  sell. 

And  mass  production,  even  in  Europe's  darkest  hour,  was 
already  being  tried  in  Europe.  Mr.  Ford  himself,  for  one, 
was  trying  it.  He  was  raising  wages.  He  was  distributing  buy- 
ing power — not  through  giving  away  his  money  but  through 
organizing  the  production  of  more  wealth.  Tariffs,  for  which 
he  had  no  use,  had  forced  him  to  take  this  step.  In  no  coun- 
try, since  the  advent  of  mass  production,  had  these  tariffs 
done  what  they  were  designed  to  do.  But  they  did  have  inter- 
esting results. 

They  were  designed  to  fence  prosperity  in;  but  in  the 
smaller  countries,  they  had  effectively  fenced  it  out.  In 
America,  they  were  designed  to  prevent  the  competition  of 
low-wage  industries,  on  the  theory  that  low  wages  meant  low 
labor  costs.  Under  mass  production,  however,  higher  wages 
resulted  in  lower  labor  costs;  and  these  high-wage  industries, 
instead  of  enjoying  the  "protection"  which  was  given  them, 
were  exporting  mass  production  factories  to  Europe  and 
building  up  European  industry  so  that  it  could  effectively 
compete  with  ours. 

The  result  upon  America,  incidentally,  must  be  one  which 
no  traditionally  minded  business  man  could  be  expected  to 
grasp.  For  this  building  up  of  European  competition,  instead 
of  proving  disastrous  to  American  business,  must  prove  even- 


tually  to  be  of  great  benefit.  At  first,  no  doubt,  there  was 
some  business  loss  to  America  in  so  many  American  indus- 
tries deciding  to  build  in  Europe  instead  of  distributing 
their  whole  pay  rolls  here.  But  the  tariffs,  designed  often  to 
retaliate  against  the  American  tariff,  had  so  curtailed  ex- 
ports that  they  could  not  have  continued  their  expansion 
in  America  anyway;  and  by  distributing  buying  power  in 
Europe,  these  industries  were  now  creating  a  market  for  all 
sorts  of  American  products  which,  without  this  market,  must 
have  remained  unsold. 

The  European  tariffs,  to  be  sure,  might  still  make  it  im- 
possible for  Europe  to  buy  many  of  the  things  which  Ameri- 
cans had  to  sell.  Hence  this  increased  buying  power  in 
Europe  might  not  result  in  much  increase  in  American  ex- 
porting. But  the  same  forces  which  worked  first  to  break 
down  the  tariff  walls  in  Europe  must  eventually  work  to 
break  down  the  walls  between  Europe  and  the  United  States. 
There  is  nothing  in  the  state  of  public  opinion  which  war- 
rants any  such  conclusion.  This  is  not  a  prophecy  based  upon 
the  election  returns.  It  is  a  deduction,  rather,  from  economic 
necessity.  Mass  production  is  the  most  successful  form  of 
production,  and  therefore  must  dominate;  but  mass  produc- 
tion, so  far  from  needing  protection  against  old-style,  low- 
wage  production,  demands  that  the  masses  everywhere  have 
more  buying  power  and  therefore  wants  its  competitors  to 
adopt  the  most  successful  low-cost  methods  too.  Nor  will  this 
lead  to  overproduction  as  long  as  there  are  twelve  hundred 
millions  of  people  living  with  almost  no  buying  power  as 
yet,  and  millions  in  almost  every  country  with  too  little 
buying  power  for  the  best  interests  of  the  world. 

As  I  have  said  before,  I  have  never  been  a  free  trader,  and 
I  have  not  intentionally  advanced  any  argument  against  the 
theory  and  practice  of  protection,  as  it  has  historically  oper- 
ated in  the  United  States.  But  that  theory  and  practice,  what- 


ever  advantages  there  may  have  been  in  them,  were  the 
theory  and  practice  of  a  passing  time.  We  have  entered  a 
world  of  mass  production.  Mass  production  can  not  stop  at 
national  boundaries.  It  must  produce  and  distribute  more 
and  more  wealth,  and  more  and  more  buying  power;  and  it 
must  favor  the  production  and  distribution  of  more  wealth 
and  buying  power  in  every  part  of  the  world.  Mass  produc- 
tion demands  the  prosperity  of  all;  not  merely  of  workers 
and  consumers  and  of  other  businesses  at  home,  but  the  pros- 
perity and  consequent  buying  power  of  other  nations  as  well. 



FOR  thousands  of  years,  suffering  humanity  has  longed 
for  peace  and  entered  into  war.  The  year  1914  was  no 
exception.  If  that  year  was  different  from  other  years  in 
which  war  clouds  had  burst,  it  was  in  the  greater  determina- 
tion of  the  various  peoples  of  Europe  not  to  fight  each  other. 
Anti-war  propaganda  had  now  circled  the  globe.  Both  capital 
and  labor  had  become  international.  A  World  Court  had 
been  opened  at  The  Hague.  Great  international  labor  con- 
ventions cheered  the  orations  of  French  and  German  and 
Russian  delegates,  as  they  declared  that  the  aroused  workers 
of  the  world  would  no  longer  be  duped  into  killing  each 
other  wholesale  because  their  masters  may  have  fallen  out 
and  were  willing  to  sacrifice  the  common  people  by  the  mil- 
lion in  the  pursuit  of  their  own  private  gain. 

And  many  great  business  leaders,  instead  of  being  annoyed 
by  such  outbreaks,  were  rather  pleased.  They  did  not  neces- 
sarily agree  with  the  reasoning.  If  workers  imagined  that 
war  would  help  the  great  capitalists,  they  were  simply  mis- 
taken, but  it  was  something,  as  these  capitalists  saw  it,  to 
have  the  workers  realizing  that  war  was  not  and  could  not  be 
of  any  advantage  to  labor;  and  they  gave  the  international 
socialist  movement  some  credit  for  preserving  European 

Never  before  was  there  such  widespread  feeling  against 
war,  or  such  an  opportunity  to  give  expression  to  it.  Trans- 
portation and  communication  had  so  advanced,  and  literacy 
had  become  so  general,  that  it  was  impossible  now  to  rep- 
resent all  foreigners  as  barbarians,  while  it  was  easier  than 
ever  to  see  through  the  hypocrisy  of  those  who  made  flam- 



boyant  appeals  to  patriotism  for  the  sake  of  getting  a  polit- 
ical following. 

Anti-war  literature  was  extremely  popular,  while  literature 
favoring  war  was  now  practically  unknown.  Of  course  there 
was  much  nationalist  literature — many  books  pleading  for 
more  patriotism  and  more  attention  to  the  nation's  defense. 
But  these  books  did  not  advocate  war.  The  old  claim  that 
war  brought  out  the  highest  virtues  of  courage,  honor,  self- 
sacrifice,  or  that  it  was  nature's  way  of  achieving  the  sur- 
vival of  the  fittest,  could  not  now  be  sustained.  The  public 
was  quite  well  aware,  by  1914,  that  war  tends  also  to  bring 
out  all  that  is  savage  in  man,  and  that  it  selects  the  fittest 
youths,  not  the  unfit,  to  go  forth  to  die,  or  to  become  phys- 
ically or  mentally  unfit. 

Economists,  moreover,  now  knew  that  war  does  not  pay, 
and  that  victory  may  be  quite  as  expensive  as  defeat.  One 
book,  by  Norman  Angell,  picturing  war  as  "The  Great 
Illusion,"  received  a  world-wide  discussion  and  was  circu- 
lated enthusiastically  by  both  capitalists  and  socialists. 

Another  argument  against  war  was  found  in  the  very  de- 
structiveness  of  modern  war  machinery.  It  was  pointed  out 
that  fighting  would  not  be  glorious  in  any  war  which  might 
now  occur,  for  man  would  not  be  pitted  against  man  in  even 
combat  but  masses  would  simply  be  ground  to  death  in  huge 
slaughtering  machines. 

If  feeling  and  argument  could  preserve  world  peace,  the 
peace  of  the  world  would  seem  to  have  been  secure  in  1914. 
With  that  object  lesson  behind  us,  one  should  hesitate  today 
before  making  any  optimistic  forecasts  concerning  the  peace 
of  the  world.  It  is  true  that  there  are  still  greater  peace  move- 
ments today.  It  is  true  that  we  have  a  League  of  Nations, 
which  we  did  not  have  before,  and  a  more  practical  and 
effective  World  Court.  It  is  true  also  that  we  have  the  mem- 
ory of  a  war  so  devastating,  and  of  an  aftermath  so  disil- 


lusioning,  that  a  solemn  treaty  to  "outlaw"  war  was  forced  by 
public  acclamation  upon  almost  all  the  governments  of  the 
world.  In  view  of  what  happened  in  1914,  however,  there  is 
no  reason  to  believe  that  any  or  all  of  these  movements  can 
finally  safeguard  the  peace  of  the  world. 

Fortunately,  however,  we  do  not  have  to  depend  upon 
these  movements.  The  writer  believes  that  all  of  them  have 
educational  value,  and  that  they  have  added  much  to  the 
machinery  of  peaceful  diplomacy;  but  if  his  hope  for  world 
peace  were  based  upon  parliamentary  and  diplomatic  pro- 
cedure, he  would  have  to  confess  to  very  little  optimism. 
Peace,  however,  fundamentally  depends  upon  something 

Peace  within  the  family  depended  fundamentally  upon 
how  well  the  family  solved  its  economic  problems.  All  that 
the  family  was  later  able  to  teach  about  love  and  brother- 
hood hinged  upon  what  it  was  first  able  to  do  in  the  matter 
of  securing  a  living  for  all  its  members,  the  old  and  the 
young,  the  weak  as  well  as  the  strong. 

Peace  within  the  state  had  the  same  economic  basis.  A 
state  might  seem  ever  so  powerful,  and  yet,  if  its  citizens  and 
its  subjects  could  not  get  a  living,  it  fell;  and  even  the  fear 
that  its  overthrow  would  lead  to  even  greater  disaster  was 
never  enough  to  keep  such  a  state  from  falling. 

Now  we  are  in  the  machine  civilization;  and  world  peace 
within  that  civilization  depends,  not  upon  how  earnestly 
world  peace  may  be  desired,  nor  even  upon  what  the  world 
decides  to  do  politically,  but  upon  how  the  machine  actually 
provides  for  the  economic  necessities  of  the  world. 

We  can  not  be  sure,  unfortunately,  that  there  will  not  be 
another  war.  It  is  certain,  however,  that  the  economic  system 
which  has  always  heretofore  been  dominant  made  war  in- 
evitable, and  that  the  system  which  is  now  becoming  domi- 
nant makes  for  peace.  War  was  always  bad  for  business,  but 


that  did  not  prevent  its  coming,  any  more  than  the  fact  that 
typhoid  is  bad  for  those  who  are  spreading  it  could  prevent 
the  plague.  Whether  we  have  another  world  war  or  not 
depends  definitely  upon  business;  but  not  upon  whether 
business  favors  war  or  peace — for  there  can  be  no  question 
now  as  to  what  business  wants — but  upon  how  soon  the  busi- 
ness leaders  of  the  world  will  substitute  fact-finding  for  their 
traditional  thinking. 

The  great  business  leaders  have  already  made  the  substi- 
tution, and  as  they  have  done  so,  they  have  not  only  been 
making  peace  but  making  profits.  Those  who  are  still  think- 
ing traditionally,  however,  are  not  making  profits,  or  are 
finding  their  profits  more  precarious  year  after  year.  Human 
nature  being  what  it  is,  then,  we  may  be  sure  that  business 
will  eventually  take  the  profit-making  course,  and  that  will 
be  the  true  peace-making  course. 

After  all,  there  is  nothing  mysterious  about  war,  even  if  it 
has  seemed  to  come  when  nobody  seemed  to  want  it.  People 
fight,  not  because  they  want  to,  but  because  they  are  on  dif- 
ferent sides.  When  they  fully  realize  that  they  are  on  the 
same  side,  they  stop  fighting. 

The  formula  by  which  war  might  be  abolished  was  dis- 
covered ages  ago.  It  was  known  as  the  Golden  Rule.  It  con- 
sisted of  doing  unto  others  as  we  would  have  them  do  to  us, 
or  of  loving  others  as  we  love  ourselves.  There  was  nothing 
wrong  with  the  formula.  Everybody  must  admit  that,  if  gen- 
erally applied,  it  would  have  abolished  war;  and  in  so  far  as 
it  was  applied,  it  did  abolish  war. 

We  make  a  mistake  if  we  think  it  was  not  applied  at  all. 
Everybody,  almost,  applied  it  more  or  less,  and  everybody 
generally  still  applies  it  more  or  less. 

It  was  quite  generally  applied,  for  instance,  within  the 
ancient  institution  of  the  family.  Not  universally,  for  there 
were  families  whose  members  did  not  stick  together  through 


thick  and  thin.  The  rule,  however,  was  that  people  should 
think  as  much  of  their  family's  interests  as  they  did  of  their 
own  individual  interests,  so  they  not  only  worked  for  their 
families  but  they  gave  up  their  own  lives,  on  occasion,  to 
protect  their  families. 

When  people  did  this,  they  were  not  considered  prodigies 
of  goodness.  It  was  looked  upon  as  the  natural  thing  to  do.  If 
people  did  not  customarily  do  it,  in  fact,  the  institution  of 
the  family  could  not  have  survived;  and  without  the  institu- 
tion of  the  family,  the  individual  would  have  had  a  very  hard 
time.  He  sacrificed  himself  for  the  family,  in  the  long  run, 
because  the  family  was  worth  sacrificing  for.  It  required  no 
fundamental  unselfishness  on  his  part;  all  it  required  was 
enlightened  selfishness.  And  this  eventually  became  so  estab- 
lished in  tradition  that  almost  everybody  who  felt  that  his 
family  was  being  attacked  or  insulted  resented  it  quite  as 
instinctively,  it  seemed,  as  if  he  himself  had  been  attacked  or 
insulted.  In  other  words,  he  adopted  and  applied  the  Golden 
Rule,  as  far  as  his  own  immediate  family  was  concerned. 
He  did  unto  the  other  members  generally  as  he  wanted  them 
to  do  unto  him,  and  he  learned  to  love  them  much  in  the 
same  way  that  he  loved  himself.  Of  course,  there  were  bicker- 
ings and  disagreements  and  petty  quarrels;  but  wherever  the 
institution  of  the  family  was  the  dominant  institution,  and 
one  had  to  choose  between  living  in  the  family  and  facing  a 
world  of  enemies  all  alone,  these  quarrels  were  seldom  very 
serious.  Not  until  individuals  could  find  refuge  in  some 
other  social  institutions,  such  as  the  state,  or  bandit  crews, 
were  people  likely  to  turn  against  their  own  families,  and 
even  then  they  didn't  do  it  very  often. 

Of  course,  the  family  is  not  holding  together  in  that  way 
today,  but  that  is  because  it  doesn't  have  to.  Individuals  can 
live  outside  their  families  now,  and  they  can  prosper  without 
any  special  cooperation  on  the  part  of  their  biological  kin. 


But  they  do  not  and  can  not  prosper  if  they  turn  against 
their  own  side;  they  must  cooperate  with  those  upon  whose 
cooperation  their  individual  welfare  depends.  They  must 
act  toward  these  persons  essentially  in  the  spirit  of  the 
Golden  Rule,  regardless  of  whether  their  common  aim  be 
good  or  evil.  They  may  join  a  criminal  gang;  but  to  survive, 
they  must  be  true  to  the  gang  and  be  ready,  if  necessary,  to 
lay  down  their  lives  for  it. 

It  is  neither  difficult  nor  unnatural  to  apply  the  Golden 
Rule.  The  difficulty  lies  entirely  in  the  existing  social  set-up. 
One  could  not  love  his  family  before  there  were  families. 
He  could  not  love  his  country  before  there  were  countries  to 
be  loved.  After  the  demands  of  trade  made  it  necessary  for 
people  to  organize  in  states,  it  became  possible  without  any 
change  whatever  in  human  nature,  for  ordinary  human 
beings  to  so  identify  their  own  interests  with  the  interests  of 
the  state,  that  they  would,  if  necessary,  die  for  it. 

The  problem  of  world  peace,  then,  is  not  a  problem  of 
changing  human  nature  so  that  people  will  no  longer  act 
as  human  beings  act.  It  is  a  problem  rather  of  changing 
human  organization  so  that  people  will  act  naturally  toward 
all  other  people  as  they  naturally  do  act  toward  those  whom 
they  recognize  as  their  own.  It  is  much  more  than  a  prob- 
lem of  creating  a  world  state,  for  states,  while  they  may 
succeed  in  stirring  their  citizens  to  great  bursts  of  patriotism 
at  times,  are  likely  themselves  to  be  the  victims  of  conflict- 
ing interests.  The  state  never  could  command  the  constant, 
everyday  loyalty  on  the  part  of  the  average  citizen  which 
the  institution  of  the  family  commanded  from  all  its  mem- 
bers. The  state,  both  in  war  and  peace,  has  been  the  prey  of 
self-seekers  and  grafters  and  those  with  axes  to  grind. 
Whether  a  government  could  retain  its  power  or  not  has 
often  depended,  not  upon  how  good  or  how  bad  the  govern- 
ment was,  but  upon  whether  or  not  its  people  were  pros- 


perous;  and  the  state  was  never  in  a  position  which  would 
enable  it  to  control  prosperity. 

The  state,  it  must  be  remembered,  was  not  organized  to 
produce  and  distribute  wealth  to  all  its  citizens,  as  the  family 
produced  and  distributed  wealth  among  its  various  mem- 
bers. Socialists  have  set  up  the  theory  that  this  should  be  the 
function  of  the  state,  but  no  socialist  will  claim  that  it  was. 
States  left  production  where  they  found  it — under  the  direc- 
tion of  families  for  the  benefit  of  their  own  members — and 
addressed  themselves  principally  to  the  problems  of  trade; 
and  trade,  as  everybody  visualized  it,  while  it  was  more  and 
more  necessary  from  everybody's  standpoint,  was  not  a 
process  by  which  families  were  trying  to  enrich  each  other 
but  a  process  by  which  people  were  trying  to  get  the  best 
of  each  other. 

So  long  as  business,  then,  continued  to  be  such  a  process, 
political  states  had  to  be  organized  for  war.  The  fact  that  war 
was  eventually  discovered  to  be  unprofitable  could  not 
change  this.  Business  had  to  go  on,  and  the  profitable  way 
of  doing  business,  as  everybody  supposed,  was  to  get  the  best 
of  some  one  else. 

In  1914,  practically  everybody  wanted  peace  and  prac- 
tically everybody  had  become  convinced  that  war  was  cruel, 
wasteful,  inglorious  and  stupid.  But  practically  everybody 
went  to  war  just  the  same,  for  forces  beyond  their  control 
swept  them  into  it. 

What  was  this  force?  First,  it  was  trade.  Secondly,  the  tra- 
ditional opinion  of  what  trade  had  to  be — the  fixed  notion 
that  trade  was  a  process  of  making  profits  out  of  somebody 
else.  No  nation  could  get  along  without  trade;  and  the  busi- 
ness interests  of  every  nation  were  trying  to  get  the  best  of 
the  business  interests  of  every  other  nation.  Each  business  in- 
terest, to  be  sure,  was  likewise  trying  to  get  the  best  of  other 
interests  within  the  same  nation;  but  each  nation  had  its  laws 


to  keep  such  rivalry  from  getting  out  of  bounds.  However, 
there  was  no  world  law.  And  even  if  there  had  been,  there 
was  no  world  police  force,  and  no  world  army  and  navy,  no 
world  sanctions,  to  see  that  the  law  of  the  world  should  be 
enforced.  Not  only  was  there  no  such  thing  but  no  wish  for 
such  a  thing:  the  very  idea  was  generally  abhorrent.  Much 
of  the  world  was  in  fact  crying  out  against  the  tyranny  of 
empires,  and  the  idea  that  the  whole  world  should  be  here- 
after subject  to  the  political  decrees  of  one  central  body  went 
against  almost  everybody's  love  of  liberty. 

Occasionally  some  theorist  might  argue  for  such  an 
arrangement,  but  even  if  war  were  the  only  alternative,  he 
could  not  gain  many  converts.  Even  after  the  World  War, 
and  after  its  cost  and  its  futility  had  become  apparent,  such 
an  enlightened  and  peace  loving  country  as  the  United  States 
refused  to  join  the  League  of  Nations  for  fear  that  it  theo- 
retically might  attempt  to  encroach  upon  national  sover- 
eignty. One  does  not  have  to  agree  with  this  decision  to  rec- 
ognize the  force  behind  it,  and  to  lose  faith  in  a  world 
political  government  as  an  effective  guarantee  of  world 

Since  1914,  however,  the  whole  situation  has  changed;  not 
because  political  government  has  demonstrated  any  special 
genius,  but  because  business  has  discovered  certain  facts 
about  itself. 

It  has  been  discovered  that  trade  is  more  successful  when 
no  attempt  is  made  to  get  the  best  of  anybody  else;  and  it 
has  been  discovered  that  it  is  most  successful  when  it  utilizes 
all  the  resources  of  science  so  that  it  may  bring  the  utmost 
possible  benefits  to  everybody. 

Upon  that  discovery,  there  is  something  more  than  a  hope 
for  world  peace.  World  peace  has  now  become  not  only  a 
practical  possibility,  but  the  logical  outcome  of  successful 
business  methods.  True,  there  may  be  another  world  war 


before  business  generally  will  discover  the  principles  upon 
which  business  success  now  depends:  hence  work  for  world 
peace  must  principally  consist  of  helping  the  world  to  grasp 
and  to  apply  these  truths. 

It  is  not  necessary,  however,  to  theorize,  nor  to  try  to  per- 
suade the  world  to  give  up  methods  of  doing  business  which 
promise  great  financial  rewards,  and  adopt  some  method 
which  will  assure  world  peace.  All  that  is  necessary  is  to 
follow  the  methods  which  have  proved  to  be  most  profitable. 
These  are  the  methods  of  mass  production  and  mass  dis- 
tribution, the  fact-finding  methods,  the  system  which  per- 
ceives that  business  can  not  sell  more  than  consumers  can 
buy,  and  which  directs  first  attention,  therefore,  to  the  con- 
sumer's interests,  the  system  which  not  merely  finds  markets, 
but  creates  markets  by  manufacturing  and  distributing  buy- 
ing power,  and  thus  translates  the  selfish  human  desire  to 
conserve  prosperity  into  an  effective  human  determination 
to  preserve  peace. 

Mass  production  makes  peace  with  everybody,  even  with 
its  competitors.  When  success  is  based  upon  producing 
wealth  for  others  (instead  of  taking  it  from  others) ,  the  more 
who  succeed  the  greater  will  everybody's  opportunities  be. 
Mass  production  actually  seeks  the  success  of  its  competitors, 
for  success,  it  knows,  can  come  only  from  the  use  of  better 
methods,  and  the  use  of  better  methods  increases  buying 
power  and  adds  to  the  general  prosperity.  In  the  interna- 
tional field,  therefore,  it  demands  the  success  of  other  na- 
tions, so  that  their  people  shall  become  much  better  cus- 
tomers than  the  people  of  a  commercially  defeated  nation 
could  possibly  be. 

Mass  production,  in  a  word,  includes  the  whole  world 
through  serving  the  whole  world.  It  does  not,  and  it  can  not, 
leave  anybody  out  of  its  benefits.  It  destroys  antagonism  on 
the  part  of  consumers  by  making  prices  as  low  as  possible, 


and  on  the  part  of  workers  by  making  wages  as  high  as 
possible;  and  it  undermines  the  whole  incentive  to  war  by 
making  world  exchange  as  profitable  to  everybody  as  it  can 
possibly  be.  It  is  destructive  only  of  the  fears  and  hatreds  and 
traditions  which  keep  human  beings  from  cooperating.  It 
does  not  change  human  nature,  but  it  is  giving  selfish  hu- 
man nature  an  opportunity,  which  could  never  be  clearly 
seen  before,  to  express  its  selfishness  in  profitable  coopera- 



MASS  production  demands  the  education  of  the  masses. 
That  is  a  large  order.  Doubtless  it  will  be  many  years 
before  it  can  be  filled,  for  the  education  which  is  needed  is 
not  one  which  our  educational  institutions  are  at  present 
equipped  to  give,  and  it  will  necessitate  the  teaching  of 
many  things  which  the  teachers  do  not  yet  know. 

In  the  first  place,  the  masses  must  learn  how  to  behave 
like  human  beings  in  a  mass  production  world.  No  one  yet 
knows  how  to  do  that.  All  of  us  have  learned  something 
about  how  to  behave  in  a  family  civilization,  in  an  agricul- 
tural civilization  and  in  different  kinds  of  class  civilizations; 
but  the  machine  civilization  into  which  we  are  all  moving, 
a  civilization  which  is  rapidly  erasing  so  many  of  the  old 
relationships  of  life  and  bringing  the  whole  world  into  one 
social  body,  remains  to  be  explored.  This  civilization  is 
founded  upon  production  for  the  masses,  but  unless  the 
masses  play  a  conscious  part  in  it,  production  for  the  masses 
can  not  go  on. 

It  is  necessary,  for  illustration,  that  unemployment  be 
abolished  and  that  the  masses  everywhere  be  freed  from  the 
fear  of  losing  their  jobs  and  hence  their  economic  security. 
But  how  will  workingmen  behave  if  they  are  freed  from  this 
fear?  Plainly,  we  do  not  know.  We  can  only  theorize  about 
it,  for  it  is  a  condition  which  has  never  existed  since  the 
beginning  of  industrialism.  To  be  sure,  the  serfs  were  not 
afraid  of  losing  their  jobs,  slaves  were  not  afraid  of  being 
thrown  out  of  work,  and  the  members  of  the  old  patriarchal 
families  felt  economically  secure  as  long  as  the  family  was 
enjoying  prosperity,  whether  they  individually  were  good, 



efficient  workers  or  not.  The  masses  of  industrial  workers 
today,  however,  are  neither  slaves  nor  serfs  nor  members  of 
agrarian  clans.  In  the  main,  they  work  because  they  have  to 
work;  and  they  work  faithfully,  among  other  reasons,  be- 
cause, if  they  do  not  work  faithfully,  there  is  always  the  pos- 
sibility that  some  more  faithful  worker  will  be  substituted 
in  their  place. 

Would  they  work  as  faithfully  if  they  were  suddenly  in- 
formed that  they  could  not  be  discharged,  and  that  the  worst 
that  could  happen  to  them  economically  would  be  their 
transfer  to  some  other  job  or  to  some  other  industry?  Would 
there  not  be  a  tendency  for  them  to  lie  down  on  the  job,  to 
take  things  easy,  and  thus  to  destroy  the  very  system  which 
makes  it  imperative  to  abolish  unemployment? 

Obviously,  there  would  be  such  a  tendency  unless  the 
masses  were  thoroughly  educated  to  understand  the  situa- 
tion. But  there  is  little,  if  any,  such  education  today.  It  is 
not  being  given  in  the  home,  for  the  average  home,  no  mat- 
ter how  well  equipped  to  teach  the  traditional  virtues,  is 
not  equipped  to  interpret  to  its  children  the  social  relation- 
ships of  the  world  in  which  those  children  must  soon  begin 
to  do  their  part,  and  the  social  responsibilities  which  come 
from  those  relationships. 

To  suggest  that  the  principles  of  mass  production  should 
be  taught  in  the  primary  and  elementary  schools  will  strike 
most  readers  as  fantastic.  The  average  school  teacher  knows 
little  or  nothing  about  those  principles,  and  is  not  required 
to  understand  anything  about  them,  although  they  are  the 
principles  upon  which  human  society  is  now  being  con- 
structed, and  principles  which  must  be  grasped  if  these  chil- 
dren are  to  learn  how  to  behave  like  human  beings  in  this 
mass  production  world. 

The  schools  do  their  best  to  teach  patriotism — loyalty  to 
the  political  state.  We  could  not  maintain  our  status  as  a 


nation  if  they  did  not  do  so.  Merely  teaching  children  to 
be  loyal  in  some  abstract  sense  would  never  meet  the  re- 
quirement. They  must  be  made  to  understand,  even  in  their 
immaturity,  that  they  have  special  obligations  toward  their 
own  country.  The  children,  incidentally,  do  not  object. 
They  like  it.  Loyalty  comes  natural  to  them,  when  it  is  once 
made  plain  that  they  have  a  country  and  a  flag,  and  that  this 
human  group  which  we  call  the  nation  is  really  their  group. 
If  they  had  never  heard  of  such  an  institution  as  a  country, 
however,  they  could  not  be  loyal  to  it.  They  might  be  ever 
so  good  children.  They  might  be  loyal  to  their  fathers  and 
mothers.  They  might  be  loyal  to  every  human  group  of 
which  they  felt  themselves  a  part.  But  the  nation  in  distress 
would  have  no  meaning  for  them.  A  call  to  sacrifice  for  their 
country's  sake  must  then  go  unheeded.  They  might  be 
herded  by  force,  to  be  sure,  into  military  formation,  and  they 
might  be  employed  as  cannon  fodder  to  achieve  some  polit- 
ical end,  but  they  could  not  become  good  citizens  or  good 
soldiers,  because  of  a  fatal  flaw  in  their  education.  Under 
such  circumstances  America,  as  we  know  it,  could  not  exist. 
But  what  are  the  schools  doing  to  interpret  the  machine 
civilization — the  new  grouping  of  human  life  which  can  not 
leave  anybody  out  and  which  renders  even  the  old  patriotism 
inadequate  to  cope  with  social  problems  now?  To  say  that 
they  are  doing  nothing  is  not  quite  true.  Inevitably,  business 
and  industrial  changes  are  being  reflected  to  some  extent  in 
our  educational  programs.  There  are  sporadic  movements 
here  and  there  to  make  education  more  practical,  and  to 
train  more  of  our  young  people  for  business  leadership.  It 
has  become  generally  understood  that  more  fact-finders  are 
needed,  and  the  old  classical  curriculum  is  giving  way  to 
more  and  more  emphasis  upon  scientific  research.  But  the 
situation  is  all  confusion.  There  is  rather  a  general  recogni- 
tion that  we  have  begun  to  live  in  a  machine  civilization,  but 


the  problem  of  how  to  live  in  a  machine  civilization  is  hardly 
yet  being  discussed.  The  question  of  how  to  behave  like 
human  beings  is  getting  considerable  attention;  but  not  the 
problem  of  how  to  behave  like  human  beings  in  the  specific 
social  set-up  in  which  those  human  beings  will  have  to  live. 

But  mass  education  must  come.  Mass  production  demands 
it.  There  must  not  only  be  these  new  relationships  of  life, 
but  there  must  be  an  understanding  of  them.  In  this  machine 
civilization,  the  masses  must  be  taken  into  full  citizenship. 
They  must  achieve,  not  mere  literacy,  but  culture;  and  it 
must  be  a  culture  based  upon  fact-finding  instead  of  upon 
the  class  traditions  of  the  past. 

The  masses  will  presently  come  into  wealth  and  leisure. 
Without  wealth  and  leisure  little  culture  is  possible,  but 
until  the  days  of  the  machine,  the  only  possible  wealth  and 
leisure,  and,  therefore,  the  only  possible  culture,  were  the 
wealth  and  leisure  and  culture  of  special  privilege.  These 
could  not  be  based  upon  fact-finding.  They  were  frequently 
more  secure,  indeed,  if  the  facts  were  well  concealed  and  the 
fiction  of  the  divine  right  of  rulers  to  rule  were  emphasized 

In  the  old  class  societies,  it  was  not  necessary  that  the 
masses  be  educated.  It  was  not  even  advisable.  It  was  far 
better  that  they  be  merely  trained.  Had  they  understood  how 
they  were  being  exploited,  they  might  easily  have  done  away 
with  such  exploitation;  but  since  they  did  not  know  how  to 
create  wealth  and  leisure  for  all,  any  revolution  which  they 
might  have  inaugurated  must  still  have  resulted  in  poverty 
and  unremitting  toil  for  all.  Since  many  must  live  crude, 
uncultured  lives,  it  may  seem  just  that  all  should  do  so; 
but  the  price  of  such  justice  must  not  be  forgotten.  Under 
such  conditions,  humanity  could  not  have  developed  art 
and  culture  and  scholarship.  It  required  leisure,  at  a  period 
when  only  a  very  few  could  possibly  have  had  leisure,  to 


develop  the  very  things  we  now  care  for  most.  This  leisure, 
however,  was  based  upon  cruelty  and  injustice  to  the  masses; 
and  it  could  be  sustained  only  if  the  masses  were  trained  to 
submit  to  cruelty  and  injustice.  Such  training,  socially  neces- 
sary as  it  may  have  been,  must  not  be  confused  with  educa- 
tion. Education  consists  of  the  drawing  out  of  human  capac- 
ities. Training  may  consist  only  of  curbing  them. 

Training  is  still  necessary,  but  something  more  than  train- 
ing is  needed  now.  Children  must  be  trained  not  to  run 
in  front  of  motor  cars,  regardless  of  what  they  may  think  of 
their  individual  right  to  do  so.  They  must  be  trained  to  eat 
the  things  that  will  not  injure  them,  in  spite  of  individual 
preferences  for  something  else.  Adults  must  similarly  be 
trained.  They  must  be  trained  to  regard  the  traffic  regula- 
tions, to  respect  the  property  of  others,  to  obey  the  law,  to 
meet  their  obligations  and  to  live  generally  in  such  a  way 
that  others  may  live  also.  But  all  this  training,  while  neces- 
sary to  social  stability,  is  not  education.  It  is  all  negative. 
It  consists  of  information  as  to  what  we  must  not  do.  It  does 
not  draw  out  and  develop  the  hitherto  undeveloped  capaci- 
ties of  human  life.  At  best,  it  leaves  human  life  largely  where 
it  was  before.  It  does  not  and  it  can  not  bring  progress. 

The  bees  and  the  ants  have  a  marvellous  civilization. 
Their  systems  seem  to  work  today  as  well  as  they  did  a  thou- 
sand generations  ago.  But  there  has  been  no  improvement. 
Their  lives,  apparently,  are  no  larger  than  they  ever  were. 
They  are  doing  the  same  old  things  in  the  same  old  way.  I 
do  not  know,  of  course,  what  arguments  they  may  have,  but 
the  conservatives  are  evidently  in  power.  One  can  not  help 
admiring  such  a  perfect  social  mechanism.  On  the  other 
hand,  there  is  something  to  be  said  for  human  life,  whose 
civilizations  are  forever  breaking  down,  whose  habits  won't 
stay  put.  Humans,  apparently,  never  become  perfectly 
trained.  They  will  not  admit  their  limitations.  They  fail  and 


fail  and  try  again;  and  when  they  get  what  they  go  after, 
they  are  filled  with  discontent  and  forthwith  go  after  some- 
thing different.  Plainly,  they  don't  know  what  they  want, 
but  they  want  it  terribly.  It  is  the  search  for  this  something 
beyond  experience  which  draws  them  out — which  consti- 
tutes their  education. 

Education,  therefore,  is  something  more  than  fact-finding. 
Education  involves  thinking — dealing  with  the  facts  which 
are  found.  Millions  doubtless  saw  apples  fall  before  Newton 
observed  the  phenomenon.  But  the  millions  didn't  do  any- 
thing about  it.  Newton  proceeded  to  think  about  the  fact 
which  he  had  found  and  his  thinking  enlarged  the  boun- 
daries of  human  life.  Einstein,  by  the  same  process,  has  again 
enlarged  those  boundaries.  Not  every  fact-finder,  by  any 
means,  does  this.  And  not  every  thinker.  Fact-finders  who 
think  traditionally  will  simply  arrange  the  facts  as  far  as 
possible  into  the  traditional  patterns;  and  all  facts  which  do 
not  fit  into  the  traditional  patterns  are  simply  thrown  away. 
These  are  the  people  who  "learn  the  ropes,"  and  who  imag- 
ine that  they  are  keeping  up-to-date  by  the  process  of  dis- 
covering what  is  and  isn't  done.  There  are  many  thinkers, 
on  the  other  hand,  who  weave  weird  intellectual  patterns, 
and  even  construct  Utopias,  which  human  beings,  because 
they  are  what  they  are,  can  never  use.  They  may  be  quite  in- 
genious thinkers  too,  the  only  trouble  being  that  their  think- 
ing does  not  deal  with  facts. 

What  is  needed  now,  in  this  new  world  of  mass  produc- 
tion, is  not  mere  thinking  and  not  mere  fact-finding,  but 
thinking  along  fact-finding  lines. 

Mere  thinking,  by  itself,  may  lead  anywhere.  Sometimes 
it  leads  to  the  insane  asylum.  And  mere  fact-finding,  by 
itself,  may  lead  to  nothing  more  than  more  tables  of  statistics 
and  the  erection  of  more  filing  cabinets  in  which  to  bury 
them.  Only  fact-finding  plus  straight  thinking  will  serve  the 


present  need.  The  time  has  come,  in  fact,  when  the  masses 
must  learn  how  to  think. 

Mass  production,  it  must  be  remembered,  is  not  a  system 
to  be  installed,  with  such  and  such  appropriations  for  up- 
keep. It  is  a  social  revolution.  It  is  production  for  the  masses, 
for  the  first  time  in  human  history,  and  this  is  a  form  of 
production  which,  because  of  its  constantly  increasing  capac- 
ity, must,  if  understood  and  operated  scientifically,  abolish 
poverty  and  drudgery  and  the  fear  of  unemployment  and 
all  the  discipline  which  has  historically  been  founded  upon 
these  things. 

To  operate  this  social  mechanism  scientifically,  however, 
requires  more  than  a  formula  in  the  possession  of  a  few 
great  executives.  It  requires  a  new  attitude  toward  society, 
on  the  part  of  business  men  and  of  workers  alike.  It  does  not 
require  any  change  in  human  nature,  but  it  does  require  a 
new  understanding  of  what  human  nature  is.  It  requires,  for 
one  thing,  such  a  social  concept  as  man  has  never  had  before. 
It  requires  a  sense  of  change  and  of  evolution  to  replace  the 
old  notion  of  a  world  standing  still,  in  which  the  right  and 
wrong  of  everything  was  long  ago  established  and  goodness 
consisted  of  following  the  formulas  which  were  handed 

Merely  the  operation  of  this  mechanism  of  mass  produc- 
tion, then,  requires  a  new  education.  But  that  is  only  a  part 
of  the  problem.  How  shall  the  masses  use  the  wealth  and 
leisure  and  security  which  mass  production  will  bring  to 
them?  To  use  it  according  to  the  old  standards  will  never  do 
at  all,  for  all  that  would  then  result  at  best  would  be  wealth 
and  leisure  and  security,  which  might  easily  prove  more 
boresome  in  the  end  than  hustling  to  stay  alive. 

It  must  be  apparent  that  a  great  new  education  is  neces- 
sary, and  for  the  first  time  in  human  history,  the  masses  can 
be  educated.  In  an  opinion  governed  world,  in  a  society 


based  upon  special  privilege,  the  luxury  of  thinking  had  to 
be  reserved  for  a  very  few. 

For  one  thing,  opinionated  men  who  think  are  almost 
certain  to  reach  wrong  conclusions.  Those  who  don't  think, 
to  be  sure,  are  equally  likely  to  reach  wrong  conclusions; 
but  in  a  world  governed  by  opinion,  they  had  one  advantage. 
Those  who  did  not  think  could  at  least  all  reach  the  same 
conclusion,  and  concerted  action  was  therefore  possible.  All 
could  go  to  the  same  church.  All  could  recognize  the  same 
king.  All  could  and  generally  did  obey  the  same  orders  and 
society,  therefore,  held  together. 

What  to  do  when  there  were  two  opinions  competing  for 
popular  acceptance  was  always  a  problem.  This  led  to  fierce 
debate;  but  since  fact-finding  was  not  yet  in  vogue,  there 
was  no  way  of  ending  the  debate  except  by  appealing  to 
authority,  and  the  only  way  the  authorities  could  put  an  end 
to  a  debate  was  through  putting  an  end  to  at  least  one  of 
the  debaters.  The  debater  then  who  displeased  the  authori- 
ties most  was  hanged  or  burned  or  cut  to  pieces,  as  the  case 
might  be,  and  the  integrity  of  society  was  once  more  pre- 

We  of  today  may  look  upon  such  practices  with  horror. 
But  it  is  hard  to  see  how  they  could  have  been  avoided  in  a 
world  governed  by  opinion.  Orthodoxy  has  more  to  com- 
mend it  than  heretics  are  likely  to  concede.  It  is  true  that 
we  owe  all  intellectual  advance  to  our  heretics,  but  we  owe 
our  social  stability,  in  all  previous  periods  of  history,  to  those 
whose  principal  business  it  was  to  stamp  out  heresy.  The 
opinion  of  the  dissenter,  to  be  sure,  might  be  a  vast  improve- 
ment upon  the  opinion  of  the  tribunal  which  decreed  his 
death.  Nevertheless,  in  a  world  governed  by  opinion,  every- 
body could  not  dissent  from  everybody  else  and  act  accord- 
ing to  some  opinion  of  his  own.  Not  until  the  age  of  science, 
not  until  the  technique  of  fact-finding  had  actually  been  de- 


veloped,  was  it  ever  socially  possible  to  permit  the  masses  to 

It  is  little  wonder,  then,  that  so  few  people  do  any  real 
thinking  as  yet.  The  same  forces,  however,  which  once  made 
thinking  impossible  are  now  making  it  necessary — the  forces 
of  social  evolution.  In  a  world  governed  by  authority,  it 
was  necessary  that  we  reverence  authority;  and  the  divine 
right  of  those  who  could  get  themselves  obeyed  was  not  quite 
such  an  absurd  fiction  as  it  sometimes  seems.  In  a  world  gov- 
erned by  fact-finding,  however,  it  is  necessary  that  we  learn 
to  reverence  the  facts;  and  although  we  may  make  many 
errors,  a  genuine  reverence  for  facts  will  keep  us  thinking  in 
harmony  with  the  world  in  which  we  live,  instead  of  chasing 
the  vagaries  which  our  minds  must  surely  chase  if  there  is 
no  standard  by  which  we  may  check  up  upon  our  thoughts. 

Henry  Ford  put  a  bookful  of  wisdom  into  a  single  sentence 
when  he  said:  "We  may  ordain  a  man  to  be  a  bishop,  but  we 
can  not  ordain  one  to  become  an  electrician;  to  become  an 
electrician,  it  is  necessary  to  learn  how  electricity  acts."  This 
mass  production  world  has  arrived.  Inevitably,  we  must  live 
in  it,  and,  inevitably,  we  must  all  participate  in  its  material 
advantages — more  wealth,  more  leisure,  less  soul  deadening 
toil.  But  how  about  the  larger  human  life  which  this  new 
world  makes  possible?  That  is  a  problem  for  each  of  us  to  do 
his  share  in  solving.  In  order  to  solve  it,  we  must  find  out 
how  mass  production  works.  We  must  discover  that  it  in- 
volves a  complete  human  revolution — an  entirely  new  atti- 
tude toward  life,  and  an  attitude  which  can  not  be  discov- 
ered except  by  finding  and  dealing  with  the  facts. 

I  do  not  pretend  to  know  how  far  this  change  will  go — to 
what  extent  practices  which  were  once  considered  sinful 
may  now  be  taken  up  constructively,  nor  to  what  extent 
things  once  considered  honorable  will  now  appear  as  morally 
repugnant.  But  I  do  know  that  there  must  be  a  change  on 


every  human  front,  and  that  the  change  will  be  guided, 
neither  by  orthodox  tradition  nor  by  mere  emotional  re- 
bellion against  social  discipline,  but  by  finding  and  dealing 
with  the  facts.  There  is  little,  if  anything,  in  our  traditions 
which  will  help  us  solve  these  problems;  and  just  as  it  was 
once  necessary  for  man  to  curb  his  animal  instincts  and  learn 
to  follow  human  codes,  it  will  now  become  necessary  for 
man  to  set  aside  his  traditional  drives  and  discover  how  to 
behave  like  a  human  being  in  this  new  fact-finding  world. 

No  one  will  claim  that  our  existing  educational  institu- 
tions are  equipped  to  meet  this  new  human  need.  They  have, 
to  be  sure,  inaugurated  many  changes.  They  are  teaching 
business.  They  are  cooperating  to  a  larger  and  larger  extent 
with  modern  industry  and,  through  modern  research 
methods,  they  are  learning  many  new  facts,  not  merely  in 
the  physical  sciences  but  in  psychology  and  sociology.  But 
one  must  be  very  optimistic  indeed  to  believe  that  the 
schools,  either  elementary  or  advanced,  are  actually  initiat- 
ing their  students  into  the  meaning  of  modern  life  or  equip- 
ping them  to  play  a  significant  human  role  in  this  mass  pro- 
duction world. 

Many  worthy  educators,  in  fact,  resent  the  encroachment 
of  commercialism  upon  our  educational  institutions.  They 
can  not  forget  that  many  millionaires  (who  became  million- 
aires because  in  a  world  still  governed  by  opinion,  their 
business  opinions  were  better  than  the  opinions  of  their 
competitors)  have  endowed  colleges  and  other  institutions 
for  the  purpose,  apparently,  of  getting  their  opinions  per- 
petuated; and  they  can  not  forget  that  there  is  little  aca- 
demic freedom  in  such  institutions,  and  that  there  is  not 
likely  to  be  until  some  excellent  funerals  take  place.  One 
can  understand  these  fears,  and  perceive  their  justification, 
but  they  do  not  apply  to  the  conditions  of  today.  Mod- 
ern business,  at  least,  is  based  upon  fact-finding;  and  the 


modern  successful  business  leader  knows  that  disagreeable 
facts  are  as  necessary  in  his  business  as  are  the  other  kind. 
He  does  not,  therefore,  want  "yes  men,"  either  in  his  busi- 
ness organization  or  in  the  schools;  and  if  he  is  a  director  of 
a  college  or  university  which  is  faced  with  any  problem,  he 
may  generally  be  depended  upon  to  bring,  not  his  traditional 
opinion,  but  his  technique  as  a  fact-finder  to  the  solution  of 
the  problem.  This,  surely,  is  in  line  with  the  greatest  pos- 
sible academic  freedom,  unless  one  believes  that  his  academic 
freedom  should  include  freedom  to  ignore  the  facts. 

It  is  not  commercialism,  then,  but  traditional  thinking, 
which  is  most  severely  handicapping  our  educational  efforts. 
This  is  fortunate,  for  it  is  possible,  even  if  difficult,  to  aban- 
don traditions,  while  it  is  utterly  impossible  to  escape  from 
the  necessity  for  food,  shelter  and  clothing,  which  are  now 
provided  through  industry  and  commerce. 

In  the  days  when  the  family  was  the  world's  economic  in- 
stitution, the  needs  of  the  family  dominated  such  education 
as  there  was.  The  masses,  to  be  sure,  were  kept  illiterate,  but 
they  were,  at  least,  initiated  into  the  mysteries  of  how  so- 
ciety held  together  and  how  the  work  of  the  world  was  being 
done.  The  bulk  of  this  work  was  done  in  the  home,  and 
when  a  boy  had  mastered  what  the  home  had  to  teach  him, 
he  had  learned  how  to  behave  like  a  human  being  in  the 
world  in  which  he  was  sure  to  live.  He  learned  both  the 
principles  and  the  technique.  The  modern  home  is  expected 
by  the  thoughtless  to  do  as  much  for  the  modern  child,  but 
only  by  the  thoughtless.  The  work  of  the  world  is  no  longer 
done  in  the  home,  and  the  average  home  has  scarcely  heard 
of  the  system  by  which  it  is  being  done. 

As  trade  developed,  and  a  class  society  superseded  the  old 
clan  society,  it  became  necessary  to  educate  the  classes  to 
dominate,  and  to  train  the  masses  to  accept  their  domination; 
and,  everything  considered,  the  job  was  done  quite  thor- 


oughly.  A  few  were  permitted  to  think,  and  to  decide  what 
others  should  think;  and  he  who  read  the  books  which  con- 
tained these  thoughts  was  called  "well  read."  There  were 
not  many  such  books,  and  they  could  all  be  mastered  in  a 
lifetime,  if  one  had  a  lifetime  free  to  devote  to  them. 

Then  the  age  of  science  dawned  and,  eventually,  the  in- 
vention of  power  machinery.  This  necessitated  the  breaking 
down  of  the  old  class  order,  but  it  did  not  and  could  not 
mean  that  its  traditions  should  be  suddenly  uprooted.  Men 
achieved  wealth  and  leisure  in  a  new  way  now,  and  would 
not  permit  the  traditional  class  system  to  keep  them  from 
getting  it;  but  after  they  got  it,  they  longed  for  the  special 
distinctions  which  went  with  wealth  and  leisure  under  the 
old  class  order.  The  capitalists  tried  to  ape  the  feudal  lords 
whom  they  had  overthrown.  They  couldn't  quite  do  it,  but 
there  was  nothing  to  prevent  them,  they  thought,  from  send- 
ing their  sons  and  daughters  to  institutions  where  they  could 
acquire  culture  and  education.  Those  who  could  afford  to, 
then,  went  to  college  and  learned  Latin  and  Greek,  and 
studied  the  precepts  and  principles  of  civilizations  in  which 
they  were  certain  not  to  live,  and  which  did  not  apply  very 
well  to  the  things  which  they  would  find  it  necessary  to  do. 

This  new  system  needed  multitudes  of  workers.  It  needed 
not  merely  skillful  artisans,  but  men  who  could  be  trained  to 
work  in  altogether  new  ways.  It  also  needed  foremen  and 
managers  and  record  keepers.  It  was  finally  decided  to  make 
"education"  universal.  Everybody,  at  least,  might  learn 
readin',  'ritin'  and  'rithmetic.  But  this  was  "book  learn- 
ing" and  book  learning,  if  one  had  enough  of  it,  traditionally 
meant  distinction.  So  high  schools  for  the  masses  came,  and 
colleges  for  all  who  could  make  the  grade.  When  attempts 
were  made  to  substitute  more  practical  education  instead, 
the  masses  themselves  were  likely  to  complain.  They  knew 
nothing  about  mass  education  and  did  not  want  it.  Educa- 


tion  traditionally  meant  distinction,  and  each  family  wanted 
its  own  children  to  become  specially  distinguished. 

Incidentally,  it  was  no  longer  possible  for  anyone  to  be- 
come well  read.  There  were  too  many  books  now  for  any- 
body to  master.  Science  had  dug  up  more  knowledge  than 
anyone  could  get  into  his  head,  and  the  need  of  the  times, 
moreover,  was  not  for  men  who  had  a  mass  of  unassorted 
knowledge  in  their  heads,  but  for  men  who  could  organize 
things  so  that  each  could  use  his  special  knowledge  in  some 
social  and  socially  constructive  task. 

Trade  and  technical  schools  could  hardly  fill  the  bill. 
Trade  schools  might  train  their  students  in  the  ways  in 
which  specific  things  were  customarily  done;  but  by  the 
time  those  students  had  graduated,  it  was  found,  fact-finders 
in  the  factories  had  discovered  better  ways,  and  this  "practi- 
cal education"  was  as  impractical  often  as  Latin  and  Greek. 
Especially  when  mass  production  came,  it  became  apparent 
that  thinkers  were  needed,  instead  of  persons  trained  to  do 
anything  in  any  specific  way. 

Superficial  observers,  of  course,  said  that  mass  production 
methods  required  no  brains  at  all.  They  said  that  only 
robots  were  now  needed,  since  all  the  skilled  work  was  now 
being  done  by  machines  and  that  men  were  reduced  to  the 
monotonous  repetition  of  the  few  motions  necessary  in  tend- 
ing a  machine.  They  failed  to  note  that  it  requires  thinkers 
to  construct  such  machines;  and  that,  as  the  process  develops, 
the  machine  tender  is  supplanted  by  another  machine  and 
that  dull,  monotonous  tasks  are  fast  being  eliminated  from 
human  life.  An  old-style  industrial  plant  might  employ  five 
thousand  operators  and  five  engineers,  while  a  modern  plant 
may  produce  the  same  output  with  five  hundred  operators 
and  fifty  engineers.  The  completely  automatic  factory — that 
is,  automatic  except  for  the  highly  professional  and  humanly 
fascinating  work  of  superintending  and  improving  it — is 


almost  here.  It  waits  only  the  development  of  more  skill, 
more  engineering,  and  the  liberation  of  the  masses  from  their 
status  as  burden  bearers  and  underlings  to  that  of  intelligent, 
conscious,  creative  minds  cooperating  in  the  control  of  their 
economic  mechanism. 

One  of  the  first  half-conscious  reactions  to  this  new  situa- 
tion is  seen  in  the  great  mass  movement  toward  our  colleges 
and  universities.  But  traditional  education,  it  is  obvious, 
is  not  what  people  really  want.  It  can  not  answer  their  need, 
either  intellectually  or  morally,  for  it  can  not  interpret  this 
new  machine  civilization,  and  it  can  not  therefore  make  its 
responsibilities  clear. 

The  time  has  come  when  all  our  educational  institutions, 
from  the  primary  schools  up,  must  concentrate  on  the  great 
social  task  of  teaching  the  masses  not  what  to  think  but  how 
to  think,  and  thus  to  find  out  how  to  behave  like  human 
beings  in  this  machine  age.  This  teaching,  of  course,  should 
begin  in  the  home;  but  it  can  begin  in  the  home  only  when 
parents  are  sufficiently  educated  to  begin  it.  I  do  not  mini- 
mize the  task.  Even  to  get  it  started  will  require  every  con- 
tribution that  every  sincere  educator  can  make,  and  all  the 
help  that  every  fact-finding  business  leader  can  give  them. 
But  the  task  is  glorious.  Its  accomplishment  will  mean  not 
merely  the  completion  of  the  machine  civilization  upon  the 
fundamental  principle  of  service  to  the  masses,  but  the  prepa- 
ration of  the  masses  to  live  in  it. 


THIS  machine  age  is  frequently  referred  to  as  an  age  of 
waning  faith.  Religion,  it  is  often  said,  is  losing 
ground.  The  old  beliefs  no  longer  hold,  and  things  which 
were  once  held  so  sacred  as  to  be  almost  unmentionable  are 
now  subjects  of  ruthless  investigation  or  even  of  light  dis- 

In  fifty  years,  for  instance,  America  has  been  transformed 
from  an  orthodox,  churchgoing  population,  in  which  the 
dogma  of  eternal  punishment  for  the  masses  was  quite  gen- 
erally accepted,  into  a  relatively  light-hearted,  pleasure  seek- 
ing people  who  generally  spend  their  Sundays  motoring  and 
to  whom  the  very  word  "hell"  usually  has  a  comic  connota- 
tion. Many  are  so  alarmed  at  this  that  they  compare  modern 
America  with  Rome  and  with  Babylon,  and  seem  almost  to 
be  praying  for  its  immediate  fall.  The  churches  of  America, 
however,  instead  of  joining  in  this  cry,  seem  on  the  whole  to 
be  sounding  a  much  more  gladsome  note.  It  can  not  be  said 
that  they  are  frivolous.  They  are  discussing  serious  social 
problems,  and  they  are  working  earnestly  for  a  better  world. 
But  they  are  not  preaching  hell  and  damnation  for  the 
masses,  and  offering  to  the  chosen  few  an  escape  from  the 
wrath  to  come.  There  is  relatively  little  insistence  now,  in 
the  very  strongholds  of  theology,  upon  a  literal  acceptance  of 
the  ancient  texts.  The  modern  seminaries  do  not  teach  aspir- 
ing clergymen  that  Genesis  is  the  one  true  guide  to  geology 
and  biology  and  astronomy.  They  want  reasonably  intelli- 
gent recruits  for  the  modern  ministry,  and  they  know  they 
could  not  get  them  if  they  were  to  take  any  such  stand  as 
that.  The  change  that  has  come  over  America  seems  to  have 



affected  the  churches  and  the  religious  leaders  of  America 
quite  as  much  as  it  has  affected  the  rest  of  the  population. 

But  does  it  mean  any  waning  of  religion?  If  religion  con- 
sists in  holding  rigorously  to  certain  theories,  regardless  of 
the  facts,  we  must  answer  yes.  But  that  theory  of  religion 
is  not  held  as  extensively  as  it  was  fifty  years  ago;  and  when 
one  considers  the  history  of  religious  movements,  one  won- 
ders how  it  ever  came  to  be  held  at  all. 

The  great  periods  of  religious  advance  were  surely  not  the 
periods  in  which  the  ancient  concepts  were  most  rigorously 
held;  they  were  the  periods  in  which  the  ancient  concepts 
were  most  rapidly  replaced  by  concepts  which  fitted  more 
nearly  into  the  needs  of  the  times.  The  advance  of  Christian- 
ity was  most  decidedly  a  decline  of  orthodoxy;  for  if  every- 
one had  stuck  to  the  teachings  which  he  received  at  his 
mother's  knee,  he  would  surely  have  rejected  the  new  teach- 
ings. All  missionary  movements  have  been  revolutionary  and 
intentionally  so;  it  has  been  their  object  to  supplant  prevail- 
ing notions  with  ideas  which  would  suit  the  situation  better. 
The  missionaries  may  have  supposed,  of  course,  while  they 
were  engaging  in  this  re-education  of  whole  peoples,  that 
they  themselves  had  come  into  possession  of  all  the  truth 
there  was,  and  of  all  there  ever  would  be,  and  that  the  for- 
mulas which  they  were  now  handing  down  could  never  be 
amended  or  improved.  But  that  is  merely  an  observation  as 
to  what  many  people  who  have  come  upon  great  new  living 
truths  are  likely  to  suppose.  Whatever  they  thought  about 
the  nature  of  their  particular  creed,  it  must  still  have  been 
obvious  that  it  could  make  no  progress  in  the  world  except- 
ing as  old  beliefs  were  given  up. 

The  fact,  then,  that  the  people  of  the  machine  era  are 
giving  up  their  ancient  theories  about  God  or  immortality, 
can  not  in  itself  indicate  any  religious  deterioration.  It  would 
indicate  merely  a  deterioration  of  orthodoxy,  a  deteriora- 


tion  which  is  one  of  the  essential  factors  of  any  religious 

Just  what  is  happening  as  a  result  of  this  change  is  still 
a  matter  of  opinion,  as  we  have  not  yet  got  around  to  mak- 
ing it  a  matter  of  fact.  The  value,  for  instance,  of  a  general 
belief  in  eternal  punishment  has  not  been  the  subject,  so 
far  as  I  know,  of  any  exhaustive  and  impartial  inquiry.  There 
are  indications  that  it  makes  a  people  rather  somber,  even 
if  it  doesn't  make  them  behave;  but  whether  or  not  it  in- 
hibits them  from  whole-hearted  cooperation  in  making  this 
world  better  is  a  matter  upon  which  we  have  few  if  any 

As  to  why  much  of  the  old  belief  was  given  up,  and  given 
up  at  this  particular  time,  I  have  just  a  bare  suggestion.  I 
think  it  was  due  to  machine  production.  Before  the  days  of 
capitalism,  the  world  was  divided  largely  into  small  com- 
munities which  had  relatively  little  intercourse  with  one 
another.  Under  such  circumstances,  people  might  acquire  an 
intense  love  for  the  members  of  their  own  little  communi- 
ties, but  love  of  humanity,  particularly  for  the  great,  alien 
masses,  would  be  most  unlikely.  They  could  not  love  out- 
siders, or  recognize  responsibilities  toward  them,  for  the  sim- 
ple reason  that  they  visualized  them  as  outsiders.  Their  only 
relation  to  them  was  a  relation  of  fear  and  dread;  and  each 
little  group  would  have  felt  much  more  at  ease  (or  supposed 
it  would)  if  all  the  alien  groups  were  destroyed. 

Each  group  had  its  god.  How  big  any  god  was  depended 
upon  the  extent  to  which  actual  human  relations  had  been 
developed.  When  two  groups  fought  for  supremacy,  their 
gods  fought.  When  two  or  more  groups  amalgamated  for  mu- 
tual protection,  and  thus  enlarged  the  social  set-up,  their 
gods  merged.  When  trade  expanded  to  such  an  extent  that 
every  part  of  the  whole  known  world  came  into  some  sort  of 


communication  with  every  other  part,  the  idea  of  one  al- 
mighty god  was  born. 

Some  historians  claim  that  the  increasing  commercial  in- 
tercourse in  the  days  of  the  Roman  Empire,  and  the  neces- 
sary migrations  of  great  masses  of  workers  from  one  part  of 
the  Empire  to  another,  were  responsible  for  the  rise  of  Chris- 
tianity. The  old  gods  were  local,  it  is  pointed  out,  and  had 
to  be  carried  around,  while  the  god  who  was  now  offered 
to  the  masses  was  one  who  could  be  depended  upon  to  be 
present  anywhere,  no  matter  if  one  lost  his  baggage  en  route. 
I  am  not  qualified  to  express  any  opinion  as  to  that.  It  is 
obvious,  however,  that  worship  everywhere  has  been  condi- 
tioned by  the  worshiper's  concept  of  his  human  relations. 
Even  in  the  late  war,  while  it  may  have  been  thoretically  con- 
ceded that  the  same  god  was  presiding  over  all  the  world, 
one  group  of  Christians  visualized  a  god  who  had  the  spe- 
cial interests  of  Germany  at  heart,  while  the  others  pictured 
a  god  who  was  definitely  lined  up  with  the  cause  of  the 

Even  the  theoretical  acceptance  of  one  god,  then,  has  not 
meant  actual  and  practical  acceptance  of  the  idea.  This  is 
not  strange;  for,  while  looking  at  the  matter  from  one  point 
of  view,  human  relations  seemed  to  be  all  inclusive,  yet  one's 
actual  life  was  always  largely  taken  up  with  a  very  limited 
set  of  human  relations.  The  theoretical  monotheist,  then, 
had  little  difficulty  in  imagining  that  the  god  of  the  whole 
universe  was  specially  and  peculiarly  concerned  with  his  im- 
mediate affairs  and  would,  upon  occasion,  suspend  natural 
law  itself  to  help  him  out  of  his  personal  difficulties. 

Even  in  modern  times,  when  the  concept  of  God  as  a 
mere  local  deity  had  become  well-nigh  impossible,  hun- 
dreds of  separate  denominations  sprang  up,  all  professing  to 
worship  the  same  god  and  all  actually  accepting  the  same 


Holy  Writ,  but  each  devoutly  believing  that  God  was  to 
some  degree  at  least  displeased  with  the  sort  of  worship  he 
was  receiving  from  all  the  other  denominations,  while  pecu- 
liarly attentive  to  the  worship  given  by  the  sect  with  which 
one,  probably  by  the  accident  of  birth,  happened  to  be  affili- 
ated. This  narrow  denominationalism,  to  be  sure,  faded  out 
in  time;  but  it  is  worth  noting  that  it  faded  out  first  in  the 
larger  industrial  communities,  where  people  were  forced  to 
learn  how  to  live  with  other  people  whose  traditional  stand- 
ards might  be  vastly  different  from  their  own,  and  last  in 
the  more  remote  hill  countries  where  one  could  still  visualize 
the  little  group  of  homogeneous  neighbors  as  the  sum  total 
of  his  human  relations. 

The  word  "god,"  in  other  words,  has  usually  served  as  a 
symbol  of  one's  personal  universe — that  is,  his  actual  social 
set-up;  and  all  who  are  not  visualized  as  being  in  that  social 
set-up  are  assumed  to  be  "cut  off  from  God"  and  in  the  realm 
of  outer  darkness.  When  the  family  god  was  all  the  god 
which  one  knew  anything  about,  one  worshipped  his  family 
god  and,  figuratively,  let  the  rest  of  the  world  go  to  hell.  Es- 
sentially the  same  may  be  said  of  the  worshippers  of  tribal 
gods,  or  national  gods,  or  of  any  god  who  is  worshipped  by 
anyone  who  can  not  sense  his  vital  relationship  to  all  hu- 

In  the  days  when  the  masses  of  the  earth  lived  in  small 
communities,  and  these  communities  were  either  indepen- 
dent of  each  other,  or  so  nearly  so  that  their  mutual  depen- 
dence was  not  recognized,  the  masses  generally  were  in  outer 
darkness,  or  hell,  as  far  as  the  average  person's  religious  con- 
cept was  concerned.  With  the  coming  of  capitalism  and 
machine  industry,  however,  these  communities  were  brought 
together  so  vitally  that  this  local  notion  became  harder  and 
harder  to  maintain.  It  was  not  immediately  superseded,  how- 
ever, and  for  very  understandable  reasons,  by  any  passionate 


devotion  to  all  humanity,  symbolized  by  the  worship  of  one 
universal  deity. 

The  idea  of  one  God,  the  Father  of  all,  had  become  fixed 
in  the  creeds,  but  the  feeling  which  such  a  concept  might  be 
supposed  to  arouse  was  by  no  means  common.  Actual  condi- 
tions, in  fact,  seemed  to  generate  a  very  different  feeling. 
While  capitalism  destroyed  provincialism  to  a  great  extent, 
it  substituted  a  sense  of  individualism.  Instead  of  becoming 
devoted  to  a  larger  community,  then,  the  tendency  was  for 
people  to  become  less  devoted  to  their  mere  geographical 
community  and  more  devoted  to  their  personal  ambitions.  It 
seemed  to  many  that  Almighty  God  had  been  dethroned  by 
the  Almighty  Dollar;  but  the  concept  which  was  actually 
dethroned  was  not  the  concept  of  a  God  who  had  brought 
the  whole  human  family  into  loving  unity,  but  of  a  God 
who  was  particularly  partial  to  the  worshipper's  one  little 

Under  the  ministrations  of  capitalism,  moreover,  the 
masses  were  in  all  kinds  of  hell.  They  were  in  the  hell  of 
poverty,  and  it  was  a  hell  from  which  the  masses  had  no 
promise  of  escape.  Individuals  here  and  there  might  escape 
(capitalism  held  out  that  promise) ,  and  so  many  individuals 
did  escape  that  the  masses  put  up  with  capitalism.  The  old 
fixed  class  lines  were  broken.  All  workers,  no  matter  how 
poor,  did  not  have  to  remain  in  the  working  class.  If  one 
demonstrated  peculiar  ability,  or  had  a  peculiar  run  of  luck, 
he  might  climb  out  of  his  class  and  into  a  position  where 
the  miserable  workers  would  be  working  for  him.  But  all 
the  workers  could  not  do  this:  capitalism  could  not  promise 
anything  like  that.  The  masses  of  them,  it  seemed,  must  still 
be  eternally  doomed  to  poverty.  Human  life,  as  it  was  now 
visualized,  was  an  individual  struggle,  and  the  only  goal  that 
one  could  hope  for  was  the  survival  of  the  fittest.  With  such 
a  concept  of  his  actual  human  relations,  it  was  still  quite 


easy  for  the  average  American  to  believe  in  eternal  torment 
and  eternal  failure  for  the  masses  of  mankind. 

It  was  not  at  all  necessary  for  him  to  believe  that  those 
who  succeeded  in  this  world  would  succeed  in  the  next.  He 
might  believe  the  exact  opposite.  He  might  set  up  a  defence 
mechanism  for  his  own  failure,  and  attribute  it  to  his  wor- 
shipping God  instead  of  Mammon.  It  might  please  him  to 
believe  that  the  successful  in  this  world's  struggle  would  be 
punished  forever  and  ever;  and  if  the  churches  had  only 
been  able  to  capitalize  this  attitude,  they  might  have  main- 
tained a  more  enthusiastic  following. 

But  the  religious  institutions  could  not  do  this.  Money 
was  needed  to  sustain  these  institutions,  and  it  was  the  suc- 
cessful, not  the  unsuccessful,  who  had  the  money.  Large 
masses,  presently,  were  alienated  from  the  church,  as  leading 
capitalists  contributed  to  its  support.  Agitators  claimed  that 
the  churches  had  sold  out  to  Mammon;  and  the  churches 
generally,  it  must  be  said,  contributed  something  to  this  in- 
dictment. When  labor  troubles  arose,  the  churches  said 
much  about  property  rights  and  the  sin  of  covetousness,  but 
little  about  the  iniquities  of  low  wages,  long  workdays  or 

Capitalism,  however,  while  it  ruthlessly  broke  up  the  old 
social  order,  did  not  evolve  in  the  direction  of  individual- 
ism or  of  the  extermination  of  the  weak.  What  it  actually 
did  was  to  set  up  new  human  relationships — and  man  was 
left  to  grope  blindly  for  some  way  to  express  life  in  accord- 
ance with  this  new  and  unfamiliar  set-up. 

Instead  of  accepting  the  philosophy  of  the  survival  of  the 
fittest,  it  became  quite  the  fashion  for  successful  capitalists 
to  go  in  for  charity,  and  to  contribute  what  they  could 
to  achieve  the  survival  of  those  who,  by  all  these  capitalistic 
measurements,  had  shown  themselves  to  be  unfit.  Ruthless 
advocates  of  individualism,  they  still  developed  a  sense  of 


social  responsibility.  Not  understanding  the  nature  of  the 
new  social  set-up,  they  were  not  able  to  discharge  this  re- 
sponsibility intelligently,  and  so  followed  the  traditions  of 
charity  instead;  nevertheless,  they  endowed  hospitals  and 
colleges  and  libraries,  which  incalculably  enlarged  the  scope 
of  human  relations  and  were  intended  to  develop  anything 
but  an  individualistic  attitude. 

Moreover,  no  matter  how  they  preached  individualism, 
they  would  have  none  of  it  in  their  own  business  organiza- 
tions. In  their  factories  and  offices,  all  individual  ambitions 
had  to  be  subordinated  to  the  company  plan;  and  the  em- 
ployee who  was  interested  only  in  his  own  personal  success 
was  either  discharged  or  passed  by,  in  favor  of  one  who  had 
learned  how  to  cooperate  and  how  to  develop  a  spirit  of 

With  the  coming  of  scientific  management,  even  the  own- 
er's own  opinions  of  how  an  industry  should  be  run  had  to 
give  way  to  some  impersonal  social  plan.  The  owner  was 
compelled  to  abandon  his  personal  dictation  of  the  busi- 
ness, according  to  his  own  whims  and  fancies,  because,  if  he 
did  not,  he  would  be  almost  sure  to  lose  his  business  to 
some  competitor  who  did.  This  substitution  of  fact  for 
opinion  in  the  guidance  of  industry  had  many  results,  but 
its  most  important  social  result  in  America  was  such  an 
increase  in  efficiency  that  the  standard  of  living  of  the 
masses  was  greatly  heightened,  even  before  the  advent  of 
mass  production. 

There  were  not  many  scientists  yet  in  America,  and  not 
many  who  could  be  said  to  hold  a  scientific  attitude.  Never- 
theless, there  was  a  wider  and  wider  sensing  of  the  fact  that 
success  follows  scientific  research,  rather  than  pleas  to  some 
special  providence,  and  there  was  an  increasing  abandon- 
ment either  of  church  attendance  or  of  the  old  churchgoing 
attitude.  More  important  yet,  perhaps,  there  was  a  growing 


realization  of  the  fact  that  the  masses  of  workers  were  not 
naturally  doomed  to  eternal  poverty,  but,  even  though  they 
remained  workers,  might  aspire  to  a  very  comfortable  and 
somewhat  luxurious  life. 

It  was  while  this  transition  was  occurring  in  America  that 
the  traditional  belief  in  eternal  hell  gave  way.  Personally,  I 
believe  that  the  theological  amendment  was  due  to  the 
economic  change  far  more  than  to  any  debates  among  the 
theologians.  Some  theologians  had  long  since  rejected  such 
a  belief,  and  some  sects  had  been  organized,  which  stated 
positively  that  there  was  no  eternal  hell.  But  these  sects 
were  small  and  uninfluential,  and  they  did  not  become  large 
when  the  masses  came  to  hold  their  point  of  view.  The 
masses  who  still  continued  to  attend  church  generally  stuck 
to  their  traditional  denominations,  and  often  formally  re- 
peated the  traditional  creeds  which  asserted  the  old-time 
belief  in  hell.  But  the  old-time  belief  actually  faded.  Less 
and  less  was  it  a  factor  in  the  religious  life  of  America,  or 
in  the  character  of  the  American  people. 

Negatively  this  showed  itself,  no  doubt,  by  the  reaching 
out  of  many  toward  long  prohibited  sins,  and  also  by  an 
absorption  in  material  things,  instead  of  in  contemplation 
of  spiritual  joys  hereafter.  But  there  were  other  and  more 
positive  results.  More  attention  being  paid  to  this  world, 
more  religious  enthusiasm  went  in  to  improving  its  condi- 
tions. The  churches  themselves  developed  a  social  gospel, 
and  emphasized  it,  sometimes,  more  than  they  emphasized 
eternal-life  insurance. 

There  was  no  sudden  right-about-face.  The  churches  did 
not  meet  in  any  general  conclave  and  decide  to  abandon 
their  traditional  other-worldliness.  Actual  attempts  to  change 
the  wording  of  the  ancient  creeds,  in  fact,  met  with  little 
favor.  Nevertheless,  the  religion  of  personal  escape  from  hell, 
or  of  personal  reward  for  virtue  in  the  sweet  by  and  by, 


was  given  less  and  less  emphasis,  and  the  "religion  of  ser- 
vice" was  given  more  and  more. 

The  churches  did  not  split  on  this  issue.  Neither  faction, 
if  they  could  be  called  factions,  seemed  to  understand  that 
it  was  an  issue.  The  old-timers  believed  in  social  service,  and 
believed  that  the  redeemed  would  engage  in  it,  while  the 
new-timers,  as  a  rule,  did  not  take  direct  issue  with  the  old- 
time  formulas  of  personal  redemption.  Some  of  the  most 
interesting  social  revolutions,  however,  occur  in  periods  in 
which  the  forces  which  cause  them  are  not  at  all  clear,  and 
the  issues,  therefore,  not  sharply  drawn. 

What  was  really  happening  was  that  human  relations  were 
changing.  The  change  was  in  the  economic  field,  and  few,  if 
any,  supposed  that  a  mere  economic  change  would  necessi- 
tate any  change  in  one's  religious  outlook.  But  just  as  the 
economic  institution  of  the  family  had  once  established 
family  relationships,  and  religion  had  once  developed  an 
appreciation  of  those  relationships,  religion  now  had  the  task 
of  discovering  and  dealing  with  the  relationships  which  the 
new  economic  change  was  setting  up. 

Many,  I  know,  will  not  concede  that  religion  is  a  matter  of 
human  relationships  at  all.  Naturally,  I  can  not  argue  the 
point.  I  am  simply  forced  to  confess  that  I  am  not  interested, 
and  am  incapable  of  becoming  interested,  in  any  religion 
which  is  apart  from  and  independent  of  the  life  which  hu- 
man beings  must  live. 

Once,  when  invited  to  address  a  gathering  of  the  Federal 
Council  of  the  Churches,  in  New  York  City,  I  felt  no  little 
embarrassment.  I  surely  could  not  assume  to  tell  these  re- 
ligious leaders  what  religion  was;  and  to  get  a  Christian  defi- 
nition of  religion,  I  pored  over  the  New  Testament  until 
I  found  a  statement  of  Jesus  which  seemed  to  be  basic  but 
which,  I  confess,  I  could  not  understand. 

An  ancient  Jewish  concept  seemed  to  be  that  religion  con- 


sisted  of  keeping  a  number  of  commandments,  most  of 
which  began  with  "Thou  shalt  not."  This  concept,  I  knew, 
was  not  uniquely  Jewish,  for  I  had  met  numbers  of  church- 
men who  seemed  to  measure  their  religion  by  the  number 
of  things  they  didn't  do.  It  was  not  the  concept  of  any  re- 
ligious leader;  it  was  the  concept,  rather,  of  institutionalism, 
of  traditional  thinkers  of  every  age  and  of  every  school. 

In  this  Testament,  however,  He  whom  so  many  call  "Mas- 
ter" emphasized  an  altogether  different  note.  He  proclaimed 
a  religion  of  life  and  love.  Not  quarrelling  with  the  "Thou 
shalt  nots,"  He  seemed  to  me  to  teach  that  they  did  not  in 
themselves  constitute  religion,  but  that  they  were  worth 
while  only  as  they  hung  upon  the  principle  of  love.  He  gave 
two  great  commandments,  each  beginning  "Thou  shalt 
love";  and  "on  these  two  commandments,"  He  said,  "hang 
all  the  law  and  the  prophets." 

One  of  those  commandments,  I  confessed,  I  could  not 
understand.  It  was:  "Thou  shalt  love  the  Lord,  thy  God, 
with  all  thy  heart,  and  with  all  thy  mind,  and  with  all  thy 
strength."  I  did  not  object  to  it.  I  believed  in  God.  It  had 
seemed  to  me  to  be  impossible  to  contemplate  a  universe  of 
eternal  law  without  becoming  aware  of  an  eternal  power 
whose  law  can  not  pass  away;  but  the  contemplation  of  this 
power  had  never  inspired  me  with  that  warm,  personal,  pas- 
sionate interest  which  I  would  call  love,  and  I  would  have 
turned  away  cold  if  the  Teacher  had  stopped  right  there. 

But  He  did  not.  He  gave  a  second  commandment:  "Thou 
shalt  love  thy  neighbor  as  thyself."  This  was  interesting;  and 
to  me,  the  most  interesting  thing  about  it  was  the  statement 
that  it  was  "like  unto"  the  first.  In  the  mind  of  Jesus,  appar- 
enly,  the  two  commandments  were  identical. 

I  could  understand  that  second  commandment,  and  I  had 
no  difficulty  after  all  in  talking  with  these  Christian  leaders. 
This  commandment,  in  fact,  embodies  all  the  religion  which 


I  am  able  to  comprehend.  To  me,  then,  religion  is  service; 
and  if  it  is  service  to  God,  it  is  only  that  service  which  mani- 
fests itself  in  service  to  our  fellow  men. 

But  that's  business.  That's  modern,  scientific  production 
and  distribution.  It  is  not  unselfishness,  for  it  implies  self- 
love.  There  wouldn't  be  much  point  in  loving  our  neighbors 
as  we  love  ourselves  if  we  were  utterly  lacking  in  love  for 
ourselves.  All  that  is  needed,  apparently,  is  understanding, 
enlightenment,  an  appreciation  of  what  our  human  relation- 
ships actually  are.  That,  however,  will  require  something 
more  than  mottoes  and  slogans  and  sacred  texts.  It  will  re- 
quire questioning,  fact-finding,  social  and  spiritual  research. 

Religion,  apparently,  was  other-worldly  when  there  seemed 
to  be  no  hope  that  this  life  could  be  made  worth  while. 
Heaven  simply  had  to  be  located  in  some  other  world  when, 
by  no  stretch  of  the  imagination,  could  we  build  it  here. 
The  best  we  could  do  once  was  to  build  sanctuaries,  places 
of  refuge  from  one  another;  and  there  were  always  some 
aliens  who  were  so  utterly  alien  that  they  might  even  violate 
these  sanctuaries.  Why  they  were  so  alien,  we  could  not 
know.  We  assumed  that  it  was  due  to  their  natural  depravity; 
and  as  a  matter  of  fact,  they  were  so  depraved  as  to  make 
the  same  assumption  with  regard  to  us. 

Wherever  two  warring  groups  discovered  that  they  had 
great  interests  in  common,  however,  it  was  always  possible 
to  stop  the  war.  But  in  that  case,  they  did  not  let  each  other 
alone.  They  cooperated;  and  out  of  this  cooperation  great 
new  human  values  sprang.  Eventually  came  machine  indus- 
try and  the  discovery  that  the  machine  could  work  most  suc- 
cessfully only  if  it  gave  maximum  service  to  all  concerned. 

This  discovery  compels  us  to  see  the  whole  world  in  an 
entirely  new  light.  For  this  machine  of  mass  production 
serves  everybody.  It  can  play  no  favorites.  It  compels  even 
an  international,  instead  of  a  narrowly  national  outlook.  It 


can  not  tolerate  poverty  anywhere.  Man's  very  weakness — 
his  very  selfishness — now  causes  him  to  insist  upon  the  masses 
having  the  right  and  the  power  to  buy  what  they  want  to 
buy.  This  in  itself  may  not  be  religion,  but  it  must  lead  to 
a  great  new  religious  awakening,  and  a  religious  experience 
such  as  humanity  has  never  had  an  opportunity  to  know 

Just  how  the  churches  and  religious  institutions  will  func- 
tion in  this  awakening,  it  is,  of  course,  impossible  to  say. 
That  will  depend  entirely  upon  how  aware  they  are  of  the 
changes  which  are  actually  occurring.  If  they  do  not  under- 
stand the  changes,  obviously,  they  will  be  unable  to  inter- 
pret them;  but  human  life  must  surely  find  its  way  to  such 
an  understanding,  and  those  who  lead  us  into  the  ways  of 
understanding  will  be  our  real  religious  teachers,  whatever 
religious  institutionalism  may  do  or  fail  to  do. 

Let  me  give  a  homely  illustration  of  what  I  mean  by  spir- 
itual fact-finding  as  distinguished  from  the  traditional 
methods  of  teaching  spiritual  truths. 

Let  us  take  the  case,  first,  of  a  traditionally  religious  mer- 
chant who  is  earnestly  trying  to  do  something  for  the  spirit- 
ual welfare  of  his  employees.  Being  traditionally  minded, 
he  does  not  see  any  business  necessity  for  paying  high  wages; 
and  if  he  pays  high  wages,  he  does  so  because  he  considers 
it  his  Christian  duty.  He  wants  profits,  however,  or  else  he 
wouldn't  be  in  business;  and  since  he  thinks  that  these 
wages  come  out  of  profits,  he  is,  subconsciously  at  least,  al- 
ways looking  for  some  way  by  which  he  may  discharge  his 
full  Christian  duty  without  making  wages  any  higher  than 
he  has  to  make  them.  His  employees,  he  discovers,  do  not  go 
in  strongly  for  church  attendance  and  do  go  regularly  to  the 
moving  picture  shows.  These  pictures,  he  thinks,  are  not 
elevating;  and  he  wonders  again  (his  desire  for  more  profits 
helping  him  unconsciously  to  bring  up  the  question) 


whether  it  is  wise  and  right  for  him  to  enable  them  to  spend 
so  much  money  foolishly.  Would  it  not  be  better  to  appro- 
priate some  fund,  he  wonders,  for  welfare  work?  He  may, 
for  instance,  install  a  reading  room,  where  his  employees 
may  be  uplifted  by  good  but  unattractive  literature.  He  may 
even  hire  some  whole-souled  moralist  to  supervise  their 
hours  of  rest  and  recreation.  If  he  has  any  common  sense  at 
all,  of  course,  he  will  not  go  very  far  in  this  direction,  for 
his  employees  will  naturally  resent  being  regulated  by  his 
private  whims;  nevertheless,  many  business  men,  moved  by 
a  most  unselfish  desire  to  be  good  to  their  employees,  do 
make  them  constantly  uncomfortable  at  a  great  cost  to  the 
business  and  with  no  appreciable  returns  in  spiritual  im- 

Now,  take  the  case  of  a  hard-headed  fact-finder,  who  wants 
profits  quite  as  much  as  the  other  merchant,  and  who  isn't 
thinking  particularly  of  discharging  any  Christian  duty.  He 
knows,  however,  that  it  is  good  business  to  pay  high  wages, 
and  he  is  always  trying  to  find  some  way  to  make  them 
higher.  He  knows  that  they  can't  be  higher,  of  course,  unless 
they  sell  more  goods,  and  he  is  constantly  seeking  ways  of 
attracting  customers.  The  goods,  then,  must  be  the  best 
values  that  he  can  offer  and,  to  secure  a  sufficiently  large 
number  of  sales,  they  must  be  at  the  lowest  possible  price. 

There  is  no  misunderstanding  such  a  man,  no  feeling  that 
he  is  going  to  raise  one's  pay  because  one  attends  prayer- 
meeting  regularly,  nor  cut  it  because  one  goes  to  the  movies 
or  smokes  cigarettes.  His  store  is  just  a  machine  for  selling 
goods,  and  any  saleswoman  who  can  help  it  sell  more  goods 
is  sure  of  her  job,  and  of  the  highest  wages  which  the  old 
hard-head  finds  he  is  able  to  pay.  He  is  no  more  concerned, 
apparently,  with  the  religious  life  of  his  employees  than  he 
is  with  the  religious  life  of  some  surgeon  he  may  employ 
to  perform  an  operation.  He  will  not  employ  one  who  is 


intemperate;  not  because  of  any  moral  prejudice,  however, 
but  because  he  knows  that  neither  surgery  nor  salesmanship 
mix  well  with  intoxication.  Nor  will  he  employ  a  yes-man, 
or  a  yes-woman,  if  he  can  help  it.  Good  merchandizing,  he 
knows,  requires  good  thinking;  and  employees  who  refuse  to 
think,  or  even  refuse  to  correct  the  boss  when  they  find  him 
thinking  badly,  are  not  of  much  use  to  a  modern  business 

From  the  old,  traditional,  religious  point  of  view,  such 
a  man  may  seem  to  be  a  monster.  But  I  am  assuming  that 
he  understands  modern  mass  production  and  mass  distribu- 
tion, and  let  us  see  how  his  hard-headedness  works  out. 
Assume,  for  instance,  that  he  is  instructing  a  new  sales- 

"In  the  first  place,"  he  tells  her,  "I  want  you  to  treat 
every  customer  as  you  would  treat  your  own  father  or 
mother,  if  one  of  them  came  to  your  counter  to  make  a  pur- 
chase. You  know,  to  begin  with,  that  they  haven't  much 
money,  and  that  it  is  to  their  interest  to  make  what  they  do 
have  go  as  far  as  possible.  So  help  them  find  exactly  what 
they  want,  and  don't  let  them  go  away  instead  with  some- 
thing which  will  not  prove  satisfactory. 

"If  you  have  two  things  of  equal  value  to  sell,  but  at  dif- 
ferent prices,  give  any  of  your  customers  the  same  good 
friendly  tip  that  you  would  give  your  parents.  If  you  treat 
them  that  way,  they  will  come  back  again.  And  if  you 
haven't  got  exactly  what  they  want,  and  you  know  where 
they  can  get  it,  send  them  there." 

"To  some  other  store?"  the  amazed  saleswoman  may  ask. 
"Surely,"  the  merchant  who  thoroughly  understands  mass 
production  will  answer.  "To  sell  goods  that  the  customer 
does  not  want,  or  to  sell  goods  that  cost  more  than  they 
should  cost — to  sell  them  just  because  they  happen  to  be  in 
stock — is  bad  business. 


"If  they  are  sold,  they  will  be  replaced  by  more  of  the 
same  bad  goods,  but  customers  who  have  bought  them  will 
be  shopping  elsewhere  and  the  new  goods  will  be  left  on 
the  shelves." 

This  hard-headed,  selfish  merchant  knows  that  even  he 
may  make  mistakes,  but  if  he  does  make  mistakes,  he  doesn't 
want  those  mistakes  incorporated  into  his  business.  Either 
he  or  the  person  who  does  his  buying  for  him  may  buy 
something  occasionally  which  the  public  does  not  want,  or 
at  a  price  which  does  not  permit  him  to  sell  it  at  a  profit 
without  charging  more  than  his  customers  will  readily  pay. 
If  charming  salespersons,  however,  dispose  of  these  goods 
at  the  price  asked,  the  mistake  will  not  be  detected;  and  the 
sooner  any  mistake  is  detected,  the  better  it  is  for  any  busi- 

It  was  not  through  any  social  idealism,  I  assure  my  readers, 
that  I  came  to  advocate  this  principle  of  "Parent  Service/' 
I  advocate  it  as  a  business  principle  only  because  it  works. 
It  makes  profits.  It  corrects  mistakes.  It  eliminates  falsehood 
and  sham  and  misunderstanding  and  gets  everybody  pulling 
together  to  give  the  buying  public  the  best  service  which 
can  possibly  be  given. 

Does  it  not  also  have  a  genuine  religious  significance? 
What  is  the  actual  effect  spiritually  upon  the  employee  who 
learns  that  business  is  not  a  matter  of  smart  selling,  but  of 
supplying  human  wants,  and  that  successful  business  con- 
sists of  finding  ways  of  supplying  them  more  abundantly? 

In  such  a  business  organization,  for  one  thing,  fear  is 
eliminated.  Doubtless  love  does  not  take  its  place  immedi- 
ately, but  there  is  a  development  of  sane  cooperation.  Em- 
ployees can  not  view  such  a  management  with  suspicion — 
at  least,  they  do  not  continue  to  do  so — and  the  management 
no  longer  looks  upon  the  employees  either  as  old  retainers 
to  be  pampered  and  coddled,  so  long  as  they  remain  sum- 


ciently  servile,  or  as  so  many  wild  horses  to  be  tamed  and 
broken  to  follow  orders  unquestioningly. 

Here,  then,  is  a  complete  new  basis  of  human  association, 
and  to  assume  that  such  an  age  can  have  no  worth  while 
right,  that  is,  in  assuming  that  religion  has  to  do,  primarily, 
with  human  relations.  At  any  rate,  it  has  a  profound  human 
significance;  and  religious  leaders  who  are  at  all  interested 
in  human  life  can  not  afford  to  overlook  it. 

Merely  to  say  that  we  have  hit  upon  an  age  of  skepticism, 
and  to  assume  that  such  an  age  can  have  no  worth  while 
religious  expression,  is  simply  to  confess  religious  bank- 
ruptcy. If  we  find  out  why  people  have  become  skeptical, 
however — especially  if  we  discover  why  an  attitude  of  con- 
stant questioning  is  now  necessary — the  discovery  may  il- 
luminate our  religious  thinking. 

Blind  obedience  to  authority  has  heretofore  been  neces- 
sary, whether  the  authority  in  question  was  right  or  wrong. 
It  was  necessary  because  human  society  could  not  hold  to- 
gether without  it.  Society  could  not  progress,  to  be  sure, 
if  such  obedience  were  carried  too  far;  but  neither  could  it 
progress  if  it  could  not  hold  together.  Without  this  attitude 
of  unquestioning  obedience,  even  rebellions  against  consti- 
tuted authority  could  not  succeed.  Social  stability  in  the  past, 
therefore,  was  largely  a  matter  of  military  discipline,  and 
social  progress  largely  a  matter  of  military  revolution;  not, 
however,  a  revolution  against  authority,  but  revolution 
against  some  particular  authority  and  the  substitution  of 
some  other  authority  which,  in  turn,  must  be  unquestion- 
ingly obeyed. 

In  these  revolutions,  the  established  religious  institutions 
almost  unfailingly  allied  themselves  with  the  established  au- 
thorities, against  the  authorities  which  were  trying  to  get 
themselves  established.  They  looked  upon  each  new  upris- 
ing as  iniquitous  and  irreligious;  but  when  the  new  move- 


ments  became  established,  the  institutions  of  religion  sup- 
ported them  against  all  future  uprisings.  Many  have  indicted 
the  institutions  of  religion  for  this,  and  have  proved  to  their 
own  satisfaction  that  their  attitude  was  not  logical.  When 
we  study  the  facts  of  history,  however,  and  observe  how 
vitally  important  to  the  world  respect  for  constituted  author- 
ity has  always  been,  we  may  reach  a  different  verdict. 

If  there  was  ever  to  be  a  human  society,  it  had  to  get 
itself  started.  It  seems  to  have  started  with  the  institution 
of  the  family;  and  when  the  family  was  the  only  social  insti- 
tution there  was,  children  had  to  obey  their  parents,  not 
because  these  parents  were  wise  or  right,  but  because  they 
were  their  parents.  Obedience  was  more  important,  seem- 
ingly, than  justice  or  wisdom,  for  justice  and  wisdom  could 
wait,  whereas,  if  obedience  to  parents  were  not  established, 
human  society  couldn't  happen. 

It  was  the  emergence  of  other  social  institutions  which 
clipped  the  absolute  power  of  parents;  and  these  other  insti- 
tutions emerged  because  people  were  no  longer  totally  de- 
pendent for  continued  existence  upon  the  institution  of  the 
family.  These  institutions  could  succeed,  however,  only  as 
they  developed  not  mere  acquiescence,  but  a  devoted  fol- 
lowing. Lords,  kings,  states,  even  leaders  of  rebellion,  de- 
manded unquestioning  obedience  on  the  part  of  their 
followers;  not  because  they  were  right,  but  because,  without 
such  loyal  acceptance  of  authority,  there  could  be  no  social 

Human  organization,  then,  naturally  adopted  the  military 
pattern.  Orders  were  to  be  obeyed,  not  because  they  were 
right,  but  because  they  were  orders.  Rulers  who  found  their 
plans  obstructed  by  equally  powerful  rulers  might,  to  be 
sure,  get  together  and  try  to  avoid  hostilities.  But  as  far  as 
the  masses  were  concerned,  there  could  be  no  compromise 
with  orders. 


"Theirs  not  to  reason  why,  theirs  but  to  do  and  die!" 
This  applied  not  only  to  men  in  military  service,  but  to 
children  in  the  home,  to  students  in  school  and  in  Sunday 
school,  to  serfs  on  estates,  and,  in  the  early  days,  to  em- 
ployees and  subordinates  even  in  business  institutions,  if 
they  hoped  to  remain  on  the  pay  roll.  The  rise  of  democracy, 
to  be  sure,  did  much  to  undermine  this  old  concept  of  au- 
thority, but  it  did  not  dispel  it,  and  the  officiousness  of 
office-holders  was  limited  often  only  by  their  ability  to  get 
their  orders  obeyed.  In  religious  circles,  Protestantism  re- 
belled against  the  absolutism  of  the  hierarchy,  only  of  neces- 
sity to  set  up  the  absolutism  of  a  sacred  text.  Voices  were 
raised,  from  time  to  time,  of  course,  against  the  recognition 
of  any  supreme  authority — even  God — but  there  seems  to 
have  been  a  social  principle  at  work  making  it  impossible 
for  such  ideas  to  dominate.  If  there  was  to  be  any  social 
stability,  in  any  period  before  the  present,  everybody  could 
not  think  for  himself,  and  without  social  stability,  there 
could  be  no  social  progress. 

In  a  word,  the  only  social  organizations  which  had  yet 
been  achieved  were  class  organizations.  In  theory,  democracy 
might  be  an  expression  of  mass  thinking,  but  in  practice  it 
could  not  be,  for  the  masses  were  economically  dominated  by 
the  classes,  and  continued  to  be  so  dominated  until  the 
advent  of  mass  production.  Under  democracy,  to  be  sure, 
everybody  might  have  a  vote,  but  one  had  to  obey  the  dicta- 
tions of  capitalists  or  their  representatives,  if  he  hoped  to 
get  or  hold  a  job.  Votes  were  desirable,  but  jobs  were  neces- 
sary; and  when  the  desirable  opposes  the  necessary,  it  is 
always  the  desirable  which  gives  way. 

The  theory  of  socialism,  to  be  sure,  promised  to  do  away 
with  class  organization.  Under  socialism,  it  was  argued,  the 
masses  might  seize  and  hold  the  industries  of  the  world; 
and  representatives  of  the  masses,  if  they  knew  how  to  run 


those  industries  and  were  above  temptation,  would  run  them 
in  the  interests  of  the  toiling  masses.  Mass  production  began 
with  no  such  theories.  It  began  with  facts,  only  to  discover 
very  shortly  that  it  could  not  be  successful  unless  it  not  only 
served  the  masses  faithfully  but  learned,  through  constant 
fact-finding,  how  to  give  better  and  better  service  day  by 

Mass  production  did  not  discover  how  to  distribute  wealth 
equitably,  either  so  that  everybody  should  have  exactly  the 
same  amount  or  that  each  person  should  be  paid  exactly  ac- 
cording to  his  social  worth.  It  did  not  solve  the  problem  of 
whether  a  dentist  is  worth  more  than  a  plumber,  or  a  gar- 
ment worker  more  than  a  garage  mechanic.  It  did  discover, 
however,  that  it  must  produce  an  increasing  volume  of 
wealth,  and  that  it  must  distribute  this  wealth  to  the  masses, 
since,  in  the  very  nature  of  the  situation,  no  amount  that 
could  possibly  be  distributed  to  the  classes  would  be  enough 
to  permit  mass  production  to  go  on.  It  discovered,  therefore, 
how  to  distribute  buying  power,  so  that  the  masses,  hitherto 
condemned  to  poverty,  would  be  able  to  have  their  wants 
supplied;  and  how  to  distribute  leisure,  with  its  opportuni- 
ties, never  open  to  the  masses  before,  not  only  to  enjoy 
material  abundance  but  to  develop  intellectual,  social  and 
spiritual  culture. 

It  goes  without  saying,  of  course,  that  all  these  things  have 
not  yet  been  brought  to  the  masses,  for  the  system  of  mass 
production  has  just  begun.  But  the  way  has  been  discov- 
ered, and  the  business  necessity  for  following  that  way  has 
been  discovered;  and  it  is  the  way  of  human  liberation. 

That  is  the  great  meaning  of  these  wonderful  times.  Be- 
cause mass  production,  developed  from  fact-finding,  is  more 
successful  than  traditional  production,  it  already  dominates 
the  market  and  therefore  must  supplant  the  old  traditional 
methods  by  which  human  beings  have  been  striving  to  keep 


alive.  In  doing  this,  however,  without  making  any  change  in 
human  nature,  it  revolutionizes  all  human  relations,  and 
compels  those  who  would  be  great  among  us  to  become  the 
servants  of  all. 

It  has  also  discovered  the  way  of  service;  and  the  way  is 
no  longer  the  way,  merely,  of  devotion  to  an  ideal  nor  of 
abject  obedience  either  to  a  leader  or  to  some  sacred  text. 
It  is  the  way  of  fact-finding.  It  is  the  way  of  truth.  Only  as  it 
finds  the  truth  can  human  life  be  liberated,  and  only  by  eter- 
nal questioning  can  the  truth  be  found.  It  is  this  which 
renders  the  military  form  of  organization  obsolete,  whether 
in  industry  or  in  school  or  in  Sunday  school.  We  can  no 
longer  follow  leaders  blindly,  and  we  can  no  longer  pre- 
serve our  social  stability  through  the  regimentation  of  our 
thoughts.  It  was  the  class  system  of  society  which  made  such 
tactics  necessary — the  system  by  which  each  group  could 
achieve  its  desired  objectives  only  by  shutting  the  masses  out. 
Those  were  the  days  of  poverty.  These  are  the  days  of  abun- 
dance. In  these  days,  even  business  success  depends  upon 
our  letting  the  masses  in. 

What  the  religious  institutions  will  do  about  this,  I  do 
not  pretend  to  know.  I  know  only  that  the  religious  institu- 
tions of  the  future  will  be  those  most  thoroughly  dedicated 
to  spiritual  fact-finding,  and  not  to  the  preservation  of  any 
formula.  No  longer,  at  any  rate,  may  we  fear  that  churches 
will  betray  the  masses  by  lining  up,  as  they  have  historically 
done,  with  the  dominant  economic  order.  For  the  dominant 
economic  order  now  is  the  order  of  mass  production — the 
system  whose  success  depends  upon  the  utmost  possible  ser- 
vice to  all  society,  particularly  to  those  who  have  hitherto 
been  disinherited. 

The  churches  of  the  past,  rallying  round  the  creeds  of 
the  past,  often  depended  for  their  material  existence  upon 
alliances  with  the  economic  masters  of  the  past;  and  the 


masters  of  business  based  upon  opinion  could  do  nothing 
but  advance  opinions  as  to  what  the  church  should  do.  This 
frequently  left  the  churches  in  a  most  embarrassing  predica- 
ment; for  it  did  not  follow  that  a  man  whose  opinions  were 
good  in  matters  with  which  he  had  had  large  experience  was 
fit  to  express  decisive  opinions  in  other  matters  with  which 
he  had  no  more  experience  than  others.  But  he  did  not  know 
it,  and  those  who  sought  his  advice  did  not  know  it.  So  he 
shaped  the  policy  of  educational  and  social  and  even  re- 
ligious institutions,  without  any  qualifications  for  the  job 

That  error,  we  may  be  confident,  is  not  likely  to  be  re- 
peated, even  if  business  leaders  are  still  called  into  counsel 
in  these  non-commercial  affairs.  For  the  new  leaders  of  busi- 
ness have  gained  their  leadership,  not  through  the  excellence 
of  their  guesses,  but  because  they  have  been  trained  to  find 
and  to  follow  the  facts. 

If  religion  15  service,  then,  if  it  is  a  matter  of  human  re- 
lations, if  it  is  the  way  of  the  more  and  more  abundant  life 
for  all  humanity,  we  are  at  the  beginning  of  the  greatest  and 
most  inclusive  religious  movement  of  human  history.  For 
our  problems  are  no  longer  the  problems  of  scarcity  and  of 
poverty — problems  which  could  be  met  only  by  shutting  the 
alien  masses  out.  They  are  problems,  rather,  of  abundance, 
of  surplus,  of  what  we  have  been  calling  overproduction — 
the  discovery  that  our  ability  to  serve  has  completely  outrun 
our  plans  for  service  and  that  we  must  of  necessity  evolve 
new  plans  looking  to  a  more  abundant  life  for  all. 

As  to  the  religious  expression  of  this  emerging  social 
order,  we  whose  minds  are  necessarily  steeped  in  the  tra- 
ditions of  a  passing  order  will  doubtless  reach  many  and  per- 
haps diverse  conclusions.  Of  one  thing,  however,  we  may  be 
sure:  it  will  not  be  a  part-time  religion,  or  a  religion  which 
will  necessitate  any  withdrawal  from  life.  In  the  days  of 


man's  disunity,  in  the  days  when  he  was  not  only  compelled 
to  devote  almost  all  his  energies  to  the  problem  of  food,  shel- 
ter and  clothing,  but  when  it  seemed  that  he  must  always  be 
protecting  himself  against  the  maraudings  of  other  human 
groups,  about  the  only  opportunity  he  had  for  religious  ex- 
pression lay  in  his  being  able  to  withdraw  to  some  inviolate 
sanctuary,  or  in  his  having  one  day  out  of  seven  in  which  to 
cease  his  labors  and  meditate  as  best  he  could  upon  holy 
things.  But  now  that  science  is  abolishing  the  cruel  struggle 
for  existence,  now  that  the  well-being  of  others  has  become  a 
selfish  necessity  for  each  of  us,  now  that  we  have  discovered 
that  we  must  wage  cooperation  with  the  same  intensity  with 
which  we  have  customarily  waged  war,  our  religion  will  and 
must  be  a  seven-day  religion — a  religion  not  of  escape  from, 
but  of  constant,  creative  participation  in  human  life. 


ONE  of  the  most  mischievous  superstitions  in  connection 
with  the  coming  of  industrial  civilization  is  the 
assumption  that  the  greater  and  greater  use  of  machinery 
tends  to  standardize  or  to  mechanize  human  life. 

The  notion  is  utterly  contrary  to  the  facts,  but  this  does 
not  keep  certain  highly  intellectual  persons,  and  even  some 
eminent  scholars,  from  entertaining  it.  They  believe  in 
"robots"  today  quite  as  childishly  as  they  once  believed  in 
Santa  Glaus,  and  quite  as  naively  as  the  eminent  intellectuals 
of  the  middle  ages  believed  in  witches  and  demons.  Fortu- 
nately, they  are  not  keeping  us  from  inventing  new  machin- 
ery; they  are  simply  keeping  us  from  appreciating  it,  and 
from  using  it  as  effectively  and  as  happily  as  we  might  be 
using  it. 

These  croakers  remind  me  of  a  certain  type  of  mother 
who,  in  her  love  for  her  children,  has  come  to  love  their 
childishness,  and  is  therefore  dismayed  at  the  discovery  that 
they  are  growing  up.  The  youngsters  are  learning  new  words, 
new  phrases,  are  even  beginning  to  read  books  and  evince  a 
taste  for  literature,  all  of  which  so  encroaches  on  their  baby 
talk  that  the  doting  parent  is  utterly  distracted.  Such  a 
mother,  to  be  sure,  can  not  quite  keep  her  children  from 
becoming  men  and  women,  but  she  can  and  does  create  no 
end  of  mischief.  She  can  keep  them,  sometimes,  from  want- 
ing to  grow.  She  can  keep  them  from  appreciating  the  new 
developments  and  the  new  responsibilities  of  life. 

It  is  much  the  same  with  these  intellectual  kill-joys. 
They  can  not  keep  the  machine  civilization  from  ad- 
vancing, and  they  often  wistfully  admit  that  they  can  not: 



but  they  can  and  do  sour  the  lives  of  those  who  take  them 

Why  curse  the  sunrise  because  it  obscures  the  stars?  True, 
the  sunrise  does  obscure  the  stars;  and  the  machine  civiliza- 
tion compels  us  to  see  things  which  were  out  of  sight  before, 
and  to  observe  many  of  the  old  familiar  things  in  an  entirely 
new  light.  But  why  be  sour  about  it?  Why  be  partisan  at  all? 
Why  take  issue  between  childhood  and  youth — as  to  whether 
it  is  better  to  be  six,  or  sixteen,  or  sixty  years  old? 

The  only  real  issue  is  whether  we  favor  life  or  stag- 
nation. The  fun  of  being  human  consists  of  not  stopping. 
Our  very  bodies  consist  of  the  cells  which  our  bodies 
create  and  use  and  throw  away,  creating  new  cells  to  take 
their  place;  and  human  life  is  human  because  it  is  forever 
throwing  off  its  yesterdays  and  making  tomorrows. 

Now  for  the  facts,  instead  of  the  fancies,  regarding  the 
standardization  of  human  life  through  the  general  adoption 
of  machine  processes.  In  what  ways,  if  any,  are  we  now  losing 
our  individuality  and  being  compelled  to  live  just  like 
everybody  else? 

In  the  first  place,  must  we  all  eat  the  same  kind  of  food 
now,  or  do  we  have  a  larger  variety  of  foods  to  choose  from 
to  satisfy  our  individual  tastes?  That  question  answers  itself. 
Before  the  machine  age,  especially  before  the  age  of  world- 
wide trade,  practically  everyone  was  limited  in  his  diet  to 
the  foods  which  could  be  grown  in  his  immediate  vicinity 
and  to  the  foods  which  were  grown  in  his  immediate  vicinity. 
Now,  we  are  not  only  picking  and  choosing  daily  from  foods 
grown  everywhere,  but  we  are  growing  in  our  own  neigh- 
borhoods vegetables  and  fruits  which  did  not  grow  there  in 
the  good  old  days;  and  we  are  even  inventing  vegetables  and 
fruits  which  never  grew  on  earth  before.  Due  to  modern 
methods  of  mechanization,  we  can  have  fresh  fish  in  the 
desert,  ice  cream  in  the  tropics  and  bananas  and  cocoanuts 


in  our  northern  winters.  In  fact,  it  is  likely  to  be  after  a 
breakfast  of  newly  invented  grapefruit,  Brazilian-grown 
coffee  and  his  current  choice  of  a  dozen  or  more  cereals, 
after  a  lunch  in  a  French  or  Italian  or  German  restaurant, 
as  his  whim  may  dictate,  and  after  a  dinner  of  Chinese  chow 
mein  with  all  its  oriental  fixings,  that  the  American  intel- 
lectual is  likely  to  rise  and  state  that  there  is  no  longer  any 
variety  in  life. 

How  about  housing?  Ignoring  the  question  for  the  mo- 
ment as  to  whether  the  house  of  the  average  family  is  better 
or  worse  than  it  used  to  be,  what  about  one's  choice  as  to  the 
kind  of  house  that  he  shall  live  in?  Formerly,  there  was 
almost  no  choice  for  the  average  person.  True  he  might 
build  the  house  himself;  but  when  it  was  finished,  it  was 
almost  an  exact  replica  of  the  house  which  his  neighbor  had 
built  for  himself,  for  the  average  man  had  a  very  small  in- 
come and,  whatever  kind  of  house  he  preferred,  the  one  he 
built  was  the  one  he  could  afford  to  build,  and  the  only  kind 
he  could  afford  to  build  was  the  very  kind  which  his  neigh- 
bor was  also  building.  If  he  lived  in  one  place,  he  had  to 
build  a  mud  hut;  in  another,  he  had  to  build  a  log  cabin; 
in  still  another,  a  shanty  out  of  boards. 

Such  habitations  may  seem  quaint  to  visitors  from  other 
realms;  and  they  rather  resent  it  when  a  population,  suddenly 
blessed  with  greater  buying  power,  considers  its  own  wishes 
in  the  matter  of  more  comfortable  houses  and  refuses  to 
devote  itself  to  the  business  of  appearing  quaint  to  tourists. 
Like  it  or  not,  however,  a  higher  buying  power  is  invariably 
accompanied  by  attempts  to  get  away  from  the  old  uncom- 
fortable restrictions.  Its  first  manifestations  may  very  well  be 
manifestations  of  poor  taste;  for  one  has  to  have  experience 
with  any  force  before  he  is  able  to  use  it  gracefully.  But  the 
tendency  is  obvious.  The  machine  civilization,  instead  of 
standardizing  us  in  the  matter  of  housing,  is  rapidly  liber- 


ating  us  to  choose  the  kind  of  housing  that  we  individually 
prefer.  Once  again,  the  man  who  has  been  parroting  this 
groundless  superstition  that  machinery  is  causing  us  all  to 
live  alike,  may  be  pondering  at  the  time  whether  to  lease  a 
city  apartment  or  a  house  in  the  suburbs,  or  whether  per- 
haps to  build  a  beautiful  little  house  according  to  his  own 
sweet  dreams,  with  an  acre  or  two  of  lawn  and  flowers, 
so  far  out,  to  be  sure,  that  he  may  have  to  commute  to 
his  work  but,  due  to  modern  mechanization,  thoroughly 
equipped  with  hot  and  cold  water  and  electric  cooking  and 

Not  only  in  food  and  shelter  but  in  clothing  have  we 
entered  upon  days  when  people  are  more  and  more  able  to 
consult  their  individual  tastes.  It  is  true  we  follow  styles, 
but  we  do  not  follow  them  for  long,  monotonous  periods; 
and  as  better  and  more  economical  methods  of  producing 
and  distributing  wearing  apparel  are  discovered,  we  find 
ourselves  able  to  purchase  a  larger  and  more  varied  ward- 
robe. We  may  not  have  as  many  different  robes  as  the  ancient 
grandees  had,  but  there  were  few  grandees  at  most,  in  the 
old  days,  and  the  wardrobes  of  the  masses  were  extremely 
limited  both  as  to  comfort  and  appearance.  Today,  due  to 
machine  production,  millions  can  have  all  the  clothes  they 
care  for,  and,  due  to  mass  production,  it  is  only  a  question  of 
a  few  years  when  the  masses  will  find  themselves  in  equal 
luck.  Fine  raiment,  then,  will  doubtless  lose  some  of  its 
ancient  distinction.  It  will  no  longer  be  accepted  as  evidence 
that  the  wearer  is  a  nobleman,  and  there  will  not  be  the 
motive  which  has  functioned  through  the  ages  to  induce  us 
to  try  to  dress  like  some  one  we  are  not.  We  will  try,  rather, 
to  dress  like  ourselves,  and  to  cultivate  our  individual  tastes. 
In  clothing,  as  in  food  and  shelter,  the  standardization  of 
production  and  distribution  is  liberating  mankind  from 
forces  which  once  operated  to  standardize  human  life. 


It  is  sometimes  said  that  our  American  cities  are  becoming 
standardized  because,  wherever  we  go,  we  see  the  same  signs, 
and  the  same  familiar  fronts  of  Woolworth,  Grant  or  Pen- 
ney, of  A.  and  P.  groceries,  of  United  Cigars  or  Thorn  McAn 
shoes.  But  these  chain  stores  are  selling  more  things,  and 
more  varieties  of  things,  to  the  modern  masses  than  the 
masses  were  ever  able  to  buy  in  any  other  period  of  human 
history.  The  chain  store  is  the  advance  guard  of  mass  dis- 
tribution, and  mass  distribution  is  the  liberation  of  the 
masses  from  the  ancient  sameness  which  limited  buying 
power  imposed  upon  them. 

It  might  be  well,  incidentally,  to  linger  upon  that  phrase 
"wherever  we  go."  That  is  a  complete  give-away  to  the 
croaker  about  the  standardization  of  life.  For  the  masses  are 
going  today,  as  never  before.  They  are  going  to  more  places, 
and  they  are  going,  largely,  for  the  sheer  fun  of  it.  Less  than 
half  a  century  ago,  travel  of  any  kind  was  a  novelty.  Even  a 
buggy  ride  was  a  treat,  and  a  railroad  journey  of  a  few  hun- 
dred miles  was  a  great  event  in  the  average  person's  life.  But 
mass  production  brought  the  automobile  to  the  masses.  It 
has  widened  everybody's  horizon,  physically  and  socially.  It 
has  brought  the  culture  of  the  city  to  the  knowledge  of  the 
countryman  and  made  the  city  dweller  acquainted  with  the 
great  wide  open  spaces;  and  it  has  simultaneously  so  in- 
creased the  average  man's  buying  power  that,  instead  of  hav- 
ing to  deprive  himself  of  other  luxuries  in  order  to  enjoy  a 
motor  car,  he  has  been  able  to  enjoy  hundreds  of  things 
which  he  could  never  have  bought  in  a  horse  and  wagon 

Above  all,  mass  production  has  given  man  time  in  which 
to  live.  He  now  works,  perhaps,  eight  hours  a  day,  and  five 
days  a  week.  Whether  his  workday  will  become  even  shorter 
must  soon  depend  entirely  upon  whether  he  wants  it  to  be. 
For  mass  production  has  just  begun;  and  if  the  present  stand- 


ards  of  living  were  high  enough  to  suit  the  masses,  mass  pro- 
duction methods  would  soon  make  it  possible  to  produce 
and  distribute  what  we  are  now  producing  and  distributing 
in  a  fraction  of  the  time  which  we  are  now  devoting  to  the 
task.  It  seems  more  likely,  however,  that  man  will  want  more 
and  better  things,  even  if  he  has  to  work  five  days  a  week  to 
get  them.  I  think  the  masses  will  want  incalculably  better 
houses  than  they  are  living  in  today.  I  think  they  will  want 
safe  and  comfortable  aeroplanes.  I  think  they  will  want  tele- 
vision, so  that  they  can  see  and  converse  intimately  with  any- 
one in  any  part  of  the  world.  I  think  they  will  want  diseases 
eliminated  generally  as  thoroughly  as  we  have  eliminated  a 
few.  I  think  they  will  want  the  danger  and  the  pain  removed 
from  childbirth.  I  think  they  will  want  expert  education  for 
every  child,  based  not  upon  memorizing  a  conventional  set 
of  formulas,  but  upon  the  scientific  study  of  every  child  by 
qualified  experts,  to  discover  his  peculiar  capacities  and  to 
direct  him  into  the  fullest  expression  of  whatever  talents  he 
may  have. 

If  man  wants  these  and  a  thousand  other  things,  he  can 
have  them.  I  do  not  mean,  of  course,  that  any  man  can  have 
them.  It  all  depends  upon  how  the  buying  power  is  dis- 
tributed; and  unless  some  of  these  things  are  made  available 
to  the  masses,  no  one  individually  could  possibly  become 
rich  enough  to  buy  them  all — world-wide  television,  for 
instance,  or  a  world  free  from  disease.  In  the  very  nature  of 
such  things,  they  must  be  made  available  to  everybody  if 
they  are  to  become  available  to  anybody.  The  masses,  if 
they  want  them,  can  have  all  of  these  things  and  more,  but 
only,  of  course,  through  mass  production — through  making 
and  distributing  the  things  which  go  to  make  up  our  present 
standard  of  living,  in  the  most  efficient  and  waste  eliminat- 
ing way,  and  applying  the  man-power  so  released  to  the 
supplying  of  other  wants  which  are  not  yet  being  supplied. 


Incidentally,  of  course,  we  shall  have  to  distribute  buying 
power,  so  that  the  masses  may  be  able  to  buy  what  the  masses 
are  engaged  in  making.  But  such  a  distribution  of  buying 
power  (through  low  prices  and  high  wages)  is  an  essential 
principle  of  mass  production.  If  that  principle  were  univer- 
sally followed  (as  it  soon  must  be,  for  mass  production  is 
already  so  successful  that  it  is  crowding  out  other  forms  of 
production)  it  is  obvious  that  the  industrial  machine  will 
not  slow  down  until  it  has  produced  not  merely  food,  shelter 
and  clothing  for  all,  but  the  kind  of  world  in  which  the 
masses  want  to  live. 

And  since  we  are  not  all  alike  to  start  with,  this  will  neces- 
sarily be  a  world  in  which  we  can  be  different.  We  are  alike, 
however,  in  certain  respects.  We  unanimously  want  food, 
shelter  and  clothing,  and  we  are  even  willing  to  sacrifice  our 
individuality,  if  necessary,  to  get  them.  Throughout  all  his- 
tory, in  fact,  this  is  exactly  what  the  masses  have  been  doing. 
They  had  to  live,  and  in  order  to  live  at  all,  they  had  to 
devote  about  all  their  time  and  energy  to  the  problem  of 
staying  alive.  They  worked  individually,  and  they  pro- 
duced so  little  at  best  by  these  individual  methods,  that  each 
had  to  copy  the  conventional  way  of  doing  almost  every- 
thing, rather  than  risk  new  ways  which  might  result  in 
failure  and  starvation.  Each  had  to  work  ceaselessly,  more- 
over, from  dawn  to  dark  throughout  his  whole  life,  doing 
things,  for  the  most  part,  in  the  way  they  had  always  been 
done  in  order  to  live,  it  seemed,  as  people  had  always  lived. 

Mass  production — the  massing  of  the  world's  knowledge 
for  the  service  of  the  masses — must  change  all  that.  First,  it 
must  solve  the  elemental  problem  of  food,  shelter  and  cloth- 
ing, so  that  the  job  of  staying  alive,  while  quite  as  important 
as  ever,  need  be  no  more  burdensome  than  is  the  task  of 
getting  our  drinking  water  now.  After  that,  it  must  simplify 
the  task  of  securing  for  all,  with  the  least  possible  tax  upon 


everybody's  time  and  energy,  those  physical  comforts  and 
luxuries  which  almost  everybody  has  learned  to  want,  and 
which,  if  not  secured,  are  likely  still  to  keep  man  struggling 
merely  for  the  acquisition  of  things. 

Then,  and  only  then,  can  man  be  truly  free.  He  may  con- 
ceivably be  free  to  loaf;  only,  having  found  his  freedom 
through  cooperative  effort,  it  seems  certain  that  he  will  still 
employ  this  cooperative  effort  to  make  his  world  more  liv- 
able in  a  thousand  ways.  In  any  case,  the  determining  factor 
will  be  human  need;  for  mass  production,  by  its  very  nature, 
must  confine  itself  to  the  production  and  distribution  of 
things  that  people  want,  whether  those  things  happen  to  be 
ships  and  shoes  and  sealing  wax,  or  health  and  long  life  and 
a  better  education. 

It  is  our  failure  to  cooperate  which  reduces  life  to  a  dead 
level — our  failure  adequately  to  use  the  principles  of  mass 
production,  by  which  alone  the  machine  may  become  the 
efficient  servant  of  us  all.  In  our  traditional  thinking,  we 
have  tried  to  make  goods  without  distributing  the  buying 
power  by  which  alone  they  may  be  sold;  and  then  we  have 
tried  to  manufacture  jobs  to  overcome  the  disadvantages 
which  we  have  created — jobs  for  high-pressure  salesmen,  for 
instance,  to  compel  people  to  buy  what  they  do  not  want 
or  to  pay  unnecessarily  high  prices  for  what  they  do.  We 
have  built  up  organization  after  organization,  scheme  after 
scheme,  racket  after  racket,  each  for  the  purpose  of  selling 
things  rendered  unavailable  for  sale  by  the  very  high  prices 
which  such  a  system  of  distribution  necessitates.  We  have 
even  been  talking  lately  about  the  "rights"  of  independent 
storekeepers  who  find  themselves  being  undersold  by  chains, 
as  though  it  could  be  anybody's  right  to  render  the  process 
of  distribution  more  costly  than  it  needs  to  be;  and  we  have 
sighed  for  the  days  when  everybody,  as  we  imagine,  was  free 
to  go  ahead  and  do  whatever  he  felt  like  doing,  regardless 


of  how  it  might  fit  in  with  what  anybody  else  was  doing. 

Actually,  of  course,  there  never  were  such  days.  Until 
human  beings  learned  some  sort  of  cooperation  and  some 
sort  of  group  loyalty,  they  simply  were  not  human  beings. 
The  essential  difference  between  this  mass  production  age 
and  other  ages  is  that  mass  production,  in  its  very  nature, 
must  include  everybody  in  its  group;  and  must  aim,  there- 
fore, to  liberate  everybody,  not,  of  course,  from  the  laws  gov- 
erning human  nature,  but  for  the  larger  and  larger  human 
life  which  organization  for  this  larger  loyalty  makes  possible. 

Mass  production  liberates  life  from  its  traditional  for- 
mulas. It  liberates  life  from  the  supine  acceptance  of  mere 
authority  and  initiates  it  into  the  courageous  search  for  facts. 
It  liberates  life  from  local  prejudices  and  from  narrow 
nationalism,  as  well  as  from  class  prejudices  and  class  tra- 
ditions, and  therefore  liberates  it  from  the  necessity  of  social 
and  international  war.  It  liberates  human  life,  moreover, 
from  soul-deadening  toil  and  the  still  more  soul-deadening 
poverty  which  so  fastens  everybody's  thought  upon  mere  eco- 
nomic security  that  life  itself  becomes  one  humdrum 

Mass  production  undoubtedly  means  mechanization;  but 
it  means  the  mastery  of  mechanization  by  human  life,  instead 
of  the  mastery  of  human  life  by  traditions  which  keep  us 
from  using  the  machines  which  we  have  built. 


WHEN  a  shopkeeper  writes  about  beauty,  he  is  tread- 
ing on  dangerous  ground.  There  is  a  widespread 
assumption,  at  any. rate,  and  the  assumption  is  fostered  by 
many  genuine  artists,  that  art  and  ' 'commercialism"  are 
deadly  enemies,  or  at  least  not  on  speaking  terms.  The  idea 
seems  to  be  that  art  is  art  and  trade  is  trade  and  never  the 
twain  shall  meet. 

Humbly,  therefore,  I  admit  that  I  do  not  know  what 
beauty  is.  Nevertheless,  I  think  it  has  to  do  with  human  life; 
and  a  shopkeeper  nowadays  must  be  interested  in  anything 
which  has  to  do  with  that. 

I  am  inclined  to  agree  with  my  artist  friends,  in  fact,  that 
the  pursuit  of  beauty  is  the  greatest  thing  in  human  life. 
Perhaps  we  shall  never  find  ultimate  beauty;  perhaps  we 
shall  ever  be  on  the  trail,  but  that  in  nowise  invalidates  the 
search.  We  shall  never  learn  the  full  truth,  either,  about  any- 
thing; but  the  search  for  truth  is  intellectual  development, 
and  the  search  for  beauty  is  the  development  of — but  here 
I  pause,  for  the  word  I  want  to  use  doesn't  seem  to  have  been 
invented  yet.  I  do  not  mean  mere  aesthetic  development;  at 
least,  not  what  the  term  aesthetic  development  means  to  me. 
I  doubtless  mean  spiritual  development,  but  possibly  not 
what  that  term  may  mean  to  readers.  I  mean  the  develop- 
ment, not  merely  of  comprehension  but  of  appreciation  of 
truth.  It  includes  the  development  of  imagination,  but  of 
imagination  working  with  reality  instead  of  opposing  it — an 
imagination  which  can  see  the  truth  in  things  false,  which 
can  see  nobility  in  things  sordid,  which  can  see  beyond  what 
is  being  done  to  what  is  being  attempted,  and  even  beyond 



that  to  what  might  have  been  attempted  except  for  limita- 
tions which  the  imagination  may  surmount. 

But  these  are  mere  words.  Some  may  give  me  credit  for 
meaning  to  say  something;  but  I  am  a  shopkeeper,  not  an 
artist,  and  I  am  constantly  constrained  not  to  talk  about  such 
things — not  even  to  let  it  be  known  that  a  shopkeeper  may 
upon  occasion  dream  about  them. 

My  reason  for  bringing  up  the  subject  at  all  is  a  remark 
which  I  hear  from  time  to  time  to  the  effect  that  this  ma- 
chine civilization  is  making  an  ugly  world — a  world,  pre- 
sumably, in  which  the  quest  of  beauty  is  being  abandoned. 

Whenever  I  have  asked  for  a  bill  of  particulars,  I  have 
failed  to  get  it.  The  charge,  I  take  it,  is  supposed  to  be  in- 
spired; and  if  one  is  skeptical  about  it,  it  must  be  because 
he  is  a  shopkeeper  and  hasn't  an  artistic  soul.  My  reverence 
for  beauty,  however,  does  not  lead  me  to  assume  that  artists 
can  not  make  mistakes;  and  when  they  make  a  remark  like 
this,  I  wonder  if  it  is  not  their  orthodoxy,  instead  of  their 
art,  which  is  really  speaking.  In  other  words,  their  traditional 

The  history  of  art,  surely,  is  not  a  subject  too  sacred  to  in- 
vestigate. And  at  no  time,  as  far  as  I  have  ever  been  able  to 
find  out,  did  artists  ever  assume  to  manufacture  beauty  in 
the  abstract.  They  engaged  instead  in  making  things  in 
which,  as  they  hoped,  beauty  might  be  expressed. 

Pictures  are  things.  Statues  are  things.  Cathedrals  are 
things.  Moreover,  they  are  things  which  people  wanted,  or 
the  artists  would  not  have  engaged  in  making  them;  and  the 
manufacture  and  distribution  of  things  that  people  want  is 
certainly  within  the  purview  of  a  study  of  mass  production. 

I  grant  that  they  did  not  make  these  pictures  and  statues 
and  cathedrals  in  factories.  I  am  told,  however,  that  they 
made  them  individually,  "right  out  of  their  own  heads,"  and 
I  most  emphatically  deny  that.  No  one  ever  made  a  cathe- 


dral  alone.  No  one  ever  made  a  statue  alone.  No  one  ever 
made  even  a  picture  alone.  A  Navajo  Indian,  drawing  a  mar- 
vellous pattern  in  the  sand,  without  the  use  of  a  single  tool, 
is  not  a  complete  exception.  For  the  knowledge  that  this  can 
be  done  was  taught  to  him.  It  was  his  tribe,  not  he  alone, 
which  developed  the  technique.  Even  the  pattern  which  he 
draws  is  a  Navajo  pattern.  Every  line  runs  rigidly  thus  and  so 
according  to  the  best  Navajo  standards.  It  is  art,  undoubt- 
edly, not  commercialism;  for  a  mind  preoccupied  with  sell- 
ing pictures  would  not  draw  them  in  the  sand  for  the  winds 
to  blow  away.  But  the  picture  means  something.  It  is  picture 
writing,  and  picture  writing  was  developed  in  answer  to  the 
human  need  for  symbols  by  which  ideas  might  be  commu- 

Man's  search  for  beauty  has  historically  kept  pace  with 
his  search  for  the  things  which  man  had  to  have.  Man  had  to 
have  something  in  which  to  carry  water,  and  he  eventually 
discovered  how  to  fashion  such  a  thing  in  clay.  From  that 
gross,  utilitarian  beginning,  he  developed  the  art  of  pottery. 

Man  could  not  cut  stone  until  he  found  something  to  cut 
it  with;  then  sculptors  took  these  tools  and  made  goddesses. 
They  did  not,  it  appears,  invent  these  goddesses  either;  they 
made  goddesses  which  had  already  been  invented  to  supply 
the  need  of  human  beings  to  account  for  things  and  to  ex- 
press the  way  they  felt  about  them. 

Man  also  had  to  have  houses,  and  he  had  to  invent  tools 
and  building  technique.  Then  he  proceeded  to  build  ador- 
able houses  for  the  gods  whom  he  adored.  Art,  to  be  art,  had 
to  keep  pace  with  life.  It  had  to  find  its  harmonies.  It  devel- 
oped in  all  countries  where  a  sufficient  number  of  human 
beings  lived,  and  where  the  struggle  for  mere  existence  was 
not  so  intense  as  to  consume  about  all  the  human  energy 
which  could  be  applied  to  it. 

Not   only   was   artistic   technique   conditioned   by   what 


people  wanted,  but  man's  notion  of  beauty  seemed  to  be 
similarly  conditioned.  In  countries  where  food  was  peren- 
nially scarce,  and  the  masses  were  likely  to  be  very  thin,  the 
statues  which  represented  beauty  to  them  were  likely  to  be 
very  fat.  Fatness,  also,  was  a  sign  of  wealth  and  social  posi- 
tion, and  every  young  woman  who  could  get  fat  did  so.  In 
countries  more  developed  economically,  fatness  lost  its  mean- 
ing. It  didn't  prove  anything,  or  else  it  suggested  that  the  fat 
one  was  abnormally  engrossed  with  eating.  Thinness  then 
became  beautiful.  In  America,  the  most  opulent  civilization 
of  human  history,  thousands  of  women  have  actually  under- 
mined their  health  through  semi-starvation,  in  their  efforts 
to  prove  that  they  are  beautiful  according  to  the  particular 
notion  of  beauty  which  happened  to  be  current  at  the  time. 
A  generation  or  two  before,  women  similarly  tried  to  look 
like  wasps,  instead  of  like  human  beings,  and  did  violence  to 
their  internal  organs  by  tightly  lacing  their  waists. 

Did  such  practices  express  beauty?  Few  will  now  say  that 
they  did — but  why?  There  is  only  one  answer  that  suggests 
itself  to  me;  it  is  that,  by  and  large,  these  practices  did  not 
work.  A  woman,  to  be  sure,  might  get  the  husband  she  de- 
sired through  such  a  ruse.  But  she  could  not  get  the  health 
she  desired,  nor  the  freedom  she  desired,  nor  the  efficiency 
in  motherhood  which  she  desired.  Without  pretending  to 
say  what  beauty  is,  I  venture  to  suggest  that  the  line  of 
beauty  must  in  the  long  run  harmonize  with  the  line  which, 
by  all-round  human  experience,  proves  to  pay  best.  Art  and 
trade  do  meet.  Beauty  and  the  new  scientific  commercialism 
are  not  enemies  but  different  aspects  of  the  same  human  pic- 
ture. The  time  has  now  come,  in  fact,  when  tradesmen 
should  be  artists,  and  when  artists  should  be  discovering  the 
harmonies  in  this  new  world  of  trade. 

That  which  serves  its  purpose  well  becomes  beautiful  to 
us,  if  its  purpose  is  in  harmony  with  our  purpose.  We  say 


that  there  is  no  accounting  for  tastes,  but  there  is.  The  Greek 
arch  was  beautiful,  and  it  was  accepted  for  ages  as  beautiful, 
because  it  was  able  to  sustain  the  weight  it  was  required  to 
sustain.  If  it  had  not  done  the  work  it  was  designed  to  do, 
we  can  depend  upon  it  that  the  world  would  never  have 
called  it  beautiful.  But  the  Greek  arch  was  a  way  of  building 
in  stone.  Its  proportions  depended  upon  the  character  of 
stone  and  had  to  be  in  harmony  with  that  character.  Archi- 
tects, unfortunately,  did  not  always  remember  this,  and 
when  they  were  first  asked  to  design  buildings  to  be  built  of 
steel,  they  tried  to  duplicate  the  lines  which  experience  in 
masonry  had  discovered  to  be  beautiful. 

The  buildings  which  resulted  were  eyesores,  but  people 
did  not  seem  to  know  it  at  the  time.  The  trouble  with  them, 
from  the  business  point  of  view,  was  that  they  cost  too  much. 
That  was  the  trouble  with  them  from  the  architectural  point 
of  view  also,  but  the  architects  did  not  know  that  at  the  time. 
Steel  was  conceded  to  be  an  economical  way  of  building  high 
buildings,  while  building  steel  buildings  to  look  as  though 
they  were  built  of  stone  was  not  so  economical.  Fortunately 
for  architecture,  economy  eventually  won  out,  not  against 
beauty  but  against  this  fixed  tradition  of  beauty,  and  build- 
ings began  to  be  built  according  to  simple  engineering  calcu- 
lations. These  buildings  at  first  were  not  beautiful,  perhaps, 
any  more  than  the  first  clay  cups  with  which  man  carried 
water  were  beautiful,  but  they  constituted  something  to  start 
with  in  the  great  new  art  of  building  in  steel.  Few  will  now 
deny  that  the  modern  skyscrapers  of  Manhattan  have  a 
beauty  all  their  own;  for  when  architects,  instead  of  remain- 
ing slaves  to  ancient  forms,  eventually  began  to  look  for  the 
harmonies  of  the  steel  age,  architecture  once  more  became 
a  living  art. 

I  am  not  contending  that  the  radiator  is  necessarily  more 
beautiful  than  the  fireplace.  It  would  be  strange  if  it  were, 


considering  that  the  fireplace  represents  centuries  of  devel- 
opment while  steam  and  hot-water  systems  are  new  discov- 
eries. But  making  radiators  look  like  fireplaces  will  not  be 
the  answer.  The  task  for  the  artist,  it  seems  to  me,  is  to  dis- 
cover the  harmonies  in  a  world  which  is  rapidly  being 
liberated  from  slavery  to  climate,  instead  of  mooning  about 
the  aesthetic  superiority  of  heating  systems  which  no  longer 
satisfy  the  human  desire  for  heat. 

Some  of  the  first  automobiles  carried  whipstocks,  not  that 
anyone  supposed  that  the  driver  would  ever  need  a  whip, 
but  because  a  wagon  without  a  place  for  a  whip  did  not  look 
quite  right  to  the  designers.  Automobiles  never  became 
beautiful  until  designers  got  away  from  such  traditional 
thinking  and  tried  to  make  their  machines  look  like  motor- 
driven,  instead  of  like  horse-drawn  vehicles. 

To  assume  that  there  is  no  place  for  the  artist  in  this  mass 
production  civilization  is  to  assume  that  art  is  a  body  of 
formulas  and  not  a  living  force.  As  for  art  and  commercial- 
ism being  enemies,  they  always  have  cooperated  and  they 
always  must  cooperate,  wherever  human  ingenuity  is  being 
employed  to  supply  human  wants.  Handicraft  and  the  par- 
ticular forms  which  it  developed  may  be  passing,  but  human- 
craft  has  taken  its  place.  The  artist  can  not  escape  from  life 
and,  if  art  is  a  living  force,  he  will  not  try  to.  Mass  pro- 
duction, in  its  very  nature,  must  serve  the  masses  in  the 
most  efficient  and  the  most  abundant,  and  therefore  in  the 
simplest,  way  in  which  the  masses  can  be  served.  That  is  the 
way  of  lowest  cost  in  production  and  distribution,  and  of 
lowest  prices  to  consumers.  That  method  does  not  allow  for 
useless  ornamentation, — for  the  cluttering  up  of  things  with 
forms  which  no  longer  have  a  meaning.  Things  that  serve 
their  purpose  more  simply  can  reach  a  wider  market,  and 
can  therefore  be  manufactured  and  distributed  more  profit- 
ably. But  that  is  the  "thing  of  beauty" — the  pursuit  of  which 


is  the  most  interesting  and  worth  while  in  human  experience. 
This  pursuit,  moreover,  need  no  longer  be  confined  to  the 
little  coterie  of  artists  who,  in  the  past,  have  had  to  carry  the 
banner  of  beauty,  while  the  masses  were  condemned  to  soul- 
deadening  poverty  and  toil.  The  flicker  of  genius  in  every- 
body's life  has  some  chance  for  expression  now.  For  mass 
production  will  make  mere  living  a  simple  task,  and  to  satisfy 
life's  larger  wants  must  then  become  the  common  goal. 

I  do  not  pretend  to  know  what  all  these  larger  wants  shall 
prove  to  be.  We  may  be  certain,  however,  that  when  the 
masses  are  freed  from  the  struggle  for  existence,  they  will 
furnish  an  environment  in  which  true  art  can  thrive.  I  can 
not,  then,  look  back  to  any  "Golden  Age"  of  art.  To  me  the 
Golden  Age  lies  just  ahead.  I  do  not  mean  that  artists  must 
engage  in  mass  production,  or  that  they  must  limit  their 
work  to  some  dead  level  of  mediocrity  in  the  futile  hope  of 
appealing  to  everybody's  taste.  As  always,  I  assume,  many 
will  strive  for  popularity,  while  others  will  venture  into  new 
fields  and  their  work  will  be  appreciated  by  relatively  few 
contemporaries,  such  artists  appealing  rather  to  the  verdict 
of  posterity.  But  artists  will  not  be  hampered,  as  historically 
they  have  been  hampered,  by  the  necessity  of  submitting 
their  work  to  the  narrow  and  almost  necessarily  biassed  judg- 
ment of  some  economically  dominant  class.  The  liberation 
of  the  masses,  it  must  be  remembered,  is  the  inevitable  goal 
of  mass  production,  and  it  must  not  be  confused  with  any 
merely  benevolent  endeavor  to  see  that  the  toiling  classes  are 
well  fed,  well  clothed  and  well  kept.  Taming  the  masses  is 
not  and  can  not  be  any  part  of  the  mass  production  program. 
The  masses  must  be  freed,  rather,  to  venture  into  realms  of 
human  living  from  which  they  have  necessarily  been  de- 
barred before.  In  this  emancipation  of  the  very  soul  of  man, 
it  seems  to  me  that  one  must  sense  the  beginning  of  a  new 
and  finer,  although  as  yet  incomprehensible  Art. 



PHILOSOPHERS,  moralists  and  builders  of  Utopias  are 
likely  to  curse  the  profit  motive  as  the  source  of  all  our 
social  ills.  Even  business  men  are  likely  to  suppose  that  we 
may  find  some  better  motive,  such  as  "service"  or  "welfare" 
or  "cooperation."  I  find  it  difficult  to  concur.  I  am  in  favor, 
surely,  of  service  and  welfare  and  cooperation:  but  I  can 
not  help  thinking  of  how  little  we  would  have  of  service 
and  welfare  and  cooperation  if  they  did  not  pay. 

In  the  pursuit  of  profits,  I  must  admit,  business  has  often 
committed  every  known  crime.  It  has  outraged  justice.  It  has 
been  unspeakably  cruel.  It  has  ravaged  and  robbed  whole 
communities.  It  has  corrupted  governments,  it  has  fomented 
wars,  and  it  has  reduced  men,  women  and  children  to  bitter 
slavery.  But  we  get  nowhere,  it  seems  to  me,  by  blaming 
motives,  or  by  attempting  to  substitute  other  motives  for  the 
motives  which  actually  move  us.  The  sex  motive  has  simi- 
larly brought  us  to  all  sorts  of  human  grief;  but  if  the  prob- 
lem can  be  solved  only  by  the  elimination  of  sex  from 
human  life,  and  the  substitution  of  some  entirely  different 
motive,  our  plight,  it  would  seem  to  me,  is  utterly  hopeless. 

Undoubtedly  we  need  a  new  expression  of  the  profit 
motive.  We  already  have  that  in  mass  production,  which  has 
discovered  that  the  greatest  total  profits  can  be  found 
through  giving  the  greatest  possible  service  to  the  greatest 
possible  number  of  people.  If  mass  production  did  not  pay, 
however,  we  would  not  have  it.  Mass  production  developed 
from  the  use  of  machinery;  and  if  machines  had  not  been 
profitable,  we  would  never  have  developed  them. 

There  is  something,  at  least,  which  can  be  said  for  the 



profit  motive,  in  contrast  with  such  motives  as  public  spirit, 
patriotism  and  social  idealism.  The  profit  motive,  whatever 
may  be  said  against  it,  has  proved  dependable,  steady,  always 
on  the  job.  It  doesn't  have  to  be  nursed  and  coddled  by 
propaganda.  It  isn't  necessary  to  resort  to  music  and  pag- 
eantry to  bring  it  into  play;  and  those  who  once  devote 
themselves  to  making  profits  do  not  have  to  be  urged  con- 
stantly to  keep  the  goal  in  sight.  They  may,  to  be  sure,  do 
many  things  that  are  unprofitable;  and  they  may,  at  times, 
yield  to  impulses  of  generosity  and  of  unselfish  service;  but 
we  may  depend  upon  it  that  they  will  not  be  constantly  beset 
by  temptations  to  enter  into  this  and  that  strange  venture 
because  it  offers  them  an  opportunity  to  lose  money. 

Such  a  dependable  motive  power  as  this  is  surely  worth 
considering.  If  it  can  be  attached  to  a  machine  well  designed 
to  serve  the  common  welfare,  the  common  welfare  would 
seem  to  be  assured,  whereas  if  the  common  welfare  is  de- 
pendent upon  keeping  idealism  at  white  heat,  there  is  no 
such  assurance. 

Under  mass  production,  however,  the  profit  motive  not 
only  can  be  attached  to  the  common  welfare,  but  it  can  not 
escape  being  so  attached.  Under  mass  production,  attaching 
it  to  any  other  aim  spells  loss.  There  can  be  no  profit  in  mass 
production  unless  the  masses  are  also  profiting  thereby. 
There  is  no  necessity,  then,  for  any  new  motive  in  human 
life.  The  substitution  of  any  new  motive,  in  fact,  if  such  a 
thing  were  possible,  would  be  of  very  doubtful  value.  It 
would  be  like  the  substitution  of  a  new  set  of  laws  governing 
electricity.  We  can  depend  upon  our  electric  appliances 
working  now,  because  they  are  built  in  accordance  with  un- 
changeable law.  If  the  law  governing  electricity  were  subject 
to  change,  electric  appliances  based  upon  the  current  law 
might  suddenly  cease  to  be  of  any  use  whatever. 

Undoubtedly  the  profit  motive  as  it  has  operated  through- 


out  human  history  has  been  responsible  for  no  end  of  human 
misery.  It  has  caused  the  strong  to  exploit  the  weak,  and 
caused  the  few  to  live  in  ease  and  luxury  at  the  expense  of 
the  suffering  and  almost  starving  masses.  If  there  had  been 
no  profit  motive  in  human  nature,  it  seems  quite  probable 
that  there  would  have  been  no  wars,  no  human  slavery,  no 
privileged  classes  to  exploit  the  masses,  no  tyranny  of  man 
over  man.  Those  who  think,  however,  that  the  world  would 
therefore  be  one  big  happy  family  should  think  again;  for 
without  the  profit  motive,  there  would  never  have  been  such 
a  thing  as  a  human  family,  and  the  ideal  of  world  brother- 
hood could  never  have  been  conceived.  It  required  the  actual 
experience  of  brotherhood  to  give  birth  to  the  idea  of  world 
brotherhood;  and  it  was  the  actual  institution  of  the  family 
which  gave  us  that  experience.  The  family,  however,  became 
our  institution  because  it  was  profitable,  because  human 
beings  were  desperately  determined  to  live,  because  they 
could  not  live  unless  they  had  a  steady  income  and  because 
the  family  gave  promise  of  such  an  income. 

Some  families  succeeded  better  than  others,  and  this 
aroused  envy  and  covetousness.  Envy  and  covetousness,  un- 
doubtedly, are  sins;  but  sin  undoubtedly  is  just  plain  error; 
and  until  people  achieve  understanding,  they  are  fairly  cer- 
tain to  remain  in  error.  It  would  be  well  for  us  to  remember, 
also,  that  while  this  greater  success  of  some  aroused  a  desire 
to  sin  in  others,  it  also  did  something  else.  It  set  an  actual 
standard  of  success  which  did  not  exist  before.  It  gave  the 
unsuccessful  a  mark  to  shoot  at.  It  demonstrated  to  the 
masses  that  a  higher  standard  of  living  than  the  masses  had 
ever  had  was  at  least  humanly  possible.  Without  such  a 
demonstration  and  the  human  ambition  which  was  gener- 
ated by  it,  it  is  hard  to  see  how  the  standard  of  living  of  the 
masses  would  ever  have  been  perceptibly  raised. 

Human  beings,  strangely,  seem  to  be  the  only  beings  ex- 


tant  who  have  raised  their  standard  of  living  generally.  In 
these  days,  when  the  ambition  to  "keep  up  with  the  Joneses" 
excites  our  ridicule,  and  when  we  see  so  many  people  strug- 
gling to  get  expensive  things,  not  because  they  want  them 
but  because  their  neighbors  have  them,  there  is  danger  of 
our  losing  sight  of  one  very  real  and  worth  while  truth.  If 
people  buy  things  which  they  can't  enjoy  because  the  Joneses 
have  them,  they  also  buy  things  which  they  do  enjoy  because 
the  Joneses  have  demonstrated  them.  They  may  hire  a  uni- 
formed flunkey  because  the  Joneses  have  one,  but  they  may 
likewise  have  some  child  cured  of  infantile  paralysis  because 
the  Joneses'  child  was  cured.  Modern  surgery,  modern  den- 
tistry, modern  sanitation,  to  say  nothing  of  modern  machine 
industry,  would  have  been  impossible  if  some  people  had 
not  become  rich  enough,  by  fair  means  or  foul,  to  live  in 
such  luxury  as  to  make  others  discontented  with  their  lot. 

We  might  have  had  peace  on  earth  without  the  profit 
motive,  but  we  could  never  have  had  peace  and  prosperity 
too.  We  might  conceivably  have  had  communism,  but  we 
could  not  have  had  mass  progress.  We  might  even  have 
learned  to  love  our  neighbors  as  ourselves;  but  if  our  self- 
love  is  not  dynamic,  the  altruism  which  equals  it  could 
hardly  be  dynamic. 

There  is  not  much  point  in  speculating,  however,  upon 
what  human  nature  might  have  been.  If  we  are  to  get  any- 
where with  it,  we  must  take  it  as  it  is;  and  human  nature 
always  has  operated  on  the  profit  motive,  often  even  at  the 
expense  of  human  ideals.  We  have  usually  wanted  peace, 
when  we  stopped  to  think  about  it,  but  we  have  wanted 
profits  consistently,  whether  we  stopped  to  think  or  not.  We 
have  been  capable  at  times  of  great  sacrifices,  which  shows 
that  we  have  wanted  something,  after  all,  besides  our  own 
personal  aggrandizement,  but  there  always  seemed  to  be  a 
war  between  our  selfishness  and  our  unselfishness;  and  since 


our  selfishness  was  constant  and  our  unselfishness  sporadic,  it 
seemed  that  selfishness  was  always  winning  out. 

The  time  has  come,  however,  when  the  greatest  total 
profits  can  be  secured  only  through  supplying  the  masses 
with  the  best  values.  So  there  is  no  war  now  between  selfish- 
ness and  unselfishness;  the  only  war  is  between  the  tra- 
ditional notion  of  where  self-interest  lies  and  the  newly  dis- 
covered truths  of  profit-making. 

The  time  has  come,  therefore,  when  we  can  have  not  only 
peace  on  earth,  but  a  dynamic  peace.  Not  a  peace  based  upon 
things  as  they  are,  but  a  peace  in  which  all  intelligently 
selfish  human  beings  shall  be  selfishly  concerned  in  bettering 
the  condition  of  all  humanity. 

There  is  a  limit,  doubtless,  to  the  number  of  material 
things  that  human  beings  care  to  accumulate.  That  limit,  in 
fact,  seems  actually  to  have  been  reached  by  many  modern 
men  of  wealth;  and  their  tendency  is  not  to  go  on  accumu- 
lating, but  to  adopt  a  simple  standard  of  living  which  gives 
them  more  personal  freedom  and  more  opportunities  to 
enjoy  and  to  appreciate  life.  Such  men  have  no  desire  to 
"keep  up  with  the  Joneses,"  and  no  particular  desire,  on  the 
other  hand,  to  keep  the  Joneses  from  adopting  any  standard 
of  living  which  appeals  to  them.  As  mass  production  brings 
economic  security  and  a  high  standard  of  living  to  the 
masses,  we  may  expect  eventually  that  there  will  be  some 
such  general  liberation  from  "the  tyranny  of  things." 

When  people  everywhere  can  have  all  the  good  clothes 
that  they  want,  it  is  not  to  be  expected  that  they  shall  care 
to  spend  a  large  part  of  their  precious  time  in  changing  their 
clothes,  as  grandees  so  often  did  in  the  days  when  fine  rai- 
ment was  a  sign  of  aristocracy.  Likewise,  when  they  can  have 
as  good  houses  as  they  want,  they  may  discover  that  they  do 
not  want  perfectly  meaningless  mansions  and  palaces;  and 
when  they  are  all  privileged  to  travel  extensively,  they  may 


not  wish  to  travel  all  the  time.  Even  with  mass  production, 
of  course,  such  a  time  is  still  far  distant;  and  for  decades  to 
come,  there  should  be  work  enough  for  everybody,  under 
the  most  scientific  management,  to  provide  things  for  the 
masses  which  the  masses  eagerly  want  but  which  only  a  small 
percentage  of  the  masses  as  yet  enjoy. 

Conceivably,  however,  the  masses  under  mass  production 
may  turn  from  a  mere  surfeit  of  things  to  seek  a  simpler 
life,  and  when  that  time  comes,  it  may  seem  that  the  profit 
motive  is  no  longer  operating  in  human  affairs.  But  we  do 
not  have  to  worry  about  that.  It  will  not  mean  a  change  in 
human  nature.  It  will  mean  its  liberation,  rather,  to  go  on  to 
other  achievements.  It  will  mean  a  change  only  in  the  kind 
of  profits  human  nature  wants. 


HUMAN  life  changes  from  day  to  day  and  from  gen 
eration  to  generation;  and  human  life  must  go  on 
changing  unless  there  is  some  fundamental  change  in  the 
nature  of  human  nature. 

If  human  nature  should  change,  human  life  might  go  on 
indefinitely,  without  making  any  noticeable  changes;  but  so 
long  as  it  is  the  nature  of  human  nature  to  aspire  to  a 
larger  and  ever  larger  life,  human  beings  must  constantly  be 
different  from  anything  which  human  beings  ever  were 

There  have  been  many  attempts  in  the  past  to  change 
human  beings  through  effecting  some  change  in  human 
nature,  but  these  attempts  have  uniformly  failed.  It  is  as 
though  we  had  tried  to  make  electricity  more  useful  than  it 
was  through  altering  the  nature  of  electricity.  Only  when  we 
got  down  to  observing  the  actual  facts  of  electricity  were 
we  ever  able  to  make  it  useful.  Pleading  with  the  lightning 
not  to  strike  our  dwelling  once  seemed  perfectly  logical,  and 
doubtless  such  prayers  did  have  some  effect  upon  the  lives 
and  future  actions  of  the  persons  who  prayed.  But  they  had 
no  effect,  so  far  as  we  have  ever  been  able  to  find  out,  upon 
the  lightning.  Only  when  we  discovered  something  of  the 
nature  of  lightning,  and  devised  lightning  rods,  did  lightning 
seem  to  be  much  impressed  by  our  wishes  in  the  matter. 

It  may  have  seemed  at  the  time  that  the  person  who 
prayed  to  the  god  of  lightning  not  to  strike  him  was  reverent, 
while  the  person  who  undertook  to  direct  the  lightning  was 
irreverent;  but  we  can  see  now  that  they  were  equally  rev- 
erent, only  that  one  reverenced  the  current  traditions  while 



the  other  reverenced  the  facts.  Each  was  governed  by  the 
same  human  nature,  but  they  were  very  different  types  of 

In  such  a  situation,  it  would  be  almost  futile  to  argue  as 
to  which  constituted  the  more  desirable  type — the  man  who 
sought  to  control  natural  forces  by  traditional  methods  or 
the  one  who  sought  to  control  them  by  science.  For  their 
motives  were  the  same,  and  human  nature,  being  what  it  was 
and  wanting  what  it  wanted,  would  inevitably  tend  to  take 
the  direction  which,  by  actual  demonstration,  brought  the 
better  results.  I  have  never  been  able  to  discover  any  "war" 
between  religion  and  science,  or  even  between  superstition 
and  science.  All  that  I  have  been  able  to  observe  is  a  war 
between  people — a  war  based  upon  their  difference  of 
opinion  as  to  the  best  method  of  getting  what  they  wanted 
to  get  and  becoming  what  they  wanted  to  become.  In  this 
war,  however,  the  real  scientist  has  seemed  to  take  no  part 
whatever.  He  has  simply  gone  ahead  with  his  work,  trying 
to  find  out  how  things  happen  to  happen,  and  then  trying 
to  make  them  happen;  and  when  he  made  things  happen 
that  people  wanted  to  have  happen,  and  his  critics  were 
unable  to  counter  with  equally  convincing  achievements, 
human  life  edged  over  toward  the  scientific  technique. 

Because  human  nature  is  what  it  is,  there  is  always  the 
necessity  for  personal  adjustment.  For  human  nature,  we 
have  discovered,  is  social  in  character,  and  can  not  submit  to 
the  unfettered  control  of  individual  animal  instincts.  It  de- 
mands a  larger  expression.  It  demands  a  social  expression — 
in  language,  in  law,  in  organized  enterprise,  in  the  constant 
creation  of  a  social  environment  in  which  a  larger  life  may 
be  achieved.  Because  we  are  human,  we  can  not  be  indiffer- 
ent toward  the  conduct  of  others;  we  must  adjust  ourselves 
to  our  human  environment  or  adjust  our  human  environ- 
ment to  ourselves. 


Our  first  thought,  naturally,  is  to  adjust  the  whole  human 
environment  to  our  own  personal  whims.  But  most  of  us 
get  over  that  in  time;  the  others  are  taken  to  asylums.  Even 
in  our  intolerance,  we  find  it  impossible  to  be  entirely  indi- 
vidualistic. We  must  gather  other  intolerant  folks  about  us, 
people  with  similar  prejudices  and  similar  notions  of  what 
may  or  may  not  be  tolerated.  Then,  if  we  have  power 
enough,  we  may  enforce  our  standards  of  conduct  upon  the 
community  in  which  we  live. 

Even  in  doing  this,  however,  we  must  usually  compromise. 
We  must  adjust  our  objectives,  in  some  measure,  to  the  com- 
mon objectives.  We  may  not  tolerate  democracy.  We  may  be 
openly  defiant  of  the  rule  of  the  people;  nevertheless,  to 
be  successful  tyrants,  we  must  cater  to  the  wishes  of  the  popu- 
lace in  many  ways.  We  can  not  impose  rules  upon  them 
which  they  will  not  follow;  we  can  not  control  a  community 
while  imposing  conditions  which  force  it  to  break  from 
our  control. 

Not  many  of  us  care,  of  course,  to  be  absolute  tyrants — 
that  is,  after  we  have  grown  up.  In  early  childhood,  seem- 
ingly, we  have  no  other  ambition.  Young  babies  do  not  care 
for  anyone  else's  welfare  but  their  own;  but  human  educa- 
tion changes  this,  not  because  it  changes  human  nature,  but 
because  it  gradually  forces  the  child  to  take  others  into  con- 
sideration in  every  program  of  self-expression. 

This  process  of  taking  others  into  consideration,  however, 
is  a  process  which  can  not  well  stop  anywhere.  After  a  child 
has  learned  how  to  be  a  two-year-old,  no  matter  how  beauti- 
fully and  satisfactorily  he  has  learned  his  lesson,  he  has  to 
learn  how  to  quit  being  a  two-year-old  and  how  to  become 
something  else.  Until  he  "grows  up,"  he  comes  to  perceive, 
he  will  have  to  keep  adjusting  himself  to  his  environment. 
After  he  grows  up,  he  sometimes  fancies,  he  can  go  his  own 
way,  but  he  can't. 


The  sooner  any  child  learns  this,  the  better;  but  learning 
even  that  is  not  enough.  Bees  and  ants,  it  seems,  are  thor- 
oughly equipped  to  live  in  bee  and  ant  society.  But  those 
societies  apparently  do  not  change,  while  human  society 
changes  constantly.  If  it  were  not  for  this,  the  problem  of 
personal  adjustment  might  be  fairly  simple. 

John  Tanner,  in  Shaw's  "Man  and  Superman,"  remarks: 
"The  reasonable  man  is  forever  trying  to  adjust  himself  to 
society.  The  unreasonable  man  is  always  trying  to  adjust 
society  to  himself.  Therefore,  all  progress  depends  upon  the 
unreasonable  man."  Whether  we  are  willing  to  subscribe  to 
this  observation  or  not,  it  is  certain  that  personal  adjustment 
to  society  as  it  is  does  not  solve  our  human  problem.  It  is 
quite  as  necessary  to  adjust  ourselves  to  society  as  it  is  becom- 
ing and  as  human  life  really  wants  it  to  become. 

This,  surely,  is  no  easy  task.  It  is  a  task  which  requires  for 
its  fulfillment  all  that  we  can  possibly  learn  about  human 
life.  It  requires  not  merely  good  intentions  and  indomitable 
determination,  but  it  requires  the  application  of  science  in 
place  of  mere  established  opinion  along  many  lines.  It  re- 
quires the  use  of  psychology  and  sociology,  particularly, 
although  in  the  very  nature  of  human  society,  not  many  of  us 
can  become  psychologists  and  sociologists.  Even  in  the  matter 
of  personal  adjustment,  the  purely  personal  approach  will 
never  do. 

There  is  a  vast  difference,  in  the  first  place,  between  what 
we  want  and  what  we  think  we  want.  A  child  may  want  sleep 
and  want  it  so  poignantly  that  it  keeps  itself  and  everybody 
else  awake,  for  nervous  excitement  in  the  meantime  may 
have  induced  it  to  think  it  wants  the  moon.  The  problem, 
however,  is  not  how  to  get  the  moon  for  the  child,  nor  even 
how  to  curb  the  child's  ambition  so  that  it  will  not  want 
things.  The  problem  is  one  of  finding  out  exactly  how  the 
child's  real  wants  may  be  supplied.  It  is  a  difficult  and  com- 


plicated  problem  at  best;  but  it  may  be  solved  without  either 
suppressing  the  child  or  seriously  disturbing  the  moon. 

Heretofore,  the  problem  of  personal  adjustment  has  been 
tackled  by  the  individual  from  the  standpoint  of  what  the 
individual  thinks  he  wants,  and  the  individual  has  been  sup- 
pressed by  the  community  according  to  the  standard  which 
the  community  thinks  is  best.  But  the  community's  opinion 
is  no  more  infallible  than  the  individual's  opinion.  A  stand- 
ard, in  fact,  to  which  a  large  community  can  subscribe  is 
likely  to  be  a  mediocre  standard,  and  to  turn  out  mediocre 
individuals  has  often  seemed  to  be  the  social  aim.  Man- 
kind, therefore,  has  gained  the  reputation  of  imprison- 
ing its  liberators  and  crucifying  its  saviours,  and  many  phi- 
losophers have  cynically  observed  that  they  do  it  because  it 
is  the  law  of  human  nature  that  they  should. 

But  this  is  not  the  law  of  human  nature.  It  is  simply  the 
way  in  which  human  nature  acts  in  a  world  governed  by 
opinion.  Human  nature  wants  what  it  wants,  not  what  it 
thinks  it  wants;  and  as  it  tends  to  get  what  it  wants  through 
science,  and  fails  to  get  what  it  wants  through  government 
by  opinion,  it  does  discard  the  rule  of  opinion  and  inaugu- 
rate the  rule  of  fact. 

This  has  always  been  true,  but  the  special  importance 
historically  of  the  present  era  lies  in  the  greater  community 
to  which  government  by  fact  is  now  necessarily  being 
applied.  The  family  became  the  accepted  way  of  life,  not 
because  the  majority  before  the  family  era  was  convinced 
that  its  current  way  of  life  was  wrong,  but  because  the 
family  brought  results.  It  worked.  It  worked  so  well  in  the 
matter  of  supplying  human  wants  that  people  discarded  their 
old  ways  and  began  to  live  in  families. 

The  same  is  true  of  the  machine  system.  Machine  produc- 
tion supplanted  family  production,  because  people  wanted 
things  and  machine  production  could  produce  more  things. 


If  people  should  ever  discover  that  they  don't  want  things, 
and  that  they  were  in  error  in  supposing  that  they  ever  did, 
not  only  machine  production  but  all  kinds  of  production 
will  stop.  But  that  just  isn't  anything  to  worry  about;  for 
since  people  can  not  live  without  things,  we  may  be  sure 
that  people  do  want  things,  and  that  they  will  try  to  adjust 
their  lives  to  that  system  of  production  which  supplies  things 
most  abundantly. 

It  is  in  their  system  of  production  and  distribution,  how- 
ever, that  their  real  relation  to  others  is  discovered,  and  the 
environment  to  which  they  must  adjust  themselves  is  deter- 
mined. It  was  in  the  family  that  brothers  discovered  that 
they  were  brothers,  and  most  of  the  values  which  have  given 
meaning  to  human  life  were  found.  In  mass  production, 
now,  because  it  is  the  most  successful  system  of  production 
yet  devised,  we  are  discovering  how  everybody  is  related  to 
everybody,  and  we  will  surely  discover  great  new  meanings 
to  life.  But  this  means  that  we  must  learn  to  adjust  ourselves, 
not  merely  to  a  method  of  production,  but  to  a  process 
which,  because  it  is  based  upon  fact-finding,  must  constantly 
change  as  new  facts  are  discovered,  and  which,  therefore, 
must  constantly  create  new  social  environments  to  which  we 
must  always  be  adjusting  ourselves. 

There  is  surely  no  rest  for  the  weary  in  such  a  prospect. 
Not  only  business  men  but  all  of  us  who  have  been  looking 
for  society  to  "settle  down"  are  doomed  to  disillusionment. 
No  imaginable  standard  of  conduct,  and  no  imaginable  pat- 
tern of  life,  will  be  adequate  for  a  social  order  which  will 
not  stand  still.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  of  course,  social  orders 
never  have  stood  still.  Even  the  family  changed  its  constitu- 
tion from  age  to  age.  But  things  moved  slowly  enough  in  the 
old  days  so  that  each  succeeding  generation  could  imagine 
that  they  did  not  move  at  all;  or  that  there  was  some  pattern, 
at  least,  which  might  be  considered  perfect  and  beyond 


which  it  would  never  be  necessary  to  advance.  The  result 
was  that  those  who  were  sufficiently  comfortable  tried  to 
keep  everything  just  about  where  it  was,  while  those  who 
were  uncomfortable  imagined  a  Utopia  and  tried  to  push 
society  into  that.  Neither  party  ever  succeeded,  but  not  until 
the  age  of  science  was  it  ever  apparent  just  why  neither  could 

In  the  meantime,  our  educational  effort  was  largely  de- 
voted either  to  adjusting  the  individual  to  society  as  it  was, 
or  to  making  him  good  according  to  some  fixed  standard  of 
goodness.  We  sent  children  to  school,  not  to  learn  what  they 
could  find  out,  but  to  have  their  characters  and  their  minds 
molded  so  that  their  opinions  would  be  correct,  accord- 
ing to  the  dominant  notion  of  what  correct  opinions  were. 
What  to  teach  them  became  the  great  problem — not  how  to 
help  them  learn  what  life  was  like,  or  what  it  was  likely  to 
become,  or  how  to  adjust  themselves  to  live  successfully 
in  harmony  with  its  changing  social  character. 

The  system  of  mass  production  and  mass  distribution 
necessitates  that  all  this  shall  be  changed.  It  necessitates  an 
entirely  different  approach  to  the  individual  problem  of 
personal  adjustment  to  society.  And  since  the  machine 
society  is  founded  on  fact-finding,  it  necessitates  that  the 
process  of  personal  adjustments  to  it  shall  be  founded  on 
fact-finding  too. 

This  approach,  in  itself,  must  revolutionize  all  human 
relationships  and  the  whole  process  of  human  education  con- 
cerning them.  Even  parents  must  look  upon  their  children 
in  a  very  different  way.  Instead  of  being  governed  by  what 
they  imagine  they  would  like  to  have  their  children  be,  they 
must  get  busy  discovering  exactly  what  they  are.  And  instead 
of  thinking  of  society  with  their  traditional  valuations,  they 
must  do  their  best  to  find  out  the  character  of  the  social 
order  which  is  coming  into  existence. 


This  process  must  continue  in  school.  The  system  of  giv- 
ing marks  for  good  or  poor  scholastic  performance  is,  I  am 
glad  to  note,  already  under  severe  fire.  The  degree  to  which 
a  child's  mind  agrees  with  the  teacher's  mind  is  surely  no 
index  of  its  educational  progress,  nor  is  its  ability  to  absorb 
and  repeat  the  formulas  set  forth  in  any  textbooks.  One's 
fitness  for  life  can  no  longer  be  determined  by  the  books  that 
one  has  read,  valuable  and  necessary  as  books  may  be.  Yes- 
terday's wisdom  can  no  longer  be  our  guide.  We  must  con- 
tinue to  use  it,  of  course,  but  to  learn  when  to  use  it  and 
when  to  discard  it,  in  the  working  out  of  human  problems 
which  remain  to  be  solved,  must  now  become  an  accepted 
aim  of  education. 

I  hesitate  to  give  individual  advice,  but  I  do  want  to  raise 
an  objection  to  the  sort  of  individual  advice  which  is  com- 
monly given — the  exhortation,  for  instance,  which  is  so 
freely  peddled  out  by  so-called  successful  men,  that  youth 
should  set  its  goal  and  stick  to  it.  Some  millions  of  American 
children  have  doubtless  determined  to  be  President,  but  it 
hasn't  done  them  or  American  politics  any  good.  There  is 
no  reason  why  we  should  have  very  many  Presidents  anyway, 
and  about  the  most  unfortunate  selection  we  could  make 
would  be  one  who  was  determined  to  be  President  at  any 
cost.  Some  of  our  worst  failures  are  the  constant  readers  of 
"success  literature."  I  pity  the  unfortunate  who  has  been 
miseducated  to  believe  that  success  consists  in  "fighting  his 
way  to  the  top"  or  in  seizing  power  which  he  is  not  equipped 
to  use.  Success  consists  in  the  most  successful  possible  ad- 
justment between  what  a  man  actually  is  and  the  social  order 
in  which  he  will  necessarily  have  to  live,  so  that  he  will  be 
able  to  make  the  greatest  possible  contribution  to  that  order. 
The  way  to  prepare  for  such  success  is  not  to  imagine  that 
one  has  powers  which  he  has  not,  nor  to  aspire  to  positions 
which  once  symbolized  success,  but  through  finding  out  what 


human  life  actually  is,  and  one's  actual  equipment  to  par- 
ticipate in  it. 

It  is  quite  possible,  I  think,  that  the  three  R's  may  soon 
cease  to  be  the  backbone  of  our  elementary  educational 
efforts.  It  is  quite  possible,  it  seems  to  me,  that  they  will  be 
supplanted  by  the  sciences  of  hygiene,  psychology  and  so- 
ciology. Adults,  I  know,  are  generally  unacquainted  with 
these  sciences  now,  but  it  is  quite  possible  that  adults  are 
too  old  to  learn.  We  may  have  to  leave  them  to  their  habits 
of  life,  habits  which  tend  to  physical,  mental  and  social  de- 
terioration so  that  human  progress  seems  impossible  often 
without  an  abundance  of  funerals.  But  children  want  to  live. 
To  cooperate  with  them  in  a  genuine  search  for  physical 
well-being  seems  to  me  to  be  an  intelligent  beginning.  But 
they  are  equally  anxious  to  grow  mentally  and  emotionally, 
and  psychological  fact-finding  would,  I  think,  appeal  to  them 
much  more  than  the  compulsory  learning  of  platitudes  which 
neither  they  nor  their  teachers  can  possibly  understand. 

Children,  moreover,  are  not  merely  interested  in  but 
fascinated  by  life.  They  are  so  fascinated  by  it,  in  fact, 
that  they  refuse  to  believe  that  it  is  the  dull,  drab  thing 
which  adults  represent  it  to  be;  and  they  construct  imagina- 
tive worlds  which  suit  their  purposes  much  better.  Their 
worlds  are  not  static.  They  are  worlds  that  are  changed  from 
time  to  time,  by  forces  which  grown-ups  do  not  understand, 
and  worlds  to  which  children  may  adjust  themselves  without 
having  to  suppress  their  imaginations  entirely.  If  we  were 
to  admit  the  truth,  we  might  have  to  confess  to  the  children 
that  their  world  of  imagination  comes  nearer  to  being  real 
than  does  our  world  of  cut-and-dried  opinion.  They,  at  least, 
imagine  a  world  which  isn't  standing  still,  and  in  which  the 
stick-in-the-mud  grown-ups  do  not  know  all  the  rules;  and 
we  try  to  sell  them  in  its  place  a  world  based  upon  marks  in 
school  in  which  they  can  be  rated  as  "perfect"  only  when 


they  are  in  one  hundred  per  cent  agreement  with  the  text- 

How  to  live  in  a  machine  civilization  is  the  problem  be- 
fore every  human  being  now,  and  successful  personal  adjust- 
ment to  that  civilization  is  the  lifelong  problem  of  every 
child.  None  of  us  knows  the  rules,  and  even  if  we  find  them, 
it  does  not  mean  that  any  problem  is  therefore  permanently 

Everything  that  we  learn  merely  brings  us  to  more  things 
which  must  be  learned,  and  everything  that  we  do  to  more 
things  that  must  be  done.  In  such  a  world,  life  is  a  never- 
ending  adventure,  and  requires  the  conservation  of  all  that 
is  adventurous;  but  it  is  an  adventure  in  cooperation,  not 
merely  with  the  other  members  of  the  family,  or  with  im- 
mediate associates,  but  with  the  adventurous  powers  which 
reside  in  everybody,  everywhere.  It  requires  cooperation 
even  with  generations  which  have  long  since  passed  away; 
it  requires  cooperation  in  the  interest  of  generations  which 
are  yet  to  come,  and  with  the  very  forces  of  nature  herself 
which,  under  science,  are  now  being  brought  under  human 

In  such  a  world,  everybody  is  related  to  everybody,  as 
truly  as  the  different  members  of  the  family  were  ever  re- 
lated to  each  other;  but  these  relations  do  not  impose  re- 
strictions, and  satisfactory  adjustment  can  not  therefore  be 
achieved  through  the  negative  process  of  self-suppression. 
They  bring  liberation,  rather,  and  all  the  things  to  which 
the  human  soul,  human  nature  being  what  it  is,  aspires. 



MANY  have  supposed  that  mass  production  would  tend 
to  eliminate  competition  and  therefore  greatly  re- 
duce, and  perhaps  almost  destroy,  the  huge  business  of  mod- 
ern advertising.  The  facts  have  not  borne  out  the  supposi- 
tion. As  mass  production  has  increased,  the  business 
advertising  has  increased;  and  whether  or  not  the  mass 
producers  have  achieved  a  monopoly,  they  have  seen  the 
necessity  of  increasing,  rather  than  diminishing,  their 
advertising  appropriations. 

Mass  production  is,  however,  changing  the  character  of 
advertising,  and  is  exploding  many  of  the  myths  around 
which  the  advertising  business  was  once  quite  generally 

The  notion,  for  instance,  that  advertising  is  ' 'ballyhoo" 
was  fostered  by  many  of  the  early  advertising  agencies.  Busi- 
ness men  who  wished  to  be  modest  were  urged  to  scream 
their  wares  on  the  theory  that,  whether  they  liked  it  or  not, 
the  man  who  made  the  most  noise  was  the  one  who  would 
get  a  hearing. 

The  late  P.  T.  Barnum  served  as  the  patron  saint  of  this 
school  of  advertising.  "There's  a  sucker  born  every  minute" 
served  as  its  golden  text.  The  theory  was  that  few  would 
spend  fifty  cents  to  see  a  circus  unless  they  could  feel,  regard- 
less of  what  their  common  sense  might  tell  them,  that  it 
was  the  Greatest  Show  on  Earth;  and  that  the  ballyhoo 
which  gave  them  this  feeling  was  not  a  downright  fraud  but 
just  a  humane  anaesthetic  accompanying  the  otherwise  too 
painful  operation  of  extracting  that  fifty  cents. 

Exaggeration  was  the  keynote  of  such  advertising.  There 



seemed  to  be  little  point  in  a  merchant's  announcing  a  ten 
per  cent  cut  in  prices,  if  his  rival  across  the  way  was  an- 
nouncing a  fifty  per  cent  reduction.  Even  "one  hundred 
per  cent  reductions"  were  not  unknown  in  these  announce- 
ments; but  the  advertisers  were  dealing  with  psychology, 
not  arithmetic,  and  did  not  consider  themselves  obligated 
thereby  actually  to  give  away  their  stocks. 

In  the  patent  medicine  era,  ballyhoo  achieved  the  height 
of  the  ridiculous  and  the  Barnum  theory  seemed  to  be  con- 
clusively proved.  Respectable  periodicals  which  assumed  to 
be  the  intellectual  mentors  of  the  nation  brazenly  announced 
concoctions  guaranteed  to  cure  all  the  diseases  to  which  the 
flesh  of  man  or  beast  was  heir.  It  is  not  at  all  probable  that 
human  nature  in  those  days  was  more  vicious  than  it  is 
today,  but  people  generally  supposed  that  business  was  the 
process  by  which  some  people  took  away  wealth  from  others; 
and  with  that  basic  misunderstanding,  it  was  hard  for  anyone 
to  draw  the  line  between  decent  and  indecent  practices. 

One  might  have  a  remedy  for  sale  which  he  actually  be- 
lieved to  be  good  for  coughs.  But  it  would  never  do  to  ad- 
vertise it  as  simply  good  for  coughs,  when  some  competitor 
was  proffering  a  sure  cure,  not  merely  for  coughs  and  colds, 
but  for  consumption,  catarrh  and  possibly  for  corns  and  can- 
cer and  anything  else  which  happened  to  begin  with  "c."  It 
might  be  discovered  by  anyone  who  wanted  to  know  that 
both  preparations  were  mainly  composed  of  bad  whiskey 
anyway,  and  that  repeat  orders  did  not  come  from  any  cures 
effected  but  from  physical  cravings  which  the  liquor  had 
induced.  But  business  was  not  operating  on  facts  in  those 
days;  it  was  operating  mainly  on  a  theory  of  competition,  and 
the  most  conscienceless  liar  was  likely  to  set  the  pace.  Con- 
scientious editors  might  hate  to  run  such  advertisements,  but 
when  conscienceless  editors  would  gladly  run  them,  what 
could  the  editor  who  had  a  conscience  do  about  it?  Usually, 


it  seemed,  he  could  do  nothing,  except  perhaps  to  explain 
to  his  pastor  that  he  was  forced  by  competition  to  do  a  lot 
of  things  which  he  abhorred  doing. 

Strangely,  the  days  in  which  the  press  of  America  was  most 
utterly  prostituted  to  such  vicious  ballyhoo  are  often  re- 
ferred to  by  those  who  should  know  better  as  "the  great  days 
of  American  journalism."  There  is  no  dearth  of  those  who 
bewail  the  passing  of  the  times  when  "fearless"  editors  so 
freely  expressed  their  personal  convictions  in  their  editorials, 
and  contrast  them  sadly  with  the  present  when  the  news- 
papers and  magazines  are  supposed  to  be  "mere  commercial 

The  modern  newspaper,  it  is  often  charged,  is  "subsidized" 
by  Big  Business;  and  the  newspaper  often  has  a  difficult  time 
trying  to  prove  that  it  is  not.  For  actually,  the  charge  is 
true,  although  its  implications  are  as  false  as  can  be.  The 
person  who  makes  this  charge,  usually,  looks  upon  Big  Busi- 
ness and  special  privilege  as  almost  synonymous  terms.  That 
is  because  he  is  thinking  traditionally  and,  instead  of  find- 
ing out  what  the  modern  mass  production  industries  actu- 
ally are,  jumps  to  the  conclusion  that  the  newspapers  in 
which  they  advertise  extensively  are  not  free  to  gather  and 
record  the  news. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  these  mass  production  industries  are 
the  very  negation  of  special  privilege,  as  anyone  might  dis- 
cover for  himself  if  he  would  make  the  effort.  It  is  not  they, 
but  the  unsuccessful,  old-fashioned  businesses,  which  are  con- 
tinually clamoring  for  special  tariff  concessions,  opposing 
humane  labor  legislation  or  trying  to  intimidate  their  em- 
ployees at  election  time.  Mass  production  industries  are  fact- 
finders.  Their  success  is  based  upon  fact-finding.  They  do 
not  ask  or  want  acquiescence,  even  on  the  part  of  their  own 
employees,  and  are  trying  to  eliminate  the  yes-man  as  rapidly 
as  they  can.  These  industries  want  to  know  the  truth,  and 


a  newspaper  which  attempts  to  hide  or  distort  the  truth 
thereby  belittles  its  value  to  them. 

There  are,  of  course,  many  big  businesses  which  have  not 
yet  fully  arrived  at  this  understanding  of  business  needs,  but 
the  tendency  is  definitely  and  demonstrably  in  this  direction. 
Big  Business,  in  America  at  least,  instead  of  exercising  a 
censorship  over  the  press,  is  more  and  more  demanding  that 
the  newspapers  tell  the  truth,  no  matter  how  inconvenient 
or  disagreeable  the  truth  may  sometimes  seem  to  be,  just 
as  it  is  demanding  that  untruthful  advertising  be  excluded 
because  it  causes  distrust  of  even  the  truthful  advertising. 

It  is  true  that  great  newspapers  are  subsidized.  They  must 
be  subsidized  in  one  way  or  another.  To  attain  a  large  cir- 
culation, they  must  be  sold  to  readers  for  a  mere  fraction 
of  what  it  costs  to  gather  the  news  and  print  it,  often  for  less 
than  the  cost  of  the  white  paper  which  is  used.  If  this  deficit 
is  not  made  up  through  advertising,  it  must  be  met  in  some 
other  way.  In  America  it  is  met  by  advertising.  In  France 
and  some  other  countries  it  is  met  by  subsidies  from  political 
or  other  special  interests  or  by  the  owner  of  the  periodical, 
who  must  be  a  very  rich  man,  and  one  who  is  willing  to  pay 
out  huge  amounts  annually  for  the  sake  of  having  a  personal 
organ  expressing  his  ambitions  and  his  special  political  and 
social  theories. 

It  is  futile  to  deny  this  subsidy,  or  to  claim  that  it  does  not 
constitute  an  economic  pressure  which  the  newspaper  must 
recognize.  Those  who  pay  for  a  paper  are  bound  to  control 
its  policy;  and  if  a  paper  is  a  personal  indulgence,  something 
in  the  nature  of  a  private  yacht,  it  is  bound  to  be  a  very 
different  sort  of  paper  than  if  it  is  being  subsidized  by  busi- 
ness in  general.  In  one  case,  it  will  be  free  to  indulge  in 
any  propaganda  which  suits  the  will  of  its  personal  owner; 
and  if  the  owner  happens  to  be  a  high-minded,  public- 
spirited  superman,  it  may  become  an  excellent  journal.  In 


the  other  case,  what  the  paper  will  be  free  to  do  will  depend 
upon  the  needs  of  business  and  whether  business  is  best 
served  by  propaganda  or  by  facts. 

As  it  actually  works  out,  the  great  French  journals  are  un- 
questionably freer  than  are  the  newspapers  of  America  to 
indulge  in  private  crusades;  but  they  are  not  so  free  to 
publish  news  which  might  jeopardize  such  crusades.  In 
America,  the  largest  and  most  successful  journals  are  more 
free  to  print  all  the  news  from  everywhere  than  are  the  news- 
papers of  any  country  with  which  I  am  acquainted. 

This  is  all  contrary  to  the  theories  of  the  theorists.  With 
the  power  interests,  for  instance,  buying  full-page  advertise- 
ments in  the  New  York  dailies,  it  might  be  supposed  that 
these  papers  would  suppress  the  news  of  the  Congressional 
investigations  of  those  interests,  or  at  least  of  the  attacks 
made  upon  them  by  minority  political  groups.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  however,  all  such  news  is  regularly  printed,  the  ad- 
vertisers understand  that  it  will  be  printed,  and  modern 
business  seems  to  have  abandoned  all  efforts  to  keep  such 
news  from  being  printed. 

This  is  nothing  short  of  amazing  to  those  who  have  figured 
it  out  with  apparent  logic  that  a  periodical  controlled  by  its 
advertisers  must  be  subservient  to  special  interests.  The 
mystery  vanishes,  however,  when  one  remembers  that  mod- 
ern business  is  not  a  special  interest.  Modern  business  is  the 
effort  to  get  to  the  public  the  things  which  the  public  wants, 
and  it  has  discovered  that  the  way  to  do  this  most  success- 
fully is  the  way  of  fact-finding.  Within  this  business  system 
are  many  men  of  many  minds — minds  so  different  that  they 
could  not  possibly  agree  upon  any  platform  of  opinion — but 
they  can  agree,  and  they  are  more  and  more  agreeing,  to  let 
fact-finding  take  its  course.  There  is  no  unselfishness  in  this. 
If  it  were  possible,  to  be  sure,  some  special  interest  might 
like  to  make  the  great  newspapers  particularly  subservient 


to  themselves,  but  none  would  have  any  use  for  a  papei 
which  was  specially  subservient  to  some  other  interest.  Such 
a  publication,  they  know,  would  have  little  value  as  an 
advertising  medium;  and  since  they  spend  huge  sums  for 
advertising,  they  want  to  know  that  the  space  they  pay  for 
has  business-pulling  power. 

I  do  not  wish  to  idealize  the  American  newspapers  and 
magazines.  I  am  speaking  rather  of  a  development  than  of 
a  thoroughly  achieved  reform.  For  every  reliable  newspaper 
or  magazine,  one  may  point  to  some  other  publication  whose 
standards  still  hark  back  to  the  patent  medicine  age.  But 
these,  even  when  they  attain  huge  circulations,  are  not  con- 
sidered valuable  advertising  mediums.  The  most  valuable 
periodical  is  the  one  which  is  so  thoroughly  subsidized  by 
business  in  general  that  no  special  advertiser,  no  matter  how 
rich  and  powerful,  will  be  allowed  an  inch  of  space  in  which 
to  make  the  slightest  misrepresentation. 

Advertising,  to  be  sure,  has  not  yet  become  a  science.  But 
as  mass  production,  with  its  search  for  facts,  has  been  de- 
veloping, advertising  has  surely  taken  on  a  new  character. 
The  ancient  ballyhoo  has  been  largely  relegated  now  to 
the  publications  which  even  their  own  readers  do  not  read 
very  seriously.  More  and  more  it  is  becoming  recognized 
that  only  strictly  truthful  advertising  pays.  It  may  still  be 
true  that  a  sucker  is  born  every  minute;  but  it  is  the  wise 
customers — those  who  return  again  and  again  because  they 
have  learned  where  to  get  their  money's  worth — who  build 
up  a  business,  and  modern  business  is  making  a  real  effort  to 
educate  the  masses  into  wise  buying. 

It  is  still  supposed  by  some  business  men  that  successful 
advertising  costs  a  lot  of  money,  and  it  is  still  supposed  by 
some  theorists  of  business  that  concerns  which  spend  mil- 
lions annually  for  advertising  must  necessarily  make  up  for 
it  by  charging  higher  prices  for  their  goods.  To  consider 


advertising  in  terms  of  its  cost,  however,  is  misleading.  Ad- 
vertising is  the  articulation  of  business.  It  is  the  way  by 
which  a  business  makes  itself  known.  Actually,  good  adver- 
tising costs  nothing,  for  the  alternative  is  not  to  save  the 
money  which  might  be  expended  in  advertising,  but  to  re- 
main unknown  and  therefore  unable  to  do  a  profitable  busi- 
ness. The  intelligent,  large-scale,  truthful  advertiser  is  able 
to  sell  and  therefore  able  to  buy  in  such  large  quantities, 
and  thus  effect  such  savings  and  such  a  reduction  in  overhead 
expenses,  that  he  is  able  to  make  prices  to  the  consumer 
even  lower  than  if  he  had  not  advertised.  One  might  as  well 
speak  of  the  cost  of  a  child's  learning  to  talk.  Undoubtedly 
learning  words  requires  a  certain  expenditure  of  energy, 
but  the  child  who  does  not  spend  the  energy  required  does 
not  and  can  not  hope  to  save  it  for  some  more  desirable  end. 
Like  the  business  man  who  does  not  advertise,  he  will  sim- 
ply remain  dumb. 

Advertising,  always  necessary  to  business,  is  doubly  neces- 
sary to  the  mass  production  industries.  When  business  was 
confined  to  small  communities,  or  to  a  limited  number  of 
patrons  who  could  be  reached  by  personal  representatives, 
advertising  as  we  now  know  it  was  uncalled  for;  but  when 
the  main  objective  of  business  is  to  serve  the  masses  of  hu- 
manity everywhere  with  the  greatest  possible  service  which 
fact-finding  methods  can  disclose,  it  is  necessary  that  the 
masses  be  taken  into  the  fullest  confidence.  Advertising  then 
will  become  much  more  than  an  appeal  for  patronage.  It 
will  become  an  appeal  for  understanding  and  for  consumer 
cooperation.  It  becomes  news  of  first  importance — news  as 
to  how  the  business  is  managed,  and  why,  news  regarding 
wages  paid  and  the  plans  on  foot  for  making  them  still 
higher,  news  concerning  the  economies  effected  and  the  new 
services  which  are  thus  made  possible,  and  the  most  accurate, 
comprehensive  news  of  matters  which  business  once  sought 


to  keep  a  business  secret — the  full  story  of  how  the  business 
is  financed  and  where  the  money  really  goes. 

Under  mass  production  all  these  things  are  not  merely 
matters  of  public  interest,  but  it  is  necessary  for  the  greatest 
success  that  the  public  shall  be  interested.  The  business 
which  is  not  constantly  telling  its  story  to  the  public  in- 
evitably gets  out  of  touch  with  the  public  and  becomes  un- 
able to  serve  the  public  well.  Courageous,  truthful  advertis- 
ing is  the  answer. 

There  are  things,  to  be  sure,  in  many  industries,  which  the 
owners  will  not  wish  to  advertise,  and  the  concern  which 
does  not  advertise  may  keep  such  things  from  being  known. 
But  that  will  answer  no  problem.  It  can  result  only  in  keep- 
ing up  the  bad  practices  which  will  inevitably  lead  to  fail- 
ure. Large-scale  advertising  makes  it  necessary  to  correct 
such  errors,  for  it  compels  the  advertiser  to  make  good  on 
every  claim. 

Yes,  it  costs  money  to  make  this  intimate  and  constant  ap- 
peal to  a  larger  and  ever  larger  public,  and  the  business 
which  does  it  must  equip  itself  to  serve  a  larger  and  ever 
larger  public.  That  is,  it  must  adopt  fact-finding,  mass  pro- 
duction methods.  Mass  production,  then,  not  only  makes 
large-scale  advertising  necessary,  but  large-scale  advertising 
makes  mass  production  necessary.  In  other  words,  instead  of 
adding  to  the  price  of  the  articles  advertised,  it  makes  it 
necessary  to  produce  and  distribute  those  articles  at  the 
lowest  price  which  better  methods  and  larger  sales  make 

Fortunately,  the  average  American  housewife  does  not 
need  to  be  told  this.  She  has  already  learned  to  buy  the 
highly  advertised  items  of  merchandise.  It  is  her  more 
theoretical  husband  who  is  likely  to  come  home  with  some 
non-advertised  substitute  instead.  In  the  argument  which 
follows,  the  theorist  may  seem  to  win,  for  it  may  be  difficult 


to  see  at  first  how  those  who  spend  millions  for  advertising 
can  give  better  values  than  those  who  do  not  indulge  in  any 
such  "expense."  Facts,  however,  have  a  way  of  overriding 
theories;  and  the  better  values  made  possible  by  mass  produc- 
tion and  mass  distribution,  often  initiated  and  always  assisted 
by  mass  advertising,  continue  to  dominate  the  market. 



TO  SUGGEST  that  physicians  must  adopt  the  principles 
of  mass  production  is  to  take  such  great  chances  of 
being  misunderstood  that  no  one — excepting  possibly  the 
comic  artists — may  benefit  from  the  suggestion.  Neverthe- 
less, I  am  taking  the  chance. 

Let  me  hasten  to  add,  however,  that  I  do  not  favor  the 
bringing  in  of  patients  on  conveyor  belts,  before  long  lines 
of  surgeons  with  uplifted  instruments,  each  understanding 
nothing  about  the  operation  as  a  whole  but  each  trained 
to  make  one  particular  cut  in  each  particular  body  at  the 
precise  moment  that  it  comes  within  his  reach.  Nor  do  I 
claim  that  much  could  be  accomplished,  either  for  the  pub- 
lic health  or  for  the  economic  betterment  of  the  medical 
profession,  by  the  installation  of  mass  production  methods  in 
the  manufacture  of  pills. 

Mass  production  is  not  a  mere  detail  of  factory  technique. 
It  is  a  universal  principle.  It  consists  of  the  organization  of 
human  knowledge,  under  the  most  scientific  direction,  to 
supply  the  needs  of  the  masses  by  the  most  satisfactory  and 
most  economical  method  in  which  they  can  be  supplied. 

The  greatest,  or  at  least  the  most  basic,  of  all  human  needs 
is  health.  Physicians  all  recognize  this.  They  need  no  one  to 
arouse  their  interest  in  the  project,  and  they  are  committed, 
in  the  very  nature  of  their  calling,  to  the  use  of  scientific 
methods  in  diagnosis  and  treatment.  It  would  be  the  rankest 
presumption  for  me,  a  mere  business  man,  to  undertake  to 
criticize  the  science  of  healing.  I  know,  of  course,  that  doc- 
tors make  mistakes;  but  they  are  employing  fact-finding 
methods  to  correct  those  mistakes,  and  that  is  the  best  assur- 



ance  which  can  possibly  be  given  that  the  mistakes  will  be 
discovered  and  corrected. 

A  business  man  may,  however,  criticize  the  business  of 
healing.  The  healing  business  is  still  badly  organized.  It  is 
suffering,  in  fact,  from  the  very  things  with  which  all  un- 
successful businesses  have  been  suffering  since  the  advent  of 
mass  production  disclosed  the  fact  that  a  business,  to  be 
successful,  must  organize  to  give  the  greatest  possible  service 
to  the  masses  at  the  lowest  possible  price. 

Fortunately,  many  leading  physicians  already  recognize 
this.  The  Committee  on  the  Cost  of  Medical  Care,  with  head- 
quarters in  Washington,  cites  figures  indicating  that  the 
total  annual  loss  through  illness  in  the  United  States,  in- 
cluding the  loss  of  future  net  earnings  on  account  of  pre- 
mature deaths,  amounts  to  more  than  $15,000,000,000,  while 
the  total  amount  of  physicians'  fees  is  only  $750,000,000.  No 
one,  of  course,  assumes  that  all  these  fifteen  billions  could 
immediately  be  saved,  no  matter  how  efficiently  the  medical 
profession  were  organized.  But  the  figures  indicate  that  there 
are  ample  economic  opportunities  for  the  healing  business, 
if  it  were  organized  to  produce  health  for  the  masses  as  effi- 
ciently, say,  as  the  automobile  business  is  organized  to  pro- 
duce transportation  for  the  masses. 

At  present,  however,  with  all  this  urgent  need  of  health, 
the  total  income  of  the  average  physician  is  so  low,  and  his 
chances  of  increasing  it  so  precarious,  that  many  are  claim- 
ing that  the  profession  is  overcrowded. 

There  can  be  no  question  as  to  the  masses'  wanting  health; 
and  they  would  gladly  pay  many  billions  of  dollars  to  get  it. 
They  are  paying  billions  as  it  is;  but  they  are  not  paying, 
as  a  rule,  for  what  they  want  but  for  what  they  most  de- 
cidedly do  not  want.  They  are  paying,  not  for  health,  but 
for  sickness. 

The  high  cost  of  medical  care  being  what  it  is,  millions 


do  not  call  a  doctor  until  they  have  to,  and  then  they  need 
so  much  attention  from  a  business  which  is  not  organized 
on  a  mass  production  basis  that  the  high  cost  of  medical 
care  is  what  it  is. 

While  the  cost  of  medical  care  is  far  too  high,  however, 
the  income  of  our  physicians  is  far  too  low. 

By  no  possibility  can  the  economic  aspects  of  this  or  any 
other  profession  be  ignored.  Our  doctors  have  surely  shown 
themselves  to  be  public-spirited,  self-sacrificing,  charitable; 
but  they  must  live  if  they  are  to  practice  and,  unless  there 
is  money  in  it,  the  medical  profession  can  not  make  much 

There  is  not  much  money  to  be  had,  however,  in  working 
along  the  traditional  lines  of  the  medical  profession.  The 
economic  opportunities  for  physicians  lie,  not  in  giving 
extraordinary  service  to  those  who  can  pay  large  fees,  but 
in  eliminating  the  economic  wastes  of  sickness.  The  masses 
can  not  pay  high  prices  for  anything.  Doctors'  bills,  how- 
ever, are  doubly  burdensome,  for  they  come  in  periods, 
usually  when  one's  income  has  stopped. 

The  medical  profession,  then,  is  peculiarly  concerned  with 
the  maintenance  of  general  prosperity.  Doctors  might  have 
more  work  if  everybody  else  were  ill;  but  if  everybody  else 
were  ill  and  consequently  out  of  work  the  doctors,  with 
plenty  of  work,  would  have  to  work  for  nothing.  They  could 
not  collect  their  bills,  at  least,  until  people  got  back  to 
work;  and  even  when  they  got  back  to  work,  there  would 
be  so  many  other  bills  to  pay  that  the  doctors  might  easily 
be  overlooked.  Every  doctor  knows  this.  Most  of  them  have 
learned  it  from  experience.  If  there  is  to  be  a  large  income 
for  the  healing  business,  then,  it  must  be  looked  for,  not 
from  those  impoverished  by  illness  but  from  those  who  are 
able  to  pay. 

This  is  where  the  principles  of  mass  production  come  in. 


For  only  a  few  are  able  to  pay  high  fees;  and  what  the  masses 
are  able  to  pay  depends  upon  how  well  buying  power  is 
being  distributed.  They  can  not  pay  $5,000  for  automobiles 
and  they  could  not  pay  $500  unless  the  car  in  question  was 
a  thoroughly  good  car.  But  they  can  and  will  pay  $500  for 
good  cars;  and  because  they  can  and  will  pay  that  much,  it 
is  possible  to  offer  them  a  car  for  that  money,  and  a  much 
better  car  than  could  be  offered  for  $5,000  if  the  masses  were 
not  buying  cars. 

They  can  and  will  pay  a  certain  amount  for  medical  care, 
if  it  is  first-class  medical  care — better  care,  say,  than  the 
average  wealthy  person  can  secure  for  many  times  the  money 
today.  They  can't  pay  even  this,  of  course,  if  they  are  sick, 
any  more  than  they  could  have  bought  automobiles  if  they 
had  been  unemployed.  But  the  automobile  business  organ- 
ized employment.  It  organized  to  create  wealth  which  wasn't 
being  created  and  to  distribute  that  wealth  through  dis- 
tributing buying  power.  The  process  paid  hugely.  The  medi- 
cal profession,  if  it  follows  the  same  principles,  has  an  equally 
good  opportunity. 

It  must,  of  course,  distribute  bill-paying  power,  at  the  same 
time  that  it  is  making  those  bills  as  low  as  the  scientific 
organization  of  healing  can  make  them,  and  learning  to  give 
better  values  in  actual  health  production  than  it  can  now 
give  for  its  high  fees. 

And  this  can  be  done.  It  is  exactly  what  mass  production 
does,  wherever  it  is  applied,  and  the  mass  production  of 
health  need  be  no  exception.  It  can  not  be  done,  however, 
so  long  as  health  production  is  carried  on  by  individual 
craftsmen,  or  general  practitioners,  or  by  individual  spe- 
cialists who  are  not  organized  to  produce  healthy  bodies 
but  are  independently  in  business  to  produce  good  heart- 
action,  good  throat  conditions  or  good  digestion,  as  the  case 
may  be. 


This,  to  be  sure,  is  the  age  of  the  specialist,  and  the  days 
of  the  general  practitioner  are  numbered.  But  there  is  this 
to  be  said  for  the  general  practitioner.  When  one  took  one's 
body  to  him  to  be  repaired,  he  might  not  be  able  to  repair 
it,  but  he  at  least  knew  what  his  patient  wanted.  He  knew 
that  his  patient  wanted  a  body  that  could  work;  and  if  the 
whole  body  didn't  work,  he  kept  on  tinkering,  no  matter 
how  thoroughly  he  may  have  fixed  up  certain  parts.  Today, 
however,  one  may  have  to  shop  indefinitely  among  special- 
ists; and  he  may  have  a  dozen  separate  bills  to  pay  for  re- 
pairs which,  no  matter  how  skillfully  made,  still  leave  his 
body  quite  as  useless  as  it  was  when  the  alterations  began. 

The  obvious  answer  to  this  human  need  is  group  medi- 
cine, but  such  an  organization  of  group  medicine  as  has 
hardly  yet  been  contemplated.  It  must,  moreover,  be  low- 
cost  group  medicine — health  production  at  the  lowest  pos- 
sible cost.  As  every  doctor  knows,  however,  curing  the  sick 
is  much  more  costly  than  preventing  sickness;  so  the  mass 
production  of  health  will  give  first  attention  to  keeping 
patients  well. 

If  all  the  health  production  forces  in  every  community 
were  organized  into  such  a  health  conserving  service,  three 
things  would  surely  happen.  Those  who  were  shopping  for 
health  would,  in  the  first  place,  be  certain  of  better  advice 
and  more  scientific  attention  than  any  general  practitioner 
or  any  number  of  specialists  acting  independently  could  give 
them.  Secondly,  great  masses  could  afford,  and  could  easily 
be  persuaded  to  take  advantage  of,  such  service;  and  thirdly, 
these  masses  would  be  so  much  better  off  financially  by  vir- 
tue of  being  kept  in  good  working  condition,  that  they  would 
be  able  to  support  a  far  more  elaborate  and  efficient  system 
of  health  production  than  it  would  at  first  be  possible  to 

Incidentally,  with  health  production  organized  on  any 


such  modern  business  basis,  there  would  be  little  need  for 
the  constant  propaganda,  so  necessary  at  present,  to  keep  the 
public  from  consulting  quacks,  from  dosing  itself  with 
patent  medicines,  from  joining  weird  health  cults  or  from 
following  the  diagnosis  and  advice  of  anyone  it  happens  to 
meet,  instead  of  consulting  the  medical  profession.  As  a  mat- 
ter of  fact,  it  is  difficult  to  consult  the  medical  profession 
today,  even  if  one  has  money  to  spare.  About  all  that  the 
average  patient  can  do  is  to  consult  some  doctor,  or  some  spe- 
cialist, who,  because  he  is  trying  to  conduct  a  little  business 
of  his  own,  can  not  immediately  place  before  the  patient  all 
the  advantages  which  medical  science  has  to  offer.  Critical 
cases,  to  be  sure,  may  be  sent  to  hospitals;  but  year-round 
health  service,  excepting  to  the  degree  that  individual  doc- 
tors are  trained  to  give  it,  is  a  difficult  thing  to  find,  even  at 
high  prices,  and  it  is  not  available  at  all  at  prices  which  the 
masses  can  now  afford  to  pay. 

It  is  often  said,  to  be  sure,  that  people  generally  are  so 
perverse  by  nature  that  they  will  almost  surely  neglect  their 
health.  There  is  no  proof  of  this.  When  anything,  however, 
no  matter  how  valuable  it  may  be,  costs  very  much,  people 
of  limited  means  are  forced  to  go  without  it  if  they  can. 
This  is  a  general  economic  principle,  by  no  means  confined 
to  the  buying  and  selling  of  health.  Wherever  the  masses 
have  no  money  to  buy  good  clothes,  they  neglect  their  per- 
sonal appearance;  and  when  travel  is  costly,  they  suppress 
their  desire  to  see  the  world  and  become  provincial  minded 

Those  who  do  buy  costly  things,  moreover,  even  though 
they  be  ever  so  valuable,  can  not  spend  their  money  in 
other  ways  and  can  not  contribute  as  they  might  to  the  gen- 
eral prosperity.  The  high  cost  of  medical  care,  therefore, 
does  not  mean  hard  times  merely  for  the  families  which 
pay  the  bills.  It  means  hard  times  for  doctors,  too,  because 


it  keeps  so  many  people  from  consulting  doctors  when  they 
should;  and  it  causes  unemployment  and  depression  in  all 
the  industries  manufacturing  things  which  those  who  are 
spending  their  money  on  doctors'  bills  want  but  have  to  go 

There  are  health  centers  already,  I  am  glad  to  note,  in 
most  of  our  principal  cities,  in  which  practitioners  in  many 
lines  are  combining  to  treat  the  sick  at  more  reasonable 
prices  than  the  masses  have  had  to  pay  for  such  excellent 
service  before.  But  this,  it  should  be  quite  clear,  is  not 
enough.  What  is  needed  is  an  even  greater  combination 
to  keep  people  well.  In  every  city,  and  even  in  the  rural 
districts,  the  medical  profession  must  organize  with  this  in 

I  think  it  altogether  probable,  when  the  health  experts 
are  once  organized  for  the  mass  production  of  health,  that 
they  may  find  it  poor  business  to  charge,  not  merely  high 
fees,  but  any  fee  at  all,  for  surgical  operations  and  the  emer- 
gency attention  needed  by  the  very  ill.  For  it  is  health  that 
people  want,  not  operations.  To  induce  them  to  pay  for  it 
regularly  might,  of  course,  necessitate  considerable  re-educa- 
tion; but  after  all,  it  is  a  selling  job  not  obviously  beyond 
the  possibilities  of  salesmanship.  The  great  necessity  is  that 
the  health  business  shall  have  high-grade,  low-cost  health  to 

Health,  however,  is  not  an  individual  matter  and  can  not 
be  dispensed  by  individual  practitioners.  Even  to  spread 
the  principles  of  personal  hygiene  is  not  enough.  The  suc- 
cessful administration  of  health  is  sorely  needed — and  not 
mere  political  administration  but  a  scientific  administration, 
organized  on  the  fact-finding  principles  with  which  the 
medical  profession  has  become  so  well  acquainted — not 
merely  for  the  expensive  treatment  of  helpless  persons  who 
can  not  afford  the  expense,  but  for  the  production  and  sale 


of  health  to  the  masses  who,  if  they  get  it,  can  then  well 
afford  to  pay  for  it. 

If  the  masses  pay  for  sickness,  it  must  be  remembered, 
they  exchange  their  wealth  for  something  which  they  do  not 
want,  and  are  necessarily  in  a  position  in  which  they  can 
neither  produce  more  wealth  nor  buy  those  things  which 
give  wealth-producing  employment  to  others.  If,  on  the  other 
hand,  they  pay  for  health,  and  get  it,  they  may  not  only  go 
on  producing,  but  they  may  also  go  on  buying  and  thus  con- 
tributing to  general  prosperity.  With  such  an  understanding 
of  actual  conditions,  the  healing  business  can  not  long  defer 
a  much  needed  scientific  reorganization  looking  to  the  highly 
profitable  mass  production  of  health. 

Most  unselfishly  today,  doctors  who  realize  the  social  char- 
acter of  health,  lift  their  voices  for  better  public  sanitation, 
more  room  and  more  playgrounds  for  children,  better  hous- 
ing and  better  industrial  conditions,  and  for  all  sorts  of 
reforms  by  which  their  own  medical  practice  may  be  re- 
duced. This  unselfishness,  however,  is  opposed  by  ignorant 
selfishness,  and  their  campaigns  are  ineffective;  and  the 
physicians  are  compelled  to  go  on  treating  patients  whom 
they  can  not  help  because  they  can  not  change  their  patient's 
unhealthful  environment.  With  the  whole  profession  concen- 
trating upon  the  facts  of  the  situation,  however,  instead  of 
upon  its  sentiments,  we  may  reasonably  hope  for  a  great  and 
sudden  change.  When  they  make  it  plain  that  sickness  is 
not  mere  personal  hard  luck,  and  that  it  is  economically 
ruinous  to  labor  and  capital,  to  taxpayers  and  to  consumers 
and  to  the  medical  profession  itself,  they  will  open  the  way 
for  enlightened  selfishness  to  act  in  an  enlightened  way  for 
social  betterment.  Doubtless  it  will  be  a  long  time  before 
disease  can  generally  be  conquered,  but  the  organization  of 
the  healing  business  on  actual  fact-finding  and  fact-recogniz- 
ing lines  will  bring  us  incalculably  nearer  the  goal. 


WHEN  one  suggests  the  mass  production  of  houses,  a 
dreary  picture  will  inevitably  enter  many  minds  of 
street  after  street  of  dwellings  all  alike — such  deadly  monot- 
ony and  uniformity  that,  even  if  they  are  well-built  homes, 
with  every  modern  convenience,  the  spiritual  effect  must  be 

It  is  well  to  remember  then  that  there  are  such  dreary 
sections  in  almost  all  our  cities,  and  that  they  are  not  the 
products  of  mass  production.  They  are  not  even  well-built 
and  serviceable.  While  mass  production  is  production  for 
the  masses,  and  inevitably  pays  first  attention  to  what  the 
masses  really  want,  these  barracks  and  hives  for  the  poor, 
and  the  scarcely  less  inspiring  rows  of  more  expensive  uni- 
formity for  those  not  quite  so  poor,  have  been  built  as  a  rule 
by  get-rich-quick  promoters  with  an  eye  to  giving  the  least 
possible  service  for  the  highest  obtainable  price. 

Mass  production  is  the  culmination  of  machine  produc- 
tion, but  these  houses  are  not  even  produced  by  machinery. 
Almost  invariably  they  are  handmade.  While  mass  produc- 
tion is  continually  discovering  less  and  less  costly  methods  of 
production,  the  cost  of  home-building  under  these  tradi- 
tional methods  is  more  than  in  former  years.  Employees  in 
this  industry  get  higher  wages  than  they  used  to  get;  but 
since  they  are  doing  things  in  much  the  same  way  that  they 
used  to  be  done,  the  output  per  man  has  not  increased.  The 
only  way  it  could  be  increased  under  such  conditions,  in 
fact,  would  be  through  speeding  up,  and  that  is  a  method 
of  increasing  production  which  has  long  since  ceased  to 
work.  If  every  worker  were  to  work  to  the  limit  of  his 



strength,  and  methods  were  not  improved,  not  much  could 
be  gained,  for  such  a  course  would  inevitably  tend  to  fatigue 
and  breakdown;  but  even  if  this  were  not  so,  it  would  be 
bad  policy  to  try  to  force  employees  to  work  like  that.  When 
employers  organize  to  get  all  they  can  out  of  their  workers, 
the  workers  inevitably  organize  to  get  all  they  can  out  of 
their  employers;  and  when  employers  are  forever  trying  to 
make  them  work  as  hard  as  they  can,  they  are  forever  looking 
for  ways  and  means  of  taking  things  as  easy  as  they  can. 
Only  when  industry  is  organized  to  eliminate  unnecessary 
effort  can  it  be  most  successful.  Only  then,  in  fact,  can  con- 
tinuous employment  be  assured.  Work  is  notoriously  un- 
steady in  the  building  trades. 

Anything  which  tends  to  "make  the  job  last"  tends  to 
make  it  the  last  job;  for  such  a  course  compels  high  prices, 
restricts  purchasing  and  makes  it  difficult  for  the  consumer 
to  order  more  work  done.  On  the  other  hand,  anything 
which  tends  to  get  a  job  done  in  the  simplest  and  most 
effective  way  in  which  it  can  be  done  conserves  the  consum- 
er's dollar  and  makes  it  possible  for  him  to  satisfy  more 
wants  and  thus  to  provide  still  more  employment. 

But  what  is  "the  job?"  In  the  building  industry,  tradi- 
tionally, the  job  has  seemed  to  be  the  building  of  a  house, 
and  the  industry,  it  has  been  supposed,  knew  how  to  build 
houses.  In  the  mass  production  industries,  the  job  has 
been  the  supplying  of  some  human  want;  and  the  mass  pro- 
duction industries  are  organized  on  the  theory  that  no  one 
yet  knows  how  those  wants  can  best  be  supplied.  The  mass 
production  industries  are,  therefore,  finding  out,  while  the 
home  builders,  apparently,  have  considered  the  question  as 
having  been  settled  so  long  ago  that  it  isn't  necessary  to 
analyze  the  actual  conditions  in  modern  America  to  find 
out  what  the  would-be  householder  really  wants. 

This  is  not  wholly  true,  of  course,  for  builders  have  no- 


ticed  that  people  want  bath  rooms  and  furnaces  and  electric 
lights;  and  they  stand  ready  to  provide  houses  with  such 
improvements,  if  buyers  are  willing  to  pay  extra  for  them. 
But  people  do  not  want  to  pay  extra.  They  want  houses 
with  these  modern  conveniences  for  the  price  of  houses 
in  which  they  used  to  live  and  which  had  nothing  of  the 
sort.  To  the  building  industry,  this  may  seem  to  be  an  ut- 
terly unreasonable  demand,  and  so  nothing  is  done  about  it. 
To  the  mass  production  industries,  it  may  also  have  seemed 
to  be  an  unreasonable  demand,  but  something  is  done  about 
it.  The  purpose  of  industry  is  not  to  satisfy  human  reasons 
but  to  satisfy  human  wants.  Explanations  as  to  why  we  can 
not  have  our  wants  supplied  may  be  perfectly  satisfactory 
to  our  intellects,  but  such  explanations  will  not  make  us 
buy;  and  unless  we  do  buy,  business  can  not  sell.  The  auto- 
mobile industry  has  prospered  by  finding  out  how  to  sell 
cars  meeting  all  modern  demands  for  a  fraction  of  the  price 
of  the  earlier  and  clumsier  models. 

The  building  industry  has  not  even  asked  itself  the  ques- 
tion: Where  do  the  people  to  whom  we  are  trying  to  sell 
houses  really  want  to  live?  And  where,  in  fact,  are  they  going 
to  live,  whether  they  prefer  it  as  a  locality  or  not?  These 
would  seem  to  be  important  questions,  for  it  would  seem 
difficult  to  sell  a  man  a  home  in  Philadelphia  if  he  was  about 
to  move  to  Chicago;  but  the  building  industry  pays  little 
attention  to  that.  There  was  a  time,  they  know,  when  people 
customarily  settled  down  wherever  they  built  their  homes; 
and  the  home-providing  industry  seems  not  to  have  noticed 
that  that  time  has  passed  away.  The  masses  are  on  the  move 
today.  It  is  impossible  for  a  large  percentage  of  them  ever 
to  settle  down  for  life  in  one  particular  spot.  They  either 
have  to  go,  or  it  is  highly  advisable  that  they  should  go, 
where  they  can  get  good  jobs,  and  modern  industry  is  in 
a  state  of  flux.  It  is  constantly  centralizing  and  decentraliz- 


ing,  calling  multitudes  hither  and  thither,  and  making  it 
impossible  for  them  to  establish  homes  in  the  old  traditional 

I  am  not  speaking  of  a  "floating  population"  nor  of  fly-by- 
night  factories  which  locate  here  and  there  for  the  purpose, 
chiefly,  of  selling  stock  to  gullible  home-town  boosters.  In- 
dustrialism is  not  nomadic.  It  is  established  firmly  in  the 
community  which  it  serves;  but  this  community  is  no  longer 
a  fixed,  geographical  center.  It  may  be  nation-wide  or  even 
world-wide  in  its  character,  and  its  citizens  are  increasingly 
under  the  necessity  of  living,  not  with  reference  merely  to 
some  particular  municipality,  but  with  reference  to  their 
position  in  the  nation  or  in  the  world. 

When  they  buy  a  home,  however,  they  are  compelled  to 
think  in  terms  of  residence  in  one  particular  spot.  If  their 
means  are  limited,  such  a  home  may  easily  become  a  mill- 
stone about  their  necks.  Pittsburgh,  for  example,  might  de- 
cline, not  because  the  steel  industry  is  declining  but  because 
it  is  expanding  and  finds  that  it  can  serve  the  world  more 
effectively  by  building  up  in  Birmingham.  If  such  a  thing 
should  happen,  thousands  of  Pittsburgh  home  owners  would 
lose  their  homes  through  no  fault  of  their  own  or,  by  refus- 
ing to  move  when  their  jobs  do,  would  actually  become 

It  is  only  natural,  of  course,  that  people  should  think  of 
home  in  terms  of  some  particular  spot,  for  when  agricul- 
ture was  our  way  of  life,  it  was  necessary  to  settle  down, 
geographically,  and  grow  up  with  the  community,  if  we 
hoped  to  make  our  social  position  secure.  But  industry  is 
now  our  way  of  life;  and  if  we  do  not  move  when  industrial 
opportunity  calls  us,  we  detach  ourselves  from  the  com- 
munity in  which  we  really  live  and  move  and  have  our 
being,  and,  by  hanging  on  to  the  formula  of  "home,"  actu- 
ally deprive  ourselves  of  its  spiritual  reality. 


There  are  many  towns  in  America  which  boast  about  the 
large  percentage  of  their  population  who  own  their  own 
homes.  It  may  be  nothing  to  brag  about.  It  may  simply  mean 
that  workers  have  stuck  when  they  could  have  bettered  them- 
selves by  going  elsewhere,  because  their  savings  were  tied 
up  in  a  house  and  lot  which  they  could  not  bring  with  them 
and  could  not  sell  for  anything  near  the  amount  which  they 
had  invested.  When  a  large  industry  dies  or  moves,  it  is 
likely  so  to  depopulate  a  town  that  people  may  be  able  to 
buy  houses  there  for  very  little  money,  and  they  may  imagine 
that  they  are  buying  homes.  But  this  can  not  make  them 
homes.  To  become  homes,  they  must  be  houses  in  which 
families  can  live  without  sacrificing  their  economic  security, 
and  economic  security  now  rests  in  industry  instead  of  in 
geographical  locality. 

The  business  of  housing,  however,  seems  to  get  its  tips,  not 
from  actual  industrial  evolution  but  from  the  real  estate 
business — the  business  of  selling  locations  to  masses  who  can 
not  locate.  And  if  large  numbers  refuse  to  become  static  in 
a  moving  world,  it  is  assumed  that  they  do  not  want  homes. 
I  see  no  evidence  to  support  this.  It  seems  to  me  that  human 
beings  yearn  as  much  as  ever  for  the  things  which  home  once 
provided  but  which  a  mere  house  and  lot  can  not.  They 
want  stability  in  their  lives.  They  want  a  sense  of  belonging 
to  the  community  and  being  a  part  of  it — a  feeling  which 
mere  residence  can  no  longer  give.  If  the  housing  industry 
would  only  analyze  this  need,  and  determine  to  fill  it  by 
modern  mass  production  methods,  the  housing  industry 
would  take  on  new  life. 

No  mere  local  real  estate  promoter  could,  of  course,  do 
this.  It  would  require  a  nation-wide  building  business,  inter- 
ested not  in  gluing  families  to  some  particular  spot  but  in 
serving  them  to  the  best  of  its  ability.  It  would  not  care 
where  its  customers  lived;  but  it  would  keep  in  touch  with 


industrial  development  and  be  ready  with  good  housing  at 
the  lowest  possible  price  in  the  places  to  which  industry 
would  constantly  be  drawing  them.  Such  a  concern  would 
probably  not  try  to  sell  locations.  It  would  sell  equities, 
rather,  in  any  city  in  which  a  customer  was  working,  with 
the  provision  that,  if  he  wished  to  move  to  some  other  city, 
he  could  exchange  his  equity  for  its  equivalent  in  the  latter 

If  industry  were  to  desert  any  particular  community,  of 
course,  there  would  be  a  great  loss  involved  in  the  deprecia- 
tion of  houses  there.  But  this  loss  should  and  could  be 
equalized,  perhaps,  by  insurance,  instead  of  falling,  as  it  does 
today,  upon  those  who  have  made  the  mistake  of  investing 
in  a  permanent  location  when  what  they  really  wanted  was 
a  permanent  home.  In  the  larger  communities,  of  course, 
while  industries  are  constantly  dwindling  or  moving  out, 
other  industries  are  constantly  expanding  or  moving  in.  But 
the  hapless  home  owner  of  today  is  not  usually  in  a  position 
to  take  advantage  of  this.  He  is  likely  to  be  a  machinist  or 
an  electrician,  and  it  is  unreasonable  to  expect  him  to  be  a 
business  man  as  well;  and  it  is  unlikely  that  he  will  be  able 
to  sell  his  home  on  fair  terms  to  himself,  even  in  a  city  where 
the  market,  if  sales  are  not  forced,  may  be  fairly  good.  The 
housing  business  should  attend  to  the  business  of  providing 
homes,  and  should  accept  its  business  responsibilities,  instead 
of  making  money,  as  it  so  often  tries  to  do  today,  out  of  the 
desperation  of  families  who  have  to  move  and  abandon  their 
properties  immediately. 

With  housing  organized  on  a  nation-wide  scale,  and  with 
first  attention  given  to  the  actual  human  needs  involved, 
there  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  the  building  industry 
could  not  improve  its  technical  methods  quite  as  success- 
fully as  other  mass  production  industries.  To  preserve  the 
ancient  methods,  or  even  the  conventional  forms,  would  be 


no  part  of  its  program.  Anything  which  could  be  done  better 
by  machinery  than  with  the  old-fashioned  tools  of  handi- 
craft would  be  done  in  factories,  and  machines  would  con- 
stantly be  designed  to  do  them  better  yet.  The  finished  prod- 
uct might  look  no  more  like  the  houses  of  today  than  the 
modern  automobile  looks  like  a  horse  and  wagon,  or  the 
radio  like  the  town  crier  of  another  century.  But  they  would 
be,  first,  quite  as  much  more  serviceable;  and  secondly,  they 
would  become  more  and  more  beautiful  as  the  industry 

For  man  wants  beauty.  The  masses  heretofore  have  had 
little  opportunity  to  achieve  it;  but  where  conditions  have 
provided  men  with  wealth  and  leisure  they  have  demon- 
strated their  preference  for  beautiful  things.  Mass  produc- 
tion is  now  providing  wealth  and  leisure  for  the  masses, 
and  since  mass  production  is  production  for  the  masses,  it 
must  give  attention  to  their  aspiration  toward  the  beautiful. 
Old-fashioned  production  did  not  do  this  because  it  did  not 
have  to.  It  built  beautiful  mansions,  but  it  built  them  for 
the  classes;  when  it  built  for  the  masses,  it  built  rude  huts 
and  slums. 

We  may  be  sure  then,  that  the  housing  industry  under 
mass  production  methods  will  avoid  monotony  and  uni- 
formity, but  it  will  strive  for  harmony.  Large-scale  planning 
will  make  such  harmony  possible.  A  beautiful  house,  like 
a  beautiful  garment,  may  become  ugly  if  it  does  not  har- 
monize with  its  environment;  but  harmony,  when  it  is 
achieved,  does  not  destroy  individuality  but  heightens  it. 
The  artist  and  the  architect,  we  may  be  sure,  will  hold  an 
important  position  in  the  counsels  of  the  mass  production 
housing  industry;  but  they  will  be  artists  and  architects  who 
know  that  beauty  is  achieved,  neither  through  sticking  un- 
thinkingly to  no  longer  meaningful  forms,  nor  through  an- 
archistic self-expression  by  which  a  number  of  houses  today, 


each  a  sincere  attempt  to  achieve  beauty  by  itself,  may  so 
swear  at  each  other  and  at  the  surrounding  landscape  as  to 
make  the  general  ensemble  a  hopeless  eyesore. 

Just  what  a  thoroughly  serviceable  and  beautiful  home 
should  cost  when  the  technique  of  mass  production  shall 
have  been  discovered  and  applied,  is  of  course  a  matter  of 
speculation.  That  ten  thousand  dollar  houses  could  be  built 
and  sold  profitably  for  $1000  would  seem  to  the  conven- 
tional builder  to  be  a  silly  statement.  He  will  say  that  the 
material  alone  must  cost  much  more  than  that,  that  trans- 
portation may  cost  as  much  again  and  that  the  labor  in- 
volved would  cost  several  times  as  much.  Nevertheless,  one 
can  buy  an  incalculably  better  car  today  for  $500  than  he 
could  buy  for  $5000  a  few  years  ago.  Only  when  traditional 
thinking  is  abandoned,  and  industry  sets  out  to  meet  the 
needs  of  the  masses  at  prices  which  the  masses  can  and  will 
pay,  can  we  ever  know  how  abundantly  those  needs  may  be 

It  is  certain  that  millions  of  people  would  order  houses 
built,  if  they  could  get  them  for  such  a  figure  and  could 
readily  exchange  them,  if  they  had  to  move,  for  equally  good 
houses  in  the  place  to  which  industrial  opportunity  was 
calling  them.  No  member  of  the  building  trades,  then, 
would  be  out  of  employment,  excepting  those  who  might 
refuse  to  engage  in  building  unless  building  were  carried 
on  by  the  old  conventional  formulas.  Industry  can  not  stick, 
however,  to  the  old  conventional  formulas.  If  it  does,  it 
creates  no  new  wealth,  and  the  old  conventional  standard 
of  living  is  the  most  that  we  can  hope  for;  and  under  the 
old  conventional  standard  of  living,  the  masses  could  not 
live  in  decent  homes  and  could  not  give  much  profitable 
employment  either  to  builders  or  to  producers  in  other 

Only  mass  production  can  solve  the  housing  problem,  and 


only  mass  production  can  solve  the  problems  of  the  housing 
industry.  For  only  under  mass  production — production  for 
the  masses — do  the  problems  of  producer  and  consumer  be- 
come the  same. 



A  GRICULTURE,  as  we  are  constantly  reminded,  is  not 
JL\.  an  industry  so  much  as  it  is  a  way  of  life.  This  is  an 
important  point.  Unless  it  is  taken  into  consideration,  any 
program  of  farm  relief  will  almost  certainly  land  us  in  con- 

But  industry  also  is  a  way  of  life.  It  is  a  different  way  of 
life.  It  is  a  much  more  profitable  way  of  life,  at  least  as  far 
as  material  results  are  concerned,  although  many  still  de- 
voutly believe  that  the  agricultural  way  of  living  is  spirit- 
ually much  better. 

The  trouble  with  most  of  the  programs  for  farm  relief 
is  that  they  try  to  preserve  the  old  way  of  life  and,  at  the 
same  time,  achieve  the  new  prosperity.  This  simply  can't 
be  done.  If  the  old  way  is  preserved,  the  best  that  we  can 
hope  for  are  the  old  results.  The  ox  cart  was  one  way  of 
transportation.  The  automobile  is  another.  As  far  as  speed 
and  comfort  are  concerned,  the  motor  car  is  highly  prefer- 
able, but  there  may  be  many  sentimental  reasons  why  one 
does  not  wish  to  give  up  the  old  ox  team.  It  is  foolish  to 
argue  that  sentiment  can  not  be  considered.  Sentiment  can 
be  and  is  considered  in  the  solution  of  many  human  prob- 
lems. What  we  can  not  hope  for,  however,  is  to  make  the 
ox  team  keep  up  with  the  automobile.  Even  if,  by  some 
miracle,  we  could  get  the  hitherto  deliberate  beasts  to  pull 
us  sixty  miles  an  hour,  the  results  would  still  be  unsatis- 

If  an  ox  team  should  get  stuck  in  the  mud,  a  motor  car 
might  pull  it  out.  It  would  not  follow,  however,  that  the 
best  way  to  haul  loads  is  to  hitch  a  motor  car  in  front  of 



every  ox  team.  Such  a  method,  in  fact,  is  not  the  best  method 
of  driving  oxen.  It  neither  gets  the  job  done  as  efficiently  as 
it  might  be  done  nor  preserves  the  ancient  way  of  doing  it. 
All  it  preserves,  at  most,  is  the  semblance  of  the  ox  cart  sys- 
tem; and  it  preserves  that  only  in  the  minds  of  those  who 
refuse  to  look  at  the  whole  set-up. 

This  confusion  of  the  old  way  and  the  new  is  not  only 
widespread  today,  but  it  has  become  chronic  in  American 
agriculture.  Much  machinery  has  been  brought  to  the  farm: 
but  it  has  been  brought  there,  as  a  rule,  not  to  pull  the 
loads  which  machinery  might  pull,  but  to  pull  the  machinery 
which  once  pulled  loads  but  which,  in  a  machine  civiliza- 
tion, can  not  pull  successfully.  But  the  new  arrangement  is 
not  pulling  successfully  either;  hence  all  sorts  of  programs 
are  being  launched  to  get  the  government  to  pull  the  ma- 
chine which  is  pulling  the  ox  which  isn't  pulling  the  load. 

To  rid  ourselves  of  this  confusion,  it  is  necessary  only 
that  we  note  the  exact  difference  between  the  agricultural 
and  the  industrial  way  of  life.  If  we  prefer  the  old  way  to 
the  new,  there  are  still  some  places  on  earth  where  the  old 
way  might  be  followed.  Not  many  Americans  could  follow 
it,  however,  and  fewer  still  would  care  to,  for  the  old  way 
of  agriculture,  at  best,  could  not  produce  much  wealth.  It 
could  and  did,  however,  produce  a  degree  of  independence 
which  is  utterly  impossible  in  industry. 

The  American  farmer  still  seems  to  idealize  this  inde- 
pendence. If  he  had  it,  he  might  not  think  so  highly  of  it, 
for  he  would  necessarily  have  to  get  along  without  a  lot  of 
things  which  he  has  learned  to  like.  He  could  not,  for  in- 
stance, have  any  farm  machinery  excepting  such  implements 
as  he  might  be  able  to  make  on  his  own  farm.  Of  course  he 
could  not  have  telephones  or  newspapers  or  radios,  electric 
light  and  power,  automobiles,  railroads,  or  even  anything  to 
eat  or  wear  which  he  and  his  family  could  not  produce  out 


of  raw  materials  on  the  farm.  All  such  things  are  the  product 
of  large  numbers  of  people  getting  together,  pooling  their 
knowledge  and  cooperating  in  such  a  way  that  they  become 
dependent  upon  one  another.  Independence  and  wealth  are 
mutually  exclusive.  If  we  hope  to  get  one,  we  must  give 
up  the  other;  and  all  efforts  to  achieve  independence  are 
necessarily  in  the  direction  of  hard  labor  and  a  low  standard 
of  living. 

Mass  production,  which  is  the  most  successful  form  of  in- 
dustry, is  the  extreme  opposite  of  independence.  It  means 
complete  dependence  upon  the  masses — complete  interde- 
pendence, and  therefore  the  highest  possible  standard  of 
living  for  everybody.  It  means  achieving  wealth  through  dis- 
tributing it.  It  involves  paying  the  highest  possible  wages 
and  selling  the  product  at  the  lowest  possible  price.  If  it 
doesn't  mean  loving  others  as  we  love  ourselves,  it  at  least 
means  thinking  of  others  first,  in  our  own  self-interest,  and 
serving  ourselves  best  through  serving  others  best. 

It  doesn't  mean  unselfishness.  It  means  simply  the  dis- 
covery of  better  and  more  successful  methods  of  getting  what 
we  want — that  is,  if  we  want  prosperity.  If  we  want  inde- 
pendence, of  course,  and  do  not  care  for  prosperity,  mass 
production  will  not  help  us  in  the  least.  The  point  is  that 
we  can  not  have  individual  independence  and  prosperity 
too,  and  no  machinery  has  ever  been  invented  which  can 
help  us  get  them  both. 

Farmers,  however,  can  have  a  sense  of  independence,  if 
they  are  determined  enough.  They  can  get  that  by  tradi- 
tional thinking — by  refusing  to  look  realities  squarely  in 
the  face.  Remembering  that  agriculture  is  a  way  of  life,  they 
may  assume  that,  because  they  are  farmers,  it  will  not  be 
necessary  for  them  to  learn  any  other  way.  They  may  be 
"progressive,"  after  a  fashion.  They  may  buy  modern  ma- 
chinery. They  may  combine  to  limit  production  and  to 


keep  prices  up.  But  all  this,  at  best,  can  amount  to  mere 
temporary  relief.  If  they  wish  to  succeed  in  this  world  of 
mass  production,  they  must  abandon  not  only  ancient  de- 
vices but  ancient  viewpoints  and  apply  the  principles  by 
which  success  is  now  attained.  These  are  the  principles  of 
mass  production. 

I  do  not  mean  to  criticize  the  farmers  for  trying  to  hang 
on  to  the  notion  of  independence,  in  a  world  in  which  actual 
independence  has  become  so  impractical.  Thousands  of  busi- 
ness men,  with  far  less  excuse  for  doing  so,  are  making  the 
same  attempt.  They  are  attacking  the  chain  stores  for  "taking 
away  their  independence"  and  are  appealing  to  the  public 
and  to  the  government  to  bring  it  back.  This  is  in  spite  of 
the  fact  that  merchants  never  were  and  never  could  be  inde- 
pendent, while  farmers,  once  upon  a  time,  could  be  and 

Trade,  from  its  very  beginning,  required  two  parties. 
Farming  needed  only  one.  A  farm  family  might  produce 
the  necessities  of  life  and  consume  them,  without  consulting 
any  outside  interests;  but  a  commercial  firm,  in  the  very 
nature  of  its  position,  had  to  deal  with  the  outside  world 
in  order  to  make  a  living  for  itself. 

Even  today  the  farmer  has  a  constant  suggestion  of  this 
independence,  particularly  if  he  is  running  an  old-fashioned 
farm  with  land  devoted  to  many  different  crops  and  keeps 
a  few  cows  and  hogs  and  chickens  and  sheep.  He  can  not,  to 
be  sure,  make  money  on  such  a  farm,  and  he  could  not  for 
very  long  make  a  living  on  it  if  it  were  walled  off  from 
the  rest  of  the  world  and  all  communication  with  it  stopped. 
But  he  could  go  on  living  for  weeks  and  months,  perhaps  for 
years,  a  thing  which  the  human  groups  who  compose  our 
greatest  and  most  powerful  business  corporations  could  not 
do  if  they  were  suddenly  isolated  from  the  rest  of  society. 
The  employers  and  employees  of  the  United  States  Steel 


Corporation  or  of  General  Motors,  if  left  to  their  own 
devices,  could  not  take  care  of  each  other  for  a  single  week, 
because  they  are  not  equipped  to  provide  themselves  di- 
rectly with  the  elemental  necessities  of  life.  They  must  deal 
with  farmers  before  they  can  live  at  all.  It  is  only  natural, 
then,  that  farmers  should  think  of  their  "independence," 
while  quite  absurd  that  business  men  should  apply  the 
term  to  themselves. 

Farmers  are  independent,  however,  only  to  the  degree 
that  they  abstain  from  business.  The  moment  they  think 
of  selling  their  products,  they  begin  to  leave  the  old  way 
of  life  and  begin  to  take  on  the  new.  While  agriculture, 
then,  is  one  way  of  life,  and  business  another,  the  business 
of  agriculture  is  not  the  agricultural  but  the  business  way. 

We  can  get  nowhere,  surely,  in  the  solution  of  the  farm 
problem,  if  we  do  not  know  what  we  are  talking  about 
when  we  speak  of  farming.  Do  we  mean  the  system  by  which 
a  family  can  wrest  a  bare  living  from  the  soil?  Or  do  we 
mean  a  system  of  producing  and  distributing  food  success- 
fully? These  are  two  very  different  things.  One  involves 
staying  out  of  the  machine  civilization  and  becoming  inde- 
pendent of  it.  The  other  necessitates  coming  into  it,  and 
discovering  and  applying  the  principles  of  mass  production, 
which  are  the  principles  by  which  success  is  possible  in  the 
machine  civilization. 

In  both  the  old  way  and  the  new,  it  is  well  to  remember, 
cooperation  will  be  essential.  In  the  one  case,  however,  the 
cooperation  will  be  limited  to  the  members  of  a  very  small 
group,  consisting  of  the  farmer  and  his  family.  There  must 
be  a  family.  Individuals,  surely,  can  not  think  of  isolating 
themselves  from  the  rest  of  humanity  and  achieving  indi- 
vidual independence,  letting  the  babies,  if  there  are  any, 
shift  for  themselves.  The  babies  can  not  do  that.  The  sick 
can  not  do  it.  The  very  old  can  not  do  it.  There  must  be 


some  sort  of  organization  by  which  everybody  will  work 
first  in  the  interest  of  the  whole  group,  or  the  race  would 
come  to  an  end.  The  real  difference,  then,  between  the  old 
way  of  life  and  the  new  is  in  the  size  of  the  economic  group. 
The  old-fashioned  group  was  very  small  and,  even  if  every 
member  worked  hard  and  there  was  the  finest  cooperative 
spirit,  only  a  bare  living  could  be  achieved.  Mass  production 
constantly  widens  the  group,  and  seeks  to  include  everybody, 
not  because  of  unselfishness  but  because  selling  to  everybody, 
and  seeing  to  it  that  everybody  is  amply  able  to  buy,  is  so 
much  more  profitable  than  any  other  way  of  doing  business. 

Today,  absurdly,  agriculture  is  faced  with  the  problem 
of  overproduction,  which  proves,  at  any  rate,  that  the  farm- 
ers have  abandoned  the  old  way  of  life.  Independent  little 
groups  would  never  have  such  a  problem,  for  even  if  they 
raised  more  than  all  the  members  could  eat,  no  one  would 
think  of  worrying  about  it.  The  only  thing  that  worried 
them  was  their  having  less  than  they  wanted.  It  is  not  neces- 
sary to  suggest,  then,  that  farmers  should  abandon  the  old 
way  of  life,  but  only  that  they  must  abandon  the  old  way 
of  thinking. 

American  farmers,  for  instance,  have  been  producing  mil- 
lions of  bushels  of  wheat  and  millions  of  bales  of  cotton 
more  than  they  could  sell,  and  have  been  compelled  to 
offer  them  for  sale  at  less  than  the  cost  of  production.  They 
have  appealed  to  the  government  to  guarantee  a  profitable 
sale  for  all  this  produce,  and  the  government  has,  at  times, 
sunk  millions  of  dollars  into  buying  farm  products  which  it 
did  not  want  and  could  not  sell  without  driving  the  price 
still  lower  and  leaving  the  farmers  still  more  desperate  than 

In  the  meantime,  desperate  efforts  were  made  to  organize 
"cooperative  marketing,"  partly  with  the  intent  of  doing 
away  with  a  needlessly  expensive  system  of  middlemen,  but 


chiefly  for  the  purpose  of  securing  for  the  farmers  a  higher 
price  than  they  were  able  to  get  through  unrestrained  com- 
petition. All  these  movements  were  understandable,  for  it 
was  obvious  that  farmers  could  not  go  on  indefinitely  selling 
their  product  below  the  cost  of  production,  but  none  of  them 
found  or  could  find  a  solution.  The  solution  is  too  simple. 
It  consists  of  operating,  in  an  industrial  world,  upon  indus- 
trial principles,  and  in  a  world  of  mass  production  upon 
the  principles  of  mass  production. 

If  the  automobile  industry  had  found  itself  producing 
more  cars  than  it  could  dispose  of  above  the  cost  of  produc- 
tion, we  can  not  imagine  the  Government's  buying  millions 
of  cars,  which  it  did  not  need  and  could  not  sell,  so  that  the 
industry  might  go  on  producing  still  more  millions  of  cars 
and  thus  keep  all  its  employees  "profitably"  employed.  Un- 
employment, to  be  sure,  could  not  solve  any  problem,  as  the 
mass  production  industries  must  inevitably  find  out;  but 
neither  can  continuous  employment  in  the  production  of 
things  which  can  not  be  profitably  sold. 

Mass  production,  however,  does  not  try  to  limit  produc- 
tion to  the  market.  Above  all,  it  does  not  attempt  to  peg 
prices.  If  it  can  not  sell  profitably  at  the  prevailing  price, 
it  lowers  the  price,  achieves  a  wider  market  and  finds  out 
how  to  sell  profitably  at  this  lower  price.  It  can  do  this  only 
by  conquering  wastes  in  production  and  distribution;  and 
when  everything  possible  is  done  to  simplify  the  flow  of 
goods  from  producer  to  consumer,  the  price  becomes  so  low 
and  the  market  so  wide  that,  instead  of  unemployment,  it  is 
necessary  to  employ  more  people  than  before. 

Only  when  farming  is  organized  to  fill  the  needs  of  con- 
sumers at  the  lowest  possible  price  with  which  they  can  be 
filled  can  farming  succeed  in  a  mass  production  world.  That, 
of  course,  will  entail  large-scale  production.  It  will  necessi- 
tate looking  upon  farming  as  an  industry,  instead  of  a  mere 


homestead  where  whoever  happens  to  belong  to  the  family 
may  join  with  the  others  in  scratching  a  living  from  the  soil. 
It  must  be  governed"  by  fact-finding,  instead  of  by  tradition, 
and  must  adopt  not  merely  modern  machinery  but  modern, 
scientific  management  in  production,  distribution  and 
finance.  It  must  not  merely  adopt  modern  formulas,  but 
must  adopt  the  technique  of  improving  constantly  upon 
these  formulas,  never  being  content  to  continue  doing 
things  in  the  way  they  have  been  done. 

Modern  industry,  moreover,  can  not  confine  itself  to  the 
manufacture  of  one  specific  commodity  when  the  market 
for  that  commodity  has  been  destroyed  or  rendered  un- 
profitable by  any  cause,  or  when  such  production  is  neces- 
sarily seasonal  in  character  and  competitors  have  found  a 
way  to  supply  the  market  as  a  mere  side  line  of  some  con- 
tinuous, profitable,  year-round  business  organization. 

No  worker  could  be  successful,  surely,  if  his  only  occupa- 
tion consisted  of  shovelling  snow.  Conceivably,  he  might  be 
an  excellent  snow  shoveller,  but  he  would  find  himself  out- 
distanced at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year  by  those  who  had 
kept  fairly  busy  at  other  occupations  during  the  weeks  and 
months  when  snow  shovellers  were  not  in  demand.  Such  a 
man,  in  fact,  could  not  afford  to  shovel  snow  at  any  wages 
which  a  snow  shoveller  could  hope  to  get;  for  such  wages 
surely  would  not  be  enough  to  keep  him  through  the  year, 
and  he  would  be  forced  to  apply  either  to  the  government  or 
to  private  charity  for  snow  shoveller's  relief. 

But  how  about  wheat  growers?  No  modern  business  or- 
ganization, surely,  can  hope  to  confine  itself  to  wheat  grow- 
ing, and  still  hope  to  sell  its  wheat  very  profitably.  The 
enterprise  requires  considerable  capital  and,  in  harvest  time, 
a  considerable  force  of  employees.  But  it  is  seasonal.  The 
capital,  equipment  and  labor  involved  can  be  concentrated 
upon  the  job  of  wheat  growing  for  but  a  few  weeks  during 


the  whole  year;  and  even  in  good  years,  one  is  taking  a 
desperate  chance  if  he  hopes  to  make  an  annual  profit  from 
these  few  weeks  of  maximum  activity. 

Obviously  this  is  an  industrial  problem  and  requires  an 
industrial  solution.  Years  ago  the  majority  of  our  industries 
were  seasonal;  and  so  long  as  they  were  competing  with 
similarly  seasonal  industries,  they  managed  to  get  along. 
Those  were  the  days,  however,  of  low  wages,  small  profits 
and  a  low  standard  of  living  generally.  When  some  employers 
discovered  how  to  stabilize  their  organizations,  how  to  regu- 
larize employment,  how  to  develop  by-products  and  how  to 
keep  their  factories  running  full-head  throughout  the  year, 
would-be  competitors  who  did  not  adopt  such  methods  soon 
found  themselves  hopelessly  outdistanced  and  unable  to 
realize  any  returns  upon  the  capital  which  they  had  in- 

Many  services,  it  must  be  kept  in  mind,  are  necessarily 
seasonal.  One  can  not  run  a  summer  resort  in  winter.  If  the 
proprietor  of  a  summer  resort,  however,  can  utilize  his 
organization  and  capital  in  the  running  of  some  winter  re- 
sort when  his  summer  business  has  necessarily  ceased,  he 
has  a  distinct  advantage  over  any  competitor  who  is  de- 
pendent upon  a  two-month  season  for  a  twelve-month  in- 

The  question  is:  Can  agricultural  work  be  stabilized  so 
that  producers  of  wheat  (or  any  other  crop)  can  not  only 
produce  these  things  in  the  most  efficient  and  most  economi- 
cal way,  but  so  that  the  capital  and  the  labor  employed  in 
their  production  can  be  employed  with  equal  efficiency  in 
the  production  of  other  things  when  they  are  not  needed  in 
the  production  of  wheat? 

And  the  answer  is,  yes — in  these  days  of  mass  production. 
This  is  one  of  the  most  important,  although  one  of  the 
least  understood,  developments  of  modern  times,  and  not 


only  holds  out  enormous  opportunities  for  American  agri- 
culture but  promises  to  play  a  conspicuous  part  in  the  build- 
ing of  world  peace  and  world  prosperity. 

To  bring  up  the  price  of  wheat  so  that  wheat  growing 
under  the  old  system  might  again  become  profitable  is  hope- 
less. There  is  no  way  by  which  the  price  of  wheat  can  be 
advanced  excepting  through  limiting  the  crop;  and  when- 
ever there  is  any  sign  of  advancing  prices,  it  is  impossible  to 
limit  the  crop.  Even  if  America  were  the  only  wheat  grow- 
ing country,  limiting  the  crop  would  still  be  extremely  diffi- 
cult; but  with  Russia,  the  Argentine,  Canada,  the  United 
States  and  other  countries  all  growing  wheat  and  all  eager 
to  export  great  surpluses,  the  only  way  in  which  the  crop 
could  be  limited  is  through  prices  becoming  so  low  as  to 
discourage  wheat  growers  entirely. 

If  profits  can  not  be  made  out  of  low  prices,  then,  they 
can  not  be  made  at  all.  But  profits  can  be  made  out  of  low 
prices  if  wheat  growing,  instead  of  being  a  one-product,  sea- 
sonal industry,  can  become  the  by-product  of  successful, 
well-organized,  year-round,  industrial  enterprise.  And  this 
can  happen.  In  some  small  degree,  in  fact,  it  is  already  hap- 
pening. Modern  industry,  because  of  the  development  of 
electric  instead  of  steam  power,  is  decentralizing.  It  is  no 
longer  necessary  for  great  employers  to  gather  all  their  em- 
ployees under  one  roof  or  in  one  particular  spot.  Various 
parts  and  various  materials  of  one  industrial  product  may 
now  be  manufactured  in  small  branch  factories  throughout 
the  country,  wherever  conditions  are  favorable  for  such 
manufacturing;  and  it  is  already  being  discovered  that  con- 
ditions are  favorable  for  such  manufacturing,  or  that  they 
can  easily  be  made  favorable,  in  distinctly  agricultural  com- 

The  great  deterrent  to  such  development  heretofore  was 
the  difficulty  of  maintaining  regular  year-round  employment 


in  the  small  industrial  branches  located  in  the  rural  sections; 
but  by  the  coordination  of  agriculture  and  industry,  regu- 
larization  is  now  becoming  possible.  Farms  and  industries 
need  not  necessarily  be  under  the  same  management,  but 
they  must  plan  their  operations  with  reference  to  each  other. 
The  bulk  of  the  indoor  factory  work  will  necessarily  be 
done  in  winter,  while  the  bulk  of  the  outdoor  farm  work 
is  necessarily  done  in  summer.  The  farms,  moreover,  will 
tend  to  supply  the  industries  with  all  products  which  can 
be  grown  most  advantageously  in  the  vicinity;  and  the  in- 
dustries, through  their  research  departments,  will  seek  to 
find  new  uses  for  everything  which  the  farms  are  able  to 
produce,  or  for  things  which  they  have  been  producing  but 
have  customarily  thrown  away  as  worthless. 

Both  farms  and  industries,  then,  can  pay  high  wages,  and 
will  find  it  most  profitable  to  pay  the  highest  wages.  But  the 
farmer  will  not  have  to  pay  wages  out  of  his  own  past  sav- 
ings; he  will  be  paying  them,  rather,  out  of  the  greater 
savings  which  these  new  methods  and  this  new  coordina- 
tion of  industry  and  agriculture  will  be  effecting.  He  may 
be  a  small  farmer  or  a  large,  but  he  will  not  strive  for  an 
impossible  independence  from  the  world  in  which  he  is 
living,  but  for  the  fullest  possible  coordination  with  and 
the  greatest  possible  service  to  that  world.  If  his  holdings 
are  small,  he  will  doubtless  have  to  unite  with  other  small 
holders,  so  that  each  may  have  the  benefit  of  up-to-date 
machinery  and  large-scale,  systematic  planning,  and  so  that 
the  land  held  and  the  labor  employed  may  be  utilized  to  the 
utmost  advantage.  He  will  doubtless  find  it  necessary  to 
engage  in  cooperative  marketing,  not  however  for  the  pur- 
pose of  raising  prices  to  the  impossible  point  where  ineffi- 
ciency can  be  made  to  pay,  but  so  that  all  may  get  the 
greatest  total  profits  through  giving  the  greatest  possible 
service  at  the  lowest  possible  price. 


When  industry  and  agriculture  effect  such  cooperation, 
the  American  farmer  will  not  have  to  worry  about  the  price 
of  wheat.  He  may  or  he  may  not  consider  wheat  worth 
growing,  but  it  will  be  possible,  at  least,  for  him  to  sell 
wheat  in  the  world  market  without  facing  bankruptcy.  For 
wheat  will  not  represent  his  total  investment.  He  will  be 
working  profitably  the  whole  year  round,  either  in  some 
form  of  agriculture  which  is  profitable,  or  in  some  well-paid 
industrial  occupation.  He  will  not  grow  wheat,  then,  be- 
cause that  is  all  there  is  for  him  to  do;  and  if  there  is 
general  overproduction,  he  will  not  add  to  it  and  stake  his 
very  existence  upon  the  result.  The  greater  part  of  his  year, 
at  least,  will  have  been  spent  in  making  money;  and  any 
wheat  which  he  may  have  produced  in  addition  may  be 
sold  for  anything  which  the  market  offers  and  he  will  have 
that  much  more  money  anyway. 

When  it  is  discovered,  however,  that  industrial  countries 
can  produce  wheat  or  other  crops  at  lower  prices  than  agri- 
cultural countries  can,  the  agricultural  countries  will  have 
to  do  something  about  it.  The  inevitable  result  must  be  to 
force  industrialism  upon  these  other  nations,  if  for  no  other 
reason  than  to  avert  the  inevitable  social  upheavals  which 
would  follow  from  inability  to  sell  their  agricultural  sur- 

The  immediate  result,  of  course,  would  be  to  curtail  pro- 
duction for  the  world  market  in  those  countries  which  could 
not  sell  their  surpluses,  which  would  tend  to  raise  the  price 
in  the  world  market  once  more.  But  a  far  more  beneficial 
result,  both  to  America  and  to  the  whole  world,  would  come 
from  the  development  of  machine  industry  and  mass  pro- 
duction methods  in  the  agricultural  countries,  and  the 
consequent  raising  of  their  standard  of  living  toward  the 
American  level. 

World  progress,  world  prosperity  and  world  peace  itself 


depend  upon  more  buying,  as  more  effective  methods  of  in- 
dustry make  more  production  possible.  That  is,  upon  a 
higher  and  ever  higher  standard  of  living  for  the  masses, 
both  industrial  and  agricultural  workers,  everywhere.  The 
old  way  of  life — the  way  by  which  little  groups  could  till  the 
soil  for  their  own  immediate  keep — could  and  did  go  on 
for  ages;  and  while  it  was  always  desirable,  it  was  never 
necessary  that  the  masses  who  lived  by  such  methods  should 
rise  above  the  line  of  abject  poverty.  But  that  old  way  of 
life  is  not  only  undesirable  but  impossible  now.  Mass  pro- 
duction methods,  but  by  adopting  them  to  compel  their 
which  not  only  can  but  must  give  ever  greater  service  to 
everybody.  It  is  not  only  necessary,  then,  to  adopt  mass  pro- 
duction methods,  but  by  adopting  them,  to  compel  their 
adoption  generally. 

The  business  problem,  the  farm  problem,  the  world  prob- 
lem are  all  one  problem,  and  they  can  be  solved  only  by 
facing  the  facts  of  success  in  this  machine  age,  instead  of 
following  the  formulas  and  traditions  of  another  day.  The 
solution  of  the  farm  problem  after  all  is  simple;  it  is  our 
inability  or  our  unwillingness  to  state  the  problem  squarely 
which  makes  the  solution  seem  so  difficult. 


WHEN  mass  production  brought  the  automobile  to 
the  masses,  it  answered  an  age-old  longing  of  the 
human  sould  to  conquer  its  environment  and  break  from  the 
historic  limitations  of  time  and  space.  It  also  brought  the 
traffic  problem,  and  it  endowed  fools  and  criminals  with 
hitherto  unheard-of  power.  The  motor  car,  in  fact,  proved 
too  much  for  even  the  intelligent  and  the  decent  to  use 
intelligently  and  decently;  and  at  the  height  of  automobile 
achievement  in  America,  we  found  ourselves  killing  upwards 
of  thirty  thousand  persons  yearly  in  automobile  "accidents," 
while  the  list  of  minor  casualties  read  like  that  of  a  major 

Some  thoughtful  persons  pondered  the  situation  only  to 
conclude  that  the  motor  car,  with  all  its  advantages,  was  not 
worth  such  a  cost.  The  slower  and  simpler  ways,  they  said, 
were  better.  But  fortunately  or  unfortunately,  this  had  no 
effect  upon  the  situation.  After  one  had  reached  such  a  con- 
clusion, in  fact,  he  was  likely  to  turn  in  his  old  car  for  a 
faster  and  more  powerful  model. 

The  fact  is  that  we  can't  abolish  the  motor  car.  It  is  here 
because  we  learned  how  to  bring  it  here,  and  it  is  a  lesson 
which  we  can  not  unlearn.  We  have  eaten  of  the  fruit  of  the 
tree  of  knowledge,  and  it  has  done  something  to  us  which 
can  not  be  undone.  We  now  have  power  which  we  can  not 
abdicate.  We  must  learn  to  use  this  power,  either  to  our  own 
advantage  or  our  own  destruction. 

What  is  true  of  the  automobile  is  true  of  machine  produc- 
tion as  a  whole.  New  machine  technique  applied  to  old 
patterns  of  thought  is  capable  of  destroying  all  human  civi- 



lization  in  war.  Machinery  is  our  servant  and  it  is  ready  to 
do  whatever  we  want  it  to  do.  We  want  world  peace,  for 
instance,  and  mass  production  is  showing  us  how  to  achieve 
world  peace.  If  we  insist  on  thinking  traditionally,  however, 
we  may  find  ourselves  engaged,  not  in  mass  production  but 
in  mass  destruction. 

Mass  production  can,  if  we  insist,  equip  us  all  with  aero- 
planes and  poison  gas.  If  these  aeroplanes  are  made  so  safe 
that  even  a  child  can  run  one,  they  may  become  so  dangerous 
that  the  race  can  not  survive.  True,  if  we  employ  mass  pro- 
duction understandingly,  we  shall  have  no  more  war;  for 
mass  production,  employed  understandingly,  makes  friends, 
not  enemies,  and  it  is  impossible  to  have  war  without 
enemies.  But  mass  production,  like  the  automobile,  will  not 
wait  for  us  to  become  educated.  It  will  keep  on  showing  us 
how  to  do  things  more  efficiently;  and  if,  because  of  our  tra- 
ditional thinking,  we  do  evil  things,  the  result  may  be  a 
greater  total  of  evil  than  we  would  have  reaped  if  our 
methods  had  not  been  so  efficient. 

We  never  meant  to  kill  thirty  thousand  Americans  an- 
nually with  our  motor  cars.  We  did  it  largely  because  we 
did  not  see  the  necessity  for  making  our  highways  safe  for 
pedestrians  as  well  as  motorists;  and,  although  we  saw  its 
obvious  advantages,  we  thought  it  would  be  a  very  costly 
thing  to  do.  That  is,  we  did  not  understand  mass  production. 
Had  we  understood  it,  we  would  have  known  that  it  adds  to 
our  wealth  to  do  things  which  we  want  to  have  done;  and 
that,  if  we  have  enough  man-power  and  enough  scientific 
management  to  spare  for  such  jobs,  we  can  not  afford  not 
to  do  them. 

Safe  highways  are  worth  more  than  highways  which  are 
too  narrow  for  cars  to  pass  other  cars  in  safety,  or  highways 
upon  which  pedestrians  have  to  walk  because  they  are  not 
provided  with  adequate  paths.  To  be  sure,  it  might  have 


required  billions  of  dollars  of  capital  to  build  such  highways 
and  such  paths  for  pedestrians  everywhere.  But  we  had  the 
billions  of  dollars  which  were  either  uninvested,  or  invested 
in  the  making  of  things  which  the  people  generally  did  not 
want  nearly  as  much  as  they  wanted  to  know  that  their  chil- 
dren, when  they  were  out  of  the  house,  were  safe  from  motor 

But  this  surplus  capital  was  not  employed  in  making  our 
highways  safe,  nor  in  any  other  enterprise  which  would  have 
added  similarly  to  the  common  wealth.  Millions  of  able- 
bodied,  willing  workers,  therefore,  and  thousands  of  capable 
engineers  and  scientific  managers  were  left  unemployed.  Our 
highways,  therefore,  remained  unsafe,  and  we  went  on  kill- 
ing thousands  and  injuring  hundreds  of  thousands.  In  the 
meantime,  assuming  that  a  workingman  under  scientific 
management  creates  ten  dollars  worth  of  wealth  a  day, 
America  lost  fifteen  billion  dollars'  worth  of  wealth  in  a 
single  year,  that  is,  wealth  which  its  five  million  unemployed 
should  have  been  producing  but  were  not  permitted  to 

Even  that  does  not  wholly  tell  the  loss  which  we  sustained 
because,  in  our  traditional  thinking,  we  did  not  use  mass 
production  understandingly.  Because  these  men  were  unem- 
ployed, they  could  not  buy  the  things  they  had  customarily 
been  buying;  and  millions  who  were  customarily  employed 
in  the  making  of  those  things  were  reduced,  at  best,  to  part 
time  employment,  and  other  billions  of  dollars  were  added 
to  our  loss. 

Mass  production,  we  must  admit,  brings  its  peculiar  evils, 
for  no  such  widespread  unemployment  would  have  been 
possible  before  the  industrial  era.  The  cure,  to  be  sure,  does 
not  lie  in  abolishing  mass  production.  If  it  did,  the  situation 
would  be  hopeless,  for  mass  production  can  not  be  abolished. 
Nevertheless,  we  must  recognize  the  intolerable  situation. 


Mass  production,  it  seems,  has  placed  great  reservoirs  of 
capital  under  the  control  of  persons  who  do  not  yet  know 
enough  to  use  it  for  the  production  of  more  wealth,  but 
actually  permit  widespread  unemployment,  with  its  billions 
of  dollars  of  losses  annually. 

No  patriarch  in  the  old  days  could  possibly  have  fallen 
into  such  an  error.  If  there  was  work  which  needed  to  be 
done,  and  men  to  do  it,  it  would  never  have  occurred  to  him 
that  he  could  not  afford  to  let  them  work.  Of  course,  he 
knew  nothing  of  finance.  All  he  knew  was  how  the  different 
members  of  his  little  social  order  were  related  to  each  other. 
Many  of  our  great  modern  capitalists,  too  often,  although 
highly  educated  in  the  traditions  of  finance,  are  quite  un- 
aware of  the  way  in  which  the  people  of  their  social  order 
are  related. 

Leading  American  bankers,  reviewing  the  long  drawn  out 
business  depression  in  1930-31,  actually  advocated  a  reduc- 
tion of  wages  and  prices,  it  never  seeming  to  occur  to  them 
that  a  reduction  of  wages  is  an  automatic  increase  of  prices. 
One  might  as  well  advocate  more  light  and  darkness,  or  call 
for  a  piece  of  string  which  shall  be  short  at  one  end  and  long 
at  the  other. 

Others  advocated  "limiting  production,"  which  meant  the 
laying  off  of  more  men,  as  a  means  of  curing  unemployment. 
The  men  who  talked  this  way  were  not  fools.  They  had 
reached  their  financial  position  through  their  very  real  abil- 
ity; and  they  were  men  whom  business  men  had  rightfully 
come  to  trust.  For  they  understood  the  technique  of  financ- 
ing single  industries  as  others  did  not  understand  it;  and 
they  had  a  wealth  of  information  as  to  what  business  prac- 
tices had  worked  and  what  ones  had  failed.  They  were  not 
even  blind  to  Ford's  success;  they  were  called  into  counsel 
frequently  by  other  mass  production  industries,  and  their 
knowledge  was  often  extremely  valuable.  The  writer  would 


be  the  last  to  suggest  that  these  men  should  be  pulled  down 
from  their  positions  of  responsibility  and  that  men  with 
better  social  theories  but  untrained  in  finance  should  take 
their  place.  Nevertheless,  it  must  be  listed  among  the  real 
perils  of  this  mass  production  age  that  so  many  men  who  do 
not  know  what  money  is  for  should  be  in  charge  of  its 

Evolution,  however,  is  more  dependable  than  revolution. 
The  automobile  industry  could  not  have  succeeded  as  it  did 
if  it  had  started  off  by  abolishing  the  horse.  The  aeroplane 
came,  not  entirely  through  the  Wright  Brothers,  but  through 
the  patient  research,  year  after  year,  of  scientists  who  were 
not  thinking  about  aviation  at  all.  They  were  thinking  of 
internal  combustion,  and  of  how  to  devise  a  motor  which 
could  be  fuelled  with  gasoline.  The  men  on  that  job  may 
have  considered  flying  a  silly  fancy  and  may  not  intention- 
ally have  contributed  a  thing  towards  bringing  it  about.  It 
was  necessary  to  aviation,  however,  that  they  should  build  a 
light,  high-power  engine,  which  the  Wright  Brothers  could 
apply  to  their  particular  aims.  Similarly,  it  was  necessary  for 
mass  production,  if  it  was  ever  to  liberate  humanity,  that 
financiers  should  first  discover  how  to  finance  great  projects, 
even  though  many  of  the  projects  seemed  to  be  in  the  direc- 
tion of  human  slavery. 

It  is  a  real  peril  of  this  mass  production  age,  however,  that 
many  expert  financiers  should  finance  great  and  necessary 
enterprises,  and  then,  through  failure  to  understand  the  real 
purpose  of  these  enterprises,  almost  wreck  the  enterprises 
themselves.  A  dozen  large  factories,  say,  under  separate  man- 
agement, are  in  competition,  each  trying  to  supply  all 
America  with  practically  the  same  service.  Each  company 
looks  critically  upon  all  the  others,  and  each  may  be  aware 
of  how  much  better  the  country  could  be  served  if  the  whole 
twelve  organizations  could  be  brought  under  one  unified 


control.  They  could  then  standardize  their  product  and 
make  free  use  of  every  improvement  which  any  of  the  or- 
ganizations had  discovered.  They  could  also  divide  the  terri- 
tory and  save  shipping  costs  and  selling  costs  and,  by  unified 
buying  of  materials  and  supplies,  effect  still  more  economies. 
It  is  one  thing  to  perceive  the  advantage  of  effecting  a 
merger,  however,  and  quite  another  to  effect  it;  and  the 
financial  genius  who  succeeds  in  inducing  these  twelve  or- 
ganizations to  give  up  their  independence  and  adopt  a  spe- 
cific program  performs  an  incalculable  service. 

Unfortunately,  however,  he  may  not  consider  it  incalcul- 
able. He  may  consider  it  calculable  and  start  to  calculate.  In 
ten  years,  he  may  calculate,  the  economies  which  such  a 
merger  may  reasonably  hope  to  effect  may  amount  to  so 
much  as  to  justify  him  and  his  financial  associates  in  taking 
a  "rake-off"  of,  say,  thirty  million  dollars.  The  several  com- 
panies will  not  have  to  pay  this,  they  think;  it  will  all  come 
out  of  the  new  stock  issue,  and  this  man  is  such  a  recognized 
and  dependable  leader  in  the  financial  world  that  the  sale 
of  the  securities  may  almost  be  guaranteed.  The  chances,  are, 
in  fact,  that  they  will  be  sold  immediately,  and  the  merger 
will  be  hailed  as  eminently  successful.  If  each  company  could 
make  a  go  of  it  in  competition  with  all  the  others,  the  invest- 
ing public  is  easily  persuaded  that  the  twelve  under  one 
management  can  make  barrels  of  money. 

With  good  luck,  indeed,  the  merger  may  make  money,  and 
its  profits  may  be  greater  than  the  total  profits  before.  But  it 
starts  with  a  terrific  handicap.  The  security  buying  public 
has  just  presented  a  financier  and  his  associates  with  thirty 
million  dollars,  and  looks  to  the  merger  to  get  it  back  with 
dividends,  besides  demanding  that  it  pay  dividends  on  the 
money  which  has  been  actually  invested  in  the  new  enter- 
prise. The  ten  years'  profits,  therefore,  are  pretty  well  mort- 
gaged. Economies  may  be  effected,  but  they  can  not  be  re- 


fleeted  in  a  lower  price  just  yet.  It  is  even  possible  that  the 
price  of  the  improved  product  may  now  have  to  be  raised, 
or  that  the  old  prices  may  have  to  be  sustained  without 
effecting  any  of  the  planned  improvements.  The  result  then 
is  that  mass  production  hasn't  done  any  good  after  all.  From 
the  public's  point  of  view,  it  may  even  have  done  harm. 
Better  methods  of  production  are  adopted,  but  the  price  not 
being  reduced,  no  more  goods  are  sold  and  no  greater  pro- 
duction effected.  Men,  therefore,  instead  of  getting  higher 
wages  and  shorter  hours  for  increased  production,  are  simply 
let  out  to  look  for  another  job. 

This  is  a  very  real  evil,  for  the  illustration  I  have  given 
is  a  commonplace  of  modern  finance.  The  remedy,  however, 
can  not  be  found  in  prohibiting  mergers.  So  long  as  there  are 
profits  to  be  had  from  combination,  we  may  be  sure  that 
combinations  will  continue  to  form,  whether  they  are  always 
financed  intelligently  or  not. 

Nor  is  the  remedy  to  be  found  in  "curbing"  Wall  Street 
and  making  mergers  either  more  difficult  or  less  profitable. 
The  trouble  with  such  mergers  is  that  they  aren't  profitable 
enough.  The  loss  to  the  public  does  not  lie  in  the  fact  that  a 
Wall  Street  merger  has  made  thirty  million  dollars,  but  in 
the  fact  that  it  was  not  permitted  to  make  it.  Under  the  cir- 
cumstances it  could  not  become  a  true  mass  production  in- 
dustry. It  could  not  reduce  prices  and,  by  thus  perhaps 
doubling  its  market,  double  its  usefulness  to  the  public;  and 
the  public,  being  unable  to  buy  more  than  before,  could 
not  provide  the  industry  with  a  larger  income  than  it  was 
receiving  before  the  combination  was  effected. 

Only  out  of  its  income,  obviously,  can  any  industry  pay 
profits,  and  its  income  derives  not  from  the  sale  of  its  secur- 
ities but  from  the  sale  of  its  product.  Anything  which  pre- 
vents the  greatest  total  sales  of  the  product  prevents  greatest 
total  profits.  High  prices,  however,  inevitably  prevent  sales. 


Intelligent  financiering,  therefore,  like  intelligent  shop  man- 
agement, will  avoid  any  step  which  may  tend  to  make  prices 
higher  than  is  absolutely  necessary  in  order  to  have  any 
margin  of  profit  at  all. 

Nor  is  it  enough  that  prices  be  as  low  as  they  can  be  made 
by  the  use  of  existing  methods.  It  is  often  necessary  to  make 
them  lower  than  the  current  cost  of  production  warrants,  so 
that  the  management  shall  be  compelled  to  reduce  the  costs 
of  production.  Not  by  cutting  wages — for  lowering  wages 
not  only  handicaps  management  but  actually  raises  prices 
and,  directly  or  indirectly,  reduces  sales — but  by  a  constant 
search  for  better  methods  both  in  production  and  distri- 

It  is  charged  against  Wall  Street  financiers  that  they  are 
"greedy"  and  that  they  make  too  much  money.  If  this  were 
the  real  trouble,  I  can  not  think  of  anything  that  could  be 
done  about  it.  If  financiers  were  not  eager  to  make  money,  I 
should  despair  of  our  ever  discovering  the  secrets  of  how 
money  is  really  made. 

Even  Henry  Ford  would  not  have  achieved  what  he  did 
if  he  had  had  any  special  aversion  to  becoming  rich.  He 
learned  in  time,  to  be  sure,  and  probably  always  knew,  that 
just  being  rich  is  not  a  worthwhile  human  objective,  and 
that  one  might  as  well  aim  at  just  being  fat.  Nevertheless,  he 
went  in  for  profits  as  avidly  as  any  Wall  Street  promoter, 
and  he  made  more  money  than  any  of  them.  Instead  of  feel- 
ing aggrieved  at  his  success,  however,  the  public  generally 
rejoiced.  There  was  no  clamor  for  laws  to  curb  him.  People 
even  made  the  mistake  for  years  of  supposing  that  he  must 
be  a  most  unselfish  soul,  utterly  unlike  the  rest  of  us — a 
sort  of  glorified  Santa  Glaus. 

The  real  trouble  with  Wall  Street  is  not  its  greed  or  its 
selfishness,  not  even  the  ruthlessness  and  the  cruelty  with 
which  some  of  its  transactions  are  carried  through.  Those 


who  do  the  most  harm  in  Wall  Street  are  likely  to  be  the 
most  sentimental  and  kind-hearted  folks,  so  easily  moved  to 
tears  at  the  sight  of  poverty  and  misfortune  that  they  have  to 
hire  secretaries  and  other  assistants  to  keep  the  poor  and 
unfortunate  out  of  their  sight.  Moreover,  they  are  likely  to 
be  the  best  of  husbands  and  fathers,  and  charming  and 
charitable  neighbors  in  the  communities  in  which  they  live. 
The  only  trouble  with  them  is  their  shortsightedness  and 
their  traditional  thinking — especially  the  fact  that  they  still 
suppose  that  the  greatest  profits  can  be  made  by  methods 
which  prevent  industries  from  giving  the  greatest  possible 
service  to  the  greatest  number  of  people. 

Greed,  perhaps,  may  be  defined  as  shortsighted  selfishness, 
and  with  that  definition  we  may  agree  that  the  real  trouble 
is  greed.  But  it  is  the  shortsightedness,  not  the  selfishness, 
which  needs  to  be  eliminated;  and  the  remedy  can  not  be 
found  in  curbing  Wall  Street,  for  the  simple  reason  that 
shortsightedness  can  not  be  curbed. 

Conceivably  we  might  curb  the  selfishness,  leaving  the 
shortsightedness,  but  nothing  could  be  gained  from  that. 
Even  if  we  could  perform  some  feat  of  magic  and  turn  this 
selfishness  into  unselfishness,  the  result  would  be  horrible.  I, 
at  least,  can  imagine  nothing  worse  than  a  community  of 
shortsighted  altruists,  no  one  with  any  intelligent  notion  of 
what  to  do,  but  each  impelled  nevertheless  to  meddle  with 
everybody  else's  affairs. 

If  the  public  were  wise  enough  to  legislate  for  Wall  Street, 
and  could  be  depended  upon  not  to  interfere  with  financial 
operations  which  would  work  to  the  public  interest,  that 
might  be  the  way  out.  But  the  public  is  not  wise  enough. 
The  way  of  the  greatest  advantage  to  the  public  happens  to 
be  the  way  of  more  profits,  not  less,  and  the  public  fancies 
that  the  financiers  are  getting  too  much.  Until  the  financiers 
do  learn  their  lesson,  it  seems  to  me  that  we  must  take  note 


of  their  shortsightedness  as  one  of  the  very  real  dangers  of 
this  new  machine  civilization,  and  wait  as  patiently  as  pos- 
sible until  the  lesson  can  be  learned.  Fortunately  this  does 
not  necessitate  waiting  forever.  For  the  principles  of  mass 
production  are  being  learned,  even  in  Wall  Street.  The  most 
successful  chain  stores  are  those  in  which  no  element  of  bad 
financing  has  intruded  to  keep  them  from  giving  first  atten- 
tion to  the  production  and  distribution  of  goods  at  the  lowest 
possible  price. 

This  is  true,  even  of  the  "power  interests,"  which  have 
been  most  under  criticism  in  the  matter  of  financial  methods. 
A  seemingly  irreconcilable  war,  in  fact,  developed  between 
shortsighted  financiers  of  the  power  industry,  bent  upon 
burdening  the  industry  financially  so  that  financiers'  profits 
would  be  increased  but  rates  could  not  be  lowered,  and 
equally  shortsighted  champions  of  the  people  who  de- 
manded that  the  industry  be  put  under  political  administra- 
tion so  that  no  one  would  make  a  profit  out  of  it,  and 
electricity,  presumably,  might  be  generated  and  distributed 
at  cost. 

Both  sides  to  this  controversy  were  wrong,  and  it  was  for- 
tunate for  the  American  public  that  neither  side  achieved 
its  goal.  Both  sides  believed  that  high  rates  did  work  out  to 
the  advantage  of  the  owners.  Had  both  sides  known  that 
high  rates  were  as  bad  for  the  owners  as  they  were  for  the 
consuming  public,  the  controversy  could  not  have  happened. 
Had  that  fact  been  known  by  the  power  industry,  it  would 
even  have  avoided  overcapitalization;  and  had  it  been 
known  by  the  agitators,  they  would  have  ceased  arguing 
about  "fair"  and  "unfair"  rates  and  would  have  cooperated 
with  the  power  interests  in  every  scheme  to  make  the  rates 
as  low,  and  therefore  as  profitable,  as  they  could  be  made.  As 
it  was,  with  all  the  mistakes  of  overcapitalization,  the  power 
interests  did  go  in  for  the  discovery  of  better  and  more  eco- 


nomical  methods  of  production  and  distribution.  When  bet- 
ter generators  were  invented,  they  scrapped  the  old  ones 
immediately,  regardless  of  the  capital  that  was  tied  up  in 
them;  and  with  the  discovery  of  inter-connecting  transmis- 
sion systems,  they  scrapped  costly  but  obsolescent  properties 
once  more.  This  conceivably  might  be  done  by  a  political 
government  which  found  itself  in  possession  of  great  power 
plants.  But  the  power  interests  had  to  do  it,  and  it  is  more 
than  likely  that  political  governments  would  conclude  that 
it  could  not  be  done.  Even  if  it  were  a  good  government  and 
did  not  run  the  service  in  terms  of  the  jobs  which  it  could 
give  out  in  return  for  political  support,  it  could  hardly  help 
remembering  that  it  was  selling  power  at  cost,  and  it  would 
not  be  forced  to  find  new  ways  of  bringing  down  the  cost. 

In  the  matter  of  financing,  the  power  interests  were  piti- 
fully shortsighted.  In  the  manner  of  engineering,  their  vision 
was  superb.  Driven  by  lust  for  profit,  they  floated  issue  after 
issue  of  securities  based  upon  faith,  hope  and  optimism;  but 
driven  by  lust  for  profit,  they  also  built  up  a  super-power 
system  throughout  America  in  a  single  decade  which  a  non- 
profit administration  of  the  industry  would  hardly  have 
arrived  at  in  a  hundred  years. 

Such  an  achievement  does  not  justify  the  financial  extrava- 
gance with  which  it  was  accompanied.  If  the  financiers  had 
had  their  way  entirely,  it  is  almost  certain  that  they  could 
not  have  accomplished  what  they  did.  For  they  made  it  plain 
generally  by  their  deeds  if  not  by  their  words  that  they  be- 
lieved in  high  rates,  and  were  constantly  complaining  be- 
cause they  were  not  permitted  to  make  them  higher.  If  they 
had  been  let  alone,  then,  to  make  their  rates  as  high  as  they 
hoped  to  make  them,  there  is  every  reason  to  believe  that 
they  would  have  made  them  so  high  as  to  cut  themselves  off 
from  much  of  the  profit  which  actually  came  to  them. 

The  power  industry,  it  may  be  said,  was  saved  by  its  oppo- 


sition.  Rates  were  kept  down,  at  least,  to  a  figure  which  made 
profits  possible,  in  spite  of  all  that  the  shortsighted  financiers 
of  the  industry  itself  could  do  to  prevent  it.  And  in  the  end, 
some  power  companies  began  to  see  that  low  rates  might  be 
more  profitable  than  high.  When  that  lesson  is  thoroughly 
learned,  the  power  interests  may  remain  quite  as  "greedy"  as 
ever;  but  their  greed  will  be  the  public's  strongest  ally,  for 
all  the  power  and  all  the  cunning  which  once  went  into  the 
war  against  the  common  good  will  then  be  directed,  not 
toward  making  rates  merely  "fair,"  but  toward  making  them 
as  low  as  boundless  energy  guided  by  scientific  research  can 
make  them. 

In  the  meantime,  until  mass  production  becomes  thor- 
oughly aware  of  itself,  there  is  a  very  real  danger  to.  our 
industrial  order  in  the  mobilization  of  some  of  the  forces 
which  are  working  most  earnestly  for  the  common  good.  The 
fight  for  public  ownership  and  control  of  public  utilities, 
for  instance,  contains  no  little  menace;  not  at  all  because 
public  utilities  should  not  be  publicly  controlled  but  be- 
cause of  an  almost  universal  misunderstanding  as  to 
how  public  control  in  a  mass  production  age  is  actually 

The  advocates  of  public  control,  fired  by  a  very  genuine 
social  passion,  advocate  government  control — political  gov- 
ernment control — of  industry,  even  while  they  are  observing, 
at  times,  that  the  public  does  not  control  the  political  gov- 
ernment. Their  opponents,  on  the  other  hand,  instead  of 
explaining  the  situation  (which  they  can  not  explain  because 
they  do  not  understand  it)  argue  loudly  for  "private"  con- 
trol, as  though  the  management  of  industry  were  something 
about  which  the  public  had  no  say. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  so-called  "private"  industry  is  fre- 
quently much  more  public  than  the  political  government 
itself,  and  much  more  definitely  under  public  control.  Ford 


and  General  Motors,  for  instance,  are  private  only  in  name, 
and  the  fact  that  the  Fords  own  all  the  stock  in  one,  while 
the  ownership  of  the  other  may  be  spread  throughout  the 
country  makes  no  difference  whatever.  Let  either  company 
fail  to  respond  to  the  public's  wishes,  and  the  public  would 
discipline  it  at  once.  It  wouldn't  wait  to  pass  a  law;  it 
wouldn't  have  to  wait,  as  it  would  have  to  if  an  elected  gov- 
ernment were  in  charge.  All  it  would  do,  and  all  it  would 
have  to  do,  would  be  to  cease  buying  the  thing  which,  upon 
actual  test,  failed  to  give  complete  satisfaction,  and  such  a 
gesture  must  be  accepted  instantly  as  an  absolute  command 
from  which  the  company  can  not  appeal. 

It  is  possible  to  bring  every  industry  under  just  such  con- 
trol, but  this  can  not  be  done  by  any  political  election,  nor 
by  any  wholesale  declaration  of  opinion  on  the  part  of  those 
who  do  not  know  the  facts.  It  can  be  done  only  through  fact- 
finding,  both  on  the  part  of  industrial  executives  and  of  con- 
sumers. This  may  seem  like  a  slow  process,  but  it  is  not. 
When  we  stop  to  think  of  how  fact-finding  has  changed  the 
whole  world  in  a  single  generation,  and  of  how  slowly  the 
world  changed  when  it  was  necessary  to  change  it  by  politics 
and  propaganda  instead,  even  our  impatience  must  lead  us 
to  adopt  the  fact-finding  method. 

The  great  peril  of  this  mass  production  age  lies  in  the 
power  which  fact-finding  places  in  our  hands  before  we  have 
discovered  how  to  use  that  power  wisely.  Futile  optimism 
may  ignore  this  real  danger,  and  futile  pessimism  may  con- 
clude that  it  necessarily  spells  our  undoing.  The  wise  will  do 
neither,  but  will  try  in  all  humility  to  find  out  how  the 
power  may  be  used.  It  is  not  enough,  even,  that  we  all  "do  as 
well  as  we  know  how."  The  new  situation  needs  new  knowl- 
edge, and  neither  the  old-time  education  nor  the  old-time 
morality  is  sufficient  for  these  new  responsibilities.  They  were 
not  sufficient  in  the  past  to  keep  us  out  of  war,  but  the  time 


has  now  come  when  there  must  be  no  more  war.  They  have 
not  been  sufficient  of  late  to  keep  us  out  of  unemployment, 
but  the  time  has  now  come  when  civilization  must  conquer 
unemployment,  or  unemployment  will  conquer  civilization. 


ANEW  world  has  come  into  existence.  We  did  not  plan 
it,  but  we  must  plan  how  to  live  in  it;  and  the  plan 
to  be  successful,  must  be  in  harmony  with  the  laws  of  our 
being  and  the  laws  under  which  this  new  world  happened. 

From  time  immemorial,  man  has  longed  for  a  better 
world.  Sometimes,  he  has  engaged  in  trying  to  fashion  one 
out  of  his  ideals.  A  world  of  justice.  A  world  of  brotherly 
love.  A  world  free  from  care  and  suffering  and  poverty  and 
cruelty  and  hate.  But  human  nature  seemed  to  be  perverse. 
Never,  it  seemed,  would  it  react  dependably  to  any  of  these 
beautiful  plans.  Idealists,  then,  from  age  to  age,  have  turned 
their  thoughts  to  changing  human  nature. 

But  human  nature,  apparently,  remained  what  it  was. 

The  world  man  lived  in,  however,  did  not  remain  what  it 
was.  That  was  forever  changing;  not  changing  necessarily, 
however,  in  the  direction  of  man's  ideals,  but  forever  hit- 
ting upon  times  when  man's  most  sacred  notions  seemed  to 
lose  their  force,  and  the  elders  shook  their  heads  and  won- 
dered what  the  world  was  coming  to.  In  the  course  of  time, 
new  ideals  were  born,  new  notions,  and  new  plans  for  en- 
tirely new  worlds,  which,  however,  failed  to  materialize.  New 
social  orders  came,  to  be  sure,  but  they  did  not  come  accord- 
ing to  the  plans.  The  only  human  plans  which  ever  seemed 
to  work  were  the  plans,  not  for  changing  either  human 
nature  or  human  society,  but  for  coping  with  the  changes 
which  had  taken  place. 

People  did  not  say:  "Let  us  quit  our  old  patriarchal  way  of 
doing  things  and  set  up  political  states."  No.  They  began  to 
trade,  rather;  and  when  the  practice  of  trading  brought  prob- 



lems  which  the  patriarchal  system  could  not  solve,  they  were 
compelled  to  work  out  some  other  form  of  government. 

Rome  did  not  conquer  the  world  so  that  she  might  give  it 
a  code  of  law.  Rome  conquered  the  world  because,  in  a  day 
of  conquest,  she  was  the  most  successful  conqueror;  but  hav- 
ing conquered  it,  she  had  to  govern  it,  and  was  therefore 
compelled  to  work  out  a  code  of  law. 

In  the  days  of  feudalism,  no  one  said:  "Go  to,  now,  let  us 
invent  machinery  and  establish  capitalism."  The  steam  en- 
gine was  invented  because  somebody  noticed  what  steam 
could  do,  if  it  were  held  back  by  a  piston  and  the  piston  rod 
were  attached  to  something  which  one  wanted  to  push.  When 
there  were  enough  steam  engines,  however,  to  render  the  old 
way  of  pushing  things  relatively  inefficient,  plans  had  to  be 
made  to  facilitate  the  use  of  this  new  method.  That  is  why  it 
was  necessary  to  overthrow  feudalism. 

In  America,  moreover,  we  did  not  plan  a  constitution  and 
notify  England  that  her  rule  was  over.  It  was  because  Eng- 
land's rule  was  over  that  the  fathers  planned  the  Constitu- 
tion. They  had  to.  There  had  been  a  war  and  the  colonies 
had  won.  The  war  did  not  begin,  moreover,  with  the  Decla- 
ration of  Independence.  It  began  with  Lord  North's  failure 
to  understand  the  colonies  and  with  his  failure,  therefore,  to 
govern  them.  The  war  had  gone  on  some  time  before  inde- 
pendence was  planned. 

Even  the  strange  social  experiment  in  Soviet  Russia  was 
not  the  result  of  social  planning  on  the  part  of  Lenin  and 
Trotzky  before  the  revolution  put  them  into  power.  Russia 
has  given  us  the  most  extraordinary  example  of  social  plan- 
ning in  human  history,  but  the  plans  which  have  so  amazed 
the  world  were  made  after  the  revolution,  not  before.  Lenin's 
original  plans  were  all  wrong,  all  unworkable;  but  Lenin 
himself  discovered  this  before  his  enemies  did,  and  was  not 
compelled  therefore  to  give  up  his  leadership. 


His  plans  for  seizing  power  were  sound  enough;  but  they 
had  nothing  to  do  with  his  belief  in  communism.  He  could 
have  seized  power  quite  as  effectively  if  his  economic  theories 
had  been  very  different.  Government  in  Russia  had  broken 
down,  and  almost  any  leader  who  knew  what  to  do  could 
become  the  government.  Lenin  got  the  army  to  obey  him  by 
giving  it  the  only  orders  which,  under  the  circumstances,  it 
was  capable  of  obeying — orders  to  quit  carrying  on  a  war 
which  such  an  army  could  not  carry  on.  There  were  but  a 
handful  of  communists  in  that  army.  It  was  composed  mostly 
of  peasants  whose  social  ideals  were  as  far  from  communism 
as  those  of  the  Czar  himself.  The  one  thing  they  consciously 
longed  for  was  the  private  ownership  of  a  bit  of  land  which 
each  peasant  could  henceforth  till  in  the  old  traditional  way, 
without  having  to  share  the  product  with  anyone  outside 
his  family.  There  was  a  loyal  response,  therefore,  when  the 
new  government  ordered  these  soldiers  to  go  home  and 
possess  the  land. 

It  is  one  thing  to  seize  power,  however,  and  quite  another 
thing  to  hold  it.  It  was  now  evident  to  almost  all  traditional 
thinkers  that  the  new  government  could  not  last.  It  had 
almost  no  capital  and  no  borrowing  power,  very  little 
industrial  equipment  and  much  less  industrial  technique. 
It  was  in  the  hands,  at  any  rate  for  the  time  being,  of  a 
group  of  visionaries,  possessed  of  impossible  economic 
theories  and  no  political  experience,  whose  actions  had 
already  enraged  all  of  Russia's  former  allies,  and  alienated 
about  everybody  within  her  borders  who  was  supposed  to  be 
anybody  at  all. 

There  was  just  one  thing  that  could  be  said  for  this  new 
government,  and  that  was  usually  overlooked.  Under  Lenin's 
leadership,  it  recognized  the  predicament  which  it  was  in.  It 
did  not  follow  the  traditions  of  government.  It  not  only 
scrapped  the  theories  of  capitalism,  but  it  scrapped  the 


theories  of  communism  too.  It  faced  the  facts  and  began  to 
work  out  a  plan. 

It  made  all  sorts  of  mistakes.  No  government  on  earth,  it 
seemed,  could  have  made  any  worse.  But  when  it  made  a 
mistake,  and  the  mistake  proved  disastrous,  it  did  not  in- 
corporate that  mistake  into  the  organization,  after  the 
manner  of  traditional  thinkers.  Under  the  most  adverse  cir- 
cumstances imaginable,  then,  this  new  government  held  on, 
and  Bolshevism  became  a  world  power  which,  in  the  minds 
of  many  thinking  capitalists,  actually  challenges  capitalism. 

Many  books  have  been  written  and  many  speeches  made 
concerning  the  way  in  which  capitalism  should  meet  this 
challenge.  Some  insist  that  Bolshevism  must  be  snuffed  out. 
Others  suggest  that  capitalism  must  take  up  social  planning 
so  that  social  revolution  may  be  averted.  My  own  attitude  is 
that  business  must  undertake  social  planning,  but  neither  for 
the  purpose  of  snuffing  out  new  theories  nor  of  preserving 
old  ones,  but  because  there  has  been  a  social  revolution.  The 
old  order  has  gone  and  by  no  possibility  can  we  bring  it 
back.  We  are  living  in  a  new  world.  It  is  a  world  in  which 
mass  production  has  related  everybody  to  everybody;  and 
our  plans,  therefore,  must  take  everybody  into  consideration. 

I  am  not  moralizing.  I  am  not  idealizing.  I  am  not  sug- 
gesting that  business  men  must  rise  above  temptations,  or 
that  they  should  give  more  heed  to  the  rights  of  humanity. 
I  am  suggesting  simply  that  they  can  not  be  successful  in  this 
new  world  by  planning  their  business  with  reference  to  a 
world  that  has  passed  away.  They  need  not  bother  with  the 
rights  of  humanity,  but  they  must  bother  with  its  buying 
power.  They  may  have  any  ideas  they  wish  as  to  what  people 
ought  to  be,  but  if  they  are  to  do  any  business,  they  must  do 
it  with  people  as  they  are. 

There  has  been  a  greater  and  more  inclusive  social  revo- 
lution in  America  than  has  yet  taken  place  in  Russia.  That 


may  seem  like  a  startling  statement,  but  anyone  who  exam 
ines  the  facts  must  see  that  it  is  true.  There  has  been  a 
greater  change  in  the  standard  of  living.  The  masses  of 
Russia,  with  all  their  new  theories,  are  still  desperately  poor. 
They  have  made  amazing  advances  in  the  building  of  indus- 
trial equipment,  but  it  remains  to  be  seen  whether  they  can 
operate  it  successfully.  They  have  automobile  factories,  but 
the  masses  have  not  yet  got  automobiles.  They  have  co- 
operative farms,  but  food  is  still  very  hard  to  get.  Even  with 
unemployment  abolished,  the  masses  as  yet  have  no  luxuries 
and  are  compelled  to  live  in  quarters  which  American 
workers  as  a  rule  would  consider  utterly  unfit  for  human 

I  do  not  mean  this  as  an  indictment  of  the  Russian  experi- 
ment. I  am  simply  stating  facts  with  which  the  Soviet  lead- 
ers themselves  are  well  acquainted  and  which  they  are  doing 
their  best  to  impress  upon  the  Russian  people.  The  one 
thing  that  must  be  done,  they  are  constantly  pointing  out, 
is  to  master  industrial  technique  as  it  has  been  mastered  in 
America's  mass  production  industries. 

After  all,  it  is  this  new  technique  which  actually  changes 
human  life.  It  is  this  which  raises  the  standard  of  living.  It  is 
this  which  makes  it  possible  for  workers  to  ride  in  luxurious 
motor  cars  which,  but  a  few  years  ago,  were  looked  upon  as 
we  look  today  upon  private  yachts — as  the  exclusive  in- 
dulgences of  society's  upper  crust.  It  is  this  technique  which 
multiplies  the  productivity  of  labor  so  that  not  merely  the 
necessities  of  life,  but  an  increasing  volume  of  comforts  and 
luxuries  are  possible  for  all,  combined  with  an  increasing 
leisure  which  enables  the  masses  to  rise  above  the  mere 
struggle  for  existence  and  turn  more  of  their  attention  to 
education  and  to  social  and  spiritual  culture. 

This  technique  is  nothing  which  Americans  have  to  learn. 
Americans  understand  it.  They  have  made  it  work;  not,  to 


be  sure,  to  the  degree  to  which  they  might  make  it  work, 
but  enough  to  produce  mass  prosperity  on  a  scale  which  no 
masses  in  human  history  ever  enjoyed  before,  and  in  many 
ways  beyond  the  dreams  of  the  old  Utopian  socialists. 

This  is  the  technique  of  mass  production.  It  is  so  success- 
ful that,  when  we  are  employing  it,  it  almost  automatically 
solves  problems  which  have  hitherto  been  considered  in- 
soluble. The  wage  problem,  for  instance.  That  used  to  be 
something  for  employers  and  employees  to  fight  about;  but 
with  employers  perceiving  that  business  success  hinges  upon 
their  making  wages  as  high  as  possible,  no  such  fight  can  pos- 
sibly take  place.  Similarly,  the  problem  of  the  consumer's 
getting  his  money's  worth.  Mass  production  consists  in  the 
consumer's  getting  his  money's  worth,  and  of  seeing  to  it  also 
that  there  are  more  and  more  consumers.  To  be  successful,  it 
must  take  everybody  into  consideration. 

Mass  production,  then,  must  engage  in  social  planning. 

All  business  has  had  to  plan;  but  when  the  masses  had 
almost  no  buying  power,  business  men  planned  their  busi- 
ness with  reference  to  the  market  as  it  was.  If  the  market  was 
good,  they  increased  production.  If  the  market  went  wrong, 
they  shut  down.  This  made  the  market  worse,  but  they  didn't 
know  that,  and  there  seemed  to  be  nothing  that  they  could 
do  about  it  anyway.  Business  had  not  yet  become  the  way  in 
which  the  masses  got  their  living.  It  was  the  way  merely  in 
which  business  men  got  their  living;  they  took  chances  with 
the  market,  and  the  market  was  supposed  to  be  beyond  any- 
body's control.  Each  business  was  a  private  matter.  Social 
planning,  if  undertaken  at  all,  must  then  have  been  under- 
taken by  some  social  agency,  particularly  by  the  political 

With  the  coming  of  scientific  management,  however,  busi- 
ness had  to  do  some  different  planning.  Frederic  Taylor  and 
the  other  engineers  who  followed  him  pointed  out  the  neces- 


sity  of  synchronizing  the  various  departments  of  a  factory  so 
that  each  department,  instead  of  merely  making  a  record  for 
itself,  should  work  with  reference  to  every  other  department. 
They  called  this  planning  "industrial  coordination."  It  was, 
however,  only  a  beginning.  It  increased  production,  and  low- 
ered production  costs;  but  it  was  soon  discovered  that  this 
was  not  particularly  profitable  unless  more  goods  were  sold. 
So  business  undertook  to  plan  sales,  instead  of  merely  pro- 
ducing goods  according  to  market  demands. 

The  first  sales  plans,  however,  were  not  all  that  had  been 
hoped  for  them.  By  adding  to  the  sales  force,  by  putting 
more  dominant  and  more  high-salaried  experts  in  charge — 
in  a  word,  by  "high-pressure  salesmanship" — it  was  soon 
found  that  sales  could  be  expanded  to  meet  the  increased 
production.  But  the  process  was  not  always  profitable;  for 
while  the  cost  of  production  might  be  lower  than  ever,  the 
cost  of  production  and  distribution  might  be  higher  than 

Such  plans  were  not  social  plans,  for  they  did  not  take 
society  into  consideration.  They  did  not  result  immediately 
in  mass  production;  for,  while  they  sought  to  sell  to  the 
masses,  they  did  not  give  the  masses  more  than  the  masses 
might  have  got  without  all  this  new  high-power  manage- 
ment. Another  way  was  eventually  found,  however,  to  in- 
crease sales  and  profits  too.  That  was  to  lower  the  price  and 
thus  to  obtain  more  sales  per  unit  of  sales  force.  This  was 
highly  successful,  and  because  it  was  successful,  business 
could  never  be  the  same  again. 

Successful  business  then,  whether  it  realized  what  it  was 
doing  or  not,  did  engage  in  social  planning.  It  was  not  likely 
to  be  called  that.  It  was  more  likely  to  be  called  by  the  old 
term — industrial  coordination.  But  its  production  program 
was  organized  with  reference  to  its  sales  program,  and  its 


sales  program  was  organized,  not  with  reference  to  the  mar- 
ket as  it  was,  but  with  reference  to  the  market  which  could 
be  achieved  providing  the  price  were  made  so  low  that 
greater  and  greater  numbers  of  people  would  gladly  buy. 

This  was  real  service  to  society.  By  considering  first  the 
consumer's  dollar,  and  trying  to  give  the  consumer  the 
greatest  values  which  scientific  methods  made  it  possible  to 
give,  business  became  a  social  force,  more  responsible  to  the 
needs  of  the  masses  than  any  other  social  agency,  even  the 
political  government  itself,  could  possibly  be. 

That  is,  some  business.  Successful  business.  Traditionally 
minded  business  men  did  not  notice  what  had  taken  place, 
and  even  those  who  went  in  most  truly  for  mass  production 
often  failed  to  note  the  extent  of  the  social  change  which 
these  new  methods  brought  about.  They  still  spoke  of  their 
industries  as  "private."  They  may  even  have  lauded  "indi- 
vidualism" and  have  resented  all  movements  which  they  be- 
lieved to  be  "socialistic."  Actually,  however,  this  new  method 
of  business  knit  human  society  together  more  closely  and 
more  vitally  than  political  organization  of  any  sort  could 
possibly  have  done.  And  it  brought  social  problems  which 
only  further  social  planning  on  the  part  of  business  could 

This  book  has  been  an  effort  to  indicate  the  extent  of  this 
social  change.  It  has  not  advocated  any  particular  social 
order,  and  not  ridden  any  dreams  of  an  ideal  state.  It  has 
tried  rather  to  discover  what  human  relations  have  become 
by  virtue  of  the  change  which  has  taken  place,  and  to  show 
the  necessity  of  dealing  with  them  as  they  are,  not  according 
to  theories  of  what  society  might  be,  nor  according  to  the 
fact  of  what  it  was  but  is  no  longer. 

Business  is  the  government  of  this  modern  world.  It  may 
refuse  for  a  while  to  function  as  such.  It  may  refuse  to  accept 


its  social  responsibilities,  and  may  continue  to  look  to  Wash- 
ington or  to  God  to  do  the  things  which  only  social  plan- 
ning on  the  part  of  business  management  can  do. 

Business  can  serve  the  masses.  It  can  employ  the  masses 
and,  if  it  understands  the  nature  of  the  new  social  set-up,  it 
can  sell  to  the  masses  all  that  it  employs  the  masses  to  create. 

One  business,  working  independently,  can  not  do  this. 
Twenty-five  per  cent  of  business  organized  in  mass  produc- 
tion may  even  fail  to  erase  the  unemployment  which  the 
other  seventy-five  per  cent  creates.  But  wide-awake  and  deter- 
mined business  leadership  may  state  the  problem  clearly; 
and  by  a  wider  application  of  the  technique  which  has 
proven  so  abundantly  successful,  may  inaugurate  inter- 
industrial  coordination  as  successfully  as  any  factory  has 
been  able  to  coordinate  its  various  departments.  This  will 
not  be  a  revolution.  It  will  be  a  mere  recognition,  rather,  of 
the  revolution  which  has  taken  place. 

There  is  no  further  need  for  poverty,  no  further  neces- 
sity for  unemployment;  and  it  is  not  necessary,  even,  for  us 
to  learn  a  new  industrial  technique.  All  that  is  necessary  is 
an  application  of  the  technique  which  we  have  learned.  That 
is  the  technique  of  mass  production.  It  is  the  technique  of 
Successful  Living  in  the  Machine  Age — the  age  in  which 
the  prosperity  of  each  of  us  depends  so  vitally  upon  the 
prosperity  of  all.